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Online:Warlord Naxhosa

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Warlord Naxhosa
Location Stonewastes Keep
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 133,844 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Assassin
Other Information
Faction(s) Sharp-Eyes
Warlord Naxhosa

Warlord Naxhosa is an Argonian warrior and the leader of the Sharp-Eyes, who led the attack and takeover of Stonewastes. He personally slayed the village's protector, Satul-Sa, the Steady Breath, one of the Four Winds.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
The assassin spins around, doing moderate physical damage to all targets as indicated by a red circle. Blocking will reduce the damage taken.
The assassin strikes at the player's back for moderate physical damage. This attack can only be performed if the assassin is behind their target, and the assassin will often use "Passing Through" to get there. Face toward the assassin to prevent them from using this ability.
Passing Through
The assassin jumps above the target to get behind them.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you attack Stonewastes Keep along with Elossi, the Sudden Gust and Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale. You will hear Naxhosa shouting orders as you enter the keep's grounds:

Warlord Naxhosa: "We are under attack! Those dumb villagers think they can take us!"'
Warlord Naxhosa: "Hold the line, you cowards! And protect those weapons!"

The weapons Naxhosa mentions are a stockpile of enchanted weapons found inside the keep. You can help Meer-Ta, the Zephyr Eternal destroy them. He will then have you burn the warlord's banner. Naxhosa will be waiting in the large chamber leading outside and walks across the room:

Warlord Naxhosa: "We took everything else. Time to take your lives!"

After killing him, you can head out the balcony and burn the banner. This will demoralize the Sharp-Eye forces and you can make your escape.