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White Cap
White Cap
Alchemy Effects
1st Cowardice Cowardice
2nd Ravage Magicka Ravage Magicka
3rd Increase Spell Resist Increase Spell Resist
4th Detection Detection
A White Cap mushroom

White Cap is a pale fungus and alchemy reagent. It can be found growing in all zones, except for the very first zone of your Alliance. Like the other mushrooms, it tends to grow at the base of trees and around rocks, not in open spaces.



Two ReagentsEdit

Desired Effect Combine with: Side Effect
  Cowardice Blue Entoloma   Ravage Magicka
Bugloss   Increase Spell Resist
  Ravage Magicka Blue Entoloma   Cowardice
Emetic Russula
Scrib Jelly
Violet Coprinus
  Increase Spell Resist Bugloss   Cowardice
Clam Gall
Mudcrab Chitin
  Detection Corn Flower
Torchbug Thorax

Three ReagentsEdit

This chart lists only combinations in which two or more of Water Hyacinth's effects are present.

Desired Effects Combine with: Side Effect(s)
  Cowardice   Ravage Magicka Blue Entoloma Clam Gall   Increase Spell Resist
Blue Entoloma Emetic Russula   Ravage Magicka (triple)
Blue Entoloma Scrib Jelly   Ravage Magicka (triple)
  Cowardice   Increase Spell Resist Blue Entoloma Bugloss   Cowardice (triple)
  Restore Health
Blue Entoloma Clam Gall   Ravage Magicka
Blue Entoloma Mudcrab Chitin   Ravage Magicka
Bugloss Clam Gall   Increase Spell Resist (triple)
Bugloss Mudcrab Chitin   Increase Spell Resist (triple)
  Cowardice   Detection Bugloss Torchbug Thorax   Increase Spell Resist
Bugloss Wormwood   Increase Spell Resist
  Ravage Magicka   Increase Spell Resist Blue Entoloma Clam Gall   Cowardice
Blue Entoloma Mudcrab Chitin   Cowardice
Clam Gall Emetic Russula
Clam Gall Scrib Jelly   Vulnerability
Emetic Russula Mudcrab Chitin
Scrib Jelly Mudcrab Chitin
  Ravage Magicka   Detection Emetic Russula Torchbug Thorax
Emetic Russula Wormwood
Scrib Jelly Torchbug Thorax
Scrib Jelly Wormwood
Violet Coprinus Torchbug Thorax
Violet Coprinus Wormwood
  Increase Spell Resist   Detection Bugloss Corn Flower
Bugloss Torchbug Thorax   Cowardice
Bugloss Wormwood   Cowardice
Clam Gall Corn Flower
Clam Gall Torchbug Thorax
Clam Gall Wormwood   Hindrance
Mudcrab Chitin Corn Flower
Mudcrab Chitin Torchbug Thorax
Mudcrab Chitin Wormwood
