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Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker
Location Xeemhok's Lagoon
Species Argonian Behemoth
Health 2,906,536
~1,300,000 (Infinite Archive Arc 2)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker

Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker is an Argonian behemoth who can be found in his eponymous lagoon east of Stonewastes.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Marsh Masher
A basic melee attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Deep Bite
Xeemhok chomps at its target, dealing moderate physical damage followed by bleeding damage over time. This can be blocked to stagger Xeemhok but the bleed will still apply.
Quaking Stomp
Xeemhok stomps the ground, dealing high physical damage in proximity and sending out six traveling shockwaves, indicated by small red circles, dealing moderate physical damage and staggering targets.
Stinging Sputum
When standing further away, Xeemhok spits a blistering green substance on the ground at its target's location, indicated by a red circle, dealing continuous moderate poison damage.
Xeemhok roars fiercely, indicated by a long red cone in front of him, dealing continuous high physical damage.
Xeemhok begins smashing the floor repeateadly, causing stalactites to fall from the ceiling, indicated by large red circles all over the arena, each dealing very high physical damage and knocking down. This can be interrupted.
Summon Voriplasms
Starting at 80% health and occasionally onward, Xeemhok throws up several Voriplasms into the arena. These will begin moving towards nearby skeleton corpses that begin glowing red. If they are not destroyed before they reach the body, a Voriplasmic Corpse will form.
Bog Slam
Ability used below 50% health. Xeemhok slams his fists into the ground, indicated by a large red circle, dealing high physical damage and knocking down affected targets.
Ability used below 50% health. Xeemhok howls loudly as red fumes envelop him, making him glow red for a time, signifying a temporary increase to his damage output.
Summon Giant Voriplasms
Below 50% health, Giant Voriplasms are added to what Xeemhok spits out. These will fight straight on instead of seeking out skeletons to animate.


When he is engaged in combat:

Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker: "You come to fight Xeemhok? Xeemhok fights!"

During Fight:

Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker: "Puny weakling! Xeemhok feast on your flesh!"
Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker: "Come here! Xeemhok pick teeth with your bones!"

Near end of fight/After Giant Voriplasms are formed:

Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker: "You trophy soon! Xeemhok swears it!"

Upon Defeat:

Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker: "No! Xeemhok must … take … trophies …."


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
   Trophy-Taker's Taker 10 Defeat the Argonian Behemoth Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker at Xeemhok's Lagoon.


  • Xeemhok will use "Rockfall" repeatedly back to back if quickly interrupted before any area of effect is formed, which leads to a stun-lock sequence until you stop interrupting him.