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Online:Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage

< Elder Scrolls Online: Head Markings
"I have yet to gather the courage to ask the Xivilai about the markings upon his face. There appear to be dual blades over his eye. Perhaps to aid in seeing through his enemies' feints?"—Lady Finalore, kidnapped noble from the Court of Alinor
Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage
ON-icon-head marking-Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage.png
Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage
Type Head Marking
Acquired From Celestial Crate
Reward Level Superior
Price 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor

The Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage is available as a Superior-level reward from the Celestial Crown Crates. It matches the Xivilai Cruelean Linework Brand.
