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Location Doomvault Porcixid
Race Argonian Gender Male
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Faction(s) Black Fin Legion

Xocin is an Argonian member of Black Fin Legion.

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Tee-Wan will ask you to find out what Xocin has been up to, as recently he had been distant from his friends and companions. You soon find out that he has been trying to find a way to summon Xyria, a Dremora who he summoned during the Second Akaviri Invasion. They fell in love with each other, and she died protecting him. Xocin aimed to find a ritual stone from Doomvault Porcixid. Tee-Wan will ask you to go and find his friend.

Deep within the Doomvault, you will find an injured Xocin who can be overheard talking to himself as you approach:

Xocin: "Xyria, if I am to die here, would I go to the same place as you?"

You can then talk to him:

"An adventurer? Wh … what are you doing in this cursed place?"
Tee-Wan sent me to find you.
"Of course he did. I tried to spare him of this … I tried to spare all my egg-siblings, but things have gone awry. As I might have expected.
You know why I'm here then. You know about Xyria."
Did you find the ritual stone?
"Yes, the Kynaz stone. And in my haste, I attempted to summon Xyria to my side immediately. A grave error.
These vaults are pure chaos. No place for a stable conjuring. The spell backfired. Sapped me of my magicka and nearly killed me."
We need to get you out of here.
"Wait. The Kynaz stone also suffered from my impatience. Expended like it is now, it's useless. It needs to be recharged, or this was all for nothing.
Take it. Find trees like this one that still hold energy. It won't take much, I promise."

After you have agreed to recharge the stone, Xocin will use the last of his magic to go invisible:

Xocin: "I have enough magicka to shroud myself from sight. I won't be far behind."

Leaving and returning to the conversation, you can ask Xocin questions about the mechanics behind the summoning:

"Find the trees bearing the rune-markings of Oblivion. The stone will do the rest.
I am in no shape to fight alongside you. I'll stay out of sight, but I won't be far behind."
How am I supposed to recharge the stone?
"Find more of these trees marked by runes. The ones next to us have been spent, the energy consumed by my botched attempt at the summoning ritual, but there are more not far from here.
The stone is already attuned. You just need to find the trees."
What are these trees?
"It may seem strange, but trees grow even in the realms of Oblivion. As on Nirn, they are blooming pathways teeming with the energy of their parent plane.
That force powers the stone. We'll need more of it if I'm to have any chance of saving Xyria."
What happened when you tried to summon Xyria?
"It is difficult to explain. Conjuration requires a focus of two distinct points. Where the entity currently is, and where you wish it to appear.
I underestimated the instability of these vaults. The swirling chaos clouded my vision and I failed."
Is this some kind of planemeld? It feels like we're in Oblivion.
"It's more complicated than that. The chaotic energy of Oblivion is bleeding through into Nirn, but it's overlapping our reality without replacing what was … what is here.
In all my studies, I've never seen anything quite like it."

When you use the Kynaz Stone on a tree, you will hear Xocin's disembodied voice talk about Xyria and his relationship with her.

With the first tree:

Voice of Xocin: "Many cautioned me when I revealed my love for Xyria. They said she was a demon, incapable of such emotions … that she would use my feelings to manipulate me."

Second Tree:

Voice of Xocin: "Though she is a Dremora, Xyria is different. Exiled from her clan, alone and hunted, simply because she is unique."

Third Tree:

Voice of Xocin: "I know I can protect Xyria as long as I am by her side, just like she once protected me."

Fourth Tree:

Voice of Xocin: "Her clan will never stop hunting her. We may be on the run for the rest of our lives, but at least we will be together."

Last Tree:

Voice of Xocin: "That should be enough. I have my strength back, I will go to Tee-Wan. Meet me there."

When you return to the graveyard outside Gideon, Xocin will already be there and will be talking with Vos-Huruk and Tee-Wan:

Tee-Wan: "Good to have you back, brother."
Vos-Huruk: "Would've preferred not to have to send someone after you."
Xocin: "I know. I am grateful to you all, but I had to take this chance."

You can then talk with Xocin and see what he plans to do:

"I owe you a debt of gratitude, my newfound friend. Not only for pulling me out of that vault, but for being willing to help me recharge the stone.
I won't soon forget it."
So what happens now?
"It should come as no surprise that I intend to attempt to summon Xyria again. However, my egg-siblings are divided on whether this is the wisest course of action.
I must admit I can be rash where Xyria is concerned. You bore witness to that."
What's the disagreement?
"Tee-Wan and I believe Xyria would make for a powerful ally in the battles ahead. Having her here now could save lives.
On the other hand, Vos-Huruk is right to caution that Xyria is an outcast Kyn. She cut ties with her clan, and they will hunt her."
What are you going to do?
"I do not know. Xyria is alone in the Deadlands, newly reformed and already running for her life. I want to believe I can keep her safe here, even if it means we might attract more enemies to ourselves.
What do you think I should do?"
Let me speak with Tee-Wan and Vos before I decide.

With this difficult decision on the table, you can ask for Tee-Wan and Vos-Huruk's opinion before returning to Xocin:

"Xyria is a powerful ally and friend, and yet an outcast Dremora will almost certainly draw some measure of unwanted attention towards the Black Fin Legion and Gideon. It is a difficult decision.
Speak with Tee-Wan and Vos-Huruk. We must decide soon."
I've made up my mind about Xyria.
"Were it not for you I would never have retrieved the stone, and this choice would not be before us now.
I will respect your decision. Which do you think is the wiser course?"
It's worth the risk. Summon Xyria.
"Having Xyria by my side once more will certainly outweigh any risk. So what if a few more Dremora come looking for a fight? We will banish them back to Oblivion. Together.
Thank you, my friend. I'll begin the summoning shortly."
It's not worth the risk. An outcast Dremora would put the people of Gideon in danger.
"What is that saying among Cyrods? Love is blind.
Perhaps you are right. Just as I failed to see the wisdom in involving my egg-siblings in retrieving the stone, I may not be able to see the value of patience now. Very well. I will not summon Xyria."
I'm sorry, Xocin.
"You owe me no apology, friend. Had you not helped me retrieve the ritual stone, we would not be considering its use at all.
Perhaps there is another way."

After making a decision, you will need to talk to Tee-Wan to finish the quest. Speaking with Xocin again if you thought Xocin should try summoning Xyria:

"It will take a moment for me to prepare the conjuration spell. In the meantime, speak with Tee-Wan. After all, the Black Fin Legion owes you a debt of gratitude."

However, if you decided the risk was too great:

"Retrieving the ritual stone is a victory all on its own. Do not question your decision, friend.
I'm closer to being with Xyria again now than I have been in years."

Once you have spoken with Tee-Wan and completed the quest, one of two scenes will happen, depending on your prior choice. If you decided that Xocin should try and summon Xyria:

<Purple light appears in Xocin's hands as he begins the ritual.>
Xocin: "The conjuration ritual starts now. Stand back."
<An Oblivion portal appears as Xocin chants.>
Xocin: "Xyria Kynaz Clan Shardai! Xan Faydra Shardai! Xan Dagon Xyria! Xocin Acam Xyria!"
<Xyria appears out of the portal.>
Xyria: "Xocin, my love! You found me."
Xocin: "My dearest Xyria, I never stopped searching. You remember my family?"
Xyria: "Of course. Except for this one."
Xocin: "A new friend, most worthy. Without them, I would not have been able to bring you back."
Xyria: "Then you have my thanks as well, hero. And my promise of aid in the battles to come."

Speaking to Xocin afterwards:

"I do not regret keeping secrets. There are some things that one has to handle on their own."

However, if you decide it is too risky for Xyria to be summoned. Xocin will decide to go to her instead:

Xocin: "I respect your wishes. But I'm sorry, I cannot lose this chance."
Xocin: "I'm sorry, Tee-Wan, Vos-Huruk. If I cannot bring Xyria here, then I will go to her."
Tee-Wan: "Xocin, wait!"
<Xocin creates a portal and enters it.>
Vos-Huruk: "See, Tee-Wan? This is what happens when you fall in love."