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< Skyrim: People
(RefID: 000198BE)
Home City Solitude
Location Castle Dour Dungeon
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 10 Class Prisoner
RefID 000198BE BaseID 00013262
Other Information
Health 125 Magicka 80
Stamina 80
Primary Skills Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, One-handed, Speech, Two-handed
Morality Violence Against Enemies Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type FemaleCoward
Bjartur, in the Castle Dour Dungeon

Bjartur is a Nord prisoner found in Castle Dour Dungeon in Solitude, apparently jailed for being a staunch supporter of the Stormcloaks.

She wears a roughspun tunic and carries a belted tunic.

Without anything to do inside her jail cell, her daily routine involves standing in one place, at times conversing with the patrolling jailor and headsman Ahtar through the bars. She sleeps from midnight to 8am.


While you are in the dungeon during her waking hours, you were meant to hear her loudly exclaim the following lines, which can't play due to a bug:

"You won't get anything out of me, you filthy sons o' horkers."
"I stand with the Stormcloaks. You Imperial dogs will never break my will. Never!"

If you attempt to talk to her through the bars she will defiantly say:

"You here for my next interrogation? I got nothing but time..."
"Leave me be, Imperial. I haven't got anything to say to you."
"Don't think I don't know what's coming."
"It's only a matter of time before Ahtar's blade finds my neck..."

Unused DialogueEdit

Because it is impossible to engage in conversation with her, these two farewells will never be heard:

"Tell these Horkers to set me free."
"Leave me be. I'm no harm here."

Unused ScenesEdit

  • During his daily routine, headsman Ahtar was supposed to engage in conversation with Bjartur. However, the two conversations will never be heard due to several developer oversights:
Ahtar: "Rest up, scum. Probably getting executed tomorrow."
Bjartur: "Yeah, you said that yesterday."
Ahtar: "Come now. You'll want to show up in Sovngarde refreshed. You got an eternity of merrimakin' ahead of you." or
"Guess the headsman's been busy with all your friends. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Bjartur: "Hey, jailor! What I don't understand is why you're siding with the Imperials."
Ahtar: "Shut up, scum."
Bjartur: "I mean, the Redguards fought off the Aldmeri and the Empire, and now Hammerfell is an independent state. That's all we Nords want for Skyrim!"
Ahtar: "I said shut up, scum!"
Bjartur: "So it's okay if your people rebel against the Empire, but not mine?"
Ahtar: "They aren't my "people." I'm with the Empire because they pay me. And that means I'm out here, and you're in there. So shut up, scum!"


  • Her two idle yelling lines have a condition attached that they only play while on the package SolitudeBlacksmithWorkDay8x14. However, seeing as Bjartur doesn't use said package at any point (as she doesn't work at the Solitude Blacksmith and has no ties to it at all), they go unused.


  • Bjartur will never get released, not even if the Stormcloaks take over Solitude.
    •   The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.3.2, addresses this issue. She is disabled from the game in case of a Stormcloak victory.
  • For some reason, she is one of only a handful of people that have a relationship set up with Legate Rikke. They are marked as rivals.