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< Skyrim: People
(RefID: 000E1BA9)
Home City Whiterun
House The Drunken Huntsman
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level PC×1 (range=10-40) Class Ranger
RefID 000E1BA9 BaseID 000B9982
Other Information
Health 100+(PC-1)×10
Magicka 50
Stamina 50+(PC-1)×5
Primary Skills Archery, Light Armor, Block, One-handed
Morality Any Crime Aggression Aggressive
Protected Yes
Marry Yes Follower Yes
Voice Type FemaleDarkElf
Faction(s) CurrentHireling; HirelingJenassaCrimeFaction; Hireling; PotentialFollowerFaction; PotentialMarriageFaction
Jenassa, waiting for a contract

Jenassa is a Dark Elf ranger who can be found at a table at the Drunken Huntsman shop in Whiterun. Should you choose to pay her fee, Jenassa is available as a follower for 500 gold. As a ranger, Jenassa favors the use of bows, but will enter melee should the situation necessitate, and is also one of the few followers able to dual wield weapons.

Jenassa wears a set of leather armor with matching pairs of bracers and boots. She is equipped with an iron sword, an iron dagger, and a hunting bow supplemented with iron arrows.

It is possible for Jenassa to become a member of the Blades. She also becomes a potential candidate for marriage after being hired by you.

Related QuestsEdit



"I thought about becoming a bandit. I decided I preferred clean clothes and fresh mead."
"I am the shadow at your back."
"Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you."
"If that is what you wish." (When asked to trade)
"Blade and shadow, silence and death - these are my arts. For a modest fee, I'll make great art for you."
"I know nothing of fear and nothing of remorse. Pay my fee, and together we will vanquish any foe."
"Death is my art, and like all artists, I seek a patron. For a mere handful of gold, I will follow you into any danger."
"I am a lethal instrument, yours to command for a modest sum. I suggest you hire me before one of your enemies does."
"I am an artisan, painting in strokes of blood red upon the canvas of life. But yes, I will take coin to fight at your side."
"After all, where is the value in creating art if there is nobody left alive to see it?"
"You have chosen wisely. Lead on, and I shall follow." (When hired)
"You seem to be a little short on coin. Come back and see me when you've got the gold." (If you don't have enough gold to hire her)
"Looks like you've got some help already. I'll join you, but you'll have to let your comrade go. What do you say?" (If you already have a follower)
"It pleases me to see you again, my patron." (When talked to after being dismissed)
"You've been a worthy patron. Shall I join you once more, free of charge?" (When asked to be hired again)
"My patron appears once more. Have you need of my blade?" (When asked to be hired again)
"My blade is yours once more." (When hired again)
"I can see the battle-lust in your eyes. Doom will surely come to any who cross your path." (Idling, present in a fort)


"It is a lonely thing, facing all the dangers of Skyrim by yourself. Come and find me if you decide that you miss my companionship."
"If you change your mind, seek me out here."


"So many shadowy corners to strike from! I could learn to like this place!"
"Silence will serve us well in this place. Let us take our foes by surprise."
"Be wary for traps. If you spy one, try to get an enemy to trigger it."
"As we walk these stone passages, we delve into the very bones of the earth." (Inside a Mine)
"These earthen passages do not agree with me. I already miss the wind and sky." (Inside a Mine)
"The fewer of these mines we venture into, the happier I'll be." (Inside a Mine)
"I wonder how many poor souls have lost their lives working these tunnels." (Inside a Mine)
"In a mine, the poor man labors to find precious stones that only the rich man can afford." (Inside a Mine)
"Careful. Our footsteps will echo in every chamber and tunnel."
"I do not envy those creatures that make a home in such a cold, dark place as this."
"There is an unnatural chill in the air. Some evil power is at work in this place."
"Hmm. Caves. Wonder what's below." (When walking near a cave or dungeon)
"Few would dare to trespass in these ruins. What you lack in wisdom, you make up for in courage." (When exploring Nordic Ruins)
"I feel the eyes of angry spirits upon us. We are not welcome, here." (Inside a Nordic Ruin)
"Nordic ruins. Old. Secretive." (When walking near a Nordic Ruin)
"It is strange to think that these chambers were once home to the ancient Nords."(When exploring Nordic Ruins)
"There may be no enemy more foul than a walking corpse." (When exploring Nordic Ruins)
"Do not ask me to take treasures from this place. I will not risk the anger of the dead." (When exploring Nordic Ruins)
"There is no adversary more deadly than a vampire. They are as cruel as they are cunning." (When exploring a vampire dungeon)
"It's said that the Forsworn make dark pacts with the Hargravens, and that is why they can use magic." (When near a Forsworn camp)


Jenassa also makes observations and comments about the Dwemer while in their ruins.

"These ruins and their mechanical inhabitants are all that remain of the Dwemer."
"There are scholars in Cyrodiil who have dedicated their lives to solving the mystery of the Dwemers' disappearance."
"The Dwemer who built this place were sometimes called Dwarves, but history records that they were no shorter than humans."
"Dwemer ruins, the people under the mountains. All gone now."
"It is remarkable that so many of these ancient Dwemer creations still function."
"There are those who believe that the entire Dwemer race will one day return just as suddenly as it vanished."


  • In the Creation Kit data, there's an outfit named JenassaOutfit, which consists of a leveled piece of light armor boots, cuirass, and gauntlets of the best quality. However, it isn't in use.
  • Jenassa is one of the few female followers who use male animations instead.


  • If you hire her and enter Jorrvaskr, she may disappear.
    • If this happens, check the Dragonsreach Dungeon.
  • If dismissed, she may not return to her home but still follow you around.
  • Sometimes Jenassa may disappear from the Drunken Huntsman and will instead be found standing stationary a short way off the main road just west of Broken Fang Cave.
    • Hiring her as a follower then dismissing her will cause her to walk back to her normal location at the Drunken Huntsman.
  • Despite Jenassa's voice type being supported for the relevant responses, asking her "What have you got for sale?" in case she opens up a store after marriage will not give an audible answer. It only shows the subtitles without for about half a second before skipping straight to the barter menu.