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Skyrim:Kharag gro-Shurkul

< Skyrim: People / Merchants
Kharag gro-Shurkul
(RefID: 000198AB)
Home City Solitude
House Solitude Sawmill
Race Orc Gender Male
Level PC×0.75 (range=6-25) Class Lumberjack
RefID 000198AB BaseID 00013291
Sells Lumber(HF)
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1.3)×6.2
Magicka 50+(PC-1.3)×2.5
Stamina 50+(PC-1.3)×2.5
Primary Skills Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, Archery, One-handed, Two-handed
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type MaleOrc
Faction(s) CrimeFactionHaafingar; JobLumberjackFaction; SolitudeSawmillFaction; TownSolitudeFaction
Kharag gro-Shurkul

Kharag gro-Shurkul is an Orc lumberjack who works for Hjorunn at the Solitude Sawmill. He will sell lumberHF to you if Hearthfire is installed.

He cooks at the sawmill house from midnight to 1am, then heads to the sawmill for work. At 8am, he goes home to cook for an hour, then resumes his work outside until 4pm. He spends the rest of the afternoon at the house, either sleeping, having a meal, or relaxing.

Kharag wears a belted tunic and a pair of boots. He wields an iron dagger and carries his key to the mill along with the key to his room.


Kharag will come talk about his dislike of going to town when greeting you:

"What do you want?"
"Out here at work, Hjorunn treats me like an equal. Better than most in town."
"Any day is a good one, long as I don't have to go into town. But some days, Hjorunn's too drunk..." (If Hjorunn is alive)
"Any day is a good one, long as I don't have to go into town. But with Hjorunn gone..." (If Hjorunn is dead)


Occasionally he will converse with Hjorunn:

Hjorunn: "Kharag, take a break and drink with me! Those trees aren't going anywhere!" OR "Why so glum, my ugly friend? Did we run out of mead?"
Kharag: "I have to work twice as hard because you drink up all our profits." OR "Can you pay attention to work for once, instead of your mug?"
Hjorunn: "What did you say? I ought to break off one of those tusks and use it as my drinking horn!" OR "Don't make me to defend the honor of my mead! It's been my friend a lot longer than you have!"
Kharag: "Hjorunn, the last time you tried anything, your fist broke on my head!" OR "Just as long as you don't breathe on me, Hjorunn. I'll be out for hours."
Hjorunn: "Guess we can't afford to miss that much work, can we? Oh well..." OR "True enough, you cur. Back to work, I suppose..."


  • Despite what Kharag says, he can never be found in town, and neither can Hjorunn. Additionally, the townsfolk will never mention having any dislike of the Orc, as no one will ever acknowledge his existence at all.
  • Kharag is a potential member of the CurrentFollowerFaction, meaning that he could have once been intended to serve you as a follower. The fact that he is set up as a leveled rather than a static NPC seems to further imply this, but there are no other traces of how this was meant to play out, and he lacks the other factions necessary to make it work.


  • He never sleeps due to his sleep package being blocked by his work packages.
  • The key to "his room" unlocks nothing, as there are no doors within the mill.
  • Several problems made it difficult for Kharag to actually follow his work schedule.
  • Kharag will refer to Hjorunn as dead even if he isn't, due to incorrect conditions attached to the dialogue.