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Skyrim:Statue to Meridia

< Skyrim: Places: Daedric Shrines(Redirected from Skyrim:Mount Kilkreath)
Daedric Shrine:
Statue to Meridia
(view on map)
Respawn Time 10 days
Console Location Code(s)
West of Solitude
East of Clearpine Pond
Special Features
Word Wall Elemental Fury
Statue to Meridia holding the beacon

The Statue to Meridia is the shrine to the Daedric Prince Meridia.

Related QuestsEdit


The climb to the shrine is relatively easy. Steps are cut into the mountain, and Meridia's statue is quite visible. The stone structure supporting the statue is built in the fashion of a stepped pyramid. The door to the corrupted remains of Meridia's temple is built into the base of the shrine to the west, but will only be accessible after the related quest is initiated. Visiting this location will start the quest if not previously begun.

A short distance up the mountain northeast of the statue is a word wall with a word for the Elemental Fury shout.


  • The word wall here may not work. ?
    • Either save, exit to the title screen, and reload, or fast travel away and back again.