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< Skyrim: People
(RefID: 0002C928)
Home City Whiterun
House Pelagia Farm
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Level 4 Class Farmer
RefID 0002C928 BaseID 0002C926
Other Information
Health 75 Magicka 60
Stamina 60
Primary Skills Archery, Alchemy
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type FemaleYoungEager
Faction(s) CrimeFactionWhiterun; PelagiaFarmFaction
Nimriel at Pelagia Farm

Nimriel is a Wood Elf farmer who works and lives at Pelagia Farm, which is owned by Severio Pelagia. Her co-worker Gloth also lives there. She takes over Pelagia Farm when Severio dies during the Battle for Whiterun.

She sleeps from midnight to 8am, then wakes up to tend the farm's crops. She works until 8pm, when she heads inside the farmhouse and spends the rest of her day eating and relaxing.

Nimriel wears a set of farm clothes and a pair of boots. She is equipped with an iron dagger and carries a key to the farmhouse, as well as common items and gold.

When talking to him, Severio may mention Nimriel: "I own the Pelagia Farm, just outside the city walls. Nimriel takes good care of things for me."


  • Her relationship rank with her boss Severio is 4, indicating they are lovers, but neither party ever makes reference to this.