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Skyrim:Whistling Mine

< Skyrim: Places: Mines
Whistling Mine
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Important Treasure
Heavy Armor Forging
Console Location Code(s)
Southeast of Winterhold
North of Stillborn Cave
Special Features
# of Smelters 1
# of Cooking Pots/Spits 1
Ore Veins
# of Iron 2
Whistling Mine

Whistling Mine is a small iron mine and settlement southeast of Winterhold. It contains only one zone, Whistling Mine.

The mine is the only consistently inhabited settlement in the hold of Winterhold besides the city of the same name. All of the miners originally began digging the mine thinking it would make them rich. Angvid and Badnir seem to have lost their morale, while Gunding and Thorgar still claim the mine will eventually be successful, possibly through the discovery of silver or gold ore. Thorgar, the mine's owner, will buy iron ore from you.

Whistling Mine ResidentsEdit

Whistling Mine

Related QuestsEdit



The mine lies along the southern road between Winterhold and Windhelm, at the base of the mountains. A smelter is just outside and to the right of the entrance, with three pieces of owned iron ore on a crate beside it. Two sacks can be found next to the crate. A Winterhold guard patrols the road in front of the mine, and there is an animal encounter just north on the road. A path rising to the west starts just south of the mine and leads to Mount Anthor and the Shrine of Azura.

Whistling MineEdit

Mine interior

It is one of the smallest mines in Skyrim, containing only two iron ore veins. Upon entering the mine, the first chamber serves as the camp for the four miners. In the center of the chamber is a campfire with a cooking pot on a stand beside it. Four bedrolls are east of the campfire, and a table with a pickaxe and chairs is to the north. To the west of the table are a couple of food barrels, one with a copy of the Smithing skill book Heavy Armor Forging, while a coin purse rests on a hay bale nearby. There are several other food sacks and barrels around the chamber. To the west is an ice tunnel that leads to a second chamber with a wooden ramp up to the two iron ore veins on the north wall.


  • The Winterhold guard who patrols the road near Whistling Mine is the only one who can be seen with the Winterhold Guard's Shield, as the guards in the city of Winterhold don't carry it.
