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This page lists all enemies you encounter while fighting through the dungeons in Skyrim Very Special Edition. The table below includes the enemy's name, their damage, and messages used for when they are introduced, die, attack successfully, miss an attack, and kill you.


Name Damage Resistance Intro Death Attack Miss Kill
Adoring Fan 5 "An Adoring Fan has been stalking you for weeks. He's harmless but so annoying. He really needs to die." "The Adoring Fan dies slowly and painfully. His last words are you're the best. Good luck on your journey." "tries to give you a hug" "goes in for a hug, but you dodge aside"
Ancient Dragon 25 Spell "Before you stands an Ancient Dragon. His cruelty and hatred for humanity has only grown over the centuries." "Your Thu'um rips into the Ancient Dragon draining UNDEFINED life essence away., Violet rays of light surround it and UNDEFINED lifeless body drops to the ground." "takes a swing at you with its massive claws!" "attacks, but you leap out of the way." "The Ancient Dragon has defeated you. It roars in triumph. So much for being the "one they fear"."
Ancient Vampire 16 Arms "An Ancient Vampire awaits you up ahead. Just your luck. He hasn't fed in days." "Your Lightning Rune explodes and electrocutes the Ancient Vampire. he collapses to the ground." "drains your life essence!" "attempts to drain your life, but you bash him interrupting the attack." "The Ancient Vampire smiles broadly as your life drains away. You will make a fine meal."
Apprentice Conjurer 8 Magic "An Apprentice Mage appears in front of you. he begins casting a conjuration spell, but does not seem very confident." "The Apprentice Conjurer dies. He probably should have studied in Winterhold a little harder." "summons a Flame Atronach, which scorches you with flames" "grows frustrated as his Atronach fails to damage you"
Apprentice Fire Mage 10 Magic "You feel an otherworldly heat. An Apprentice Fire Mage stands before you. he seems unsure of his skills." "The Apprentice Fire Mage dies. He probably should have studied in Winterhold a little harder." "releases jets of flame from his hands" "attacks, but misses"
Apprentice Ice Mage 10 Magic "An unnatural coldness creeps over you. An Apprentice Ice Mage stands before you. he seems unsure of his skills." "The Apprentice Ice Mage dies. He probably should have studied in Winterhold a little harder." "releases streams of frost from his hands" "attacks, but misses"
Apprentice Necromancer 8 Magic "A young mage appears in front of you. He smells of death. It's a Necromancer!" "You expand the Necromancer's knowledge of death by providing them with invaluable first hand experience on the topic." "commands his reanimated skeever to attack you" "commands his zombie skeever to attack, but it misses"
Apprentice Storm Mage 10 Magic "Your hair stands on end. An Apprentice Storm Mage stands before you. he seems unsure of his skills." "The Apprentice Storm Mage dies. He probably should have studied in Winterhold a little harder." "unleashes a torrent of lightning from his palm" "attacks, but misses"
Arch Conjurer 12 Spell "You feel a Daedric aura. An Arch Conjurer stands before you, opening a portal to Oblivion." "You tap your finger on the frozen statue before you to make sure he's dead. You are victorious." "summons a twisting Storm Atronach to attack you!" "commands his Storm Atronach to attack, but it misses." "You have been defeated by the Arch Conjurer! You should know better than to go in against an Arch Conjurer when death is on the line!"
Arch Cryomancer 16 Spell "The blood in your veins suddenly turns to ice. An Arch Cryomancer begins to cast a powerful spell." "You call the dragon Od-ah-ving to burn the Arch Cryomancer, You wince as he fried to a crisp by the dragon's breath." "The Arch Cryomancer lobs a massive fireball towards you!" "attacks, but misses." "You have been defeated by the Arch Cryomancer! You should know better than to go in against an Arch Cryomancer when death is on the line!."
Arch Electromancer 16 Spell "An Arch Electromancer stares you down, hands full of lightning." "Atronach freezes the Arch Electromancer. he will never move again." "dual casts a swirling ice storm!" "attacks, but misses." "You have been defeated by the Arch Electromancer! You should know better than to go in against an Arch Electromancer when death is on the line!."
Arch Necromancer 12 Spell "There's great danger ahead. All of the corpses around you suddenly start to groan and move. An Arch Necromancer is controlling them like a puppet master." "Atronach torches the Arch Necromancer. The Arch Necromancer combusts in flames, burnt to a crisp. Well done." "commands a Draugr army to swarm you.!" "commands a Draugr army to destroy you, but you avoid their attacks." "The Arch Necromancer has defeated you. he cackles maniacally."
Arch Pyromancer 16 Spell "Your eyebrows singe and your skin burns. An Arch Pyromancer prepares to launch a fireball directly at you." "Atronach burns the Arch Pyromancer. Magic flames engulf Arch Pyromancer. When the conflagration subsides, nothing remains." "launches a lightning storm from his palms!" "attacks, but misses." "You have been defeated by the Arch Pyromancer! You should know better than to go in against an Arch Pyromancer when death is on the line!"
Ascendant Conjurer 10 Spell "A shiver runs down your spine. And it's not from the cold. An Ascendant Conjurer is making a complex hand motion in the air. This could get ugly." "Your voice is the storm. It strikes the Ascendant Conjurer with a bolt of lightning., he writhes on the ground, sparks leaping from UNDEFINED form." "summons a Frost Atronach, which strikes you!" "commands his Frost Atronach to attack, but it misses."
Ascendant Necromancer 10 Magic "An eerie blue light fills the area; an Ascendant Necromancer is raising the dead to attack you." "You expand {enemy_name}'s [sic] knowledge of death by providing them with invaluable first hand experience on the topic." "commands a reanimated zombie to attack you" "commands its thrall to attack you, but it misses." "The Ascendant Necromancer has defeated you. he cackles maniacally."
Bandit 7 Arms "A Bandit leaps out in front of you. He won't let you leave without a fight." "he cries out and expires. He died as he lived. Or something like that." "swings his weapon at you" "swings at you, but misses"
Bandit Chief 16 Arms "A Bandit Chief leaps out at you, clad in blood stained Nordic armor. I guess that explains his promotion." "A tornado of deadly wind rushes from you into the Bandit Chief., he thrashes in the wind and slams back to the ground, defeated." "swings his weapon at you!" "swings at you, but misses." "Before your dying body begins to cool, the Bandit Chief starts going through your belongings."
Bandit Highwayman 11 Arms "Suddenly, a Bandit Highwayman jumps out at you. He's demanding coin for you to pass." "he cries out and expires. He died as he lived. Or something like that." "swings his weapon at you" "swings at you, but misses"
Bandit Marauder 14 Arms "A Bandit Marauder charges at you, weapon drawn. He doesn't seem like a chatty fellow." "he cries out and expires. He died as he lived. Or something like that." "swings his weapon at you" "swings at you, but misses" "Before your dying body begins to cool, the Bandit Marauder starts going through your belongings."
Bandit Outlaw 8 Arms "A Bandit Outlaw is sipping mead at a table. He attacks in a drunken rage." "he cries out and expires. He died as he lived. Or something like that." "jabs his dagger into your armor" "swings at you, but misses"
Bandit Plunderer 12 Arms "A Bandit Plunderer is raiding corpses ahead of you. He can't wait to count out your coin." "he cries out and expires. He died as he lived. Or something like that." "swings his weapon at you" "swings at you, but misses" "Before your dying body begins to cool, the Bandit Plunderer starts going through your belongings."
Bandit Thug 10 Arms "A Bandit Thug is talking to himself up ahead. He smashes his mead bottle and charges you wildly." "he cries out and expires. He died as he lived. Or something like that." "swings his weapon at you" "swings at you, but misses" "Before your dying body begins to cool, the Bandit Thug starts going through your belongings."
Bear 8 Shout "You hear a scary growl. It's a bear! Apparently you smell like a giant piece of salmon coated in honey." "The Bear roars defiantly before collapsing, dead." "slashes you with its claws" "swings its paw, but misses" "Brutally mauled, you die at the paws of the Bear."
Blood Dragon 20 Magic "A blast of fire scorches the ground in front of you. You look up and see a Blood Dragon ready for battle." "The Blood Dragon crashes to the ground, plowing a path with its dead body." "takes a swing at you with its massive claws" "attacks, but you leap out of the way" "The Blood Dragon has defeated you. It roars in triumph. So much for being the "one they fear"."
Cave Bear 6 Shout "A Cave Bear is sniffing around up ahead. It doesn't look like an herbivore." "The Cave Bear roars defiantly before collapsing, dead." "slashes you with its claws" "swings its paw, but misses" "Brutally mauled, you die at the paws of the Cave Bear."
Chaurus 8 Shout "A horrible chittering sound fills the air. A Chaurus attacks!" "Your weapon cracks the Chaurus's chitin and venomous blood seeps from its dead body." "jabs you with a stinger" "jabs at you, but you parry the blow"
Chaurus Hunter 12 Shout "You hear a menacing click clack sound. A fully grown Chaurus Hunter wants to rip you to shreds." "Your War Axe viciously rends the Chaurus Hunter. Your weapon cracks the Chaurus Hunter's chitin and venomous blood seeps from its dead body." "The Chaurus Hunter jabs you with a stinger!" "Razor sharp mandibles and poison spit prove too much. The Chaurus Hunter scurries back to its nest, leaving you to rot."
Chaurus Reaper 10 Shout "You hear a familiar chittering. You see a Chaurus Reaper approaching, stinger covered in poison." "Your weapon cracks the Chaurus Reaper's chitin and venomous blood seeps from its dead body." "jabs you with a stinger" "jabs at you, but you parry the blow" "Razor sharp mandibles and poison spit prove too much. The Chaurus Reaper scurries back to its nest, leaving you to rot."
Conjurer 9 Magic "A Conjurer is summoning a creature in front of you. Best not let him finish." "The arcane Conjurer falls to your weapon. As they say, live by the magicka, die by the <Weapon>, right?" "summons a Frost Atronach to attack you" "commands his Frost Atronach to attack, but it misses" "A final attack by his FrostAtronach leaves you bruised and beaten. The Conjurer looks satisfied as his summon champion returns to Oblivion."
Cryomancer 14 Spell "The air itself turns to ice as a Cryomancer appears before you." "The frozen Cryomancer topples over, shattering into thousands of pieces. If only you had a tumbler and some sear-ro-dilic Brandy." "casts wall of ice, which freezes you.!" "A final blast of magical ice freezes you solid. The Cryomancer looks satisfied as frost chills the air."
Dark Brotherhood Assassin 14 Arms "A Dark Brotherhood Assassin appears from the shadows, ready to claim a contract on your life. he whispers, "We know."" "he falls dead, his soul free to join Sithis in the Void." "stabs with his poisoned dagger" "swings at you, but misses"
Death Hound 8 Shout "A skulking Death Hound growls at you. His master may be close by." "The Death Hound whimpers and dies." "lunges at you and bites" "lunges at you, but misses"
Deranged Khajiit 8 "A deranged Khajiit looks at you with wild eyes, like a kitten staring at a ball of yarn. Which makes sense, you suppose." "he dies with a sad meow." "scratches at your face" "claws at you, but misses"
Disgraced City Guard 10 Arms "A Disgraced City Guard stumbles toward you, drunk on mead and looking for a fight. No wonder he got fired." "he screams and dies, as pathetically as he lived." "swings his weapon at you" "swings at you, but misses"
Dragon 16 Magic "You hear a loud roar, then flapping wings. It's a Dragon! Now this is an epic battle. Dovah versus Dovahkiin." "The Dragon crashes to the ground, plowing a path with its dead body." "blasts you with its flaming breath" "attempts to roast you but you leap out of the way" "The Dragon has defeated you. It roars in triumph. So much for being the "one they fear"."
Dragon Priest 25 Shout "A sarcophagus suddenly bursts open! A Dragon Priest levitates above it, his hands brimming with magicka." "Your Greatsword brutally slashes the Dragon Priest. The life force sustaining the Dragon Priest fades, leaving only a pile of ash behind." "hurls a a fireball at you!" "hurls a a fireball at you, but you dodge the searing blast." "The Dragon Priest hovers over you. Your life force begins to drain away, sustaining his own immortality."
Draugr Death Overlord 12 Arms "A Draugr Death Overlord, clad in ebony, looks down at you. He looks pretty confident for a dead guy." "A tornado of deadly wind rushes from you into the Draugr Death Overlord., it thrashes in the wind and slams back to the ground, defeated." "pummels you with Unrelenting Force!" "shouts, but you evade the attack." "The undead eyes of the Draugr Death Overlord glow with undead power as you die at its hands."
Draugr Deathlord 10 Arms "A Draugr Deathlord crawls out of a tomb ahead. Be careful! He possesses the power of the Thu'um!" "Gorm-laith Golden-Hilt slices into the Draugr Deathlord., Your foe desperately tries to flee as Gorm-laith Golden-Hilt cuts it down." "shouts Fo Krah Diin!" "attacks, but you dodge aside." "The undead eyes of the Draugr Deathlord glow with undead power as you die at its hands."
Draugr Overlord 6 Arms "A Draugr Overlord, clad in Ebony armor, awakens from its slumber. It looks strong." "The Draugr Overlord collapses to the ground, at long last given true eternal rest." "strikes you with its ancient sword" "attacks, but you parry the blow"
Draugr Scourge 8 Arms "The way is blocked by a Draugr Scourge. His soulless eyes look hungry." "The Draugr Scourge collapses to the ground, at long last given true eternal rest." "sends a spike of ice at you" "attacks, but narrowly misses you" "The undead eyes of the Draugr Scourge glow with undead power as you die at its hands."
Draugr Scourge Lord 8 Arms "A Draugr Scourge Lord stands in your path. You're really starting to wish the Nordhs [sic] cremated their dead." "Your shout becomes fire, scorching the Draugr Scourge Lord., it bursts into flames, then collapses defeated." "blasts you with a frost breath shout" "attacks, but you take cover." "The undead eyes of the Draugr Scourge Lord glow with undead power as you die at its hands."
Draugr Thrall 6 Arms "A Draugr Thrall blocks the way. Something hidden is controlling it. And that something wants you dead." "The Draugr Thrall collapses to the ground, at long last given true eternal rest." "strikes you with its ancient sword" "attacks, but you parry the blow"
Draugr Warrior 6 Arms "The corpse of an ancient Nordh [sic] rises up before you; it's a Draugr Warrior." "The Draugr Warrior collapses to the ground, at long last given true eternal rest." "strikes you with its ancient sword"
Draugr Wight 7 Arms "A Draugr Wight lurches out of his grave. It stinks of rotting flesh." "The Draugr Wight collapses to the ground, at long last given true eternal rest." "strikes you with its ancient sword" "attacks, but you parry the blow"
Draugr Wight Overlord 7 Arms "A Draugr Wight Overlord awaits you." "Fire Breath bellows from you, searing the Draugr Wight Overlord., it crumbles into a smoldering pile. That takes care of that." "pummels you with Unrelenting Force!" "shouts, but you evade the attack." '
Dremora Caitiff 10 Magic "A Dremora Caitiff has been summoned ahead. He smells weakness in you." "The Dremora Caitiff dies with a curse on its lips, unable to escape through Daedric portal it summoned." "charges towards you" "attacks, but you evade his maneuver" ""There could be no other end," the Dremora Caitiff intones as darkness consumes you."
Dremora Churl 9 Magic "A brutish Dremora Churl awaits you. He laughs maniacally." "The Dremora Churl dies with a curse on its lips, unable to escape through Daedric portal it summoned." "blasts a stream of fire towards you" "attacks, but misses"
Dremora Kynreeve 12 Magic "A Dremora Kynreeve blocks the way. He asks if you seek death, mortal." "The Dremora Kynreeve dies with a curse on its lips, unable to escape through Daedric portal it summoned." "fires a torrent of frost" "attacks, but misses" ""There could be no other end," the Dremora Kynreeve intones as darkness consumes you."
Dremora Kynval 11 Magic "A challenger is near - it appears to be a Dremora Kynval." "The Dremora Kynval dies with a curse on its lips, unable to escape through Daedric portal it summoned." "swings his greatsword" "attacks, but misses" ""There could be no other end," the Dremora Kynval intones as darkness consumes you."
Dremora Markynaz 14 Spell "A menacing Dremora Markynaz has been summoned before you. He looks ready for battle." "You call the dragon Od-ah-ving to burn the Dremora Markynaz, it turns to flee just as the dragon's breath reduces him to ash." "charges towards you!" "attacks, but you evade his maneuver." ""There could be no other end," the Dremora Markynaz intones as darkness consumes you."
Dremora Valkynaz 16 Spell "A harsh cackle breaks the silence; a Dremora Valkynaz is taunting you." "Your Frost Cloak freezes the Dremora Valkynaz. it will never move again." "hurls a fireball at you!" "attacks, but misses." ""There could be no other end," the Dremora Valkynaz intones as darkness consumes you."
Elder Dragon 25 Spell "A mighty roar rends the sky and an Elder Dragon swoops down to devour you." "Your Call of Valor summons a hero of old to smite your foe., The Elder Dragon falls in battle, instantly." "shouts with incredible power!" "attacks, but you use your Thu'um to Become Ethereal, evading the dragon's breath." "The Elder Dragon has defeated you. It roars in triumph. So much for being the "one they fear"."
Electromancer 14 Spell "Static electricity cracks and pops all around you, as you face an Electromancer. Now this is a shocking development." "Call Storm rains lightning down upon the Electromancer., he is little more than a dark smudge on the ground." "casts wall of storms, which shocks you.!" "attacks, but misses." "A final bolt of magical lightning strikes you down. The Electromancer looks satisfied as thunder fills the air."
Falmer 7 Magic "A pale form emerges slowly from the darkness. It's a Falmer. It may be blind, but it heard you." "This blind Falmer has lived darkness and died as it lived." "swings its axe blindly" "attacks, but misses"
Falmer Gloomlurker 9 Magic "A Falmer Gloomlurker blocks your path. He looks like he doesn't get much sun." "This blind Falmer Gloomlurker has lived darkness and died as it lived." "swings its axe blindly" "The Falmer Gloomlurker's attack drops you to the ground. It starts dragging you by the ankle into the darkness."
Falmer Nightprowler 10 Magic "A Falmer Nightprowler has been following you. He leaps out to attack." "This blind Falmer Nightprowler has lived darkness and died as it lived." "swings its axe blindly" "attacks, but misses"
Falmer Shadowmaster 11 Spell "A Falmer Shadowmaster appears, seemingly out of nowhere. He senses you and attacks!" "Your Unrelenting Force throws the Falmer Shadowmaster back, staggering it., The Falmer Shadowmaster struggles to get up, briefly, then expires. Good riddance." "swings its axe blindly!" "attacks, but misses."
Falmer Skulker 8 Magic "You hear dragging feet ahead. A Falmer Skulker with a nasty looking weapon blocks your path." "This blind Falmer Skulker has lived darkness and died as it lived." "fires an arrow" "shoots, but you block it with your shield"
Falmer Warmonger 12 Spell "A Falmer Warmonger stands before you. He is the best of his kind, and victor of countless battles. Good luck." "Fire Breath bellows from you, searing the Falmer Warmonger., it just a pile of foul-smelling ash now." "fires a stream of lightning, shocking you to the core!" "attacks, but you dodge its spell defty." "The Falmer Warmonger's attack drops you to the ground. It starts dragging you by the ankle into the darkness."
Fire Mage 11 Magic "A blast of heat blows by your face. A Fire Mage stands before you." "The arcane Fire Mage falls to your weapon. As they say, live by the magicka, die by the <Weapon>, right?" "launches a fireball at you" "attacks, but misses"
Fire Wizard 12 "A column of flames scorches the ground in front of you. A Fire Wizard stands before you." "Your voice is the storm. It strikes the Fire Wizard with a bolt of lightning., he is little more than a dark smudge on the ground." "launches a fireball at you!"
Flame Atronach 16 Magic "The room brightens up with an otherworldly light; a Flame Atronach twists in the air blocking your path." "The Flame Atronach is cast back into Oblivion." "hurls a ball of fire at you" "misses you with a ball of fire"
Forsworn 7 Shout "A wild eyed Forsworn blocks your path. He looks tough, and totally psychotic." "The Forsworn looks up at you and promises that three more will rise in his place, right before you decapitate him." "wildly swings his dual swords" "attacks, but misses"
Forsworn Briarheart 16 "A Forsworn Briarheart is performing a terrible ritual, and does not appreciate the interruption. He charges you, enraged!" "Your Sword digs into the Forsworn Briarheart . The leather straps on the hulking warrior's chest snap and the briar heart falls out. He slumps over, dead for the second time." "casts ice storm!" "attacks, but you expertly evade his spell." "You fall to your knees, defeated. The Forsworn Briarheart looms over you, ready to sacrifice you to the Old Gods."
Forsworn Forager 8 Shout "Someone is rummaging through a container. It's a Forsworn Forager! She wants a fight." "The Forsworn Forager looks up at you and promises that three more will rise in his [sic] place, right before you decapitate her." "draws her bow and fires" "shoots and misses"
Forsworn Looter 11 Shout "A Forsworn Looter is searching through some corpses ahead. He looks like he'd like to search yours next." "The Forsworn Looter looks up at you and promises that three more will rise in his place, right before you decapitate him." "wildly swings his dual swords" "attacks but misses"
Forsworn Pillager 16 Shout "A wild eyed Forsworn pillager leaps out at you, snarling. His blades are as ugly and angry as he is." "The Forsworn Pillager looks up at you and promises that three more will rise in his place, right before you decapitate him." "wildly swings his dual swords" "attacks, but misses" "You fall to your knees, defeated. The Forsworn Pillager looms over you, ready to sacrifice you to the Old Gods."
Forsworn Ravager 12 Shout "A Forsworn Ravager lashes out at you, with a weapon that looks like it's made from human bones." "Your Greatsword decapitates the Forsworn Ravager. The Forsworn Ravager looks up at you and promises that three more will rise in his place, right before you decapitate him." "wildly swings his dual swords!" "attacks, but misses." "You fall to your knees, defeated. The Forsworn Ravager looms over you, ready to sacrifice you to the Old Gods."
Forsworn Warlord 14 Shout "A Forsworn Warlord stands before you. He's carrying what looks like a human heart in his hand." "Your Greatsword viciously cleaves the Forsworn Warlord. The Forsworn Warlord looks up at you and promises that three more will rise in his place, right before you decapitate him." "wildly swings his wicked sword!" "attacks, but misses." "You fall to your knees, defeated. The Forsworn Warlord looms over you, ready to sacrifice you to the Old Gods."
Frost Atronach 12 Magic "A mountain of ice stands between you and the way forward. It's a Frost Atronach. Lovely." "The Frost Atronach is cast back into Oblivion." "launches deadly ice in your direction" "misses you with an ice spike" "The Frost Atronach slams its icy body into you, freezing you on contact."
Frost Dragon 20 Spell "Ice crystals form all around you. You turn to see a Frost Dragon preparing to freeze you solid." "Your voice summons a dragon to roast the unfortunate Frost Dragon, it turns to flee just as the dragon's breath reduces him to ash." "blasts you with its chilling breath!" "tries to freeze you but you dodge the attack." "The Frost Dragon has defeated you. It roars in triumph. So much for being the "one they fear"."
Frost Giant 50 "What's that stomping? And why is the ground shaking? Uh oh. It's a Frost Giant!" "Your Thu'um rips into the Frost Giant draining UNDEFINED life essence away., Malevolent energies kill the Frost Giant and his corpse obeys your commands briefly before turning to dust." "pounds you with his mighty stone club!" "swings his club but hits only dirt." "The Frost Giant hits you so hard, even the physics engine doesn't know what to do. You fly into the air, spinning rapidly."
Frost Troll 16 Shout "You see a Frost Troll charging through the storm, and he looks angry." "Your mighty shout slams the Frost Troll into the dirt., The Frost Troll struggles to get up, briefly, then expires. Good riddance." "swings at you viciously" "attacks, but misses." "The Frost Troll's last attack proves fatal. It howls in victory."
Gargoyle 9 Arms "A suspicious stone statue lies in front of you. Suddenly, the Gargoyle awakens! Time to rock. Literally." "The Gargoyle dies." "throws a massive punch" "claws at you, but misses"
Ghost 8 Spell "The wispy Ghost of an ancient Nordh hero rises from the ground. Boo!" "Your voice is a torrent of vicious magical energy. It collides with the Ghost., it staggers for moment then drops dead." "swings at you!" "attacks, but misses." "The Ghost has scared you not just half, but completely to death!."
Giant 50 "Fee Fi Fo Fum. This Giant wants the Dovahkiin's blood." "A tornado of deadly wind rushes from you into the Giant., he thrashes in the wind and slams back to the ground, defeated." "pounds you with his mighty stone club!" "swings his club but hits only dirt." "The Giant his you so hard, even the physics engine doesn't know what to do. You fly into the air, spinning rapidly."
Giant Frostbite Spider 10 Shout "Webs cover the walls. A Giant Frostbite Spider descends from them. It wants your guts for lunch, apparently." "The Giant Frostbite Spider's carapace thumps to the ground and bits of leg fill the air." "s fangs inject you with poison" "attacks, but misses" "The Giant Frostbite Spider's poison overtakes you and the world goes black."
Giant Mudcrab 10 Shout "You hear heavy clacking noises. A Giant Mudcrab snaps its claws menacingly." "The Giant Mudcrab's dead shell clatters. If only you had time to make some steamed mudcrab legs." "snaps its huge pincers" "attacks, but misses"
Hagraven 12 Spell "The shriek of a Hagraven pierces your ears. You see her begin to cast a spell in your direction." "Your voice is crashes into the Hagraven like a cyclone., she thrashes in the wind and slams back to the ground, defeated." "screeches madly and launches a ball of fire!" "misses with a fireball, which explodes behind you."
Hulking Draugr 10 Arms "A Hulking Draugr charges you. You wonder when he had time to work out over the past century." "The Hulking Draugr collapses to the ground, at long last given true eternal rest." "slashes you with its ancient axe" "attacks, but you parry the blow" "The undead eyes of the Hulking Draugr glow with undead power as you die at its hands."
Ice Mage 11 Magic "An ice spike narrowly misses your face. It was hurled by an Ice Mage. Now that's just cold." "The arcane Ice Mage falls to your weapon. As they say, live by the magicka, die by the <Weapon>, right?" "conjures a deadly ice storm"
Ice Wizard 12 Spell "An wall of frost blocks your path. On the other side stands a Frost Wizard, ready for battle." "Your Battleaxe terminates the Ice Wizard. The arcane Ice Wizard falls to your weapon. As they say, live by the magicka, die by the Battleaxe, right?." "conjures a deadly ice storm!" "A final blast of magical ice freezes you solid. The Ice Wizard looks satisfied as frost chills the air."
Ice Wolf 6 Shout "You hear a blood-curdling howl. Suddenly, a fully grown Ice Wolf leaps out at you." "The Ice Wolf whimpers and dies." "lunges at you and bites" "lunges, but you evade the attack"
Ice Wraith 16 Arms "A spectral form appears before you. The serpentine Ice Wraith bares its cold fangs." "The savage Ice Wraith dies. You wonder if anyone would want those teeth." "snaps at you with icy fangs" "tries to bite you, but misses."
Imperial Gladiator 14 Arms "An Imperial Gladiator looks at you and chuckles. he's won dozens of fights and you look like a pushover." "The Imperial Gladiator falls dead. He'll never be Grand Champion now. How sad." "swings his weapon at you" "swings at you, but misses" "Even without a crowd, the Imperial Gladiator makes a show of delivering the killing blow."
Large Frostbite Spider 8 Shout "You hear the terrifying sound of gnashing mandibles. A Large Frostbite Spider leers at you, all eight eyes squinting in unison." "The Large Frostbite Spider's carapace thumps to the ground and bits of leg fill the air." "bites you" "attacks, but misses"
Large Mudcrab 6 Shout "You hear clicking. A Large Mudcrab scuttles out from a puddle." "The Large Mudcrab's dead shell clatters. If only you had time to make some steamed mudcrab legs." "snaps its pincers" "attacks, but misses"
Master Conjurer 11 Spell "Glowing ashes of Atronachs lie all around your feet. A Master Conjurer blocks your path." "Your voice summons a dragon to roast the unfortunate Master Conjurer, You wince as he fried to a crisp by the dragon's breath." "summons a Storm Atronach to attack you!" "commands his Storm Atronach to attack, but it misses." "A final attack by his Atronach leaves you bruised and beaten. The Master Conjurer looks satisfied as his summon champion returns to Oblivion."
Master Necromancer 11 Spell "Ahead of you lies a Master Necromancer. He is chanting ominously." "You call the dragon Od-ah-ving to burn the Master Necromancer, he turns to flee just as the dragon's breath reduces him to ash." "commands a reanimated bear to attack you!" "commands its thrall to attack you, but it misses." "The Master Necromancer has defeated you. he cackles maniacally."
Mudcrab 5 "You hear clicking. That rock is actually a Mudcrab!" "The Mudcrab's dead shell clatters. If only you had time to make some steamed mudcrab legs." "snaps its pincers"
Necro Mage 9 Magic "A Necro Mage is raising the dead ahead of you. He notices you and raises an eyebrow as well." "You expand {enemy_name}'s [sic] knowledge of death by providing them with invaluable first hand experience on the topic." "commands a reanimated zombie to attack you" "commands its thrall to attack you, but it misses" "The Necro Mage has defeated you. he cackles maniacally."
Pyromancer 14 Spell "A Pyromancer stands before you, cloaked in flames. Looks like things are about to heat up." "Soul Tear strikes your foe, pulling his life from UNDEFINED body., Malevolent energies kill the Pyromancer and his corpse obeys your commands briefly before turning to dust" "casts wall of fire, which burns you!" "attacks, but misses." "A final blast of magical fire burns you to a crisp. The Pyromancer looks satisfied as flames fill the air."
Renegade Imperial Soldier 12 Arms "A Renegade Imperial Soldier appears before you. he abandoned his post, and is clearly desperate." "he dies like the coward he is." "slashes with his longsword" "swings at you, but misses" "Desperation drives the Renegade Imperial Soldier to murder as {$enemy_pronoun_he} [sic] swings a fatal blow."
Renegade Storm Cloak 12 Shout "You encounter a Renegade Storm Cloak who abandoned her duties and fled to the wild. she eyes you with hatred and fear." "She falls in battle, ensuring her soul will live on in Sovngarde." "slashes with her axe" "swings at you, but misses" "Desperation drives the Renegade Storm Cloak to murder as {$enemy_pronoun_he} [sic] swings a fatal blow."
Restless Draugr 6 Arms "You see an empty Nordh [sic] coffin. Suddenly, a Restless Draugr leaps out, swinging its sword." "The Restless Draugr collapses to the ground, at long last given true eternal rest." "strikes you with its ancient sword" "attacks, but you parry the blow"
Sabre Cat 11 Shout "A vicious Sabre Cat has been stalking you. It leaps out to attack." "The Sabre Cat roars defiantly before collapsing, dead." "leaps at you" "leaps at you, but it overshoots" "Brutally mauled, you die at the paws of the Sabre Cat."
Skeever 5 "You smell vermin. A disease-ridden Skeever appears!" "Your dagger eviscerates the Skeever. The Skeever whimpers and dies." "bites you!"
Skeleton Warlock 10 "A pile of bones on the ground suddenly leaps up, its hands charged with magicka. It's a skeleton warlock!" "The Skeleton Warlock shatters into bits of bone." "blasts you with ice"
Skeleton Warlord 7 Magic "The sound of creaking bones alerts you to an armored Skeleton Warlord blocking your way." "The Skeleton Warlord shatters into bits of bone." "swings his ancient weapon" "attacks, but misses"
Skeleton Warrior 7 "You hear the rattling of bones. A Skeleton Warrior lurches towards you." "The Skeleton Warrior shatters into bits of bone." "swings his ancient sword"
Small Frostbite Spider 7 Shout "You step into a pile of webs. Uh oh! You're stuck. And a Small Frostbite Spider starts crawling towards you." "The Small Frostbite Spider's carapace thumps to the ground and bits of leg fill the air." "bites you" "attacks, but misses."
Snow Bear 8 Shout "A massive, scarred Snow Bear lies ahead. It looks hungry. And you look tasty." "The Snow Bear roars defiantly before collapsing, dead." "slashes you with its mighty claws" "swings its paw, but misses" "Brutally mauled, you die at the paws of the Snow Bear."
Snowy Sabre Cat 11 Shout "A grizzled Snowy Sabre Cat is perched up ahead. It looks ready to pounce." "The Snowy Sabrecat roars defiantly before collapsing, dead." "leaps at you" "leaps at you, but it overshoots" "Brutally mauled, you die at the paws of the Snowy Sabre Cat."
Spriggan 10 Arms "You accidentally step on a flower. A furious Spriggan roars and charges madly towards you." "The Spriggan collapses into inert taproot." "attacks you wildly" "attacks, but misses"
Spriggan Earth Mother 12 Arms "You come face to face with a Spriggan Earth Mother. Behind that bark covered visage, you swear she's giving you a dirty look." "Your mighty shout slams the Spriggan Earth Mother into the dirt., The Spriggan Earth Mother never gets back up. That's what you get for messing with the Dovahkiin." "swipes at you with trunk like hands!" "attacks, but misses." "The heavy thud of living wood against your skull is the last thing you hear as the Spriggan Earth Mother delivers the fatal blow."
Spriggan Matron 11 Magic "A Spriggan Matron steps out from her grove. She doesn't look like she wants you here." "The Spriggan Matron collapses into inert taproot." "swipes at you" "attacks, but misses." "The heavy thud of living wood against your skull is the last thing you hear as the Spriggan Matron delivers the fatal blow."
Storm Atronach 16 Spell "The crackle of electricity fills the air. A Storm Atronach rises up before you." "Your Fire Breath burns the Storm Atronach., it just a pile of foul-smelling ash now." "hurls a bolt of lightning!" "shoots lightning at you, but misses." "The Storm Atronach surrounds you with lightning and powerful winds, electrifying your bones."
Storm Mage 11 Magic "A bolt of lightning strikes at your feet. A Storm Mage stands before you." "The arcane Storm Mage falls to your weapon. As they say, live by the magicka, die by the <Weapon>, right?" "zaps you with bursts of lightning"
Storm Wizard "A pillar of lightning flashes across the room. It seems you've been challenged by a Storm Wizard." "Soul Tear strikes your foe, pulling his life from UNDEFINED body., Malevolent energies kill the Storm Wizard and his corpse obeys your commands briefly before turning to dust."
Thalmor Justiciar 14 Spell "A Thalmor Justiciar stands before you, emanating arrogance and disdain. "Time to die, filthy heretic," he says." "Your icy breath chills the Thalmor Justiciar to the bone, You freeze him solid with an expression of disappointment on his face for all eternity." "casts wall of fire, burning you!" "attacks, but misses." "The Thalmor Justiciar looks down upon your dying, inferior body, literally."
Thief 11 Arms "You feel a hand in your pocket. It's a filthy Thief! You going to let her get away with that?" "UNDEFINED [sic] falls down dead, proving that crime doesn't pay." "slashes with her dagger" "swings at you, but misses" "The Thief leaves you bleeding as she flees the scene of the crime."
Troll 12 Shout "You see a crushed skull on the ground. You look up and lock eyes with an enraged Troll. Here goes nothing." "The Troll howls a final time. No amount of regeneration can help it back from that. At least, you hope not." "swings at you" "attacks, but misses" "The Troll's last attack proves fatal. It howls in victory."
Vampire 7 Arms "Red eyes peer out from the darkness. Oh no! It's a bloodthirsty vampire!" "The Vampire leaves only a pile of glowing dust behind." "drains your life essence" "attempts to drain your life, but you bash him interrupting the attack"
Vampire Mistwalker 8 Arms "A Vampire Mistwalker reveals itself. This blood sucking fiend was stalking you!" "The Vampire Mistwalker leaves only a pile of glowing dust behind." "drains your life essence"
Vampire Nightstalker 10 Arms "The stench of stale blood fills the air. A Vampire Nightstalker rises from its fresh kill. You'll make a much better meal." The Vampire Nightstalker leaves only a pile of glowing dust behind. "drains your life essence" "attempts to drain your life, but you bash him interrupting the attack" "The Vampire Nightstalker smiles broadly as your life drains away. You will make a fine meal."
Werewolf 9 Shout "A creature rises before you, howling, both beast and man. It's a werewolf! And it looks hungry." "The Werewolf bleeds out clutching its throat in a last howl of pain." "leaps towards you" "attacks, but misses"
Wispmother 12 Spell "Odd spectral clouds are swirling around up ahead. A Wispmother blocks your way." "Your Unrelenting Force tosses the Wispmother into the air. she crashes to the ground., The Wispmother struggles to get up, briefly, then expires. Good riddance." "fires chilling bolts at you!" "attacks, but misses." "The Wispmother summons her wisps back as she leaves you to die alone."
Wolf 7 Shout "A howl catches your ear; a black Wolf is charging you, teeth bared." "The Wolf whimpers and dies." "bites you" "attacks, but misses"

Enemy ProgressionEdit

The combined level is the earliest observed level where the specified enemy appears. "Combined level" is the sum of the Arms level, Shout level, and Spell level.

Combined Level Enemy
3 Bandit
3 Forsworn
5 Small Frostbite Spider
6 Draugr Thrall
6 Large Mudcrab
6 Skeleton Warlord
7 Giant Mudcrab
8 Adoring Fan
8 Bandit Outlaw
8 Mudcrab
9 Flame Atronach
9 Skeleton Warrior
10 Death Hound
11 Apprentice Conjurer
11 Apprentice Mage
11 Deranged Khajiit
11 Sabre Cat
12 Apprentice Fire Mage
12 Apprentice Necromancer
12 Apprentice Storm Mage
12 Dremora Churl
12 Restless Draugr
14 Apprentice Ice Mage
14 Ice Wolf
14 Skeleton Warlock
14 Wolf
15 Skeever
16 Forsworn Forager
17 Falmer Skulker
17 Spriggan
17 Vampire
18 Draugr Overlord
18 Large Frostbite Spider
20 Bandit Thug
20 Draugr Warrior
20 Falmer
21 Disgraced City Guard
21 Ice Wraith
21 Werewolf
27 Snowy Sabre Cat
29 Dremora Caitiff
30 Bear
30 Chaurus
32 Draugr Wight
33 Gargoyle
35 Bandit Highwayman
35 Falmer Gloomlurker
35 Forsworn Looter
35 Thief
36 Troll
39 Draugr Wight Overlord
40 Cave Bear
40 Frost Atronach
44 Giant
44 Giant Frostbite Spider
44 Renegade Imperial Soldier
44 Renegade Storm Cloak
45 Dragon
46 Dark Brotherhood Assassin
46 Spriggan Matron
50 Bandit Plunderer
50 Conjurer
50 Dremora Kynval
50 Falmer Nightprowler
50 Ice Mage
50 Necro Mage
50 Storm Mage
52 Fire Mage
53 Blood Dragon
53 Chaurus Reaper
53 Snow Bear
54 Vampire Mistwalker
55 Hagraven
56 Draugr Scourge
59 Frost Troll
62 Forsworn Pillager
65 Draugr Scourge Lord
68 Bandit Marauder
68 Falmer Shadowmaster
68 Imperial Gladiator
71 Hulking Draugr
74 Ascendant Conjurer
74 Ascendant Necromancer
74 Dremora Kynreeve
74 Frost Wizard
74 Ice Wizard
74 Storm Wizard
75 Fire Wizard
77 Vampire Nightstalker
78 Wispmother
81 Bandit Chief
82 Draugr Deathlord
82 Frost Dragon
82 Spriggan Earth Mother
82 Storm Atronach
88 Chaurus Hunter
95 Forsworn Ravager
97 Draugr Death Overlord
98 Falmer Warmonger
101 Dremora Markynaz
101 Electromancer
101 Pyromancer
101 Thalmor Justiciar
107 Ancient Vampire
113 Ghost
114 Cryomancer
114 Master Conjurer
123 Master Necromancer
124 Elder Dragon
125 Forsworn Warlord
131 Arch Electromancer
131 Arch Necromancer
131 Dremora Valkynaz
132 Arch Cryomancer
132 Arch Pyromancer
138 Arch Conjurer
142 Dragon Priest
144 Ancient Dragon
145 Frost Giant
147 Forsworn Briarheart