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Skyrim Mod:A Tale of Blood and Snow/Joining the Quarra

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Join the newest vampire clan in Skyrim as a fledgling.
Quest Giver: Jelkar
Location(s): Pinemoon Cave, radiant quest locations
Prerequisite Quest: Dreams in Darkness
Next Quest: The Bloodfire Amulet
Reward: The Quarra Amulet
Added by: A Tale of Blood and Snow

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Find the Entrance to Quarra Lair.
  2. Talk to Jelkar in Quarra Lair.
  3. Pledge yourself to the Quarra.
  4. Introduce yourself to the clan.
  5. Return to Jelkar.
  6. Complete quests for the Quarra.
  7. Return to Jelkar.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

We left Morrowind for this?Edit

After confirming you want to join the Quarra in the previous quest, Jelkar will send you inside Pinemoon Cave to find the entrance to the clan's new lair in Skyrim. The vampires and wolves inside are not aligned with the Quarra Clan, and they will attack you on sight. Once you've finished clearing them out, the entrance to the Quarra Lair will be found in the back of the largest room in the cave, behind the raised podium overlooking the seats. Head inside and find Jelkar, who will tell you to speak with the other clan members and get to know them.

Meet your fellow monstersEdit

There are five named members of the Quarra Clan that Jelkar wants you to meet, and they can be anywhere around the lair depending on the time of day or night.

  • Agrius Amnis is the oldest member of the clan and Jelkar's chief advisor. In addition to giving you the Quarra Amulet to allow quick transportation back to the lair, which is also available in the form of a spell tome, he can provide you with some history on the Quarra Clan.
  • Haesmar is the clan's huntmaster, in charge of organizing hunts to ensure they remain stocked with meat and blood.
  • Aenar is the clan's blacksmith, responsible for forging new equipment in the Vvardenfell style of dwemer armor for the Quarra's warriors.
  • Malielle Masoriane is the clan's link to the underworld, bringing in needed supplies and money in exchange for dirty jobs and shady favors carried out by the clan.
  • Rothis Dolovas is the only member of the clan who won't welcome you with open arms, brushing you off with barely restrained contempt.

Once you've finished speaking with everyone, return to Jelkar and ask about your next orders. He'll tell you that he's working on a plan to end the Cronvangr Clan, and he needs more time to put everything together. Until that happens, he wants you to assist the other members of the clan with any tasks they need done.

Break your back for brass and bloodEdit

All four members of Jelkar's council will offer radiant quests to bring in supplies, carry out underworld jobs, or strike blows against the Cronvangr and the Vigilants. Once you've completed several of these jobs, Jelkar will officially induct you into the Quarra and tell you about his plan to undermine the Cronvangr Clan's influence by stealing the The Bloodfire Amulet, leading to the next quest.


  • The number of radiant quests required to complete the quest stage can be adjusted if the mod configuration menu is installed.