This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Laid to Rest discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
It took me forever to find the daughter when she wanted to play hide in seek but she is right up the hill behind the burnt ready to fight a vampire though!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:50 on 12 November 2011
Short list of steps
1) Speak to the inn keeper about the burned down house
2) Speak to the Jarl about investigating the fire
3) Talk to the ghost of the child in the burned down house.
4) Visit the unearthed coffin at night, and kill the vampire Laelette, then speak to the ghost in the coffin.
5) Speak to Thonnir about Laelette.
6) Break into Alva's house to find clues. Depending on time of day/night, you may have a fight on your hands with Alva and her protector.
7) Alert the Jarl, who will send you to dispatch the vampire coven. Townspeople will be assembled outside to aid you, though all but one will abandon the fight once they make it to the outside of the cave. You can choose to have him accompany you, though he'll likely charge in to his immediate death.
8) Kill the coven leader and return to the Jarl for your reward.
- shouldn't that be added to the quick walkthrough?-- 12:30, 24 November 2011 (UTC)
Possible glitch?
When I first attempted this quest on 360, I was accosted by Laelette as soon as I climbed the hill, then immediately spoke to Thonnir as it seemed to be the obvious next step. This seems to have prevented me from activating Helgi's coffin - the quest marker still points there and the 'Activate Child's Coffin' tooltip appears, but pressing A (to activate it) does nothing. The party of locals still followed me up to the cave after I alerted the Jarl, but were 'scared' upon arrival and turned around to walk home until each of them was confronted. The latter could be normal behaviour and it could still be possible to complete the quest, though, for all I know - I haven't had a chance to continue or reattempt it, as my roommate is impossible to pry from his newfound addiction, and I haven't yet obtained a copy for PC. FuzzyPlushroom 05:47, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
- I don't know what was going on in Bethesda's testers heads but this game seems to be full of bugs. I play only on PC and I have some quests messed up because of the bugged game. I too couldn't activate Child's Coffin and thus "find" that little girl. However, I finished whole quest while just ignoring the coffin part. Similar things are going on in many other quests, for example in quests for the Imperial Army there are moments when quest marker points you to talk to that commanding female soldier but you are unable at all to talk to her (clicking on her does nothing except random generated message). You can always bypass lots of the quest parts, as I did, just by thinking ahead but still it is annoying... --Arkhon 06:10, 15 November 2011 (UTC)
- This glitch happened to me as well, and unfortunately, even a save-whore like myself hadn't saved for a while. I attempted to go to the Jarl but still had no option for telling her about the guilt/innocence of Hroggar. I decided to bite the bullet and go back to my last save point and try again, this time activating the coffin immediately after killing the vampire without speaking to Thonnir first and it worked. Miss Behaves 22:16, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
- I too had all the bugs you said here, but they happened to me on my second try when I decided to repeat the quest in case I missed something. When I killed Laelette the first time I immideatly activated the coffin and Thonnir even had to repeat his speech twice (first time while Helgi was talking). So all you have to do is activate the coffin before talking to Thonnir. The group which follows you to the cave is messed up indeed, you probably have to wait or talk to one of them (not Thonnir though, since his last dialoge will pop up making others go away without saying a word) or wait, and then they will finally start saying that the place is scary etc as intended. - Gably — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:49 on 21 November 2011
- Same happened to me. 09:11, 14 December 2011 (UTC)
- I too had all the bugs you said here, but they happened to me on my second try when I decided to repeat the quest in case I missed something. When I killed Laelette the first time I immideatly activated the coffin and Thonnir even had to repeat his speech twice (first time while Helgi was talking). So all you have to do is activate the coffin before talking to Thonnir. The group which follows you to the cave is messed up indeed, you probably have to wait or talk to one of them (not Thonnir though, since his last dialoge will pop up making others go away without saying a word) or wait, and then they will finally start saying that the place is scary etc as intended. - Gably — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:49 on 21 November 2011
- This glitch happened to me as well, and unfortunately, even a save-whore like myself hadn't saved for a while. I attempted to go to the Jarl but still had no option for telling her about the guilt/innocence of Hroggar. I decided to bite the bullet and go back to my last save point and try again, this time activating the coffin immediately after killing the vampire without speaking to Thonnir first and it worked. Miss Behaves 22:16, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Invisible Laelette Bug?
Has this happened to anyone else? Marched to the graveyard and got assaulted by an invisible Laelette. Thonnir seems to be able to find her body because he twice remarked on the fact that she was dead. I've fiddled with my ATi drivers, graphic settings and even tried re-loading and she just won't show up for me. AzureSN 16:56, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
- Yes laelette is invisible for me too, and I use 2 GTX 470's a different brand of cards than yours which means its a game bug and not a graphics driver issue. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:19 on 20 November 2011
- it's most likely a glitch that was triggered in your games by some other action. It's a glitch but not universal, as most of the time she is not invisible. She DID scare the SHIT out of me though, lol. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:33 on 6 December 2011
- Vampires do have the ability to turn invisible; they often do when they're almost dead. Why she was invisible when you first found her is a mystery though. It's probably a bug. I really wish Bethesda would fix quest-breaking issues like this with patches! At least we can rest assured that no dead people will attend our weddings... -.- WeHeartKatamari 14:30, 8 December 2011 (UTC)
- If you want to kill invisible Laelette, lead the vampire to Thonnir or the city hall because she'll be killed by one of the people inside the hall. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:41 on 9 December 2011
- Vampires do have the ability to turn invisible; they often do when they're almost dead. Why she was invisible when you first found her is a mystery though. It's probably a bug. I really wish Bethesda would fix quest-breaking issues like this with patches! At least we can rest assured that no dead people will attend our weddings... -.- WeHeartKatamari 14:30, 8 December 2011 (UTC)
- it's most likely a glitch that was triggered in your games by some other action. It's a glitch but not universal, as most of the time she is not invisible. She DID scare the SHIT out of me though, lol. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:33 on 6 December 2011
I attacked Morvarth and then went back into hiding, and while he was searching for me, he found Alva and killed her. Has this happened to anyone else? --Halfstache 19:23, 20 November 2011 (UTC)
- Same here. Alva appears as friendly for me. If you sneak around the hall you can see her just standing there. She'll fight most other vampires too. AzureSN 04:27, 23 November 2011 (UTC)
yet another bug
I was about to enter Alva's chamber after talking to Thronnir in order to collect evidence, and when I did I fell into the ground and then respawned at the chamber door then fell then respawned and so on until I moved just at the right second to get out of the loop and into the room. I turned around and a large blue space has appeared around the door and floor mat. I use a computer and am level 5. Also when I went to kill Marvoth he ran around a corner to hide. Apparently Alva was back there because she finished him off and proceeded to kill the vampire fledgling protecting him. When I talked to her she acted as though nothing had happened. just another day in Morthall.
Morvath is almost impossible to kill. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:53 on 20 November 2011
- Whats your level and difficulty level your playing on? I managed to kill him with relative ease on adept at level 46 (I think might have been higher).-- 12:28, 24 November 2011 (UTC)
- I'm lvl 18 and killed him with a couple of sneaky bow shots with relative ease -- 14:11, 24 November 2011 (UTC)
- I'm level 53, sneak attacked him with a legendary daedra dagger. easy. -- 08:53, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
- I'm at level 38, sneaked attack him with some better version of a nord ancient bow, it took about 3-4 hits from the wooden platform above just across the table he was sitting. My sneak was pretty high so the other vamps just went around searching for me and gave up. -- Gazia — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:27 on 1 December 2011
- I'm at level 8. I stayed up on the ledge and hit him with arrows until he ran away. When I quickly found him, he was so weak that a few blows with a mace of diminishing and some fire put him away. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:22 on 2 December 2011
- I'm level 31. Killed him and the other vamps in Beast Form. -- Omarion — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:24 on 9 December 2011
- I'm at level 42. Fus-Roh-Dah on him straight away, deal with his thrall before he gets up. I had a shield with strong magic resistance, but I guess potions or ward spell would work too. Straight melee after that. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:54 on 11 December 2011
- I'm level 31. Killed him and the other vamps in Beast Form. -- Omarion — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:24 on 9 December 2011
- I'm at level 8. I stayed up on the ledge and hit him with arrows until he ran away. When I quickly found him, he was so weak that a few blows with a mace of diminishing and some fire put him away. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:22 on 2 December 2011
- I'm at level 38, sneaked attack him with some better version of a nord ancient bow, it took about 3-4 hits from the wooden platform above just across the table he was sitting. My sneak was pretty high so the other vamps just went around searching for me and gave up. -- Gazia — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:27 on 1 December 2011
- I'm level 53, sneak attacked him with a legendary daedra dagger. easy. -- 08:53, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
(←) A good theory is to place fire runes on the ground, and he will spot you, run towards you while you get awy in sneak mode and he walks into it,you place another one straight after,he walks into it,etc. of course I am a master destructionist and have audmented fire perks but this can still be effective to weaken him a little before actually having to engage him since fire damge kills vamps. lvl 38 never changed difficulty. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:43 on 14 December 2011
- Level 41. Found him to be very strong and almost impossible to defeat, I play mostly as a melee character with strong destruction and restoration skills. Without doubt the strongest enemy I have faced so far in the game (including Dragon Priests). You can draw the other vampires out of the main chamber and dispatch them one by one. Then use Unrelenting Force to knock Morvath down and take your chance to get in a few hits before he gets back up. I suggest using a dagger instead of a sword to get quicker hits in when you can. Also taking in a follower can be useful to distract Morvath, hang back and let Movarth attack your follower first as he's likely to go straight for you unless he's occupied in combat elsewhere. And finally make sure you take in as many restoration potions as you can, they may be your only lifeline during the fight. Resist magic and fortify heavy armour can work particularly well. At lower levels Beast Form may be a way of taking him out on his own, but at higher levels it's pretty useless. If you're still finding him hard leave the quest til later (although it may mean putting up with Thonnir tagging along for a while). The enemies in the lair will not level up (including Morvath), try advancing a few levels yourself and then going back in stronger. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:15 on 19 December 2011
- I'm at lvl 13 and I have Nadia and Barros (the dog) as followers, killing him was easy as I only had to add a few more blows with a simple Silver Sword. Difficulty was even on expert. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:47 on 20 December 2011
- Morvath was so hard for me. I tried repeatedly, for several days and he kept beating me very easily. I eventually had to leave the cave and do other missions to level up. (When I first encountered him I was probably around lvl 30). (Aside: Thonnir is the worst follower. He has no idea of personal space and often traps you into a corner/room and when you're trying to be stealthy or do something intricate like lock picking or stealing, he will bump into you and cause all sorts of mischief. He's AWFUL. End of aside.) I came back several times and I still couldn't beat Morvath. It wasn't even close. I used potions to make me stronger, make him susceptible to magic, fire, whatever. I used several staffs/spells/daedric weapons to conjure things and I placed fire runes everywhere. I eventually tried turning to Beast form, not caring if Thonnir saw me because I hated him so much. (He was seriously that annoying, and I couldn't kill him! How frustrating.) But nothing was working! So I went out into the world again and leveled up a few times and spent most of the points on my bow and suddenly it was pretty easy to beat him. I'd say I was lvl 36 or 38 when I beat him. Long story short: level up your bow. Use the slow time feature to get as many arrows as possible and I also enchanted my bow to do fire damage and he was near dead before he even got to me. But what a hassle it was! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:20 on February 16, 2012
- Level 52, O-H 100, Block 100, HA 100, Dragonbone Armor; ran right up to him, alternated shield-bashing him and hacking him with an Ebony War Axe. Couldn't have taken more than 4 or 5 blows. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:58 on 13 March 2012
- WHAT?!?!? i killed him lvl 7 with the help of Thonnir and Lydia also murdered the rest of the vamps to!
- Why are peeps saying about being lvl 48 or so I WAS LVL 7!!!!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:36 on 6 June 2012
- Level 52, O-H 100, Block 100, HA 100, Dragonbone Armor; ran right up to him, alternated shield-bashing him and hacking him with an Ebony War Axe. Couldn't have taken more than 4 or 5 blows. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:58 on 13 March 2012
- Morvath was so hard for me. I tried repeatedly, for several days and he kept beating me very easily. I eventually had to leave the cave and do other missions to level up. (When I first encountered him I was probably around lvl 30). (Aside: Thonnir is the worst follower. He has no idea of personal space and often traps you into a corner/room and when you're trying to be stealthy or do something intricate like lock picking or stealing, he will bump into you and cause all sorts of mischief. He's AWFUL. End of aside.) I came back several times and I still couldn't beat Morvath. It wasn't even close. I used potions to make me stronger, make him susceptible to magic, fire, whatever. I used several staffs/spells/daedric weapons to conjure things and I placed fire runes everywhere. I eventually tried turning to Beast form, not caring if Thonnir saw me because I hated him so much. (He was seriously that annoying, and I couldn't kill him! How frustrating.) But nothing was working! So I went out into the world again and leveled up a few times and spent most of the points on my bow and suddenly it was pretty easy to beat him. I'd say I was lvl 36 or 38 when I beat him. Long story short: level up your bow. Use the slow time feature to get as many arrows as possible and I also enchanted my bow to do fire damage and he was near dead before he even got to me. But what a hassle it was! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:20 on February 16, 2012
- I'm at lvl 13 and I have Nadia and Barros (the dog) as followers, killing him was easy as I only had to add a few more blows with a simple Silver Sword. Difficulty was even on expert. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:47 on 20 December 2011
You're level 7 so of course you would beat him fairly easy, the higher your level, the harder the enemies because they level with you. I have beaten movarth easily on any level, it is movarth's minions that is the problem as you cannot always face them all at once, best kill them one at a time by carefully drawing one out. Frenzy would make a good tactic too. 00:48, 11 June 2012 (UTC)
Sleeping Alva bug?
If you prevent any vampire contact with Alva in the cave, she'll stay asleep. You can talk to her and she'll get up, generate a standard message and immediatly get back to sleep. The only way to wake her up is to fail a pickpocket or attack her, which will give you a bounty and make her attack you untill one of you is dead. I managed to get her up by talking and then quickly sleeping in the bed roll she was in. However she won't say anything usefull even when she's up. This feels really weird and the fact she just stays in the cave must be a bug. -- 14:11, 24 November 2011 (UTC)
- That's not exactly what happened to me, but I'm not sure whether Alva was asleep or not before I entered the room. In my case, she just stood there and greeted me with "Is it hot in here or is it just me?", then wouldn't do anything but stand around and give standard greetings. I completed the quest and everything seemed fine, but I wondered where she had gone off to. So I went back into her house, and there she was in her coffin along with Hroggar. They both jumped up and attacked me, and I killed both of them -- Hroggar turned into a pile of ash and she lay dead. Kind of a cool ending really, but I'm sure it's not what was supposed to happen. Phaid 21:58, 2 December 2011 (UTC)
quest ruined
I accidentally fireballed a vampire when Thronnir was too close. He attacked me and wouldn't accept a yield. When I got back to town to collect the reward, everyone attacked and wouldn't accept yielding! My log showed a bounty of only 40, presumably for the fireball that caught Thronnir. 17:18, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
- I've had a similar problem. Since I have a sneaky charcter, I like to place runes so that when opponents charge towards me in a struggle to find out where the hell that arrow came from, they run into it, and BOOM! Killed without ever being detected. However, as I placed a fire rune on the ground Thonnir walked into it and it exploded, alerting everyone nearby. He is so useless, he was immediately put in "hurt" mode, and a message saying "40 bounty added to (Hjaalmarch was it?)", then sthraigt after, a message saying "Last witness killed. 40 bounty removed." even though he wasn't dead, then my atronach ended up attacking him, while faendal tried killimg me, AND the atronach. I think a calm spell on each of them solved the problem but i'm not sure, thanks hor the elder vampire guy performing a beautiful finish move animation, ending up with me having my head chopped off in no more than 20 seconds. I guess this could be added to bugs? -Broxigar — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:33 on 14 December 2011
- This is a bug in the NPC Thronnir, he's a buggy character (does not accept yields, cannot leave your company even if you ask him to) and while he's marked as essential he can be very irritating indeed. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:17 on 19 December 2011
- If you leave the area and wait for 72 hours he should go back to being friendly.-- 21:26, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
- This is a bug in the NPC Thronnir, he's a buggy character (does not accept yields, cannot leave your company even if you ask him to) and while he's marked as essential he can be very irritating indeed. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:17 on 19 December 2011
Posse dead at labyrinthium
I did the laid to rest quest. Was happy to see that the lynch mob waited outside the cave as that helps with sneaking and clearing out the dungeon. I come out and the dialogs have changed but there is no "it's done let's go back". So I head back to town and finish the quest. After that decide head east exploring. Run around labyrinthium only to discover the whole lynch mob except thonnir killed by an ice troll. Is this a big? How do I prevent this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:07 on 30 November 2011
- Same thing happened to me, minus the 'everyone dies' part. I rush inside the Lair without waiting for the party to gather outside and trigger to the dialog. After killing and 'clearing' the Lair, I find them still outside and talking about how scary the Lair is. However, they don't move from the spot, and Thonnir doesn't volunteer to go to the cave with me. I waited a couple of hours but they were still standing there and stationary. Has anyone encountered this and found a solution? I don't want them to wander off and die! -Momatoes 13:08, 9 December 2011 (UTC)
- Never mind -- I simply reported back to the Jarl, and the party returns to the town without incident, though the 'fleeing' at the didn't trigger. -Momatoes 13:26, 9 December 2011 (UTC)
- Same thing here I rushed in and cleared out the cave before they arrived. even using the console to 'disable' then 'enable' each of the NPCs doesn't work. They seem to be stuck in a 'quest state' — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:57 on 11 December 2011
- edit: Completing the quest by speaking to the Jarl sends them all home! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:01 on 11 December 2011
Already killed Movarth
This clashes with the Family Heirloom quest in which you are to retrieve a Steel Warhammer from Movarth's lair. I assumed that they didn't expect you to take it without violence, so I werewolfed up and ripped him apart. Now the quest actually freezes on the load screen when you attempt to enter the cave with the posse. For all the programming of Skyrim they didn't add one line of speech that says "I've already killed him." Is it something to do with my werewolf state and not being able to progress in quests? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:35 on 1 December 2011
- Really? I wolfed up and killed Movarth in Family Heirloom too, but it hasn't done that. Then again, I haven't completed Laid to Rest yet. I hope it doesn't freeze on me. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:31 on 9 December 2011
- I happened upon the cave before I took "Laid to Rest" and killed all the vampires, including Movarth. Now the game freezes on me too when I try to complete that quest. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:34 on 16 December 2011
- The same thing happens to me. I killed Movarth already while i was retrieving a staff for one of the mages at the college. I try to go into the lair and it freezes every time. Is this an xbox only problem? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:37 on 12 January 2012
- Same thing happened to me. Cleared it while just wandering around and now when I try to enter my console freezes up. (xbox) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:27 on 8 February 2012
- The same thing happens to me. I killed Movarth already while i was retrieving a staff for one of the mages at the college. I try to go into the lair and it freezes every time. Is this an xbox only problem? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:37 on 12 January 2012
- I happened upon the cave before I took "Laid to Rest" and killed all the vampires, including Movarth. Now the game freezes on me too when I try to complete that quest. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:34 on 16 December 2011
Dead Laelette?
I'm not sure if this is happened only to me, but it looks like it's scripted though. When I played "hide and seek" with Helge, I went to the grave site and I didn't fight laelette because she was dead and laying right on top of the coffin, while Thonnir and another woman was just looking at her corpse, while Thonnir becomes extremely upset. It didn't stop the quest, but is this supposed to happen? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:42 on 6 December 2011
- For me she was standing by the coffin, I had to kill her myself. Sounds like a bug, or a wild animal ventured into her aggro box? AzureSN 03:25, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
Movarth's Boots
I tied this area twice to find the boots, but no luck. Second try 100% stealth and no killing, incase they got thrown somewhere by a spell my first time. Even watched a video of where they are supposed to be, but no success. Perhaps glitched through the floor. Not sure, Not that big of a deal -- I don't need them at all, but I like to acquire those unique items. (Xbox) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:39 on 15 December 2011 (UTC)
- They are located in a lighted alcove where a female vampire nightstalker is lurking. She evidently has a shoe fetish, as there are several different kinds of footwear in a bookcase next to her bed. The Boots are on the floor just to the east of the end table with 2920, Sun's Dawn, v2 skill book on top of it. - Xyzzy 03:42, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
- Already killed Morvarth with the quest from morthal/alva but still shows as not cleared,went back killed more vampires and a different looking Morvarth and still not cleared is there another quest here,or another bug. 14/03/12 — Unsigned comment by Sumnerkagen (talk • contribs) at 14:39 on 14 March 2012
headless horseman?
when i used clairvoyance in an attempt to find where the girl was it ended up leading me to the headless horseman, whom i chased for a while thinking it had to do with the quest being that it was a ghost (though i realized that it would be ridiculous if it were related later, but it seemed like one hell of a coincidence). did this happen to anyone else? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:20 on 20 December 2011
- See here: Skyrim:Headless Horseman. --Arkhon 04:49, 22 December 2011 (UTC)
Glitchiest Quest Ever
I suppose this isn't quite essential towards the overall completion of the quest, nor did this effect the journal updates, but some extreme annoyances happened on my 360 version that lead to basically a zero amount of immersion I felt with this quest.
At Helgi's grave, I killed Laelette and shortly thereafter Thonnir appeared. I didn't speak to him, but Helgi's ghost still didn't appear when activating the coffin. On top of which, I had no dialogue choices. They appeared and then flicked away, and Helgi went on to say she was "going to sleep now."
During this, Thonnir also seemed to be repeating his appearance? He'd appear next to Laelette and continually say "She's dead! she's a vampire!" before disappearing for a second, then be seen running back to the corpse and saying the same line again. It stopped when I interacted with him.
When the group was gathered and went to the mouth of the cave, I got absolutely no warning of the others leaving. They stood around, doing nothing, and it wasn't until I noticed they weren't following me in did I speak to Thonnir. I told him to stay, because he was annoying, but he still followed me. >__>;
In the cave, Movarth was killed before the majority of the other vampires, however what happened was he'd die and then suddenly get back up and start running around and into walls. After dispatching the remain thralls, Movarth was still running around avoiding me. Even when attacked, he didn't attack back and simply stood there. Not to mention took a hell of a long time to kill this time around.
Alva didn't seem to make an appearance. She was not in her house, and I didn't see her in the cave. But she must've been there, and was somehow killed off, because I found a pile of ashes with her housekey and other items in them.
And then finally, upon going back to the mouth of the cave and seeing Helgi's ghost, I was once again not given any dialogue options. Helgi just said her mother was calling her and she was going to bed, but when I tried to interact with her, her lines cut off and she disappeared.
Is any of this normal? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:19 on 4 January 2012
- Thonnir's appearance is known to be glitched for some people. Nobody really knows why.
- The group of people are glitchy as well. For me, they never left. Thonnir is known to glitch out as a follower.
- That's a sporadic glitch encountered everywhere. For me, a bunch of hostile Imperial soldiers spawn in Solitude, completely immobile. Did you clear out the cave previously?
- Alva was just disintegrated. She was killed, someone raised her, and then that person was killed. Happens all the time when fighting necromancers.
- This is normal. I was confused at first when I encountered this, but I think it's just to tell the player that all loose ends have been tied up.
- Basically, some of it is normal and some of it is not. The first two glitches are common, the third sporadic. The last two aren't actually glitches - they're part of the game. Jak Atackka 22:32, 4 January 2012 (UTC)
- Correction of what you do: After you kill the vampire, activate the coffin imediatly before talking to the man, if you talk to him first, the coffin will not do anything. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:48 on 11 March 2012
Even bigger mess
I went to the cave with Benor as a follower and with Thonnir. There was a lot of fun, the three of us killing vampires, however now I can't talk to Thonnir and Helgi's ghost is roaming in the cave saying nothing to me :/ — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:47 on 8 February 2012
- I don't think you have to talk to Helgi, just go back to the jarl for your reward. RIM 14:14, 8 February 2012 (UTC)
Random annoyance
I wasn't really in mood for clearing caves, but I went there anyway, agreed with Thronnir that he follows me, went into cave, realized that I am really, really not in the mood for it and left. And now that idiot keeps following me everywhere, but behaves like npc, not a follower (imagine this - you're sneaking around and suddenly see that you are detected and axe-wielding figure with torch shows up behind you). Is there a way to use console to make him go back to cave and wait for me there until I decide to do the quest? 03:26, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Try changing quest stages.--Br3admax 04:01, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Unfortunately worked only for seting to stage after killing vampire, but thanks. Might be worth to note this on the page, because I expected he would act more like a follower. There even is option to tell him to "wait here" when you talk to him after you agree he will follow, but it doesn't work 19:00, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- If you are on the PC and desperate, first save the game, then open the console, click on him, type in the command
and execute it, leave the console, and reload the game at the save you just made. He should be gone. -- 02:25, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
- If you are on the PC and desperate, first save the game, then open the console, click on him, type in the command
- Unfortunately worked only for seting to stage after killing vampire, but thanks. Might be worth to note this on the page, because I expected he would act more like a follower. There even is option to tell him to "wait here" when you talk to him after you agree he will follow, but it doesn't work 19:00, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
many glitches here
This was on PC:
1. Lealette wasn't at the grave, and I couldn't talk to the coffin. it said "activate", and didn't do anything. 2. After this there was a random dragon attack in the town. I killed the dragon and Thonnir was there fighting the dragon too, then I talked to Thonnir and told about Lealette being a vampire, which I magically knew somehow. 3. I sneaked to Alvas house at day so I wouldn't have to fight. I took the book and left carefully without waking up Alva. But then when I left the room, Alva ran past me like she didn't even care I was in her house. I know this was because devs wanted to point out she went to the vampire lair, but I found it hilarious still. 4. When attacking the vampire lair, the group didn't flee. The last thing they said was "well why don't he go first". then they didn't say anything and I went and killed the vampires, which were way too difficult for me, but just when I was giving up quickloading, I found a spot on the cave where they would not see me at all if I shot them with arrows. When I exited the cave, the group of five still stood there, and nobody had anything to say about my heroic success, just "hello".
This was the buggiest quest I've played yet in any game I think. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:44 on 22 February 2012
The Missing Jarl
After experiencing the glitch with activating her grave. I went back did everything from the get go. This time I traveled with the towns people to the cave, but after talking with them none wanted to enter. I proceeded into the cave on my own, which after consuming 50-60 heath potions purged the cave of vampires and goodies. Now here's where it gets crazy, upon exiting I spoke with the girl and she thanked me for my help. Once out of the cave my quest sends me back to the Jarl to collect my reward. None of the towns people follow me back, and they proceed to deliver short one liners to me. I figured oh well maybe they have something better to do. Upon returning to town I enter the hall to find the Jarl neither on her throne or in bed. The only people there are as follows: (now keep in mind this gets worse)
•The man standing by the throne (forgive me the names elude me)
•The man in her bedroom
•The imperial officer in the map room
•The child I played tag with and his mother (both upstairs opposite each side)
Now when I thought she may be out and about I leave and come back. Sometimes switching hours of the day, each time one more person disappears. Finally after a couple of tries the man seated in her bed chambers is now back and sleeping on the imperial officers bed. I'm playing this on the 360, and being a save whore I thought I would have to do this all over again. However my dumb %@$$ forgot I cleaned my saved files list. If anyone has had this happen or may have any suggestions please let me know.
Really Confused and Frustrated,
--Dispatching101 19:37, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
- Have you completed the quest Falion's Secret? Are you on the quest Diplomatic Immunity? Have you conquered the town as a member of the Stormcloaks? Vely►Talk►Email 19:44, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
- I followed Falion out into the marsh and spoke with him, and when I returned to the Jarl I told her about it. While in the same conversation I also handed over the journal. I have not conquered the town as of yet, however I am on the Diplomatic Immunity and Delphine is waiting for me still at the stables. --Dispatching101 20:34, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks for the suggestion Vely can't wait to get home and finish this thing lol! I'll post if works --Dispatching101 20:49, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
Dragon Problems
So, I really haven't read anything about this quest, but did a search for "dragon" on this page and nothing came up, so... My "bug" has to do with the NPC Laelette the Vampire. I saw on here that she allegedly will not attack during the day. However, in a random dragon encounter, the dragon started blasting ice into the hillside; I TFC'd to see what it was, and when that (for obvious reasons) didn't work, I went to investigate. Let's just say that an invisible vampire/dragon battle was rather distressing for my lvl 11 character. The dragon was annihilating her for several--maybe six--breath attacks before I arrived, and Laelette wasn't even half damaged... I'm thinking I'll postpone Morthal for awhile. 06:11, 2 May 2012 (UTC) Storminmormon
Cave freezing
I play on the 360, and the game freezes every time I go into his lair. Whats up with that?? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 3 May 2012
No Journal found
I have killed the vampire next to helgi's grave, and alva and hollgar, sorry for any misspellings, but I have searched every nook and cranny in Alva's house and have found no journal. Can anyone help? — Unsigned comment by Metallion14 (talk • contribs) at 20:53 on 9 May 2012 (UTC)
- You dont need to kill Alva or Hroggar. The journel should be in Alva's coffin in the basement. Im not sure why it wouldnt be there. Did you speak to Thonnir after killing Laelette? — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 21:16, 9 May 2012 (UTC)
- i have not spoke to thonnir yet, I have talked to him outside of the quest, but now that i need him (after killing) the laellete vampire, I cannot find him. I have killed horrgar and alva, but can't find the journal or thonnir, can anyone help? — Unsigned comment by Metallion14 (talk • contribs) at 21:41 on 9 May 2012
- Thonnir goes to the graveyard after you kill Laelette and tells you the last one to see her was Alva. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 22:00, 9 May 2012 (UTC)
- the graveyard where helgi is buried?he hasn't appeared in night or day, is it just bugs? — Unsigned comment by Metallion14 (talk • contribs) at 22:13 on 9 May 2012
- Thonnir goes to the graveyard after you kill Laelette and tells you the last one to see her was Alva. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 22:00, 9 May 2012 (UTC)
- i have not spoke to thonnir yet, I have talked to him outside of the quest, but now that i need him (after killing) the laellete vampire, I cannot find him. I have killed horrgar and alva, but can't find the journal or thonnir, can anyone help? — Unsigned comment by Metallion14 (talk • contribs) at 21:41 on 9 May 2012
Jessica's wine
On the Jorgren and Lami's house page it mentions jessica's wine which is apparently a part of this quest. So what's the deal with that? 13:47, 5 August 2012 (UTC)
- I don't think anyone knows what it is meant for. The only indicator is that the ID for the wine includes the ID for this quest. The Silencer speaksTalk 13:57, 5 August 2012 (UTC)
- I guess they just removed a part of the quest then, thanks. RIM 14:56, 5 August 2012 (UTC)
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