Skyrim talk:Student
i have had a student come up to me and ask me to do a ward, i have done one thing so far, and that was cast a spell to get in, havn't done anything after that, should change the notes to you don't need a position to have them appear( 03:10, 7 May 2012 (UTC))
- Technically you have joined the College. Updated the params of quest begining anyway. The Silencer has spokenTalk 03:20, 7 May 2012 (UTC)
Restoration skill alone triggers student?Edit
Despite the article mentioning the College, I had a Student approach me for Ward practice in Whiterun, and I've never so much as entered Winterhold itself. However, my Restoration skill is at 75 as a result of training with Danica Pure-Spring, so perhaps Restoration skill triggers the student as well. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:48 on May 14, 2012
- The script only activates it if there's a keyword MagicWard present on the player, meaning that the player has a spell ShieldConcSelf, WardConcSelf0, WardConcself25, or WardConcSelf50, which are Shield - Lesser, Ward - Lesser, Ward - Steadfast, or Ward - Greater. Those are all ward spells or a shield spell that I can't find on the wiki. Vely►Talk►Email 16:21, 19 May 2012 (UTC)
No scrolls givenEdit
I'm not sure if it means much, but I encountered the Student while not a member of the College at all (though it's worth mentioning that my PC has a high magic skill in various schools), and after using the wards and completing the quests, I never received any scrolls as a reward. Or any reward, for that matter. Was this probably just a bug or does he not always give out the scrolls? Lord Nordeck (talk) 01:58, 10 January 2013 (GMT)
- Yeah, I am a member of the college, but I didn't get anything either. The student thanked me and walked off, but no reward. I mean, apart from generosity being its own reward... Aven Ice-Heart (talk) 20:06, 10 August 2013 (GMT)
- Same thinge here. I am a member but I didn't reseved any scrolls. I even reloded the savegame and repeated the process but i didn't get anything. 20:18, 10 October 2013 (GMT)
- I just completed this quest for the first time in playing for 2 years, I didn't get any scrolls either. This also happened right outside my lakeview house with the hearthfire add-on, so it's doesn't just happen around more populated areas either173.191.68.175 07:32, 21 January 2014 (GMT).
As soon as he attacked me while my ward was up a guard promptly killed him (for attacking me I guess). Seems odd that it should be scripted to occur in a town where this is most likely to happen. Anyway free loot but failed "quest". 11:23, 28 October 2013 (GMT)
- Did you take health damage? It could be that because he attacked you and made you lose health, the guards thought it was an assault and they killed him. DGT•C• 21:07, 28 October 2013 (GMT)
- I successfully completed the quest but as soon as I turned away, the Ivarsted guard killed him. (Either that or it was my follower but I think it was the guard). Then the guard with her steel warhammer still drawn tried to arrest me. I had high enough speech skill to Persuade her to let me off but the whole ordeal was quite strange. 13:06, 3 December 2013 (GMT)
Followers AttackEdit
After 9 years, I just got this random encounter for the first time. I was leaving the college and walking into Winterhold with Lydia in tow when he walked up to me and the encounter began. I cast my ward, he cast his spell, and Lydia cut him down in one hit. The article says NPCs may attack him in Whiterun and Riften, it looks like any friendly NPC near you will come to your defense against him, no matter where you are. BelowTheRoot (talk) 05:47, 15 July 2020 (UTC)
On exiting the Tundra home with Erik the Slayer as a follower my current level 63 arch-mage character encountered him for the first time in thousands of hours of play on other characters. I cast the ward, he cast his spell, and the quest was done. Erik left him alone. I followed and pick-pocketed an iron dagger with no problem. The only other item he carried was a low level spell tome (Frostbite). The pickpocket success contradicts the bug report. He had no staff and no atronach forge recipes on him, their absence contradicts the article. So I've inserted "may". Kalevala (talk) 00:22, 7 February 2025 (UTC)