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Stormhold:Unused Items

< Stormhold: Items

The following are all of the Unused Items that can be found within the files of Stormhold that do not appear in the largest version of the game and do not fit into the other categories.

Presumably any of these items would have been able to be given to Beneca for 1 Aid Point each.

Lockpick SetsEdit

  • Prisoner's Pins
  • Thieves Tools
  • Master Thief's Kit

Miscellaneous ItemsEdit

  • Varus' Blood
  • Varus Effigy
  • Vander's Head - Intended to be obtained after becoming Corrupted and killing Vander in a message screen:

  • "Your fingers look gnarled to you."
  • "The scales on your arms and back itch."
  • "Your ears dissolve back into your skull."
  • "Your jaw hurts as it elongates, and your teeth seem to completely fill your mouth."
  • "Walking hurts, and the camp denizens are sure looking tasty.

    Your dreams are filled with the screams of overseers and others as you follow the delicious scent of blood throughout the camp. You awake cold, curled up, with Vander's head tucked under your arm."