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Template:Online Collectible Summary/Polymorph

< Template:Online Collectible Summary


This template is intended to create a summary on Collectible pages, including an infobox, image, description, trail, and categories. It has been modified to document polymorphs.


Blank TemplateEdit

The following is a selectively filled copy of the Online Collectible Summary Template, which includes additional hidden framework like headings and the occurrences scrollbox. These can be unhidden when needed.

{{Online Collectible Summary
|acquisition=<!--[[Online:Crown Store|Crown Store]]-->
|price=<!--{{ESO Crowns|}}--><!--<br>{{ESO Crowns|}}<sup>Discounted</sup>-->
|crate=<!-- Crate-->
|tier=<!--<Legendary / Apex / Radiant Apex>-->
|date=<!--<Month Day, Year - Month Day, Year>-->
<!--The '''''' is available as (a Superior / an Epic / a Legendary / an Apex / a Radiant Apex)-level reward from [[Online: Crate|]] [[Online:Crown Crates|Crown Crates]].-->
<!--The '''''' was available in the [[Online:Crown Store|Crown Store]] for {{ESO Crowns|}} from <Month Day> to <Month Day, Year>.--

Instructions: Don't use the occurrences section with collectibles that *only* appear in Crown Crates. 

In the Appearances portion of this section, document the dates this collectible has appeared using a bulleted list. The number after the word "Appearances" should be consistent with the amount of times a collectible has been made available. In the list: first, list the item's source, then list the range of dates it appeared from, separating the source and the date using a hyphen. 

'''Appearances: 1'''
* <Item source> — <Month Day, Year - Month Day, Year>
Instructions: This section can be used to describe the Collectible's appearance in excruciating detail. This is so that such descriptions don't clutter the main paragraph.--><!--

==Physical Appearance==


Instructions: Add miscellaneous notes related to the mount here in a bulleted list. For mounts and pets, it is considered good practice to document related collectibles in the notes. For example, the Akaviri Potentate Guar is a mount with a pet counterpart in the Akaviri Potentate Guar Calf. The notes section for the pet contains a note about the mount it shares a resemblance with, and vice versa for the mount. When documenting body and head markings, list the body or head marking that corresponds with the one you're documenting in this section if it exists. The Balorgh's Trophy Head Marking would be listed in the notes for the Balorgh's Trophy Body Marking, etc.--><!--

Instructions: List any achievements associated with this collectible in this section.--><!--
There is one [[Online: Achievements|achievement]] associated with this collectible.
{{ESO Achievements List|}}
Instructions: Extra images go here. For skins and polymorphs, this includes side and back profiles of the collectible, as well as whichever gendered version of the item wasn't displayed in the infobox if applicable.--><!--

ON-crown store-.jpg|[[Online:Crown Store Renders/Polymorphs|Promotional render]]
--><!--Instructions: Add any bugs related to the collectible here using the format below.--><!--
{{Bug|Bug description}}
** Workaround
<references />-->