Template:Online Quest Header
Due to the sensitive nature of this template or the fact that it is used on a large number of pages, it has been semi-protected to prevent site-wide damage by vandal bots. Editors: In order to minimize the impact on our servers, please use sandboxes to make and test changes to widely used templates before deployment. For more information, please see this article's talk page. |
This template displays an informative table about a given Elder Scrolls Online quest and should be applied at the top of all Online quests pages. The description is made available for other templates, such as Quest Link. The appropriate Trail is also added to the top of the page. This template was derived from {{Quest Header}}.
Please note that currently, some parameters are lower-case, others are mixed-case. Any that don't follow the pattern of Xxxx will allow for all possible case combinations for backwards compatibility and ease of use. The parameters below use the "official" case used by the template. It may be desirable in future to convert these all to lower-case for consistency with most other templates.
Parameter | Scope | Description |
type | required | The type of quest, used in the trail. "main" for Main Quests; "guild" for Fighters/Mages Guild quests; "alliance" for Alliance story quests; "side" for side quests; "ava" for Alliance War quests; "storyline" for Adventure Zone and Neutral Zone story quests; "prologue" for Prologue Quests; or "misc" for Miscellaneous quests. If not defined, trail defaults to the name of the Zone. |
addtrail | optional | Used to add additional categories to the trail. Must start with / . |
image | required | A thumbnail image of some part of the quest. If this parameter is missing, a {{NeedsImage}} banner will automatically be added to the quest article. In cases where an image is truly never needed, set image to "none". |
description | required | A description of the quest. |
Zone | required* | The zone the quest takes place in, used in the trail. * Not required for Main Quest, Guild Quests, or Miscellaneous. Optional for Prologue Quests. |
Faction | required* | The Guild or Alliance this quest is associated with, used in the trail. * Not required for Main Quest, Side Quests, or Alliance War. Optional for Storyline Quests or Miscellaneous. |
TOClimit | optional | Limit the header levels displayed in the table of contents. |
Icon | unused | All required icons are currently added automatically based on other factors. An icon for the quest. The name of the image is all that is needed — do not use [[File:...]] or [[Image:...]]. |
Obj | optional | The location objective the quest is associated with, if there is one. |
Cadwell | optional | Set Cadwell=yes if this Objective is required for completion of Cadwell's Almanac.If the quest is a prerequisite to an Almanac quest, but not one itself, set Cadwell=prereq . |
ZoneQuest | optional | Set ZoneQuest=yes if this quest is a Zone Starter quest. |
Giver | optional | Whoever gives you the quest, and where to find them. |
Loc | optional | The locations you travel to in order to complete the quest. There is no need to include the location of the Giver in this list if it was already provided there. |
Prereq | optional | If a series quest, the quest that must be completed before this one. |
Prev | optional | If a series quest, the quest that comes before this one if it is not required for this one to start. |
Next | optional | If a series quest, the quest that is presented to the player after completion. |
Conc | optional | If a series quest, any quest that can be done at the same time. |
Reward | optional | Any gifts given to the player after a quest is completed. Likely rewards are Gold, Items, Skill Points, and Achievements. Each of these should be displayed in a new line for clarity. |
XP | optional | The XP gain from completing the quest. |
ID | optional | The editor identification of a quest. A quest ID can be found in the most recent Quests.zip file on esofiles.uesp.net. |
Level | deprecated | The level the quest is defined as in-game. If this parameter is in use, it should not currently be removed, as it may be useful in the future. |
ReqLevel | optional | Prerequisite level to reach before the quest is available. |
Prerequisites | optional | Other prerequisites not covered by Prereq quests or ReqLevel can be detailed here. |
Repeatable | optional | Some quests are repeatable. If so, add the repetition timescale, eg "Immediately" or "Daily". |
Group Dungeon Trial |
optional | Some quests require a group, or work better with a group. If so, add the group size, eg. Group=2–4 , Dungeon=4 or Trial=12 . Optionally add (Required) or (Recommended). |
Solo | optional | Some quests cannot be done in a group, and are solo only. If so, set Solo=Yes . |
imgdesc | optional | A description of the thumbnail image. |
nothumb | optional | Set nothumb=yes to force the image to be shown at full size rather than thumbnailed. This should only be used in exceptional cases, such as when the source image is an animated image. |
Journal | optional | The text that appears in the journal throughout the quest (for the journal entries that update, please use {{Journal Entries}}) |
bugged | optional | If this quest is currently incompletable, enter bugged=yes or bugged=Patch x.y.z , where x.y.z is the patch number in which the quest was broken. (When the quest is fixed, remove this parameter.) |
buggednote | optional | Further notes about the broken quest can be added here. |
disabled | optional | If this quest is temporarily disabled, enter disabled=yes or disabled=Patch x.y.z , where x.y.z is the patch number in which the quest was disabled. (When the quest is re-enabled, remove this parameter.) |
disablednote | optional | Further notes about the disabling of the quest can be added here. |
event | optional | If this quest is part of a timed event, enter event=yes or event=name of event . |
{{Online Quest Header |type=side |image=ON-place-Spearhead.jpg |imgdesc=A big boat at some quay somewhere |description=Investigate a disturbance at the docks. |Zone=The Rift |Faction=Aldmeri Dominion |Icon=User-Enodoc-ONqico2a.png |Obj=Mistral — Save the city from the Maormer |Giver=Raz in [[Online:Mistral|]] |Loc= [[Online:Port Hunding|Port Hunding]], [[Online:Davon's Watch|Davon's Watch]], [[Online:Elden Root|Elden Root]] |Prereq=This One |Prev=That One |Next=Something Else |Conc=Sideways |Reward=Things<br/>1 Skill Point<br/>23 Gold, {{ESO Veteran|silver=100 Gold,|gold=500 Gold}}<br/>Achievement: Yes Please |XP=234 |Level=2 |Journal=I was dead. And then I went to Tamriel. }}
Blank Template
The following is a blank copy of the Online Quest Header which includes the Template:ONQP Header, Template:Online Journal Entries and Template:Online Quest Stages Notes plus additional framework for an Elder Scrolls Online Quest Page.
{{ONQP Header |summaryWritten= |summaryChecked= |walkthroughWritten= |walkthroughChecked= |stagesWritten= |stagesChecked= }} {{Online Quest Header |type= |image= |imgdesc= |description= |Zone= |Faction= |Icon= |Obj= |Giver= |Loc= |Prereq= |Prev= |Next= |Conc= |Reward= |XP= |ID= |Journal= }} ==Quick Walkthrough== #<!--Use numbered bullet points for a quick walkthrough.--> #<!--Try to avoid spoilers in this section--> ==Detailed Walkthrough== <!--In this section, you can go into more detail and use spoilers--> <!-- ==Notes== --> <!-- ==Bugs== <!--Instructions: Add any bugs using the following format: {{Bug|Bug description}} ** Workaround --> ==Quest Stages== {{Online Journal Entries ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} ||{{Online Quest Objective||}} }} {{Online Quest Stages Notes}} {{Stub|Quest}}