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Tribunal:Dark Brotherhood Armor

< Tribunal: Items: Armor(Redirected from Tribunal:Dark Brotherhood Boots)

Dark Brotherhood Armor is a light armor, dark in appearance, and about 60% as strong as glass armor. It is only worn by Dark Brotherhood Assassins, part of the Tribunal Main Quest. There are no loose samples, and the set lacks a shield. Early in the game, the armor retrieved from repeated attacks by Dark Brotherhood assassins can provide some easy and steady income if you are able to easily take them down. However, this becomes harder to do as you gain levels because eventually the assassins will get better weapons and start appearing in groups.


Dark Brotherhood armor, male
Dark Brotherhood armor, female
Name ID         Enchant
  Dark Brotherhood Helm DarkBrotherhood Helm 1.0 300 200 30 17.5
  Dark Brotherhood Cuirass DarkBrotherhood Cuirass 6.0 300 1,000 30 10
  Dark Brotherhood Left Pauldron
Dark Brotherhood Right Pauldron
DarkBrotherhood pauldron_L
DarkBrotherhood pauldron_R
1.0 250 500 30 1.2
  Dark Brotherhood Greaves DarkBrotherhood greaves 3.0 250 100 30 5
  Dark Brotherhood Boots DarkBrotherhood Boots
2.0 200 500 30 3
  Dark Brotherhood Left Gauntlet
Dark Brotherhood Right Gauntlet
DarkBrotherhood gauntlet_L
DarkBrotherhood gauntlet_R
1.0 100 200 30 10
Totals 16.0 1,750 3,200 30 57.9