Elder Scrolls Online Prepares for Another Round of Beta — February 4, 2014
Following the recent announcements about the pre-order and special edition bonuses, a new beta session has been announced. As always, the beta is restricted to the confines of the NDA that all participants have agreed to follow. Any information from within the beta cannot be shared outside of it, which means that any player of the beta should not share their discoveries on a site such as ours.
If you did not get a beta invite, be sure to check your spam folder, as well as the promotions tab for users of Gmail. If you still did not get one, all hope is not lost for those who want to get in. Curse has been given 500,000 beta keys that they will be giving away to premium members of their site, with the rest of the keys being given away to regular members after their paid subscribers have gotten the first chance at them.