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Shedding Some Twilight on the Matter

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Show Notes




Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you've been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
      • ESO
        • Finished up Stormhaven zone
        • Almost done Rivenspire
        • I spent all my gold on a windmill
        • I am putting a call out to the community
      • Mostly spent the week prepping for potential lockdown
  • AKB
    •  :|
  • baratron
    • Mostly spent the week with A coronavirus (but not THE coronavirus).
    • ESO
      • Done a very large number of Master Writs to use up all of the Enlightenment I acquired while travelling.
      • Ran Veteran Icereach and Normal Unhallowed Grave. DID NOT COPE with the Grappling Hook mechanics in Unhallowed Grave!
        • I felt like Unhallowed Grave had a much stronger story than Icereach, even though Icereach is the dungeon with Lyris in. This was probably because Unhallowed Grave has two NPCs who follow you throughout the dungeon and react to events, whereas Icereach has Lyris popping in and out.
      • The UESP Guild (PC-NA) got their first ever official clear of Veteran Cloudrest on Saturday.
  • Lost
    • Played Pinball on stream. Went from Blade in the Dark all the way to the final battle. I don't have enough potions to beat Alduin… Time to grind!
    • Beat the Alik'r Desert story. Only Bangkorai remains for DC!
    • Correction to prior episode: for miniatures, Hard Plastic is more durable but less detailed. Resin is high detail, but fragile. Echo on Discord joked, "Resin is awesome if you like never being able to play with your minis”
  • Kiz
    • Continued our weekly streams with AKB
      • This also means i've actually played a few more hours of ESO… i'm level 12 maybe?
    • Played some Oblivion doing some fault finding, and booted the CS for the first time on this PC.
    • Continued with my wiki DB/SR project



  • Shoutout to
    • skyrimfantasy
    • SnippetsRUs
    • KattyJaxx
    • MystShadow88
    • Runhent
    • Kali Forrest
    • Kev G
    • Tucker Davis
    • Shoop-floop Cube
    • Sedave
    • Andy Bouchard
    • Rae Solaris


  • Zenimax Online Studios has moved to working remotely.
    • Be patient with them as things might take awhile to get back to normal.
  • New incremental patch on PC/Mac today fixes recent input delays and desyncs when casting abilities and several crash issues. It also fixes an issue where breaking free could become delayed. Repeatedly activating and dropping Block will no longer kick you from the server.
    • The Nightblade Assassination Ultimate, Incapacitating Strike, has changed. This Ultimate no longer silences the target, but instead stuns them for 3 seconds if cast with 120 or more Ultimate. This change was primarily done to fix an issue where the unique silence applied from this ability conflicted with some recent hardcoded block behaviors.
  • PTS has a huge patch today - over 30 GB. If you are on a limited amount of data, don't bother getting it because the PTS is locked to the public for the next couple of weeks.
  • Harrowstorm is out on Consoles now.
    • Make sure to get your Crimson Torchbug Console Peeps!
  • Crown Store
    • Ice Atronach Crown Crates are going away in a couple of days. Use your Crown Gems to buy any items that you might have wanted. (I recommend Books, Towering Pile for UESP members.) There are some good emotes for 16 Crown Gems.
    • The limited-time Mudcrab of Eternal Doom is amazing - has a red summoning circle when it appears. Only 500 Crowns! Will leave the store at 10am EDT / 2pm GMT on Monday 23rd March.
    • The Drunk Personality is available until March 19th at 10am EDT / 2pm GMT for 1200 Crowns, or 900 Crowns for ESO Plus Members.
    • The Shield of Senchal Crown Crafting Motif will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms starting on March 18 at 2pm GMT. Players can also earn chapters of this Motif in-game by completing daily quests for Bruccius Baenius and Guybert Flaubert in Senchal's Merchants Square in Southern Elsweyr.
    • The Elder Scrolls Artifact: Chrysamere Outfit style will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from March 19 to March 23 at 2pm GMT. It's the first Daedric Artifact style to repeat, and will probably be 1200 Crowns. ESO Plus Members will receive a discount on this item. Alter your two-handed sword's Outfit style with a replica of the Chrysamere Elder Scrolls Artifact, also known as the Sword of Heroes and the Paladin's Blade.


  • A Pauper gauntlet, alternate art for Mudcrab Anklesnapper


  • *crickets*


  • Unofficial Battlespire Patch - SuperBobKing (a dark wizard of some variety), created a patch that allows us to play the lost CTF2 map! Available on UESP in Battlespire's File Area
  • Special scenario released in Miniature Wargames magazine, Digital Store
    • If you get the physical version, you also get a physical, alternate art version of Dragonborn Triumphant with fancy metallic ink! (It has the same stats as the Dragonborn in the standard rules). Two other unit cards come in the magazine, so you get the stats with the digital version as well
  • Imperial Library had an interview with Modiphius: TIL Interview

Topic: Vampires?Edit

  • What are they?
    • Somewhat undead, immortal
    • Drink blood with fangs
    • You know the drill
    • Tend to become more and more monstrous as time goes on without feeding, physically identifiable the less they eat
    • Different strains throughout the land
    • Many are weakened or harmed by sunlight
    • Can infect other people to also make them vampires
    • Usually stronger and faster than normal
  • Where did they come from?
    • Mostly credited to the action of Molag Bal
    • Several accounts, the prime being Lamae Bal
      • Called the first vampire
      • Lamae Beolfag was a Nede, a priestess of Arkay
      • Molag Bal violated her brutally
      • A tribe of nomads tended to her, but she did not survive
      • They set her in a funeral pyre, but she rose from death and savaged the entire tribe.
      • Now deemed the blood-matron, several lines have come from her, including the Lyrezi, Selenu, and Vraseth. Each was among the tribal Nedes at the cremation (seen in Daggerfall)
    • Harkon and his family are another line
      • Was a powerful king, but wanted to conquer death
      • Sacrificed 1000 innocent lives so Bal would give him, his wife and daughter immortality
      • After the consummation of this, they became Vampire Lords.
      • Their line, the Volkihar clan, would offer females to Molag Bal on his summoning day. Those that survived would also gain pure-blooded vampirism, called Daughters of Coldharbour


    • Vampires are infected with the disease Vampirism. (Gosh!)
    • Acquired from a vampire or vampire ancient. The chance of catching the disease is very low (1.22% chance per hit), and it's possible to acquire a normal disease instead of vampirism, so getting the disease may take some time and patience.
    • Takes 3 days for the disease to become actual vampirism.
    • After becoming a vampire you are actually dead and awaken in a tomb! (How emo!)
    • Since you have technically "died" in the process of becoming a vampire, your legal reputation is reset, and all of your guild memberships are revoked.
      • This is a problem for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood which operate by invitation, since you won't be able to rejoin them.
    • There are nine different vampire bloodlines of the Iliac Bay and you will automatically join the bloodline of the area you were infected in. Each bloodline has a unique ability, including the Anthotis who get +20 to Intelligence, the Khulari who get a Paralysis spell, and the rest.
      • Anthotis, Garlythi, Haarvenu, Khulari, Lyrezi, Montalion, Selenu, Thrafey, Vraseth
      • All sorts of politics and territory issues!
      • Remember that Daggerfall has a huge number of factions with interfaction alliances and rivalries!
      • An entire bloodline is cured if the ‘bloodfather' vampire is killed. It seems more than one bloodfather can exist per bloodline
    • All vampires get:
      • +20 to every attribute except Intelligence.
      • +30 to Climbing, Critical Strike, Hand-to-Hand, Jumping, Running, and Stealth.
      • Levitation, Calm Humanoid, and Charm Mortal spells.
      • Immunities to paralysis, disease, and weapons made from iron and steel.
      • You will take continuous damage from holy places and sunlight, and you will have to feed on blood. Killing any living creature will count as feeding. If you fail to feed every day, you will be unable to rest and so unable to regenerate resources.
    • If there are any prominent NPC vampires then the wiki hasn't told me about them.


    • Vampires are infected with the disease Porphyric Hemophilia.
    • You can only become a vampire by catching the disease from a vampire. There is no actual bite and that only melee combat counts (their spells can't transmit the disease). With each hit, you have a small chance of being infected.
      • According to the wiki, a good way to catch Porphyric Hemophilia is to repeatedly search the body of a slain vampire!
      • Takes 3 game days for the disease to become vampirism, after which sleeping will trigger the change.
    • There are three bloodlines of vampires that you can be: the Shadows of the Berne, the Mages of the Aundae, or the Warriors of the Quarra. You receive your bloodline from the siring vampire that infected you, yet that does not make you a member of a clan automatically. Though most vampires belong to one of the three bloodlines, there are five vampires that operate independently of the clans, and there are clan-less, generic vampires of no bloodline.
      • You get 10 special quests, 8 which are available to all vampires, and 2 specific to your vampire clan.
    • All vampires get:
      • +20 to Strength, Willpower, and Speed.
      • +30 to Sneak, Athletics, Acrobatics, Hand-to-hand, Unarmored, Mysticism, Illusion, and Destruction.
      • Immune to Paralysis and Common Disease.
      • +50% Resistance to normal weapons.
      • Vampire Touch spell, which Absorbs Health 10-30 points on touch. It will always have a 100% success rate.
      • Additional bonus based on the clan you've joined. (GOOD GRIEF!)
      • You do not regenerate health when you sleep, and must use a spell, potion or enchantment.
      • Weakness to Fire - 50% more damage from spells and enchanted weapons.
      • Sun Damage - you'll take up to 5 points of Sun Damage for every second that you are outside during daylight hours (6 am until 8 pm).
    • As a vampire, most people will refuse to talk to you! Aside from the Mages Guild and House Telvanni, everyone will either shun you or try to kill you.
      • It is also impossible to get any quests apart from the Vampire, Mages Guild, House Telvanni, and some Daedric quests, as no one will talk to you to give you the quest.The Main Quest is also inaccessible (unless you choose the Back Path, which removes a lot of the story)!
      • If you commit a crime, the guards that come to arrest you will simply attack (as though you had a death warrant).
    • Frankly, I don't know why anyone would ever want to be a vampire in Morrowind!
    • Someone else will have to come up with a list of famous NPC vampires.


    • Vampires are infected with the disease Porphyric Hemophilia.
    • There are three ways to become a vampire:
      • Complete all the Dark Brotherhood contracts from Vicente Valtieri, and he will offer you the gift of vampirism.
      • Eat the Beating Heart from the Mehrunes' Razor addon.
      • Contract Porphyric Hemophilia from a melee attack from a vampire during combat.
      • Takes 3 game days for the disease to become vampirism, after which sleeping will trigger the change.
    • Unlike previous Elder Scrolls games, you can pass as a living mortal and will not be attacked on sight for being a vampire.
    • All player vampires acquire 100% disease resistance and 100% resistance to paralysis. Other effects depend on your level of vampirism i.e. how long since you last fed.
    • Player vampires get an increase to their Attributes and to Resist Normal Weapons, but also gain a Weakness to Fire and take Sunlight Damage during the hours of 6 am to 8 pm.
    • There are only two quests relating to a player's vampirism, one in which you become a vampire and another in which you obtain the cure. There are no vampire clans that you can join.
    • The Order of the Virtuous Blood quest in the Imperial City can be done as a vampire or not.
    • Prominent NPC vampires include senior Dark Brotherhood member Vicente Valtieri and the Count of Skingrad, Count Janus Hassildor. The Grand Champion of the Arena, Agronak gro-Malog or The Gray Prince, turns out to be half-Orc and half-Vampire.
    • The Vile Lair addon gives you a house, Deepscorn Hollow, which caters to vampire characters, and also gives you an easier way to cure your vampirism than doing the quest.


    • Vampires are infected with the disease Sanguinare Vampiris.
    • Sanguinare Vampiris is contracted from encounters with vampires:
      • Whenever a vampire casts Vampiric Drain on you, there is a 10% chance for you to be infected with the disease.
      • It also takes 3 game days to become vampirism.
    • There are 4 different stages of Vampirism
    • Stage 4 vampires will be attacked on sight.
    • All player vampires get 100% disease resistance and 100% poison resistance. They also get 25% increase to Illusion spells and are 25% harder to detect while Sneaking.
    • Other effects depend on your level of vampirism: you have an increasing Resistance to Frost and Weakness to Sunlight, and a decreasing Resistance to Fire. You take sunlight damage between the hours of 5 am and 7 pm regardless of the visibility of the sun.
    • Prominent NPC vampires include Babette of the Dark Brotherhood, who is 300 years old but still looks like a child; Movarth Piquine, the subject of the book Immortal Blood, who is trying to take over Morthal, and Sybille Stentor, High Queen Elisif's court wizard in Solitude.


    • The Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim adds a Vampire clan, the Volkihar, and a vampire hunter clan, the Dawnguard.
    • If Dawnguard is installed, you can gain vampirism by letting Lord Harkon or Serana infect you. This will give you Volkihar vampire lord powers.
    • While in Vampire Lord form your health, magicka, and stamina increase by 100 points each and magicka regenerates 2% faster, but you might get stuck in doorways because of your wings, which is NOT COOL.
    • You will be attacked on sight if NPCs see you in Vampire Lord form, but it won't increase your bounty because they won't recognise you.
  • Elder Scrolls Online
    • Vampires are infected with the disease Noxiphilic Sanguivoria.
    • Three ways to catch it:
      • Bite from another player at a ritual site.
      • Bite from a bloodfiend NPC during new moon.
      • From the Crown Store for 1500 Crowns but DON'T DO THAT, you should be able to find a bite within your guilds for free.
      • In order to become a vampire after receiving the bite, you must complete the quest Scion of the Blood Matron. You have up to 7 days real time to complete this quest.
    • Increasing your Vampire stage decreases your Health Recovery, increases your Damage from Fire and increases your Ability Cost. There is no sun damage for this disease, however.
    • With Stage 2 or higher, your Magicka and Stamina Recovery increase. With Stage 3 or higher, your damage taken decreases. With Stage 4, you can sneak at running speed.
      • This is all going to change with the Greymoor Chapter, but we don't know how yet!
    • You can reduce your Vampirism stage with the drink Double Bloody Mara drink, or jump to stage 4 Vampirism with the drink Disastrously Bloody Mara. Adjusting your vampire stage is important in certain Dungeons and Trials with a lot of Fire damage (e.g. City of Ash II), or for PvP.
    • Prominent NPC vampires include Count Verandis Ravenwatch and his clan; Baron Wylon Montclair and his whole creepy family; several of the bosses of Spindleclutch II. Mel Adrys is a vampire hunter who you meet in Greenshade and the Gold Coast (and probably again in Greymoor).

Other gamesEdit

    • Legends has some Vampire cards, which include the Aundae Clan, Berne Clan, and Quarra Clan.
      • There are also Little Girl (Babette), Brotherhood Vampire (Vicente Valtieri) & Champion of the Arena (Agronak gro-Malog).
    • If the wiki is up-to-date, then Blades does not include any vampires either as enemy NPCs or as a playable faction.

Other factionsEdit

    • Whet-Fang in Black Marsh, capture and comatize victims
    • Hollowfang Clan, Khajiit who tried to absorb the blood of a dragon
    • Tenarr Zalviit (Night Stalkers in Ta'agra), a trusted clan that guarded and tended the burial crypts. Population bloomed during Khahaten Flu, and pacifist and people-eater factions arose
    • Several vampire types mentioned among the Bosmer: Bonsamu who can only be identified by candlelight, Keerilth which can turn into mist, Yekef who can swallow men whole, and Telboth who consume children, take their place, then kill the rest of the family

TLDR: Vampires not Excellently BRILLIANT!