These are the comments for the question:
5. How do you feel about the advertising layout and content displayed on the UESP?
Some comments may have been removed or edited from containing personal information or questionable content.
- >2012 >Implying I've seen banner ads in the last five years.
- A bit much animations, but better than layerads
- A few less ads would be great! But then ever site has them!
- A little less ads would be nice but for a completely free resource it's expected.
- Accessible but not distracting users from veiwing content
- Acts up sometimes with certain browsers
- ad blocker is OP
- ad blocker on google chrome ( just dont like looking at them all the time nothing personal)
- Ad placement is great, doesn't really bother me at all
- Ad's don't get in the way of content. content flows easily.
- Adblock
- adBlock plus for firefox lets advertisment through that is not disturbing the user experience, maybe you could find some of those to make more money.
- AdBlock+, I didn't know there were any advertisements.
- Adblocker
- ADBLOCKER UBERMENSCH! (No, I'm not a Nazi)
- Adds are adds, there a needed evil. (Keep it free guys!)
- Adds are noticable but not pushy
- Adds pay the bills that being said all adds are nicely placed away from content so they're not annoying.
- ads annoying and irritating
- Ads anywhere are a nuisance.
- ads are a must have, I know, but at least they're outta the way :D
- ads are ads
- Ads are Ads
- Ads are ads, but none of UESP's ads bother me so I'm fine with them...
- Ads are always in the way
- Ads are bad.
- Ads are completely unobtrusive.
- Ads are everywhere. The only type that really bother me are ads that take over a site as soon as you load it, and you have to search for the x to close it.
- Ads are fine, if they aren't going to get bigger than this.
- Ads are fine, they're not intrusive and no pop-ups, so they don't make the site annoying to use or anything.
- Ads are flashy... Calm ones or "Premium Account" for ad-elimination are welcome!
- Ads are generally relevent to the type of site that the UESP is, they aren't offensive etc. and they are quite unobtrusive.
- Ads are in fairly hidden places, so it isn't an eysore.
- ads are just chilling at the bottom. no problems.
- Ads are minimal as they should be
- Ads are need to help run the site.
- Ads are non intrusive and are well placed
- Ads are non-intrusive or noisy. The ads catch my eye and interest; every site should follow this archetype.
- Ads are not always right in my face or being very bulky, they are very nicely placed!
- Ads are not blocked, but they don't affect me and I don't mind them because they don't affect my reading.
- Ads are not in the way at all!
- ads are noticable, but dont dominate the page
- Ads are of course always not the best parts of websites, but you need to earn money with it and if ads can keep up this wiki, display them as much as needed!
- ads are ok
- ads are ok and the overall website is good
- Ads are out of the way so i dont have to look at them
- Ads are quite small and rarely, if ever, block the content that I plan on viewing
- Ads are turned off on my computer, but I would comply with a requirement to remove the block, should it be implemented.
- Ads are unobtrusive, but they are noticeable enough that they can catch the eye. Just right.
- Ads are visible without obscuring the page.
- Ads aren't distracting or bothersome; content could be more customizable display-wise, but otherwise it's great.
- Ads aren't in the way
- Ads aren't obtrusive like other sites can be. They don't slow down the site and aren't overwhelming.
- Ads aren't overly intrusive, and the site has a layout I (and probably most people) recognize and feel comfortable with.
- Ads arent blocked, but i dont pay attention to them, habit of using the internet alot i suppose.
- Ads do not get in the way.
- ads do not get right in the face
- Ads do not interfere with browsing.
- Ads don't annoy me while I am using this website
- Ads don't bother me or pop-up, so I don't have problems with ads.
- Ads don't get in the way, not cluttered.
- Ads get in way of clicking
- Ads gotta be ads. It can be a bit annoying when one scrolls off the top of the screen and blocks some links.
- Ads hardly disturb me at all on UESP.
- ads have never been a nuisance on this site
- ads i would be interested in
- Ads never get in the way.
- Ads on this site are generally pretty nonintrusive so I don't care
- Ads ruin the immersion when navigating the site, remind me of shoddy ad sites...
- Ads? Never knew therereally was any ha.
- Ads? No problem, you got to make money somehow.
- Advertisements are clearly there, but do not take up space on the page or draw attention away from articles.
- Advertisements are necessary to keep a page going. They don't get in the way at all.
- Advertisements are not in the way
- Advertisements are of course necessary. Putting them at the bottom instead of on the side means narrow windowed browsers still work properly. Much better design here than other Wikias.
- Advertising is always annoying but it is placed in a not-too inconvinient place.
- Advertising is much less obstructive here than all wikia based wikis.
- Advertising is necessary. I don't feel bombarded in any way.
- Advertising is visible, but does not disrupt the flow of the articles, which is awesome.
- advertising should make this site runs and living, so put whatever you want
- Advertising: It isn't too large, and the advertisement don't (as far as I know) cover the screen even temporaily like (for exmaple) the Fallout wiki does. As well, it does not play background noise flor adds. The fact it does not do this is great compared to other niche wikis.
- Advertising? Didn't even notice.
- advertising? where?
- Advertisments aren't annoying, or in flamboyant fashion or spots.
- Adverts are usually discreet and never obtrusive
- Adverts aren't obtrusive.
- Adverts do not get in your face.
- Adverts never seem to get in the way
- Adverts that usually appeal to me.
- Again, the floating ad sits in the middle of information. I have no problem with floating ads, but put them at the bottom or top.
- All good. I didn't even realize this had advertisements.
- All of the improvments are top shelf. I love the expanded articles.
- Almost all pros got ads blocking tools.
- Almost unnoticeable
- Although anons may not like it.
- although I block ads in general, I wouldn't mind if I turn it off to contribute to a site like yours.
- Although I don't like adverts, they never get in the way here.
- always up to date!
- Any adverts are of reasonable size on the screen and do not impede the experience of using the site.
- As always, the best advertising is no advertising, but you have to support the site somehow. As it is, advertisements are unobtrusive as to be unnoticeable (and my display is 1920x1080.)
- As far as adds go, the placement is nice with minimal annoyance.
- As long as advertising keeps this site online, it's k.
- As long as it's not intrusive, I'm OK.
- As long as the ads are inoffensive and they help pay for the site, I'm interested tosee what they are selling
- As long as the ads remain static and non-obtrusive, uesp will continue to grow. Any more ads begin to detract from the site experience.
- As long as they keep the wiki exchequer in the positive, I'm fine with them.
- As long as they will never start talking it can only be a good thing.
- As previously mentioned, I don't take much notice of it compared to other sites. Might be a bad thing for advertisers but in my book it's a plus not to be annoyed by them.
- At least they don't get in the way
- Awesome
- Barely notice it
- Barely notice them
- Barely noticeable, but occasionally annoying after accidentally clicking it
- bearly notice ads :D
- been a few times when an advert popped up and felt like turning off the page.
- bit old, like ads for dragon age, long time ago. but a good reminder of the past.
- But if i see them they dont mind me
- but not on the bottom
- Can't complain.
- Can't say I've noticed.
- Comments (optional)
- Considering ads are generally unavoidable I don't tend to find them instrusive.
- Considering it's a free site, the adverts are small and have really no effect on viewing the content.
- Could care less about ads really.
- Could have more updates on the Featured stuff and the Did you know's but overall it's good
- didn't know there were ads, will unblock them.
- Didn't notice there were ads at all before this question tbh
- Didn't realise there were ads, will disable adblock from now on!
- Didnt notice
- Disabled AdBlock specifically for this question, and I think that the ad layout is quite good. I don't think I need AdBlock active on UESP, since they hardly hinder me.
- Do not like ads. They slow down the page.
- Do not really notice the adverts, which is good.
- Does not hinder reading
- Doesn't affect the overall impression, just slightly disturbing at some times.
- Doesn't bother me, ad's are everywhere, Ignore them.
- Doesn't distract... Which is great.
- Doesn't interfere
- Doesn't interfere with my reading at all.
- Doesn't really bother me. I just ignore it. Search for what im looking for and "x" it the page.
- Don't care about that. Ads bring money to the wiki and that's good for the site.
- Don't change anything.
- Don't even notice them. If they're even there...
- Don't like the Ads
- Don't like the new ads w/ audio
- Don't mind as long as advertising doesn't dominate
- Don't notice the ads any more.
- Don't really care about the ads or what they offer me, as long as they keep you guys running.
- Don't really care.
- Don't really click on ads ever as a rule, and they're out of my view as I generally look at the featured article or the latest news rather than right at the top. It works great with all the information in the middle.
- Don't really notice it. Maybe that means I should've picked "Strongly like"...
- Don't really pay attention to them
- Don't really pay attention.
- dont even notice them, which is great
- dont like ads but here I supppose they are a neccasary evil, and not over shown
- dont really notice it
- dosent hinder my enjoyment
- Easy to access and read, straight forward and very informative
- Even before ad blocker, ads were never an issue for me
- Even before I used the ad block, I never noticed ads.
- Even when my adblock is off, I didn't notice the ads at all.
- Fairly often inappropriate ads come up, but it's not like they're that obtrusive.
- Far superior to the intrusive pop-up and cluttered background styles of wikia-style sites for similar game guide content
- Fine by me. I'm not a fan of auto-playing video adverts, however. Scares the hell outta me when somebody just starts talkin'.
- Firefox Adblocker, use to use Internet Explorer. Ad layout was ok, though they make loading a page slow...
- Flawless
- Generally the ads are non-intrusive and nicely out of the way, the odd exception excluded
- Good advertising content. I understand that the website needs to generate revenue and i respect that
- Good enough, is not too aggressive
- good not right in the way or anything.
- Good, but ads can be distracting at times.
- hardly notice them.
- Has never been a problem.
- Hate ads like most folks, but understand the need and find them no more annoying here than any other site.
- Have experienced odd overlapping adds over wiki front page.
- Haven't noticed it at all, actually. Take that as you will.
- Haven't really noticed
- helps keeps site up
- Honestly didn't know the site -had- ads.
- Honestly haven't really noticed ads
- Honestly, I hadn't even noticed there were adds on the site until just now.
- Honestly, I have never noticed the ads. Unobtrusive, so I like it.
- Honestly, I use AdBlock, so I can't answer this question. But before I got AdBlock I had no problem with the ads on this site.
- I actually feel bad now for using adblock on such an awesome site. Will disable it in the future :)
- I actually never saw them, becaause I have Adblock installed in my Browser, so I can't really comment on this.
- I almost never notice any adds. No intrusion is a fantastic feature
- I am indifferent because I just don't like to look at the ads. In terms of display they are displayed well.
- I am indifferent to the ads on this site because I do not pay them much attention. If I do see an ad that I like I will click on it but I do not block them because I hope they make this site self supporting.
- I am never fond of ads but they arent invasive at all
- I am not a big fan of adverts, but if it makes it possible for the site to exist, it is really a small prize to pay.
- I am not a fan of advertisements and commercialism at all as it just gets in the way. However, I do not oppose the layout and content on the UESP.
- I am not pro-advertisement, but I never feel bombarded when using the website.
- I am rarely bothered by the ads. The only ones that bother me are the ones that occasionally flash.
- I am using AdBlock plugin for Firefox to block advertising, but I am willing to disable AdBlock for UESP if it would help the cause
- I am usually VERY into the Elder Scroll game I am playing, so I don't pay much attention to the ads. I have mentioned some of the games advertised to friends who might be interested.
- I appreciate how ads are located at the very bottom of the page; I hate it when Wikis throw ads in face when I am trying to read. Great job on this aspect.
- I barely even notice any!
- i barely notice at all, but if i see something interesting it catches my eye.
- I barely notice it!
- I barely notice them
- I believe it takes a large part of the screen, and is intrusive. It should be a text-ad or something similar and non-intrusive.
- I block ads
- I block ads so I can't tell. XD
- I block all my ads to be able to quickly surf the web, although i realize this is egoistical.
- I can actually see the articles!
- I can see the ads but they arent annoying or covering up anything im looking at
- I can't say I really notice many, if any ads...
- I can't say I've ever noticed the advertisements. This may not be a good thing for you guys, but as a user I appreciate it.
- I come for Elder Scrolls, not for advertising
- I consider indifferent to be a good thing because it means that it isn't intrusive.
- I didn't know there were ads now. I'll unblock the site.
- I didn't really know there were ads..
- I disable JavaScript everywhere and use RequestPolicy to automatically block loading third-party site content. Sorry.
- I dislike ads but I understand why they have to be there. I don't mind putting up with them if it helps you guys out.
- I dislike advertising in general, but someones gotta pay the bills, this is a great service you guys provide for free, and I LOVE the google-esque map for cyrodil (havn't checked for a skyrim map yet) can't wait until there's a downloadable version
- I dislike any ads, though at least you keep them as unobtrusive as possible (and I appreciate you have to pay for the site, so need them). Only time it really annoyed was when you had audio ads, thankfully they don't seem to appear any more.
- I do have AdBlock however I have the UESP whitelisted.
- I do not block the ads as I understand the necessity for the ads. Having said that, can we please avoid the imvu ads? They're uglier than Hagravens...
- I do not like the advertising layout, because ads are shown both above AND below the article content. You should go for one of them only, either above OR below.
- I do not see any ads on the UESP, and I like that a lot. Perhaps you should too. :P
- I do notice them but they are not invasive
- I don't bother a second on it and sometimes is helpfull
- I don't care either way, I hardly even notice the ads.
- I don't feel like ads are pushed in my face, and I've always found it to have a nice familiar feel.
- I don't have much of an opinion of it, but I don't feel it is bothering my experience on the site.
- I don't like adds...but they don't get in my way on UESP
- I don't like ads but at least uesp is thoughtful about the amount
- I don't like ads in general, but i guess the site have to have some sort of way to make money.
- I don't like ads usually but....there's ads?! Seriously I have never noticed them :/
- I don't like ads, but at least they're far enough away
- I don't like ads, but if you've got to have them then put them somewhere they don't interfere.
- I don't like ads, but since this is a free website, I realize the need for them.
- i don't like ads, but they layout of a page makes it less annoying.
- I don't like ads, but they're not obnoxious.
- I don't like ads, I don't think anyone does, but on this site they are unintrusive and I don't have them in my face constantly
- I don't like ads, so I have an adblocker.
- I don't like advertisements, like most other people. But they aren't in the way or obnoxious, so I can't complain.
- I don't like the ads but they don't bother me.
- I don't like them, but I know why they're there.
- I don't like when I have random audio blasting from ads, but I know it's needed to keep the site running.
- I don't love the advertising, but who does? I know you have to do it, and I think that the page set up is good. I hope that it continues to be a way for the site to generate money.
- I don't mind ads on webpages and understand the need for them, but the scantily clad anime ads are annoying so I use an adblock addon for my browser.
- I don't mind ads. I usually don't even notice them.
- i don't mind it
- I don't mind the adds.
- I don't mind the ads really, I just ignore them it's not what I'm here for
- I don't mind them, however I would suggest only using ads if donations aren't enough.
- I don't mind.
- I don't normally see to many of the adds, but the ones I do see are usually tasteful and unobtrusive. They also don't pose a security risk as far as I can tell, which is always a pleasant surprise.
- I don't notice any.
- i don't notice it honestly so I would say that is very good considering I find all internet ads to be an annoyance
- I don't notice them often, so it's a good thing.
- I don't notice them which is great.
- I don't pay attention to the ads.
- I don't pay attention to them.
- I don't pay much attention, but as far as I experienced: At least they are about gaming, not fashion, cigarettes or election campaigns.
- I don't quite like advertisiments, through I understand their importance to the mantainance of the site.
- I don't really care about the ads, so long as they stay in the same format they are
- I don't really care that you have ads, although they are usually about video games. And I'm a nerd. So yay.
- I don't really don't notice advertisements, which I suppose could be good or bad, depending on who you ask.
- I don't really find the advertising annoying in any way
- I don't really like ads
- I don't really mind advertisments because i just ignore them and there isn't that many anyway so thats good.
- I don't really notice except when ads pop up over the text.
- I don't really notice them honestly
- I don't really pay a attention to the ads...
- I don't really pay attention to the ads
- i don't really pay attention to them
- I don't see ads.
- I don't see the ads
- I don't usually like ads in that they most often have very little to do with a specific web site, however most of the ones if not all on this site are small and uninterrupting and often related like web RPG's and well a few from Google but nobody turns down Google money.
- I dont even really notice the ads here. The ads dont get in my way and there is no annoyin pop ups.
- i dont particually like ads, but thats what an ad blockers for and you guys have got to be supported some where to thumbs up for ads.
- I dont really care about the ads, as they dont interfere with the information I'm looking for.
- I dont really care.
- I dont really like them but I understand you guys need revenue to keep a great site like this going
- I dont really notice any ads, though I guess I dont really pay attention...
- I dont really notice them
- I dont really pay mind to ads, however I will note that in comparison to many wikis, ads here are unobtrusive and subtle
- I enjoy that the ads are to the side of the main content.
- I feel like you've got a good balance at the moment but I don't think I'd mind if you experimented with different ad design if it meant you could more comfortably provide your services :)
- I find the ads non-intrusive. That's good.
- I find them to be slightly intrusive
- I gave no opinions about them
- I generally use an adblocker addon, but on the occasion it's disabled, or am using another browser, I would select "Like".
- I get no ads to page as much, but could you try to keep it in decend like you have allways did? Also, becarefull about some odd adds when you add them to page's (like porn add's or rubbish)
- I guess ads are blocked I haven't seen any
- I guess it's good, because I never really noticed them.
- I guess you guys got to make some cash as well for the hard work youve put. I dont mind them at all.
- I had no idea there are any advertises here, I'm using adblock all the time.
- I had to check to see if there were even advertisements.
- I had to look at the mainpage to see where the adds are at, I hardly notice them.
- I hardly ever notice the ads.
- I hardly notice the ads, which is preferred by me (but obviously not the advertisers!)
- I hardly notice the advertising is there which in my view is fantastic.
- I hardly notice the advertisments. They do not impede the reading of the article.
- I hardly notice the avertising, which is probably a good thing for me, while not so good for the advertised companies. ;)
- I hardly notice them, not even sure where they are locatwd on each page.
- I hate ads
- I hate ads, but they are needed and I like how they are there where you can see them, but not in the way
- I hate ads, but understand their necessity
- I hate advertisements that jump around the screen, trying to trick you into clicking on them. Luckily, this site has none of those! They're very smart about controlling advertisements.
- I hate the ads that expand into a video or have an automated player that plays when the screen loads but if you keep ads to the minimum and out of the way I have no problem with them
- I hate the ones that look like links. I think it's an underhanded and dishonest approach.
- I hate the way that they are still noticable
- I have a great dislike of adds on my browsing but for UESP it is not the same. you have not included inappropriate content and the ads are generally about games, which are a bonus because i have actually gone out and bought a few via these adverts as inspiration.
- I have ABP disabled for this site and see no ads- can't give an opinion.
- I have ad blocker.
- I have adblock, which is only because of the annoying possibility of every video on Youtube having a campaign ad I've listened to forty times previously.
- I have an ad block so I do not see any.
- I have an AdBlocker.
- I have Firefox with Adblock and don't see the advertisements.
- I have never found the ads a problem
- I have never had an advert take me out of my exploring of the UESP, nor have I ever been significantly distracted by one.
- I have never, and most likely will never click on an ad displayed on the site.
- I have no problem with advertising to help meet server costs.
- I have not found an inappropriate or unsafe ad once, and the layout is not obtrusive at all.
- I have to click something to allow it to run java, so, ads don't show up automatically.
- I have unblocked ads. Less animation and video would be nice
- I have visited a few myself, and I have found them quite interesting. Although for products, I have not availed them myself, but I have suggested a few to friends.
- I haven't blocked adverts, but don't pay much attention to them.
- I haven't noticed any. Don't know if I have them blocked. If they slow down the site for me (56k modem) then I'll mind.
- I haven't noticed the ads, so I guess that's good!
- I haven't really noticed the ads on the UESP, which is exactly how I like it.
- I haven't seen any adds, but I know they arent blocked for me
- I haven't seen that many ads.
- I haven't thought about it, because I haven't noticed any. It could be that my ad-blocker which I originally acquired to block ads on youtube is blocking ads here also.
- I honestly don't even notice the advertising 90% of the time.
- I honestly never notice the ads thanks to the fact they're on the bottom of the page.
- I hope the ads will not be more prominent in the future either
- I ignore the ads. I'm happy that they're not annoying popups, though.
- I just can't stand ads...
- I just ignore them, hardly notice they are there.
- I just tried disabling AdBlock, but animated ads annoy me greatly.
- I know ads are important to pay for the servers and they really dont bother me.
- I know ads are neccesarry. I notice them but they are not intrusive.
- I know advertisement is important, but most of the time I just ignore it unless something catches my eye.
- I know this website has ads now, they don't appear to be visible on my browser, but i am not purposefully blocking them.
- I know you gain profits from ads but to be 100% honest I hate hate hate ads
- I know you get profit from ads, based on internet traffic for your site, but still don't like ads too much. Not your guys' fault. lol
- I know you gltta make revenues somehow, so long as there are no pop ups, i dont mind.
- I like how the Adds are out of the way and not really bothersome
- I like it because it doesn't hinder anything else. However, if it was put on the side panel, it would be better.
- I like that I'm not bludgeoned from every angle with ads.
- I like that the ads are never annoying, it means I can keep UESP on my AdBlock exceptions list .
- I like that the layout is unobtrusive.
- I like that there are no ads because sometimes people can accidentally click on ads and be lost on a wiki all over again.
- I like the ad layouts because there are a very few amount, and they do not interfere with my use of this website.
- I like the advertising display because I don't see them, usually.
- I like the layout of the ads.
- I like where they are because they do not affect the information on the pages.
- I love that there are no pop ups.
- I LOVE THE ELDER SCROLLS SERIES!!!!!!!!!! I advertise this site non-stop. I have been playing the series since the original game was released in the 90's.
- I love the way they're layed out. I don't even notice them with where they are, which is fine with me because 1: I have no interest in them and 2: All the while I'm supporting the site, so there's no complaints!
- I mean the layout is simple but i feel it should have more art into it.
- I miss the chick with the meh shirt
- I most of the time don't even notice them. They are non-intrusive, and keep my eyes on the information I seek.
- I must shamefully admit that I am not supporting the site via viewing ads
- I never even noticed the ads. Don't change that, please. They're not blocked, I just never noticed them.
- I never feel like the ads are in my way
- I never like ads, but I do know that they are necessary. That being said, it is annoying when they glitch out and cover the article, but that is usually fixed by a page reload. The content I'm not a fan of, as some of the ads display near-pornographic images from the game they're advertising.
- I never notice the ads, which is what you want when you visit a website.
- I never pay attention to advertisements.
- I notice them, but don't focus on them.
- I noticed no pop-ups or ads that would be overly annoying.
- i noticed the advertising is for games that are "similar" to The Elder Scrolls games. very great!
- I only see them if I'm not on my computer. I don't care anyway, they don't get in the way.
- i personally am not a fan of ads but if it pays ya'll an extra bit of money then ehh i can ignore it
- I rarely even notice it, so I'm fine with it.
- I rarely pay attention to advertising.
- I rarely see the ads, and when I do, they are not in any way a disturbance.
- I realize that ads are on almost every website but I am not a big fan of them.
- I really don't like the adds and all that but hey, they keep the site running
- I really don't notice the ads cuz your site is way more awesomer then the ads:D
- I sadly use Java script to block most pop up adds.
- I see some ads that I like and do click on to order stuff or check out a new game
- I sometimes forget UESP has ads!
- I sometimes get some pop-up video ads. Those are rather annoying
- I started to use an ad block because the ads are annoying.
- I tend to ignore them, mainly because they are not related
- i think that the advertisement you have is put away just nicely.
- I think the ads are interesting, however I personally don't trust internet advertisements because of the virus risk, whether real or perceived.
- I think the advertising layout is fine and doesn't get in the way at all, but I'm completely indifferent to ads in general.
- I try to contribute to the community with my time and effort. I'm not paying for Daveh's bandwidth, he can buy a new couch that rich mothe
- I turn off adblock for UESP but many of that ad's are a bit oversexed which is a bit annoying
- I uh, I generally don't read them. Sorry. But I do like the overall unobtrusiveness of them. Thank you for never indulging in a single gimmicky pop up, or screen stealer. Thank you so much.
- I understand ads are integral in getting profit to run a website, so I dont mind ads as long as they dont take the main focus of the page. The layout is clean and keeps the focus on the article itself.
- I understand that it keeps the page free to use and provides income but I don't generally like/dislike them. (Once I had a link to a Demon Hunter website on the Dremora lore page)
- I understand that you have to pay the bills. I think you do a better job than most when it comes to ad placement. And at least they aren't Flash ads, which are **truly** obnoxious.
- I understand the need for ads to keep the site running. But they are placed in areas that do not bother me and I rarely notice them.
- I understand they're there for you guys to get some money from here. Totally agree.
- I understand you guys need money to keep this great website on! You can put even more, I don't care.
- I understand you have to make money, and they're the least disturbing this way
- I understand you have to put ads to get revenue from the website and some may get annoyed but the placement of them on this website is great. Hardly noticeable at times.
- I use ad-blocking programs and don't intend to stop. Sorry.
- I use adblock
- I use adblock and thus cannot answer this to my fullest extent
- I use Adblock Beta on Google Chrome, though I remember the adverts on UESP used to sometimes be quite rude or 'flashy', basically meaning that they'd draw your attention away from the article that you're trying to read. Very annoying.
- I use adblock extension for chrome so ..... i don't see anything which could possibly annoy me or distract my attention .(I hate ads)
- i use adblock lol
- I use adblock plus, I know this hurts your profits but I don't really like any ads. If you were in financial strain I would whitelist your website however.
- I use adblock so I haven't noticed them
- I use adblock.
- I use an Ad Block. I apologize if this negatively affects UESP.
- I use an ad blocker
- I use an ad blocker but would be happy to donate to keep the site running.
- I use an ad blocker so I tend not to see ads but the mouse-over word ads are annoying.
- I use multiple browsers, some of them block the ads, but the rest can't because of... circumstances. The layout feels good even still.
- I usually do not notice the ads, but when I do they are not that distracting.
- I usually don't care for ads on any website, but I will disable AdBlock for websites whom I enjoy using, so they can get the ad revenue they deserve. UESP is one of those "whitelisted" sites. None of the ads are intrusive or distracting, which is a massive plus for me. Again, they're ads, so I don't particularly enjoy them, but UESP's ad placement is as close to ideal as you can get, and I'm happy about that.
- I will disable ad blocking after this survey as I realize now that I wish to support this wiki.
- I would like more maps if I'm looking for a specific item, place, or person.
- i would like to see more game related ads than how to lose wait fast ads
- I would likw the ads to be a little less blaring.
- I would say keep the ad's on the left hand side under the menu's. But the top ad's don't exactly ruin my experience. Plus they keep the site up and running.
- I'd donate if it made it easier
- I'd like the site to be AD free, but I'm realistic. It's a necassery evil, and you do a good job keeping it one the sides, not smack down straight in the face.
- I'd prefer a remade layout, more modern.
- I'd rather not have ads, but their not in the way at the moment, so I guess it's fine. I also realize that sometimes ads are necessary to keep sites like this running.
- I'll be happy to donate a few bucks if you re-enable the option, but I've seen far too many infected ad banners on far too many websites to not be paranoid about adblocking.
- I'll be honest, I don't pay attention to it. I couldn't name a single ad
- I'm fairly /ignore on ads.
- I'm glad there are no annoying pop-ups.
- I'm glad they keep the site free.
- I'm here for the wiki and don't pay attention to the advertising.
- I'm neither for nor against this, if it gives the site revenue, more power to you.
- I'm never going to like ads, but yours are less intrusive than many. At least they are in the Steam overlay browser, I use Adblock normally (sorry!).
- I'm not a fan of ads, but I understand the necessity for them
- I'm not a fan of advertising though I understand it contributes to your company's revenue. Perhaps I will lift the block on your website to help you - just please keep the ads unobtrusive and non-animated.
- I'm not really bothered by the advertisements. I seem to look past them.
- I'm not sure I understand the question
- I'm not too fond of any ads on any site, but that is just me. But I have noticed that you keep your ads up to date with current "gaming" events, which is great.
- I'm not too keen on ads, but they are kept within reason on the UESP.
- I'm personally not one for advertising on the internet, especially if a website is cluttered with ads galore. This site, however, doesn't have a lot so it's not distracting. I don't mind if you keep the ads, but please do not add more than there already are.
- i'm sorry for using adblock but i forget to turn it off and pre-running ads on youtube laggs my age old computer
- I'm sure it must be nessecary to get money to keep the site up. You do it in a good way where it doesn't bother the visitor
- I'm too busy reading about TES to look at ads
- I'm well aware of the usefulness of putting ads in sites, and as long as they don't get un my way when i surf the site I don't mind their presence.
- I've been fairly pleased with it thusfar. My only one complaint, is that I like to listen to my own music while I'm on the computer, and the ads that have their own sounds are rather obnoxious because they break my concentration.
- I've got doubleclick and several thousand other ad sites blocked through my HOSTS file since these sites have been carriers of malware since the late 90s and show no signs of closing their security. I don't use adblock software, so if you hosted your own ads locally, I'd not only see it, but I might actually click through to help support the site.
- I've learned to ignore it.
- I've never actually noticed the ads. I suppose that's a good thing; definitely better than being attacked by a giant flashing iPhone or having a commercial start blasting at you when you're halfway down the page (and have no idea which tab the commercial is on).
- I've never found the ads to be annoying at all.
- I've never visited the site with ads enabled.
- I've not even noticed the ads, and I use this site extensively. Even with my lack of attention, that's a good sign.
- If it helps the cause...
- If it keeps the site running, I'm all for it.
- If you have to have adverts to keep the site funded, that's fine. I only wish that they weren't flashing or gruesome. (I'm not into gory games).
- If you need it you need it, right
- If you've got to have ads, then the manner in which they are currently done is as good as it can be.
- im not a fan of advertisements, but they dont distract me from what im looking up
- Im working with variuos os versions and computers, some of them have some trouble to allign everything in a nice order.
- In places that do not interfere with the information.
- Inappropriate images sometimes (nearly naked women) in ads for games
- Indifferent to advertising, like content
- Is not overdone & way compensates for all the stuff that's on here.
- It can be a bit distracting.
- It certainly isn't problematic or obnoxious like the ads on other sites.
- it does not get in the way of anything and is not annoying
- It does not pop up in my iphone screen. Me love.
- It doesn't bother me, but I can't say I enjoy them.
- It doesn't bother me, if the site needs money to stay here, then there no problem. Causes no inconvenience
- It doesn't bother me, which is better than most sites out there!
- It doesn't ever get in the way.
- It doesn't get in the way
- It doesn't interfere with text and I excluded AdBlock on your domain.
- It doesnt bother you
- It is fine, but the top ad needs to be further up as it is interferring with the top part of some contents.
- It is not at all intrusive or invasive, even when not interested.
- It is not in the way, which I like.
- It is not overwhelming, and is laid out so it doesn't obstruct your view of the website.
- it is the best ad layout i have seen.
- It isn't as intrusive as some of the other sites I use such as wookieepedia.
- It isn't too intrusive
- It looks OK, but I think it'd be better with the ads all down the bottom
- It makes you money and keeps the site up. I'm fine with it.
- It never gets in the way.
- It never seems to be an issue.
- It sometimes has sound advertisements, but mostly it doesn't bother.
- It tends not to be obnoxious, obstructive, or otherwise unnecessary.
- It will help support the eforts to keep site going.
- It would be better if they were on the side, when they're near the tabs you might accidentally click them.
- It's a necessary "evil"
- It's above average.
- it's adopted the out of the way style of ad implementation seen in some sites, without the garish "block your screen" ads favored by more commercial wikis.
- It's almost unnoticeable.
- It's better than the Elder Scrolls Wikia site, geez y'know sometimes the entire background is a big advertisement?
- It's brilliant, the ads don't block any part of my reading experience and are out of the way for me to look at, at my own leisure.
- It's fine for me, they do not get in the way of the information and obviously are needed to keep this amazing site up and running.
- It's generally not a nice thing, but I understand that UESP has got to fund itself somehow...
- it's good as long as ads don't get too heavy, or between article text
- It's hard to be positive about advertising, but it's not too intrusive which makes all the difference.
- It's hardly intrusive and doesn't force waiting times
- It's just a banner so I don't see how anyone can complain.
- It's minimalistic and there are no pop-ups - ergo: it's very good. Site needs advertises, after all.
- It's necessary, and stays out of the way, so fine.
- It's never been overly bothersome.
- It's non-intrusive and not annoying.
- It's not distracting
- It's not distracting.
- It's not eye-popping,and supports the site,I hope.No problem.
- It's not in my face, I hardly notice it and it definiteley doesn't affect my expierence negatively.
- It's not intrusive, so that's fine with me.
- it's not too much in the way of reading UESP's content, so while I would prefer pages without it, it's fine.
- It's ok, i'm not fond of ads but at least it's not annoying and i barely notice they're there.
- It's okay, but it could use a bit more color.
- It's out of the way
- It's pretty out of the way I guess
- it's pretty small and non-obstrusive
- It's simplistic, but easy to navigate. The advertising, for the most part is unobtrusive (except for the loud autoplay ones, gah) and doesn't slow down the load time.
- It's SO much better then most wiki's it's small and out of the way, it dosn't pop up and block the screen or play music or anything at you like so many other sites.
- It's there but it certainly isn't obstructing my view or anything inconvenient like that.
- It's there, but it doesn't take away from what I'm looking for.
- It's unintrusive!
- it's unobtrusive
- It's very nice, It's like they aren't there!
- Its good that they aren't pop ups. Loving this system.
- Its great and the whole color fits in because It would be wierd to have a dragonborn wallpaper on a morrowind page.
- Its great compared to other websites.
- Its minimal and non-intrusive.
- its nt bad, it doesnt get in the way or anything
- its yous like in the games like it shud be
- ive got adblocker cause i find ads annoying
- Just like any other site that offers free information.
- Just not a fan of ads. Look right past them most of the time. Never trust click throughs.
- Just the right amount.
- keeping the ads on the top sides and bottom is the best layout possible
- Keeping the cash flowing for website means ads at some point. Success for websites with ads means doing it without irritating people. They haven't been a problem at all for me.
- Kept very minor on the top or corners.
- Layout is fine, but the ads playing audio (mainly the one advertising a Sony handheld) are annoying with their continuous replaying of sound.
- Layout non-interfering; glad if there's revenue to support the wiki
- Left-hand one is bothersome, but tolerable, very good layout overall
- Looks fine, never interferes with information
- Love it, its very professional
- Many wiki's are slow to load or have overbearing ads, I have never felt that way about UESP.
- most of the ads are not for items i would purchase
- Most of the advertisements on the sight are positioned in places that allow you to get a good glance at them while browsing content.
- Most of them are OK, don't like it when the ads play sound
- Mostly it is ok, but I loathe the pop-over flash ads with video and sound that sometimes appear in the lower right. THey also cause problems with the steam overlay browser, and I often visit this site in that browser while playing Skyrim.
- much better then smiler websites
- much preferable to wiki!
- My ads are blocked :)
- My current computer has a problem with Adobe Flash, it causes it to crash while running it, so non-Flash ads I have no problem with layout nor content.
- My hosts file automatically blocks most adservers. Sorry. D:
- necessary evil I can live with
- Necessary evil I suppose. It is minimally invasive. I do not like the advertisements that have sound though. Again, it is acceptable compared to other wikis
- Never been a problem
- Never even noticed advertising.
- Never had any Annoyances
- Never much cared for ads on websites
- Never really noticed any ads, this can only be a good thing!
- Never really noticed it.
- Never really noticed the ads were there.
- No ads would be better, but on UESP they are a lot less intrusive than some other wikis. I wouldn't want you to change it.
- No advertisements look or feel distracting. Again, if forums warrant attention, they should not look so desolate (in my opinion.)
- No advertisements really ever get in my way.
- No annoying pop ups every 5 seconds :D
- no annoying pop-ups
- No complains on the level of advertisements or banner. I would not change.
- No intrusive like some wikis can be. No automatic sound on ads which is good. If ads had sound, would no longer use UESP
- No one has murdered me from clicking on an ad yet. I'm happy.
- No one likes ad, but I suppose they're necessary.
- No opinion.
- No pop ups and the adds are never in the way.
- No pop-ups = best, servers ain't free.
- No problem at all. I understand you have to fund the site. Hopefully you turn a profit too.
- No problems
- No real complaints before I had an ad-blocker installed. Except for auto-playing video/flash ads with audio. That's universally annoying.
- Nobody likes ads; you gotta have them, and I understand that. You guys do a nice job of not letting them get in the way.
- Noisy adverts are rubbush, especially as they are hidden at the bottom of the page.
- Non-intrusive nor annoying.
- Non-intrusive, but still noticeable.
- Non-intrusive.
- Not a fan of ads at all but they do pay the bills unfortunately.
- Not an attraction of mine
- Not as "in your face" as on many other websites I'm currently visiting.
- Not bad at all, it's one of the better websites in terms of ads, not really in my face at all. Good stuff, major brownie points.
- Not blocked, but never noticed the ads.
- Not blocking, but can still see.
- Not disruptive to my UESP experience, yet noticeable. If an ad on this site would interest me, it is conspicuous enough to attract my attention but is not intrusive.
- Not distracting
- Not distracting and pretty minimally obtrusive, which is appreciated
- Not intrusive, but when something looks like it's worth checking out it's noticeable.
- Not intrusive, most ads are related and not offensive.
- Not intrusive. Ads are relevant to Elder Scrolls-esque material.
- Not looking at them.
- Not much which is very nice.
- not noticable
- not obstructive
- not obtrusive
- Not obtrusive.
- Not overwhelming, nothing I wouldn't want my mother to see
- Not really bothered by advertisment.
- Not that big of a fan of ads, however the site must maintain it's course
- Not to many adds, just the way I like it.
- not too bothering - prefer top and bottom ads to side ones
- Not too in your face
- Not too intrusive
- Not too many ads and they don't ruin the performance of the sight.
- Not too many adverts, and the layout is great with everything easy to access right from your home page.
- Not too much
- Not trying to block ads but NoScript blocks a lot because I minimize the scripts that run for security and speed. Simple ads get through.
- Nothing intrusive
- Nothing personal.
- nothing that is in the way or sounds
- Nothing too intrusive.
- Now I feel guilty. >.>
- now that I know you have ads, though, I'll unblock them for this site
- Obviously, no one likes ads. But seeing as how it's necessary, I'd say they're rather well-placed.
- Occasional ads will expand and block site content, without ever going back.
- occasionally obtrusive
- Of course, ads are annoying, but it keeps the site free, so it's okay.
- Of course, no one likes adds, but the way they are placed, they scarcely bother me.
- ok!!!!!!!
- On PC, the advertising is good, as in it does not obstruct the page, so as long as it stays like this, it is good, if UESP benefits from it. On mobile tough, it is more than disturbing (altough Opera Mini does not display them).
- Once got a virus from an ad on this site.
- One of the more tasteful layouts around, and very functional
- Other wiki sites have extremely dominating and interfering adverts, UESP has a good balance.
- Out of the way, but available for those that are interested in them. They do not overly intrude like on the various Wikia sites.
- Out of the way, but still there. Nice that it doesn't interfere with what I'm looking for.
- Overall I like the site, but I dislike the fact that weapons often don't have their own pages.
- Overall the ads aren't too invasive.
- Placement is inoffensive and content has been good. I have not had any problems with inappropriate or intrusive ads.
- Please keep the current ads, and don't go to those irritating video ones that you have to listen to.
- Pretty good, but moving advertisingments are distracting. I understand they give higher revenue. I also adblock regularly.
- Pretty standard advertising layout. As long as stuff isn't flashing in the middle of the page it's fine with me.
- Prior to using ad blocker, i never found ads to be obtrusive or annoying
- Rarely notice them and when I do it is only because they appeal.
- Really annoying when audio plays, otherwise not so bad
- Really doesn't bother me as it's not intrusive
- Really happy with the "below the fold" advertising for registered users. It's visible often enough that I see things I might want to click on, but it's not intrusive.
- Really manages to stay out of the way well
- Relevant, informational and easy on the eyes. Nothing to complain about.
- running this site cost money and i understand, as long it is not pop up advertisement i don't mind.
- S'alright! The ads aren't too distracting or anything, but I still notice them. Not that they are influencing my consumerism, but still.
- same for all sites, not only UESP
- Seems pretty unobtrusive to me.
- seems to be a logical layout
- Seems to be very minimal, keeps the site really fast. MUUUCH faster than any other wiki for games that I've used.
- Seen worse.
- Sites need a way of making money, and the ads dont get in the way, so i dont mind.
- So down you are awesome
- so long as it doesn't get out of control
- Some adds I haven't liked.
- Some adverts pop-out and block the search bar.
- Some of the ads can be a bit too sexual; would prefer to have more targeted ads, though...
- Some sites are interrestings
- Someone has to pay the bills....
- sometimes the ads popping up can be irratating
- Sometimes they can be annoying, but they're not intrusive
- sorry block ads
- Sorry I block everywhere. But ads are only good if related to games.
- Sorry I could not answer this one.
- Sorry, adblock is a habit.
- Sorry, I always have adblock on. Would donate if there was an donation drive.
- Sorry, I will admit to being an AdBlock user. I honestly didn't even know this site had advertisements.
- Sorry.
- Strongly dislike the idea because i like UESP, as it is now, equally strong
- Strongly like is an understatement. I love it. Please don't change it.
- Sure, seems fine. Wish there were none, but it's fine how it is.
- tee hee
- Tend not notice it really during my editing.
- The ad banner displayed at the top of the page for IPs is very detracting from the site design, and leaves an empty gap with ads disabled.
- The ad layout is fine. I'm not a huge fan of ads at all, but I understand the necessity of them (without them, I'd probably have to pay to access your awesome site. It pains me to say it, but I would more than likely subscribe).
- The ad placement is good to the point to where they don't interfere with the overall experience
- The ad server seems to have an issue where I have to click my "Back" button on the browser twice to actually go back a page. Not major, but VERY annoying. Since I don't see this at other locations, I suspect there may be a coding issue in the ad banner setup.
- The adds are never, at least on the times I have been here, obnoxious
- The adds are present, sometimes interesting, but never intrusive.
- The adds aren't interfering with the content, which is good
- The adds do not clog up the page at all while being viewable at the same time
- The adds don't intrude on what you're doing
- The ads are as good as they can be, they are fine and unobtrusive, unlike the malware feeling ads on other 'wiki' pages
- The ads are as unobtrusive as anyone could expect, especially considering how much use I get out of this website.
- the ads are easy enough to ignore, they don't block the text, and they don't seem to slow the loading of the text
- the ads are fairly unobtrusive and don't distract from the information
- The ads are good but not over-powering.
- The ads are great in the spots where they appear: on the edges and out of the way of the main page. But, like most, if not all, users, I find the presence of ads to be distracting.
- The ads are kept away from the text; pushed all the way to the bottom and to the sides. I sometimes don't even notice them which is a good thing.
- The ads are kept in locations that are pretty out of the way.
- The ads are not distracting
- the ads are not in the way cluttering up the page allowing the user to read and navigate more easily without distraction.
- The ads are ok, as long as they don't make noise or are aggresive popups I really don't care.
- The ads are out of the way when present and at least are relevant to the site's material
- The Ads are out of the way, which is good, and do not disrupt the flow of the website.
- The ads are relevant and do not interfere with user's search operations
- The ads are small and out of the way which allows me to view the content comfortably and without pop-ups thrown on screen repeatedly.
- The ads are so unintrusive I don't even notice them even though they're not blocked.
- The Ads are there so I see them but dont annot or get in my way were I Dont want to use the site.
- the ads are unobtrusive
- The ads are very out of the way and are never a problem. The layout if pretty easy although the two columned news on the front page can be a bit bothersome at times.
- The ads are very subtle and don't get in the way at all.
- The ads are very subtle, and they are relevant to my interests.
- The ads are very unobtrusive.
- The ads are well visible, yet they don't anoy
- The ads aren't intrusive
- The ads aren't intrusive.
- The ads aren't invasive and annoying like certain other ElderScrolls sites, and they don't hinder page loading times which is always a plus.
- The ads aren't obtrusive, and I don't really care about how they are laid out. The ads are not inappropriate in any way.
- The ads aren't too in your face, but I do feel that the ads on the site should be policed a little better.
- The ads aren't too overwhelming and I have followed the, before to see what they're about. Not in your face like other websites which have pop ups
- The ads at the bottom are unintrusive and, hey- if they're bringing in the revenue that keeps this place running, I don't mind!
- the ads could be less in the way try at the bottom of the page
- The ads do not cover the screen and are neatly located at the bottom or sides if interested.
- The ads do not get in the way.
- The ads don't bother me at all, and I don't notice them while browsing, mostly.
- The ads don't bother me at all. They could be A LOT worse if you really wanted them to be.
- The Ads don't bother me that much, I normally pay attention to the information in the articles.
- The ads don't bother me. I understand how they haelp manage the costs of the site itself.
- The ads don't bug me and I can still use the site without a Adblocker.
- The ads don't get in the way so they don't matter to me.
- The ads dont distract me from reading the content (like on many other websites).
- The ads dont draw away from the pages contents.
- The ads frequently slide across the screen or have intrusive audio/visual elements that slow down page loading times and can crash the browser. Surely there are better ways to get advertising revenue!
- The ads have never been a problem.
- The ads have nothing to do with Bethesda or the ELder Scrolls series. However, if it helps you support the site, then the display of the ads are acceptable.
- The Ads in no way affect the articles, and the layout of the ads is very good because there are no pop ups
- The ads never get in the way.
- the ads never really get in my way when i'm looking for something
- The ads on UESP are less obtrusive than on other online Wikis.
- The ads tend to randomly float on the screen or obstruct my view on the iPhone. No sure why this happens.
- The ads with sound are somewhat annoying because then I have to mute them.
- The advertisements do not conflict with the information, which is a step-up from other wikis.
- The advertisements do not hinder the usage, which is great.
- the advertising doesnt bother me. Just aslong as it doesn't have noise I don't mind.
- The advertising is always there but you almost never notice it as the layout is done in such a way that it isn't trying to impact on your viewing experience on the site itself.
- The advertisments are nicely spaced so the don't get too badly in the way and the general lay it a lot simpler than the wiki
- The adverts are very out of the way and far better than other sites.
- The adverts don't distract you from reading the articles.
- The adverts usualy make sense, and they aren't too intrusive on IE (I have them blocked on FF)
- The banner at the top is fine and not intrusive at all.
- the bottom ad is ok, but the top ad is annoying (I need to scroll more often)
- the browser i use doesnt support your ads it seems
- The current layout is just what the site needed.
- The design could be better. It is a little bit boring.
- The header ads take up too much space, imho. A right-aligned vertical ad (a la Gmail) may be better.
- The info is where it should be without TOO many ads in the way.
- The less advertising the better, but it isn't bad.
- The limited space that ads have to take up means less pull from the site's value. I usually hate ads screwing with a site but it is so well managed here that I barely notice them but I have actually noticed some cool ones I checked out.
- The majority of the advertisements are about things that don't have any relation to The Elder Scrolls, or fantasy games. I'm not too concerned about them, they don't get in my way.
- the pictures of the snorg tee girls disturbs my wife (the one in her undies) the rest are ... meh
- The placement of the ads are non-intrusive.
- The side and bottom ads are alright but when I had ads unblocked the site was noticibly slower on my computer
- The site has ads?
- The site is free, someone has to pay for it (Advertising).
- The site is not overloaded with ads and spam
- The T-shirt ad with the woman in her underwear is annoying
- The top bar adds are the ones I find really annoying
- Then again, I dislike advertising no matter what kind of layout is used, or what kind of advertising content is provided.
- There are ads on this site???? lol.
- There are ads?
- There are no pop up ads but some of the ads are kindof distracting from the website.
- There are no pop ups and the ads are well positioned so they do not interfere with what I'am looking at
- There are very few to no pop ups as far as I experienced, which is very good. Other wikis bombard you with pop ups that even open another site if you closed them via "close" or "x"
- There aren't constant pop-ups, or annoying gateways to sketchy sites. The ads are avoidable as well, they aren't ruining the content displayed on UESP.
- there aren't pop ups every time you load the page and the few ads you have you keep too the top or sides, and out of the way of what people came to see. please don't change that...
- There is a good limit on teh amount of ads-They don't distract you like some other websites
- There is a other Tes wiki and it has an annoying ad in the bottom and this wiki doesnt!
- there is always room for improvement, but it is generally ok
- there never in the way.
- There were some words that linked to ads, not to another page on UESP. That was FUBAR.
- There's nothing wrong with it :)
- There's very little advertising compared to other sites.
- They _really_ slow down the in-game Steam browser.
- They are currently unobtrusive, so it's not bad.
- they are in the background and not in your face
- They are irrelevant to me for the most part ("discreet" games, etc.)
- They are out of way mostly and no too bothersome.
- THey are pretty inconspicuous, albeit noticeable
- they aren't in the way and i often foget they are there.
- They aren't too "in your face".
- they arent bothersome but i dont really pay attention to them. atleast they arent intrusive
- they arnt in the way
- They do not get in the way of the articles
- They do not hinder my experience nor do they enhance it.
- They do the job I guess. So long as none of them makes a sound, it's okey-dokey.
- They don't get in the way.
- they don't interfere with using the site, this is different from other sites and pleasant
- They don't jump into your face.
- They don't pop up in the middle of the screen or expand to cover anything. Placement is out of the way and does not interfere with my experience.
- They dont get in the way like with other "Wikis"
- They stay out of the way. :)
- They're harmless, but it would be great if they could be kept to the bottom of each page.
- They're kind of all over the place.
- They're not a pain.
- They're not pervasive, but I don't really pay attention, so I have little opinion. :P
- They're out of the way of the text, so they don't get in the way or distract me from the text.
- they're out of the way, unlike wikia's tendancy to have obnoxiously placed ones.
- They've been kept out of the articles (above, below) which I like, if they began to take part in the shaping of the articles readability would suffer.
- This is about as good as ads get: they don't jump out and take control of the browser
- Though the ads are noticeable, they do not distract me from the website itself.
- To be honest, I rarely notice it.
- Too flashy ads ='(
- Top and sides are ok
- Top, bottom, and side. It's visible, but not in the way.
- Top, side, bottom, pretty standard. At least you don't have ads all over the articles too. Those are the bad sights.
- Trying w/o ads, makes the page load slower. Not too intrusive, but can shift the page a bit.
- Uesp is one of the few sites I've whitelisted on AdBlock as it's a website I "need"
- UESP is very user-friendly and ads never got on my way :)
- Ummm...I've never really noticed any ads at all, so if they're there, it's set up in a really great way!
- Unlike other websites that are covered in ads, UESP has them small enough that they never really become a bother.
- Unobtrusive
- Using Adblock Plus with Firefox
- Usually HATE ads - but UESP ads do not interfere with the info I am looking for.
- Very easy to figure out for 1st time users
- very few ads and the ones there are, are easy to ignore
- Very good, I highly prefer it to TES Wiki.
- Very little advertising has been present, and that's the way it should be. TES Wiki (like most wiki's) are bogged down by advertisers that eat up a lot of bandwidth. Akatosh bless the admins at this site for keeping it away from an ad-heavy format.
- Very non-invasive on my iphone
- Very pleased. If it is what is needed to keep UESP running. Would be nice though if members (or members of 6+ months or something) would not have ads after they signed in. Some other wiki sites do this.
- very unintrusive. I often don't even notice any ads
- Very unobtrusive
- Very unobtrusive.
- Very well-designed, not annoying or cluttered.
- Visible but non-intrusive
- We all expect ads and yours are noticeable but non-intrusive. Content and menus are placed prominantly where they should be.
- well ads are needed to run a homepage, isn't it?
- Well I don't know many people that strongly like ads, but they aren't in any annoying position here so I'd say I'm pleased.
- Well placed and coherent.
- Well, it's a really good way to pay for the site.
- What adds?
- what ads ? ;)
- What advertising? Oh, that.
- What advertising? Page information is great!
- When I view UESP on my phone, I notice that there are ads, but they aren't in the way. Ads are blocked by default on my computer (though I am willing to un-block, to help keep you folks funded).
- When logged in, I enjoy it. When anonymous, I do not like it.
- While I am not particularly fond of ads, the ones here are adequately unobtrusive.
- Whilst I understand the need to advertise, no adverts are always ideal
- who the XXXX looks at ads anymore? anyone with a brain stem knows how to download a decent ad blocker.
- Why isn't there a donation option?
- Wish the ads were on mute unless we wanted the volume on.
- With disabled ads, please show more ads for revenue since it will have no affect.
- you could change up the colours a little. they've been the same for years.
- You gotta advertise, so the minimal amount does not bother me.
- you gotta pay for shit, right?