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Joined 8 July 2009
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
User-userbox-Atheism Symbol.png This user is an atheist.
Flag United States of America.png This user is from the United States.
Xbox.svg This user plays on the Xbox.

General InformationEdit

My name is James and I am a high school student in New York City. I will probably only be making minor edits for a while, since I am not very knowledgeable about any of the games in this Wiki, but I hope to learn more from here. I can't think of anything else to put in here that isn't already in the other sections, so you can read those if you're interested.


Aside from playing Oblivion, there are a few things I do. I play guitar and do Taekwondo, but during the summer vacation I'm spending most of my time playing video games and reading. Other games I have for the 360 include Fallout 3 and Assassins' Creed.

I love Guitar Hero and Rock Band games. I've played guitar in those games since I got Guitar Hero 3 in the winter of 2007, and since then I've gotten up to expert, gotten 718k on Through the Fire and Flames, gotten GH2, five-starred GH2 and then GH3, gotten GH:WT (not the best of them), and gotten Rock Band 2, my personal favorite of the games I have. I started playing drums when I got World Tour, but I accidentally broke the cord connecting my orange cymbal so I couldn't play WT drums. I could, however, use my World Tour drums to play Rock Band so I did that until I recently got my IONs.

I also waste entirely too much time thinking about theology and what I judge to be philosophy. I'm what you would probably call a liberal atheist, and I'm firm in my belief that everybody's beliefs (including my own) should be open to change.


The first Bethesda game I ever came across was Fallout 3, which my friend showed me. I loved it and got it for myself, and at some point I heard about Oblivion, since Bethesda made it as well. On my birthday in 2009, I got the GOTY edition for around $40 US, and I've been playing it for weeks and loving every bit. For now, the only TES games I have are Oblivion for the Xbox 360 and Arena for my PC. I haven't leveled any one of my characters all that much; in fact, my two highest-level characters in Oblivion are around 12 and 13 for now. My first character, a Khajiit named after myself, is the Grey Fox and a new associate of the Mages Guild. I hadn't planned to have him be a spellcaster, but I decided he would find Alteration and Illusion useful (although his Alteration is only 15 and his Illusion 5).

My second character is a Redguard Mage-Smith named Jeoffrey (the similarity to Jauffre is purely coincidental). He is the Grand Champion of the Arena, an Associate of the Fighter's Guild, a Conjurer in the Mages Guild, the Divine Crusader of the Knights of the Nine, and the Duke of Mania. He wishes he were a Journeyman Armorer so he could repair his Crusader armor, but for now he's wearing Amber armor, which he is able to repair.