YADA YADAEditName : John Age : 19 <12/04/1989> Gender : Obvious Mods : Morrowind + Oblivion Mods i've made : Nothing released to the public as of yet, I can never be bothered to play-test them fully, so I daren't release to the public and be accused of destroying peoples save files. God it's a bummer when that happens. Materials used when modding : TESCS3+4, NifSkope, and notepad < Cool, I know. Misc. StuffEditOKAY, I'M LOOKING TO TAKE ON A MODDING PROJECT ATM, BIG OR SMALL, JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WASTE MY TIME WITH. I ONLY WORK WITH THE OBLIVION.ESM MASTERFILE AND I REFUSE TO MAKE A MOD WITH ANY OTHER NEEDED MASTERFILE. NOW GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!! I should probably let you know i can be incredibly immature at times, and i find irritating people through arguments etc. gives me a great deal of amusement. These arguments are generally caused by another person saying something incredibly stupid and me being sarcastic and insulting, so hopefully everyone on this site is literate and not a complete moron. I blame my two 16 year old brothers and the amount of time i spend with them. If there's anything else you actually need to know, well, depending on how you ask, i'll be happy to help. This page took me a LONG time to find, and i'll not look again ¬.¬ UESPWiki:Task_List |