Skyrim Alias: Cyrus Amell
Origins: Imperial, Male
Specialization: Destruction Magic
Favored Armor Set: Ebony Armor
Marriage Choice: Brelyna Maryon
Primary Home: Proudspire Manor in Solitude
Civil War Affialiation: Empire
Favored Enemies: Thalmor
I have come to love Skyrim, it is a well made game and I bought it full price to support the creation of more such games. I hope to add the Elder Scrolls Pages section on Skyrim in order to help other players. I take requests for articles as well as screenshots so feel free to ask in my Talk Page about anything I can do to help.
I began my career as the destined savior of Skyrim believing that the best way to make a superior magic user was to focus all my points into my magicka bar and wear only robes. However, as I became more acquainted with the games various mechanics I realized that I had been mistaken on both accounts. For instance, once I reached an enchanting skill of 100 I could create an armor enchant that deducted the cost of my destruction spells by 25% and apply said enchant to four armor pieces. To my shock, the bonuses actually stacked and I found myself able to cast the greatest destruction spells without using a single point of my flaunted magicka bar. Because I used destruction spells for perhaps 80% of my spell usage and dps I would have been better off pouring more points into my Health Bar - something I realized only too late.
On the second account, that of robes, I found that even heavy armor in no way encumbered my magicka regen. Although robes inherently had a large magicka regen bonus, with enchanting I could apply a similar bonus across all of my armor pieces. I had then come to believe that heavy armor was the way to go and, to my shame, was forced to use console codes to allocate my perk points in a manner consistent with what I would have done from the beginning had these facts been apparent to me. Only later would I find out about the armor cap of 567 armor points, which was easily attainable by light armor through smithing. As such, light armor sets trumped heavy armor because they would not impede my stamina regen or speed. But because I loved how Ebony armor looked, and because i have no need for stamina, I decided to stay with my current setup.