Eldus Seranus was born on the 4th of Rain's Hand, 3E 298, in the settlement of Balmora. His father, Draco Seranus was a warrior and notable member of House Redoran, but left the House after an unlikely marriage to a House Telvanni Mage, Elra Syr. The two started a small farm south of the village, and here Eldus was raised. He would eventually join the Mages Guild in Balmora, but struggled to hone his abilities with spellcraft. However, what he lacked in Magicka, he made up for in scholarship, becoming a prominent lore master, as well as an aspiring poet. As a young scholar, he learned of his ancestral ties with the Ahemmusa Tribe, and took a keen interest in their society, especially their poetry and hymns. He immersed himself in their culture, and earned the rank of Clanfriend. At the age of 129, he met the Nerevarine, who described their encounter with someone living in the Ashlands outside of Ald'ruhn called Bahr-gahrudi ["without-speech"]. He later discovered that this person was Aranak the Hunter, the mysterious Chimeri warrior and subject of a journal passed down by his ancestors. Eldus would spend the next 5 years investigating the life of Aranak, through the translation of ancient scrolls and interviews with Ashlanders throughout Vvardenfell. The culmination of his research was an epic poem of 11 Volumes called The Song of Aranak. In 3E 432, he traveled to the Imperial City to publish his work. Sometime after 4E 5, following the eruption of Red Mountain, Eldus fled Morrowind and settled in Skyrim, living the rest of his days in the Gray Quarter of Windhelm.
[Around 4E 200, Eldus Seranus can be encountered in the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm.]
"Hello traveller. Would you care to learn some of Morrowind's history?"
When asked about his work:
"I am but a simple scholar and poet. The true credit belongs to the Ashlanders."
When asked about Aranak:
"It brings me great peace to know his spirit is finally at rest among his people in the Ahemmusa Burial Caverns."
When asked about the Ahemmusa Burial Caverns:
"That place was lost to the Ashlanders for millennia, until I discovered it almost entirely submerged in the waters off the Bitter Coast."
When asked about the spear, Silvarsil:
"Sadly, I do not know what became of the weapon. I buried it with its owner, but after returning to his grave many years later, it was gone. Perhaps some adventurer carries it now, and with it, a great power and the blessing of Azura."
When asked about the Nerevarine:
"It was an honor to be in their presence. Truly, they were the most interesting person I have ever met."
When asked about the Imperial City:
"I traveled there a few times you know, and it is a sight to behold. My old friend Phintias helped me to publish my work. Its controversial nature had made me... somewhat disliked in Morrowind for a time, and I thought it was best to publish in Cyrodiil instead."
When asked about Morrowind:
"It makes my heart heavy to remember my homeland. To leave everything I once knew, the Ashlands and her people, was the hardest decision of my life."
When asked about Windhelm:
"The Nords here do not treat us well, but I try to get along. I sense a fire starting though, between their Jarl and the Empire. I just hope to avoid the flames."
"May the Reclamations guide you."