It was the end of the work day, and Decumus was dog-tired. He entered the washroom with other prisoners getting off the shift and looked in the wash basin with a layer of ice that had to be broken before he could wash off all the grime. He smiled as he remembered Yumiya telling him, what seemed like ages ago, that prisoners aren't supposed to enjoy hot baths. He broke the ice and gingerly dipped his face cloth into the frigid water. A quick wiping up of his face and body was quite sufficient because tomorrow he'll become just as dirty.
If anything, the prison was humane in that it worked the prisoners in shifts, fed them a generous helping of porridge and bread, and provided clean face cloths every morning to wrap up over their faces to filter out the ebony dust. Without this protection, the dust worked like micro-razors that sliced up the lungs. Ebony is malleable after smelting and can be shaped into awesomely hard armor and weapons, but the raw stuff is brittle and can smash into smithereens if not dug out correctly.
Decumus was making his way to the mess hall when a jailer handed him an envelope. It was the first letter he'd ever received, and he wanted to read it right then and there (it had already been opened), but he decided to contain his excitement until he was in the privacy of his own bunk.
Finally the time came to take a closer look, and he was thrilled that the sender was Yumiya:
"Dearest Decumus,
"I’m writing first of all to express my deepest regret that you were sent to your present location, second to offer you encouragement, and third to hold out hope for the future.
"I’m sorry I never apologized for the way I treated you in the excise office in Seyda Neen. I’m sure you’re aware a girl has to be careful meeting a stranger for the first time. Our second meeting over dinner at the Eight Plates was fantastic! We should do that again some time. Please be careful not to do anything to prolong your time there. I really hope I can see you again, touch you, and feel your arms around me.
"Now there I go fantasizing again! You know, it's lonely being singled out the way I have been. Am I not entitled to think and feel as any other woman? I was advised to be there as a friend to you when you most need it. I would think you should be there as a friend when I most need it. Together we can comfort and be comforted, love and be loved.
"I could see your pain during the trial at hearing Laila put a self-righteous spin on all her actions that got both of you into so much trouble, and I can only say you should let bygones be bygones because she ultimately hurt herself more than she hurt you. There's really no need for you to 'get even'.
"At the same time, I want you to know that the vacancy she left in your heart needn’t remain forever. I’m not good at expressing myself to men because I’ve never tried to take advantage of one. What can I say? Just this. Please remember me, and to help you, I drew my picture on the back of this paper while looking in a mirror. Please don’t cringe: I know it’s crude—like me! Ha-ha-ha!
"Yours always, XOXOX!
Decumus turned the letter over and smiled at the crude drawing. It was a beautiful likeness...because she drew it just for him. He carefully folded the letter and put it in a safe place where nobody in the prison dormitory would find it.
Two years have gone by. Cosades is still painting the rugged seacoast and recovering from his skooma dependence.
Laila is still helping build the new town of Raven Rock. The captain of the guards who found her was aghast to learn at the trial that the evidence he found was planted there. He also couldn’t explain why Laila and the presumed corpse of Decumus Scotti were accounted for, but not the pilot. He was summarily expelled from the guards for his sloppy investigation.
That didn't prevent him from moving to Solstheim and taking up residence in Raven Rock to be close to the woman he rescued. It was great solace to her whenever he came to visit with gifts of fresh underwear, edible food, and books. She could tell from the day they met that he liked her, and it was comforting to know he was now still looking out for her. She apologized for the trouble she put him through by planting the ring on the pilot's corpse to help her ex-husband escape. He responded that he would never want her to do the same for him, and he promised he would never put her into a situation that called for such desparate means.
Decumus Scotti, Esquire, was now free to walk out of the ebony mine a free man. As he climbed the stairs to the foyada, his heart jumped when he saw the lone figure with glossy black hair standing at the top of the stairs.
At first he looked stupidly at Yumiya, then overcome with emotion, he threw his arms around her and squeezed her little body to himself. Then they walked hand-in-hand back to Caldera where she had a room at Shenk's Shovel.