Hi everyone, guess it's time and also the polite thing to do to introduce myself.
I've hopped on the oblivion train quite late, although I have played Morrowind rather extensively at times. Characters at the moment are Tom o' Nine Tails, a Khajiit tomcat (now that's surprising, isn't it?), who goes on a killing spree the moment he sees a rat, which obviously gets him into lots of unnecessary trouble, besides that he's the Robin Hood type of a thief and Killy Mynorc, a female breton Mage and fashion victim, totally obsessed by clothing. Whilst being generally good-natured she's sure to cause havoc the moment she sees another female wearing HER dress. Neither of them has touched the dark brotherhood questline, i feel that'd be out of character for both of them. So for sure there's going to be some addition sooner or later.
My gaming style is roleplaying orientated, as in opposed to stats maxing. I've played pen and paper RPGs for nearly a decade before I even installed my first computer game, so it's just following my habit and nothing ideological. BTW, I hate World of Warcraft. Generally I like playing with the game more than actually playing it, so I have dozens of mods installed and mess with the construction set from time to time.
My nick is a reference to the likewise named story by Voltaire (here's a translation: http://www.wondersmith.com/scifi/micro.htm). a choice that indicates my view of life and maybe also the devastating amount of hybris that ruins my life or makes me a happy, but deviant heretic. Depends on whom you'd ask really. I'm not a native speaker, so please excuse bad spelling and grammar. I try hard to avoid that, but anyway I'm sure there are better stylists on this site. My Contributions have been few and minor, but I really enjoy the site and use it on a regular basis, mostly to find some inspiration.
Ok, that's it I guess.