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User:MolagBallet/Sandbox 03

< User:MolagBallet

"With this outfit style, you can change the appearance of your two-handed mace into that of the fiery Scalecaller Dragonflame Maul, and fell your awestruck opponents with a flaming Dragon-headed bludgeon!"

"Did I ever tell you about the Charge of the Dozen Banekin? A harrowing ordeal—until they ran into my knees and knocked themselves silly."

Wrothgar? 728

"I think it's better that we stay here. Making sure nothing gets above ground, you know?"
"I'd be on guard if you're going down into the crypt. Whatever's down there… it's not good."
"These aren't normal Goblins. I've fought Goblins before. They weren't like this."

"200879108","0","2520","23962242","Ah, yes, I have those here. Take some. Good for the Blighted Outlanders or small children to play with... not much use for anything else." "200879108","0","2526","23962382","We accept this in payment for Solon the slave. He is free to go, as are you.
Now get out of here." "200879108","0","2544","23962481","What is this? This little rock will help me?
I need a cure, not baubles!"

"115740052","0","8135","16727041","Where can they have gone?" "115740052","0","8143","16727067","Stop! I … I won't hurt you. I have control. Use the medallion, quickly!" "115740052","0","8144","16727141","People of Hallin's Stand, rise up!" "115740052","0","8145","16727176","You don't know your own strength!" "115740052","0","8146","16727210","Our numbers are greater than the Imperials'." "115740052","0","8147","16727255","They can't stand against an army of proud Redguards!" "115740052","0","8148","16727308","The time for our boldest deeds has come!" "115740052","0","8149","16727349","Rise up! Throw down the Imperials!" "115740052","0","8150","16727384","Leave your couches and cups!" "115740052","0","8151","16727413","Set down your scrolls and shovels!" "115740052","0","8152","16727448","The Warrior Wave rises in your hearts!" "115740052","0","8153","16727487","Feel the power of Onsi's fire in your limbs!" "115740052","0","8154","16727532","Take up your axes! Take up your rocks!" "115740052","0","8155","16727571","Seius' last day has dawned!" "115740052","0","8157","16727599","makes an audible click." "115740052","0","8158","16727623","Step forward, mortal." "115740052","0","8164","16727645","What pathetic creature meddles with my magic?" "115740052","0","8165","16727691","Quickly! Use this portal!" "115740052","0","8166","16727717","After that, I need to rest. Please excuse me!" "115740052","0","8170","11605021","Farewell." "115740052","0","8171","16727763","Thank you!" "115740052","0","8172","16727774","We're here!" "115740052","0","8173","2433960","Let's get going." "115740052","0","8174","16727786","You old goat! I ought to run your Thieves Guild out of town." "115740052","0","8175","16727847","I'm terribly frightened, My Lady Governor … you uptight whelp." "115740052","0","8181","16727912","They'll never forgive me." "115740052","0","8182","16727938","It's not my fault. I couldn't refuse Seius." "115740052","0","8183","16727982","No! I won't let them get to me." "115740052","0","8188","16728014","Dare you to enter my dark hole? Tear you apart, my crows will!" "115740052","0","8195","16728077","The Governor's not going to like this…" "115740052","0","8202","16728118","Well, what are you waiting for? He's down there … somewhere. Probably." "115740052","0","8204","16728191","I'll protect you, Mr. Curio!" "115740052","0","8212","16728220","Can anyone hear me? Help me!" "115740052","0","8213","16728249","Let us find <<1>> soon, for I fear what he will do without supervision."

"115740052","0","8214","16728321","Such a pity I hadn't unearthed this place initially. Could you imagine the fame?"

"115740052","0","20300","17341709","Har! Yes … revenge!" "115740052","0","20301","17341731","You walked into the wrong farm house, Montclair!" "115740052","0","20302","17341780","I heard what happened to Turenn, and I came as fast as I could." "115740052","0","20303","17341844","Gabria! Thank you so much for coming. I need your help." "115740052","0","20304","17341900","Don't worry, sir. Turenn planned everything. We've got you set up as a merchant in Orsinium." "115740052","0","20305","17341993","That's perfect. As it happens, I have friends there." "115740052","0","20306","17342046","Then let us be on our way." "115740052","0","20307","17342073","Thank you for your mercy, friend. We won't be seeing each other again." "115740052","0","20308","17342144","Heard you'd been trying to make amends, old man. You know what I think?" "115740052","0","20309","17342216","Over here! I'm hiding. Arkay help me but I loathe skeevers." "115740052","0","20310","17342276","Goblins!"

"115740052","0","20312","17342350","Begin collecting." "115740052","0","20313","17342368","The hoard approach. Protect us!" "115740052","0","20314","17342400","The only redemption for a murderous bastard like you is a slow, painful death, and we're going to give it to you!"

"115740052","0","20316","17342537","Get up! You can rot in the stockade for a little while first." "115740052","0","20317","17342599","Fair Guendeline, come forth and hear my words of love!" "115740052","0","20318","11553447","This should be interesting." "115740052","0","20319","17342654","I look to the firmament and thirteen constellations do I see …." "115740052","0","20320","17342720","But even the stars look dark and lonely without thee …." "115740052","0","20321","17342778","But in your eyes, there is enough light, to guide me through any night …. Oh Julien! That's my favorite poem! We were meant for each other! I love you and I will wait for you!" "115740052","0","20322","17342956","I go to war now, my love. But when I return, we shall be married." "115740052","0","20323","17343022","The skin of your neck exudes an animal stench …." "115740052","0","20324","17343073","I want to pull your hair and call you a …." "115740052","0","20325","17343118","Stop! Please, just … no more. That's the most vile poetry I've ever heard! Go away, Julien. For good this time!" "115740052","0","20326","17343232","I guess that's it then. I thought that was quite good, myself. But without her … oh, what will I do?" "115740052","0","20327","17343335","I look at you coming down the stair …." "115740052","0","20328","17343376","And I wonder, did you forget to brush your hair …?" "115740052","0","20329","17343429","My hair …? How could you embarrass me like this? Go away, Julien. Go away and never come back." "115740052","0","20330","17343526","I guess maybe I should've planned that better. What have I done? I've ruined my whole life in two sentences!" "115740052","0","20332","17343635","Have you forgotten? You do want us to keep your family safe, do you not? I suggest you close your mouth." "115740052","0","20334","17343740","Celestial of the Warrior! Akatosh calls you false. Cease your attacks on our people and begone!" "115740052","0","20335","17343836","We do not fear you. Come, face me in the pit!" "115740052","0","20336","17343882","Aktasoh is a false god, as are all the Aedra. Craglorn belongs to me!" "115740052","0","20337","17343952","You are beneath me, priest. But my Yokudans will destroy you!" "115740052","0","20338","17344014","Destroy these echos of Yokuda, defenders of Craglorn! Protect me!" "115740052","0","20339","17344080","Lock him up. Make sure to spit in his face every hour, too." "115740052","0","20340","17344140","With pleasure. Heh." "115740052","0","20341","17344160","The large door straight ahead. Clearly, that's the main entrance. That's the way we should proceed." "115740052","0","20342","17344260","This door is closer. It could provide a shorter path. Perhaps fewer bloodfiends to contend with." "115740052","0","20343","17344357","I'd rather cut through the enemies I can see than walk blindly into something I can't. The ruins might be full of traps!" "115740052","0","20344","17344478","My dear Baron, you have an annoying habit of never listening to a word I say. You'll do as you please. As usual." "115740052","0","20345","17344591","You! In the attic! I am Alard, Baron of House Dorell, and I swear you will be safe in my hands!" "115740052","0","20346","17344687","And you as well. But tell me—is Ellic hiding up there?" "115740052","0","20347","17344744","I'm sorry to say, but no. I left him at your manor. He insisted that he wanted to stay." "115740052","0","20349","17344832","See how the people love me! They even share their life essences with me!" "115740052","0","20350","17344905","You hate me, don't you? Why does everyone hate me?" "115740052","0","20351","17344956","Use the spheres against her! Destroy them and take them as your own!" "115740052","0","20352","17345025","Why do you hate me Verandis? Why can't you love me?" "115740052","0","20353","17345077","This should never have happened this way. Look how my efforts went astray." "115740052","0","20354","17345152","What … what happened?" "115740052","0","20355","17345176","Ready yourself, Five-Claw! Here they come." "115740052","0","20356","17345219","I'll be having a drink at the Dusklight Inn in Hoarfrost Downs. I'll wait for you there." "115740052","0","20357","17345308","Magic level is 1/3 full." "115740052","0","20358","17345333","Magic level 2/3." "115740052","0","20359","17345350","OH MAMA!" "115740052","0","20360","17345359","People, listen to me. Let's head outside and make sure the rest of the city is secure." "115740052","0","20361","17345446","We'll return for the fallen later. Right now the living need us more." "115740052","0","20362","17345516","Meet this one outside, my friend. Let's make sure we eliminated all of the assassins." "115740052","0","20363","17345602","In the name of High King Emeric and in accordance with the laws of the land, I hearby order the arrest of Ellic Dorell for treason and the death of his kinsmen!" "115740052","0","20364","17345763","But Father, it wasn't my fault!" "115740052","0","20365","17345795","You allowed an enemy into our city, into our home! Dozens fell to these monsters because you couldn't ignore a pretty face!" "115740052","0","20366","17345919","I never meant for anyone to get hurt. I'm not even sure what happened. Lleraya said she wanted to help and I … I'm sorry."

"249673710","0","38","42810505","A select collection of Nightfall-themed items!\n\n|cFFFFFFDeals 3 cards, with a guaranteed high-value item.|r" "249673710","0","39","42810613","A mystery collection of Nightfall related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","40","42810807","A select collection of Sovngarde-themed items!\n\n|cFFFFFFDeals 3 cards, with a guaranteed high-value item.|r" "249673710","0","41","42810915","A mystery collection of Sovngarde related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","43","42811109","A select collection of Akaviri Potentate-themed items!\n\n|cFFFFFFDeals 3 cards, with a guaranteed high-value item.|r" "249673710","0","44","42811225","A mystery collection of Akaviri Potentate related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","45","42811427","A mystery collection of Ayleid related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","46","22831127","A mystery collection of Iron Atronach related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","47","42811618","A mystery collection of Grim Harlequin related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","48","42811817","A mystery collection of Celestial related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","49","42812011","Dive deep into a mysterious collection of Sunken Trove related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","50","22840981","A mystery collection of Dark Chivalry related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","51","42812226","A mystery collection of Wraithtide related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","52","42812421","A mystery collection of Stonelore related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","53","42812615","A mystery collection of Reach clan-related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","54","22849076","A mystery collection of Umaril related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249673710","0","55","42812810","A mystery collection of Buoyant Armiger related items!\n\nTo view information about reward odds, open Help > Tutorials > Crown Store > Crown Crates.\n\n|cFFFFFFYou are guaranteed at least four rewards.|r" "249936564","0","30","42813010","Who do I get to kill next?" "249936564","0","35","42813037","QUEST: Example Strings" "249936564","0","41","41715826","QUEST: Thieving from Thieves" "249936564","0","45","41715855","QUEST: Aldcroft Manor" "249936564","0","51","41715877","QUEST: In Pursuit of Gargast" "249936564","0","53","41715906","QUEST: A Crossroad" "249936564","0","56","42813060","QUEST: Spirits of the Forgotten" "249936564","0","57","42813092","QUEST: JR_NMSQ1" "249936564","0","58","42813108","QUEST: KG The Knowledge of Age" "249936564","0","61","41716068","QUEST: The Lost Courier" "249936564","0","62","42813139","QUEST: Glenumbra Conclusion" "249936564","0","67","41715925","QUEST: Ear to the Ground" "249936564","0","73","41715950","QUEST: Incidental Damage" "249936564","0","78","41715975","QUEST: Warn Sebastien" "249936564","0","79","42813167","QUEST: Murder In Camlorn" "249936564","0","80","42813192","QUEST: Failing Crops" "249936564","0","100","41715997","QUEST: Shornhelm" "249936564","0","105","41716014","QUEST: A Family Divided" "249936564","0","123","41716038","QUEST: Find Werewolf Evidence" "249936564","0","134","41716092","QUEST: Rallying for the Next Wave" "249936564","0","142","41716126","QUEST: Peering Into Darkness" "249936564","0","143","41716155","QUEST: Embracing the Darkness" "249936564","0","153","41716185","QUEST: On the Tail of a Wolf" "249936564","0","157","41716214","QUEST: Trouble in Grayborne" "249936564","0","171","41716242","QUEST: Artifacts of the Mundus" "249936564","0","180","41716273","QUEST: A Ritual in Camlorn" "249936564","0","189","41716300","QUEST: Out of Darkness, Light OLD" "249936564","0","192","41716334","QUEST: Murder on the Docks" "249936564","0","196","41716361","QUEST: The Third Squad" "249936564","0","197","41716384","QUEST: Rallying the Redoubt" "249936564","0","198","41716412","QUEST: Rallying Cries of Northmoor" "249936564","0","210","41716447","QUEST: Cleansing the Lake" "249936564","0","231","41716473","QUEST: Quelling the Dead" "249936564","0","235","41716498","QUEST: Binding the Grave" "249936564","0","304","41716523","QUEST: The Thaw After the Frieze" "249936564","0","328","41716556","QUEST: Serpent Slayer" "249936564","0","387","41716578","QUEST: Breaking Bones" "249936564","0","405","41716600","QUEST: Vestrial's Research Book" "249936564","0","406","41716632","QUEST: Crypt Cleansing" "249936564","0","410","41716655","QUEST: A Royal Summons" "249936564","0","412","41716678","QUEST: Lost and Found" "249936564","0","418","41716700","QUEST: Choice Quest" "249936564","0","422","41716720","QUEST: The Largest Threats" "249936564","0","423","41716747","QUEST: Missing Soldiers" "249936564","0","424","41716771","QUEST: In Crucial Need" "249936564","0","427","41716794","QUEST: Blackmoore's End" "249936564","0","428","41716818","QUEST: Exposing the Baron" "249936564","0","435","41716844","QUEST: Treasure Beyond Wonder" "249936564","0","467","42813213","I'll handle it. The duke sent me here to find him." "249936564","0","521","42813264","How do we ask for Azura's help?" "249936564","0","560","41717059","QUEST: dummyQuest" "249936564","0","575","42813296","That's the Night Terror at work." "249936564","0","617","41717170","QUEST: Meeting of the Minds" "249936564","0","657","2829109","<Continue reading.>" "249936564","0","669","41717223","QUEST: Caught in the Web" "249936564","0","701","41717248","QUEST: Queen's Emissary - Isque" "249936564","0","702","41717280","QUEST: Queen's Emissary - Orrery" "249936564","0","703","41717313","QUEST: Queen's Emissary - Dusk" "249936564","0","730","41717373","QUEST: Blightbane"

I'll take it back to the hills—back to the People. \n\nMy son will wear it and the raven's sons and briar's daughters will bend their knees to him. He will carry the Black Drake's wrath, and rule as his father should have done!" "200879108","0","39849","25046173","It is there. \n\nVaren Aquilarios … the brave and noble Varen Aquilarios, would not sully his halls with the crown of a savage Witchman. He saw to it that Leovic was cast down with his crown and robes intact. The fool." "200879108","0","39852","25046392","It is mine, by right! Clivia and her flat-nosed family can have their filthy diamond, and their cold broken throne, and this doomed ruin. Leovic's crown belongs to the Reach! It belongs to my son …."


"A new caretaker now carries the relics from the royal tombs. I hope you prove to be better at the job than this despicable Nord."


Soldier. What's the mood of the people?"
They're worried about Ash Mountain, serjo."
Mountains also spit fire in Skyrim. We don't worry about it."
"With respect, the volcanoes of Morrowind are … different."
"Soldier. What's this rumor about Ash Mountain?"
Something about an ancient magical weapon, serjo."
So what? It's broken now? Stolen by the Covenant?"
"Sealed, serjo. By the Indorils and the Hero of Bal Foyen."

I know I seem unwell, but it's not the Blight. I took some of the remedies they sold me, and I feel better already."

"200879108","0","3043","19796243","I know. I know you're right. I don't think the remedies worked at all, and I'm only getting sicker. I should protect the others.\n\nI'll report to the Quarantine Master."

"200879108","0","3044","19796414","What's this?\n\nOh, whyever would he want me to look at this? How... where did he find it? Not that I know anything about it.\n\nIn fact, I bet it was you who sold Orvona out! That's it! Who is he going to believe - me, or some stranger?!"

"200879108","0","3045","19796649","As I said, best to mind your own business. Unless you want to pay off her debts?\n\nIf Hleri can't afford her vices, that's not my problem. Ravnos has offered to take her under his wing, be one of his nightingales, but she's awfully reluctant. Shame."

"200879108","0","3054","19796898","The Ashlanders have been receiving information from a traitor among the guards of Fort Virak! If I find out who... I will tear that Guar Licker apart! You must get me out of here. I must return to warn the captain."

"200879108","0","3055","19797114","Lead the way!"

"200879108","0","3057","19797128","The Ordinator Vusara fdevised the ritual to mitigate Akaviri's curse on these lands. \n\nIf the ritual isn't performed, thousands of Akaviri undead will arise.\n\nThey'll march across the lands of the living again."

"200879108","0","3059","19797339","Ordinator Vusara was one of our greatest heroes!\n\nSadly, she vanished with her research a few months after devising the ritual to deal with the troubles here.\n\nSince her work was not complete, this ritual only forestalls the curse."

"200879108","0","3060","19797571","The war ended about a decade ago.\n\nThe battle here was instrumental in our victory.\n\nSupposedly the Argonians used their Hist magic to reawaken a dormant volcano. The resulting eruption killed thousands of Akaviri."

"200879108","0","3068","19797786","You're kidding, right? No, I can tell you're not.\n\nHmm. I was hoping to get out of this cell.\n\nIf he's putting out a contract on my life, I might be safer here... though I don't think I'll eat the food anytime soon."

"200879108","0","3071","19798002","What? Oh, my tea... of course, I'd forgotten what time it was.\n\nI suppose hiring my servant to kill me would be far too obvious. Well, it looks like I've survived another day!"

"200879108","0","3088","19798178","The Temple has every right! We protect the people of these lands from every atrocity we face including those who would spread the word of false gods! \n\nDo not stand in our way thinking you are righteous or you too shall pay."

Coldharbour AmbientEdit

The Legion Zero soldiers are more dangerous than they look. This one thinks they have been ensorcelled by Molag Bal. \n\nSo you be careful. Shaghila wants the saboteurs dead, not you.

This place smells worse than the Harborage." He said if I didn't break the code, he'd kill my friends in front of me." "We won't be made fools of in front of Molag Bal!" If we can fix these ships, maybe we can get out of here and break the curse.

? If ever a dark storm appears before you, and from it a great anchor falls ….\n\nYou rush in and kill everything you can find. And then, come tell me about it." "Lost at sea in the service of the Emperor. I wonder what my family must think. Fools thought betraying the captain would pay off. Thought the captain was hard to please. <<1>>? Nothing but a tyrant.

You're in my realm now, mortal. Don't think you can break the chains so easily." "149328292","4","2881","17718634","Again you seek to undermine my schemes. You are welcome to try. It is music" "149328292","4","2885","17718710","When the Planemeld obverse is complete, we will never want for slaves again."


Southern Elsweyr random encounter:Edit

I do as the master desires, and he has not made his wishes known.\n\nSave, of course, that his whiskers be curled in the fashion of the old Meirvale kings. I have it on good authority that such a styling is once again in vogue." "200879108","0","60217","26351314","If it were up to me, I'd go to Senchal. The master is determined to head for Rawl'kha, but at our pace we'll be lucky to get there before the Third Era." "200879108","0","60218","26351467","Too late, sadly. This one's villa is already burned. His galleons already ravaged and sunk. Only two loyal servants and a handful of possessions remain.\n\nBut we will survive. It is the nature of my kind." "200879108","0","60219","26351671","We never used to travel at all, but the master's villa got sacked by cultists and pirates sunk his trading fleet. Now he's determined to leave Southern Elsweyr.\n\nAs the old game-warden, it's up to me to keep the wilderness from killing these two." "200879108","0","60220","26351918","Wherever the master decides. It is not a valet's place to lead his master, only to follow and ensure his coat is properly coiffed and free of burrs.\n\nI do hope we travel by sea soon for the road we have taken is laborious and uncomfortably dusty."

I swear, if Fabilius makes one more snarky remark about the fire I've built, I'm going to make him kiss it.\n\nThe master is the one who chose to stop here. It's not my fault that we're surrounded by wet wood and whiny valets." "55049764","1","12346","9807857","The master has elected for a momentary respite from the demands of the road. It would be far more tolerable if Rezzai took the care to build a suitable fire.\n\nThe master has already suffered enough, becoming a refugee. And now, this indignity!"

Runs in Wild? It's my pleasure to swim downstream with the Ebonheart Pact. This shellback lives to serve.\n\nBlood for the Pact." "200879108","0","15354","21093488","Not long, as the river flows. But then, not long ago, Argonians came to Fort Zeren as slaves.\n\nNow a shellback runs a fort built on the trade of his flesh. Delicious, yes?" "200879108","0","15355","21093660","Captain Darj. Field promotions are the sweetest of all the river weeds.\n\nThat Nord knows what we're up against. I don't. Simple as that." "200879108","0","15356","21093797","Does the river care when rocks disturb its flow? Argonians have endured worse than Dark Elves for allies. \n\nWe stand with our Pact brethren against the northern monsters and the southern Mer." "200879108","0","15357","21093989","Yes. In wartime we decry the hated enemy. We call men monsters to steel ourselves for battle.\n\nIt dries my scales to hear that they would act as monsters, as well."


"Have you heard? Lyranth the Dremora wore white to Molag Grunda's blood sacrifice. Caused a scandal! They'll be talking about that for centuries, I'm quite certain."


Pah tzel tchee uvastei jel xul-uxith.

Abnur Tharn?

"A Daedric titan is a formidable foe. They are the living siege engines of Molag Bal's invasion force. That you overcame one is testament to your strength."

Molag Bal?

You invade my realm, filth, intending to do harm? You will fail. The servants of my devices protect them at all cost." "149328292","1","2881","16880621","The chains break. The anchors crumble. The gears halt. But I am still Lord of Domination, and you are still nothing." "149328292","1","2882","16880738","An anchor broken from its mooring? Reinforce the heart of the device and launch another anchor!"

While active, this effect reveals your presence to nearby servants of Molag Bal.

Legion Zero unused dialogue? You dare speak to me of betrayal? \n\nMarched out like cattle to be slaughtered by Elves, and savages, and stinking beast men? Spat on by the very people we're sent to protect? Gnawing on boot leather and freezing in the Dragontails while nobles feast?" "Fools! Their so-called "honor" is just a … a meaningless fiction. One they paid for in blood.\n\nThey would have tried to stop us. The conflict was inevitable. We had to strike first. I feel no pity. No remorse. I'm beyond such things now." "I was struck by an arrow. Don't be fatuous." "You would like to think that, wouldn't you? How easy it would be to dismiss our cause as base slavery. You're all the same. Pathetic.
We entered this pact with … our eyes open. Can you say the same? Your flags and honor … meaningless." "Ah. The kiss of Molag Bal. In exchange for our allegiance he gave us … gave us his strength and speed. Made us an army worthy of Coldharbour. Not that it matters now. I will return to my master soon. As will you. \n\nLegion Zero leaves no survivors." "Molag Bal offers power. Molag Bal is power. This inane puppet play that you provincials are so fond of … trading keeps like some stupid Baandari shell game—it's pointless. \n\nEverything. All of this—it's a sham. Can't you see?"

player responses: What did you do before the attack?" "228103012","0","40254","28503902","I stopped it. There was just a Titan who didn't like that." "228103012","0","40260","28502115","Your family sent me. I can help you escape if you want." "228103012","0","40261","28503961","Take this. You'll be a torchbug and can fly away." "228103012","0","40262","28504011","I was told the head of the Elder Council was captured." "228103012","0","40265","28502205","It doesn't matter. I'm here to help you, if you want it." "228103012","0","40267","14312615","What happened here?" "228103012","0","40273","28504066","What can you tell me about these dark legionaries?" "228103012","0","40274","28504117","You're not an Imperial Soldier, are you?" "228103012","0","40275","28504117","You're not an Imperial Soldier, are you?" "228103012","0","40278","28503562","Yes. General Nedras sent me to help."

Imperial City unused events?

"None that I can see. The Imperial Army's been decimated. Most of our friends and family have been killed. Our home has been burned down.
I'd say the omens don't bode too well for our future."
"Hm. I was actually looking forward to pounding on some Daedra flesh, but I suppose I shouldn't worry my mother.
All right. What's the plan? I'm ready for anything."
"Ha! Rescue me? Don't be silly. I've lived here my whole life and I'm not about to leave just because of a few hooligans out in the streets.
Besides, that sounds like a long walk—too long for these old legs!"
"You don't like my attitude, do you? Neither does my father. What did he call me? A whiny, ungrateful churl, I think.
I guess that's what I am. So why bother? You don't want to drag my sorry arse across the district—I'll just get us both killed."

other "200879108","0","40209","23182029","<It appears that Narnolas was killed by Worm Cultists, but his notes are still lying by his side.>" "200879108","0","40211","23182128","You'll know more in time. Come, let's retrieve it."

"200879108","0","40230","23183345","We? Ha! You are very funny!\n\nYou have dealt with an anchor before, yes? This is like that, but much more dangerous … and more fun! \n\nThe reason that your silly unclawed friends cannot break the anchors is simple: they cannot be broken in Mundus." "200879108","0","40231","23183593","Perhaps you have encountered Dark Anchors in other parts of Tamriel? Even so, these are very different. \n\nThey cannot be broken here. The only way is to destroy the pinions attaching the anchor on the other end, in Coldharbour." "200879108","0","40232","23183821","All right, then you know we have to destroy the damn anchor before you can capture the district.\n\nI don't know if you've dealt with Dark Anchors before, but these are different. Breaking the chains here is going to be more difficult." "200879108","0","40233","23184055","Thats great!" "200879108","0","40234","23184068","Our ranks have swelled in recent months, and our coffers are overflowing with jewels and gold. We want to see the spoils go to the best among us." "200879108","0","40236","23184214","It's a verbal handshake, a … you know what? Go talk to Glirion the Redbeard. He'll tell you everything you need to know." "200879108","0","40237","23184337","What kind? Oh! It's, uh … y'know, it's the usual kind, I suppose—full of vapors and herbs and … that." "200879108","0","40238","23184445","Children? Who said anything about—oh oh, right! Yes! Yes, children! All of them have it. All eleven of them. I've been nursing them, but I had to go out to look for the medicine. Poor little Quintus! He's got it the worst. You will help him, right?" "200879108","0","40239","23184696","Well, I'm sick! Can't you tell? Look at … look at these bags under my eyes!\n\nI can't sleep, I cough like a choked frog, I've got chills, my teeth hurt …. I've got a giant boil on my bum. God knows what that's about. It's a nightmare!" "200879108","0","40240","23184934","Well, if you must know, I was curator at Arcane University many years ago. I have no skills in magic, however, and eventually they replaced me with someone who did.\n\nI thought I deserved to keep a few souvenirs. This crystal was among them." "200879108","0","40248","23185175","Oh … yes. Both my grandparents. They have an estate in High Rock. We're going there soon.\n\nMy grandfather was just here a moment ago, but he was going to sneak back and grab a few things from the house before we go." "200879108","0","40249","23185393","Well, they are dead. Except for my grandparents. \n\nOh, and my great-uncle, his wife, and their children … my other cousins. They're in High Rock." "200879108","0","40250","23185541","So you are here to help then? It's about time! \n\nEveryone is running around, worried with the Dark Anchors. Meanwhile, Daedra are camped out in the temple, doing millions of gold pieces in damage and preparing a summoning ritual!" "200879108","0","40251","23185771","Before the anchors fell? Aishah was an Imperial bailiff. \n\nThis one was catching criminals, reclaiming stolen goods, this kind of thing. She also had a small business on the side, selling odds and ends, this and that." "200879108","0","40252","23185989","No, but does it matter? They've herded dozens of innocent people in there and slaughtered them as some type of sacrifice for the ritual.\n\nI suspect that whatever it is, it's large and mean and will cause further destruction." "200879108","0","40253","23186214","You could go in there and kill them all. I don't know much about Daedric rituals, but I imagine that would prevent them from conducting their ritual.\n\nDon't you think?" "200879108","0","40254","23186382","You … actually stopped the ritual? And killed a Titan? \n\nI'm tempted to say I don't believe you, but something tells me you're speaking the truth. Very well. Perhaps the gods haven't abandoned us after all." "200879108","0","40255","23186591","Bless you, then. If the Divines haven't abandoned us, I pray they watch over you and guide your steps.\n\nIf those Daedra return and resume that ritual I pray I can find you again … or someone like you." "200879108","0","40257","23186794","The Daedra are terrorizing the Elven Gardens. Homes are being burned, and families slaughtered by some terrible creature.\n\nI've heard there's a girl named Vorias in the refuge there. She's alone and needs help." "200879108","0","40258","23187005","I assume you're joking. We need more assistance than you can possibly imagine. \n\nI must confess, however, someone with your skills may be in greater need elsewhere. I know of a few people who are in particularly dire circumstances." "200879108","0","40259","23187237","The head of the Empress's Elder Council. He's apparently been captured by the Daedra, and they're making a spectacle of his torture in the Arena.\n\nSomeone like you might be able to rescue the poor fool. If you wish to do so, talk to Jagar Lovidicus." "200879108","0","40260","23187487","Wait. You want me to turn into a bug and just fly away? No fighting? None at all?\n\nAll right, I guess. I'll get them next time. Mark my words." "200879108","0","40261","23187630","Well, why didn't you say so right away? I've always dreamed of being a torchbug!\n\nIs this some kind of nameday surprise? Did Tullia put you up to this? That silly old hag. She sure is sweet though. This is going to be so fun." "200879108","0","40262","23187856","Yeah. That's right. My brother. I didn't say he wasn't the head of the Elder Council, did I? No. Just didn't seem relevant, but now it does.\n\nSo, yeah. He's here. They trot him out, abuse him, and then lock him back up. You want to help rescue him?" "200879108","0","40263","23188105","Wait … what? You're just going to march out there, and what? Fight a slew of monsters? \n\nYou're really that tough? Yes, okay then. That's good. You do that and I'll get my brother." "200879108","0","40264","23188288","I don't know. Do I look like a professional rescuer? No. Because I'm not.\n\nSo you'd know better than me. But maybe you could provide a distraction? Go challenge the arena or something?" "200879108","0","40265","23188473","Really? So you're not taking me to my parents? I can just go wherever I want?\n\nThat might not be so bad. I could just fly away somewhere and start over." "200879108","0","40267","23188626","Betrayal. How could we have been so blind? The shame … it is unbearable." "200879108","0","40268","23188701","Yes. Yes, of course. We were assembling for drill. Standard in-ranks inspection. Everything was proceeding as normal. Then the anchors fell. \n\nI began shouting orders to my lieutenant. She looked at me … I'll never forget that look. That smile." "200879108","0","40269","23188948","Yes, she was. \n\nShe defied my order and shouted something in a dark tongue. Fighting broke out within the ranks. Legionaries that I'd commanded for years … soldiers I'd viewed as sons and daughters—they turned on us. No hesitation. None at all." "200879108","0","40270","23189197","We outnumbered them, but something gave them unnatural strength and speed. I've never seen the like. Their eyes filled with blue fire and they fell upon us like savages. \n\nHundreds were slain in minutes …. Minutes." "200879108","0","40271","23189414","To my great shame, yes. \n\nThese few soldiers were the only troops I could find. We do what we can, but this district—this city—is completely overrun. I fear we may never take it back." "200879108","0","40272","23189602","We fell back by cohorts. At least we tried. It was orderly at first, but it was impossible to account for where the traitors would emerge. We broke and scattered. Most were butchered right there on the street." "200879108","0","40273","23189812","They call themselves the nil Legion … Legion Zero. These traitors were seeded in every one of the Empire's armies. They've forsaken their old allegiances and formed a new shadow legion." "200879108","0","40274","23190000","No. I did my time though. Served for several years under Emperor Varen, but the legions aren't what they once were—they've been corrupted.\n\nI retired and accepted a post as a guard at the Temple. I suppose I'll be retiring from that now too." "200879108","0","40275","23190244","Yes. I'm proud to say I was the last guard standing. My faith kept me strong, but the darkness eventually brought me down.\n\nThe priests dragged me down here and brought me back from the brink of death. I am in no shape to fight, though." "200879108","0","40276","23190481","Be cautious. They look like normal men and women, but there's something dark and powerful lurking in their hearts. They're very strong, and faster than racing hounds. Don't underestimate them." "200879108","0","40277","23190674","We can't be sure. I've not seen any of my fellow generals since the first attack. I prefer to think that they were slain in battle. I can't bear the idea that one of my old friends serves Molag Bal." "200879108","0","40278","23190874","You've got to break the chains on the other side, in Coldharbour. For once, the Daedra's blasted portals work in our favor. Go through and destroy the anchor pinions. \n\nThen come back and take control of the pedestal at the anchor's base." "200879108","0","40279","23191113","Don't get cocky. There are three pinions, so you'll have to visit Coldharbour three times. After that, the district's yours. \n\nBlow this warhorn to signal victory, and I'll send word to your general." "200879108","0","40281","23191314","Taken a few bumps on the head, have you? You're not alone. I can't remember my arse sometimes.\n\nTo capture the district, go through each portal to Coldharbour, destroy the pinion, then return and take the pedestal. Three times, and you're done." "200879108","0","40282","23191559","Yes, but fortunately, the Daedra are overconfident. They keep portals open to Coldharbour. Three portals, three pinions.\n\nDestroy each pinion and then return and take control of the pedestal at the anchor's base. Control all three to break the chain." "200879108","0","40284","23191810","It is sad if that is all you care about when the fate of so many is at stake. Nonetheless, once you control the pedestals, you will control the district.\n\nBlow this warhorn as a signal when it is done, and I will send word to General Aklash." "200879108","0","40285","23192052","It is complicated. I know. First, fight your way into one of the portals to Coldharbour and destroy the pinion there. Then, return and capture the pedestal at the anchor's base. \n\nDo this for all three pedestals, and the district will be safe." "200879108","0","40290","23192296","I suppose my attire gave it away, eh? \n\nYes, I am the senior necrologist here in the Imperial City. Or at least I was before all of this happened." "200879108","0","40291","23192443","Yes. It's a highly specialized field dealing in toxins and infectious diseases that derive from dead creatures raised through necromancy. \n\nRaising the dead is a powerful but highly unstable science. When it goes wrong, I'm there to advise." "200879108","0","40292","23192684","You'd be surprised how often it comes up. Or maybe you wouldn't. You've been 'round the gravestone more than once, I'm sure. \n\nAnyway, it's serendipitous that I was here … for everyone else, I guess." No. Everyone in the district, my whole world is gone. \n\nI only need one small favor though. My parents taught me to never impose on a stranger, but under the circumstances … could you do one thing for me?" "200879108","0","40294","23193093","Well, I'll be damned. I wasn't sure it could be done. I actually suspected I was sending you to your death. I'm glad I was wrong.\n\nThis is terrific. I can't wait to tell my grandfather." "200879108","0","40295","23193279","Unfortunately, the water has diluted the beasts' excretions. \n\nThe good news is that the discarded flesh here has become far less hazardous. The bad news is that the entire water supply has been contaminated." "200879108","0","40296","23193488","Kill it. Kill the monster that did this. I want it dead. That's what I need, the only thing I need. \n\nThey call it Scarhea. It's scary and it's powerful, but it needs to die." "200879108","0","40298","23193663","I certainly wouldn't drink it if that's what you're asking. Unless of course you want to volunteer as a test case.\n\nWorst case scenario you contract morbid necrotitis. I'll spare you the details. Suffice it to say there's a lot of … fluid involved." "200879108","0","40299","23193914","I'm withholding judgment until I complete my analysis of the pure specimens from the necrotic sacs." "200879108","0","40305","23194014","No, as long as that monster stays dead, I'm perfectly happy.\n\nI heard there are a lot of other people who need help around the city though. You could go help them." "200879108","0","40308","23194178","The Arena. People say the Daedra captured the head of the Elder Council, and they're torturing him in front of the crowd. \n\nThere's someone there trying to help him. Jagar Lovidicus, I think. Maybe talk to him." "200879108","0","40309","23194389","The Temple. A priest was here and he said the Worm Cult had taken over the Temple and was trying to summon something terrible, even worse than Scarhea.\n\nAsk High Priestess Simplicia. I think she's in the refuge there." "200879108","0","40310","23194607","Hunting these filthy traitors. I would have thought that was obvious. \n\nThe giant Daedra make it a little tougher, but I've seen worse. Anyone caught unawares by one of these stumbling flesh-monsters doesn't deserve to wear the uniform." "200879108","0","40311","23194844","Yeah. About a dozen of us. \n\nWe were part of a deep-wood auxiliary unit. When the anchors fell and the legion fractured we went to ground. Unfortunately, most of us were discovered and killed. There are only so many trees to perch in, you know?" "200879108","0","40312","23195089","Until they're all dead or the arrows run out. I think the latter's more likely. When that happens … well, I guess we'll take our chances with rope and knives. \n\nKind of tempting actually. These traitors deserve that personal touch." "200879108","0","40313","23195323","Why bother? I'm sure they'd be even worse off than we are. Better to stay here and kill who we can, when we can."

"Ezudash says what he means. They cannot be broken. In Mundus. You must go pay Molag Bal a visit in Coldharbour. Exciting, yes?
By the way, if you decide to do this, keep a sharp eye out for a very stylish hat. I lost it during my last visit."
"Bah. Fine.
These Daedra are stupid and often leave their portals open to attack. Kill the guards and enter the portals to Coldharbour. There are three in all. You will find a pinion in each—a gnarled metal thing. Destroy it, and return to Mundus."
"Of course there is!
Once you've destroyed the pinions, you must take control of the pedestal at the anchor's base. There is glowing and creaking and such, then BAM! Off it goes. Simple.\n\nWhen you capture it for your silly alliance, blow this horn."

"200879108","0","40318","23196179","<The captain shrugs, indicating that you should let him know when you're ready to sail to Bal Foyen.>" "200879108","0","40320","23196281","Yeah, don't worry though. He's not with Legion Zero. He's no traitor. He's loyal as they come.\n\nAlways wanted me to join, but I was too busy running around, getting into trouble. He taught me to fight though. I would've made him proud. Tell him." "200879108","0","40321","23196527","Yes.\n\nLeovic shared my bed. It was love at first, but it grew … sour. He took to muttering like an ass. He was mad. If we were still among the Reach, he would have been tied to a stump and shot.\n\nI threw up when I learned I was ripe with his child." "200879108","0","40322","23196778","Yes. His son … my son is a king—an emperor by right! By the raven's guts, I'll have that crown!" I'm not clear, to be honest. It can't be that hard—sticks and twine, maybe a few bones or horns here and there, smashed together with a particularly odoriferous glop.\n\nNothing I can't manage!" "200879108","0","40323","23196878","You're among the pretenders vying for the throne in Cyrodiil? You swine. You will never lay claim to that false title again.\n\nWhen White-Gold Tower is mine, I will restore order to the Empire." "200879108","0","40324","23196878","You're among the pretenders vying for the throne in Cyrodiil? You swine. You will never lay claim to that false title again.\n\nWhen White-Gold Tower is mine, I will restore order to the Empire." "200879108","0","40325","23197071","The Reach is always careful, stranger. The slow knife in the weeds. You'll learn my son's name soon, mark me. \n\nBut not yet." "200879108","0","40326","23197196","Oh, I don't know. She babbles sometimes. She was worried about some distant family member, or something. \n\nWith all those monsters out in the streets, I assumed she wasn't serious. Like I said, her mind isn't as sharp as most people's." I believe so. The Serpent compromised his physical being, which you destroyed. I will call to him." "200879108","0","38050","22996768","Dark moons and Dark Anchors. The horrors of Coldharbour stalk the streets above and even the sewers below. \n\nIf you venture out from the base, make sure to keep your claws sharp." "200879108","0","38051","22996947","Because the God of Schemes sent them, of course. \n\nIt seems Molag Bal will not be content until every soul has been harvested, and the city itself has been dragged into his domain." "200879108","0","38052","22997128","What's left of them, yes. The Imperial Army was betrayed from within though. Most of the Imperial soldiers are dead. Most of the citizens are dead too.\n\nOur forces have been helping them when we can." "200879108","0","38053","22997328","There is a door to the Arboretum District over there, but it only goes out. It is locked on the other side. \n\nIf you haven't spoken with General Nedras or Sergeant Shaghila, this one suggests you do before you leave." I haven't seen my husband in days. He went to help a friend, Plautisanus Favonius, on the other side of the district. He hasn't returned." This is what happens when you meddle!" "149328292","0","2499","16405909","Please. Just let me go!" "149328292","0","2510","16405933","Let's thin that flesh of yours!" "149328292","0","2511","16405965","Thank you for your aid, warrior. With Daedra everywhere, we'll surely need your help again." "149328292","0","2516","16406057","You didn't drink any of this medicine, did you? These bottles feel a little light." "149328292","0","2517","16406140","The savages. If the fights were fair, I could hold my own, but the Daedra taunt me endlessly when I'm not in the ring. They don't let me sleep. \n\nHow can I recover under such circumstances?" "149328292","0","2518","16406330","Though your tidings were not what I hoped, I thank you all-the-same. At least now, I know his fate." "149328292","0","2523","16406430","You killed the monster!" "149328292","0","2524","16406454","The monster has been vanquished!" "149328292","0","2525","16406487","No bad news, please. This one has reached her limit." "149328292","0","2528","16406540","Just let them come! Covenant Soldiers, Pact Soldiers, Legion Zero, Daedra, it matters not. Shaghila will chop them down, one by one!\n\nWhat's on the other side of that door is another matter. On that side, we need support." "149328292","0","2529","16406762","Thank you for coming to the city's aid, soldier. I won't lie—I don't think we've ever faced a threat like this, at least not here.\n\nAt least we're alive though, and that means there's some hope." "149328292","0","2530","16406959","I can tell from your face that Maximinus is dead. Then we truly are the only ones who survived.\n\nThank you for looking for him, friend." "149328292","0","2532","16407095","I've been sitting here for days now, and I have to say, you Covenant types really know how to put on a good show. \n\nYour officers seem to think it's a comedy, but I'll go ahead and spoil the ending for you … it's actually a tragedy." "149328292","0","2535","14216854","I'm free!" "149328292","0","2536","16407330","That foul Daedra will keep me no longer!" "149328292","0","2537","16407371","I'll never wear silk again!" "149328292","0","2538","16407399","Flee! Flee, everyone!" "149328292","0","2539","16407421","""The sewers are safe,"" he said. I will never trust a scholar again!" "149328292","0","2540","16407489","To the surface! Surely it's safe now!" "149328292","0","2541","16407527","Truly Evgir Unslaad is upon us!" "149328292","0","2542","16407559","There's no shame in fleeing. To fight another day!" "149328292","0","2543","16407610","It seems today is not the day I lick the Tree." "149328292","0","2544","16407657","Swim the foul waters to safety, dryskins!" "149328292","0","2545","16407699","Did someone slay the Lady or is this a deceit?" "149328292","0","2546","16407746","May Tu'whacca lead me from these horrors." "149328292","0","2547","16407788","Let me out of here!" "149328292","0","2548","16407808","Save some Daedra for me!" "149328292","0","2549","16407833","I laughed when my friend fell in the trap, and then she got me." "149328292","0","2550","16407897","Must get out!" "149328292","0","2551","16407911","If my legs will carry me, I must flee this place!" "149328292","0","2552","16407961","What horrors await me?" "149328292","0","2553","16407984","This one is free?" "149328292","0","2554","16408002","Oh, to see the light of the moons once again!" "149328292","0","2558","16408048","I'm glad you've returned. \n\nYou'll be disappointed to hear this, but it seems the Daedra are again preparing the summoning ritual in the temple." "149328292","0","2559","16408193","Unless you are a trained gladiator, I would not suggest entering the arena." "149328292","0","2560","16408269","Intruders! The Flesh Sculptor is not to be disturbed!" "149328292","0","2563","16408323","You won't hold me forever." "149328292","0","2564","16408350","I'll fight them. I'll fight every last one of them. I dare them to come here. \n\nI've never been in a fight before, but I've always known that if it came down to it, I can beat anyone, even a Daedra." Thank you for bringing me Canuldil's note. At least I know what happened.\n\nDon't worry about me. We stocked enough supplies for both of us. With just me, I can hide here for a long time." "149328292","0","2600","16409877","I can't believe this. All the other apprentices from the Mages Guild were told to evacuate the city. But my master has me running around here, testing the damn water!" "149328292","0","2601","16410044","Thanks again for bringing me this book. I'm hoping if I show it to the magister, I can be apprenticed to someone else." "149328292","0","2602","16410163","They were going to kill me, the animals!" "149328292","0","2603","16410204","Thank you. They were going to kill me!\n\nI want to repay you, but I don't have any money. I know where there is some, if you're brave enough to claim it." "149328292","0","2604","16410357","What those treacherous legionaries have done in the Nobles District is a travesty. All the history, the culture … ruined." "149328292","0","2605","16410481","The Imperial Legion is sundered. By Akatosh, if only I'd known …." "149328292","0","2606","16410549","Mortals from the surface? Slay them!" "149328292","0","2607","16410586","New rats for my experiments. Let's see what colors your flesh turns!" "149328292","0","2608","16410655","You return. We'll see who triumphs this time!" "149328292","0","2610","16410701","Confusing, isn't it?" "149328292","0","2612","16410722","I will return to power here, one day. And you will regret it, mortal." "149328292","0","2614","16410792","New targets to challenge me!" "149328292","0","2615","16410821","My targets return. Pathetic fools!" "149328292","0","2616","16410856","I'll burn the flesh off your bones!" "149328292","0","2617","16410892","Fool. You'll die here!" "149328292","0","2618","16410915","The fool returns to face me yet again!" "149328292","0","2619","16410954","Fresh blood for my thralls! Drink, my children!" "149328292","0","2622","16411002","By the power of the Ruby Throne, interlopers will die!" "149328292","0","2623","16411057","Excellent! More swine for the slaughter!" "149328292","0","2624","16411098","Welcome back! My piles need fresh bones!" "149328292","0","2625","16411139","Welcome! My graves are hungry for new occupants." "149328292","0","2626","16411188","Welcome back. The grave awaits!" "149328292","0","2627","16411220","The veil will be torn. You will not stop us!" "149328292","0","2628","16411265","Come to feel my wrath again, fool?" "149328292","0","2629","16411300","Come to me, my lovely. The lady hungers!" "149328292","0","2630","16411341","So, you return. Your punishment awaits!" "149328292","0","2632","16411381","Stand and fight, prisoner! You serve the Lord Warden, now!" "149328292","0","2633","16411440","I will make potent weapons from your organs." "149328292","0","2635","16411485","Your bodies will become one with the Abomination." "149328292","0","2636","16411535","More bodies for the prison. Our occupancy is inexhaustible." "149328292","0","2638","16411595","I will cleave your flesh from your bones!" "149328292","0","2639","16411637","Arise, minions!" "149328292","0","2640","16411653","The Emperor summons his subjects!" "149328292","0","2642","16411687","Awaken, lost souls! Awaken and serve me!" "149328292","0","2643","13906873","Halt!" "149328292","0","2644","16411728","Come here, pretty one!" "149328292","0","2645","16411751","I get tired of looking over supplies, lemme tell ya. But half these grunts can't count. So … yeah." "149328292","0","2646","16411852","What? You need something to do? \n\nTalk to General Nedras, Sergeant Shaghila, or just head out into the sewers. There's enemies in every corner of the city, and I give you permission to kill them all." "149328292","0","2647","16412052","Banekin, heal me!" "149328292","0","2648","16412070","With everything going on out there, I'm just glad we found somewhere safe and dry." "149328292","0","2649","16412153","It's so hard to find decent servants these days!\n\nThe nerve of that woman! How could she leave when there's so much to be done?" "149328292","0","2650","16412281","Rise up, old bones!" "149328292","0","2651","16412301","I don't get why everyone thinks Imperial City is so great.\n\nThe sewers stink to Sovngarde, I never get to kill anything, and the mead is an affront to the gods." "149328292","0","2652","16412462","Decent food, warm bedding—who needs it? I'm having the time of my life down here.\n\nYou need something?" "149328292","0","2653","16412567","Not exactly an impervious vault, I know. But beggers can't be choosers." "149328292","0","2654","16412639","In these troubled waters, a good soldier needs heavy boots for better footing. \n\nWhy not weigh yourself down with my wares?" "149328292","0","2655","16412763","So many soldiers passing through, yet so little security. Ironic, yes?\n\nIf you store your things with Shamaea though, there's no need to worry. This one knows where to hide things." "149328292","0","2656","16412944","My wares are selling faster than hot squirrel jerky in winter, and you know what that means?\n\nHigher prices! Still affordable for someone like you, I'm sure. Take a look. Just don't try to haggle with me." "149328292","0","2657","16413149","Yes, yes, your possessions will be safe here. I have been asked that a hundred times today." "149328292","0","2660","16413241","Your help is appreciated. The Xivkyn will come back, though; we may need you again soon." "149328292","0","2661","16413330","Aha! My experiment-tolerant friend! It is so good to see you. I have great news! \n\nWell, I suppose that depends on your point of view. The fact is that the Veilweavers have returned." "149328292","0","2662","16413513","Thank you so much for bringing back my babies!\n\nIf we can escape this horrid place, the first thing I'll do is buy some leashes!" "149328292","0","2664","16413642","I don't mean to be rude, but I have a lot of work to do. A lot of repulsive work.\n\nDon't stray far though. I suspect I'll need more specimens soon." "149328292","0","2665","16413790","Ah, my erstwhile assistant returns. Excellent."

"149328292","0","2673","16413981","Father's alive and that's enough for now. Once he's better, we'll discuss his plans to escape the City. I'm never going to leave." "149328292","0","2675","16414111","Thank you for rescuing me. I must simply rest here for a moment, then I will depart." "149328292","0","2676","16414196","I cannot imagine an Imperial City without its Elven Gardens." "149328292","0","2677","16414257","I fear the Xivkyn will eventually return to resume their campaign of destruction. If it happens, I hope you too will return to stop them." "149328292","0","2678","16414395","You have excellent timing, my friend. It seems the Xivkyn have returned and begun anew their campaign to burn everything in sight." "149328292","0","2679","16414526","Your return gladdens Aishah's heart, but she see no opportunities right now. Perhaps later, walker." "149328292","0","2680","16414626","Aishah likes you. And for those she likes, she can always find new opportunities." "149328292","0","2681","16414708","So … Daedra like Scarhea don't actually die, do they? They just go back to Coldharbour … you don't think it'll come back again, do you?\n\nIt better not." "149328292","0","2682","16414864","Maybe the Eight haven't forgotten us after all. It's really strange that you just walked in … I don't know if it's destiny or just a coincidence." "149328292","0","2684","16415012","Your service to my family will not be forgotten. Thank you." "149328292","0","2685","16415072","You've accomplished a great deal, friend. Take a rest. We will likely have need of you tomorrow." "149328292","0","2686","16415169","That s'wit! I can't believe she expected me to come back and work for her." "149328292","0","2687","16415244","You're back and Gryna isn't. So, you failed in the simple task I gave you. You're just lucky you don't work for me." "149328292","0","2688","16415360","Those supplies will certainly taste better than our sandals. Thanks for bringing them!" "149328292","0","2691","16415447","I hear they're swimming in gold over in the Nobles District." "149328292","0","2692","16415508","We should have allied with the Worm Cult ages ago." "149328292","0","2693","16415559","Put my blade right through his belly. Served him right!" "149328292","0","2694","16415615","Did they take any of the Imperial Army to the Arena?" "149328292","0","2695","16415668","The Nord helmet has a spot, right under the chin, where you can slip the blade through." "149328292","0","2696","16415756","I held off at least six of the bannermen while the others retreated." "149328292","0","2697","16415825","It was comical. She popped her head out, and I put an arrow in her eye." "149328292","0","2698","16415897","So the fool drew a dagger at ten paces! Last mistake he ever made." "149328292","0","2699","16415964","Knitting a wound is hard, but it's better than animating dead flesh." "149328292","0","2700","16416033","He was an embarrassment. I sent him to the Arena." "149328292","0","2701","16416083","That Xivkyn just keeps looking at me. I feel like a mouse under the gaze of a housecat." "149328292","0","2702","16416171","The city belongs to the Cult of the Black Worm, above and below." "149328292","0","2703","16416236","Mournhold's sewers are far more sanitary." "149328292","0","2704","16416278","Kill them all, I say. Let the necromancers have the bodies." "149328292","0","2705","16416338","The fools think we don't know about their sewer base. They'll learn soon enough." "149328292","0","2706","16416419","Preserve the corpse, but not too much. A little rot goes a long way." "149328292","0","2707","16416488","Raising a dog from the dead? Is she a savage?" "149328292","0","2708","16416534","I sliced him in half. He stood there and blinked twice before he fell." "149328292","0","2709","16416605","The city reeks like a rotten wamasu." "149328292","0","2710","16416642","Fear kills, much to my amusement." "149328292","0","2711","16416676","I'll have them soiling themselves before you rub the sleep from your eyes." "149328292","0","2712","16416751","That atronach's flesh was sewn poorly. A master's touch is needed." "149328292","0","2713","16416818","Food is not my concern. I expect you to provide it." "149328292","0","2714","16416870","If I see her again, I'll freeze her solid." "149328292","0","2715","16416913","He ascended into Coldharbour via a Dark Anchor. Lucky bastard." "149328292","0","2716","16416976","I've been to the Endless Stair and back in service of the Prince of Domination." "149328292","0","2717","16417056","This city should burn. Burn it all, I say!" "149328292","0","2718","16417099","Skewering mortals never gets old, does it?" "149328292","0","2719","16417142","Molag Bal does not wish the entire city destroyed. Just this district." "149328292","0","2720","16417213","I am not so crude as to need a blade." "149328292","0","2721","16417251","Mortal flesh is so easy to manipulate." "149328292","0","2722","16417290","The little ones from the forest make the most amusing servants." "149328292","0","2723","16417354","This mortal land is too colorful for my taste." "149328292","0","2724","16417401","Were you spawned from the waste in the sewers?" "149328292","0","2725","16417448","Keep watch. The mortals seek to break the chain." "149328292","0","2726","16417497","Paint the ground with the blood of mortals!" "149328292","0","2727","16417541","The Planemeld must continue!" "149328292","0","2728","16417570","Complain again, and you'll be a pile of ashes." "149328292","0","2729","16417617","How can we command the Daedroth when they are ignorant of our orders?" "149328292","0","2730","16417687","Elven wine tastes best in the blood of an Elf." "149328292","0","2731","16417734","If there is more work, then we need more thralls." "149328292","0","2732","16417784","Fool. You'll find yourself in the sewers for that." "149328292","0","2733","16417835","I wonder if we have secured the Nobles District yet." "149328292","0","2734","16417888","Look behind that building. There may be more." "149328292","0","2735","16417934","I do not know which is more foul, the sewers or the altar to the Aedra." "149328292","0","2736","16418006","The great chains must hold." "149328292","0","2737","16418034","I am but a tool for the kyn." "149328292","0","2738","16418063","May the flesh peel from any mortal who dares come near." "149328292","0","2739","16418119","I will unleash a storm upon the next worm that tries to get through." "149328292","0","2740","16418188","The Dremora could learn from their betters." "149328292","0","2741","16418232","The sewer portals are almost complete." "149328292","0","2742","16418271","I know how the portal works, fool. I was one of its creators." "149328292","0","2743","16418333","If it were up to me we would destroy every structure in this city." "149328292","0","2744","16418400","Come, mortals! The Devourer needs fresh meat!" "149328292","0","2745","16418446","These thralls would be more useful digging ditches." "149328292","0","2746","16418498","Our Dark Lord demands a sacrifice!" "149328292","0","2747","16418533","We should throw the Worm Cultists into the arena." "149328292","0","2748","16418583","Why don't they put any kyn in the Arena? I could spend all day slaughtering mortals." "149328292","0","2749","16418668","These insects hardly merit our attention." "149328292","0","2750","16418710","Have fun with the mortals. Send them to the Market when they are spent." "149328292","0","2751","16418782","These mortals are naught but disposable playthings." "149328292","0","2752","16418834","If you're looking for Captain Caudex, good luck. Like a ghost viper on a moonless night, that one. Turn over the wrong log and you're dead." "149328292","0","2753","16418974","Embrace my flame!" "149328292","0","2755","16418992","No need to search for victims for the Arena. The meat walks to us!" "149328292","0","2756","16419059","Yes, this one. This creature will make fine sport in the Arena." "149328292","0","2757","16419123","This whole city's a death trap. You should get out while you can." "149328292","0","2758","16419189","Break this mortal, but leave it alive for the Arena!" "149328292","0","2759","16419189","Break this mortal, but leave it alive for the Arena!" "149328292","0","2760","16419242","The Harvesters make a lot of noise, but they fall short when it comes to cunning." "149328292","0","2761","16419324","Unless you've brought the cavalry, get lost. You'll get us both killed if the Daedra spot you."

"149328292","0","2762","16419419","Sewer entrance is just beyond that fence, if that's what you're looking for. If not, then keep moving." "149328292","0","2763","16419522","Be careful in there soldier, lest you wind up as another corpse clogging a drain tunnel.\n\nWe have a long battle ahead of us before the sewers will be secure." "149328292","0","2764","16419680","General Aklash is a strong leader. I am honored to serve under her command." "149328292","0","2768","16419756","Shoo! Go away! The monsters will spot us and then we'll die. Well, I'll die anyway, and that's all I care about." "149328292","0","2769","16419869","Don't burden me with any tales of woe. I have misery enough for any ten of you." "149328292","0","2770","16419949","These soldiers are fools! They'll die like all the others! You will too!" "149328292","0","2771","16420022","Don't mind old Valentia over there, she's harmless. Went a little nuts when she lost all her fancy plates and paintings and such.\n\nHeh, rich folks. Eight love 'em." "149328292","0","2772","16420186","That General Pollius is a fool. Better to leave and fight another day. That is what I say." "149328292","0","2773","16420277","I've been watching those Legion Zero soldiers for hours. I swear they're just moving rubble from one pile to another." "149328292","0","2774","16420395","Wait! Watch your step, sera! That anchor's shaken the whole damned city apart!" "149328292","0","2792","13856981","I can't control it!" "149328292","0","2812","16420474","Beautiful, isn't it? Even in ruin, this city is a thing of beauty and wonder." "149328292","0","2813","16420552","Have you seen what they're doing in the Temple? I haven't been able to get close, but I can hear the screams." "149328292","0","2814","16420662","Hrmph. You're not my reinforcements. Damn it, I need more swords if we're going to retake the temple!" "149328292","0","2815","16420764","Damn! I must have left the door unlocked. Go find your own hiding spot—this is mine!" "149328292","0","2816","16420851","This one has had enough of the Imperial sewers. Too wet, too dirty, and too filled with monsters. You are welcome to it." "149328292","0","2818","16420972","I heard the soldiers talking and scrambled up here. Might as well die here as elsewhere." "149328292","0","2819","16421061","Don't bother giving us any recall orders. We're not leaving this post." "149328292","0","2820","16421132","If you want some optimism, talk to Flora. She's the smart one." "149328292","0","2821","16421195","Curse Tsabinna for a coward! First sign of trouble and she runs away. I'm not giving up until I find enough gold that I have to crawl out of here!" "149328292","0","2822","16421342","White-Gold belongs to Molag Bal. All Towers will follow." "149328292","0","2823","16421399","I will burn your very souls!" "149328292","0","2824","16421428","That voice, it's in my head! Make it stop!" "149328292","0","2829","16421471","You seem to be loaded down, soldier." "149328292","0","2830","16421508","Thank you for the supplies. There's never enough to go around." "149328292","0","2833","16421571","Nowhere to run, mortal!" "149328292","0","2834","16421595","Test your flesh against my flame!" "149328292","0","2835","16421629","My spell has revealed the rifts! Destroy them!" "149328292","0","2838","16421676","I'll remember this!" "149328292","0","2840","16421696","I will rest here for a while longer. My wounds are healing, and I wish to make these monsters pay for what they did to my companions." "149328292","0","2841","16421830","How much can you endure?" "149328292","0","2842","16421855","Let the heat take you!" "149328292","0","2844","16421878","Hmm. Why my uncle wrote all his recipes in Ayleidoon I'll never know." "149328292","0","2849","16421948","Watch your back out there, soldier. Shaghila sees many soldiers go out, but very few come back in." It's about damn time someone showed up. We can't have these Daedra taking over our city. \n\nI'm glad to see you're stepping up to rectify the situation." "149328292","0","3341","16443244","You are a credit to your alliance, wayfarer, and a friend to this city. I hope you will stay until the city has been reclaimed." "149328292","0","3342","16443372","I wasn't expecting to see you back here so soon. You're a busy little bastard, aren't you?" "149328292","0","3343","16443463","I fear that General Pollius may not have the heart to do what is necessary. These Legion Zero traitors are not our friends. Not any more. We do not have the luxury of mercy." "149328292","0","3344","16443637","The Bloodworks Drainage. That's where we should be." "149328292","0","3345","16443689","My thirst cannot be slaked on daedrats alone." "149328292","0","3346","16443735","I may serve Molag Bal now, but I will always honor Malacath." "149328292","0","3347","16443796","How long must we hunt? Are we not to be rewarded for our service?" "149328292","0","3348","16443862","I would reign supreme in the arena." "149328292","0","3349","16443898","Master Otholug is our chieftain." "149328292","0","3350","16443931","Molag Bal recognizes our strength. We no longer need Malacath." "149328292","0","3351","16443994","We are no longer pariahs, but the blessed children of Molag Bal." "149328292","0","3352","16444059","Blood is one thing, but this one's paws cannot abide such filth." "149328292","0","3353","16444124","There's no good line of sight here." "149328292","0","3354","16444160","If we plan this right, we can have a little target practice." "149328292","0","3355","16444221","This place is unsanitary. I cannot work in these conditions." "149328292","0","3356","16444282","Deep in the Alessian Catacombs. Whatever it is, it's ugly." "149328292","0","3357","16444341","I swear, fool--I will slice your hand right off." "149328292","0","3358","16444390","Demonstrate what happens when one challenges the Xivkyn." "149328292","0","3359","16444447","Flense the mortal cage around their souls." "149328292","0","3360","16444490","Peel away their hope, layer by layer." "149328292","0","3361","16444528","The worms offend me with their weakness." "149328292","0","3362","16444569","Despair is their only truth." "149328292","0","3363","16444598","Mortal flesh shall serve as decoration." "149328292","0","3364","16444638","The Dark Lord has sent word. Burn it. Burn it all." "149328292","0","3365","16444689","I care not for the concerns of a lowly Dremora." "149328292","0","3366","16444737","It's an insult—the filth, and these petty mortals scurrying at my feet." "149328292","0","3367","16444811","This mortal legion serves well, better even than some of the Dremora." "149328292","0","3368","16444881","I sense your presense, mortal. Engage me if you wish, but know this—I've never been defeated." The Rat is flattered that you keep wanting to chat with him. Those others, they never talked to the Rat … that's why he doesn't care. \n\nEven if they need help, it's not the Rat's problem." "149328292","1","2297","16851029","Does the unworthy swine have something to say? Save it for the Arena, little pig." "149328292","1","2298","16851111","As long as no one hits me in the face, I'll be fine. I hate it when people hit me in the face." Well aren't you a sight for some tired, old eyes? Where in Oblivion is the city guard? \n\nThere are all these troublemakers causing trouble out in the streets. Are you going to tell them to settle down?" "149328292","1","3341","16901998","I hear you put the girl Voria's mind at ease in the Elven Gardens. Thank you for doing that. If we can improve things, even a little bit at a time, hope will return." "149328292","1","3342","16902164","I heard a commotion coming from the Arena District. I might just have to sneak over there and see what's going on." "149328292","1","3343","16902279","I have seen the thralls of Molag Bal before, but the magics driving Legion Zero are a mystery to me. I find myself at a loss." "149328292","1","3344","16902405","I follow the Bloodmist Master. I do not question his choices." "149328292","1","3345","16902467","I will not go hungry." "149328292","1","3346","16902489","There may still be good prey up in the city." "149328292","1","3347","16902534","These Covenant Orcs are cowards and fools." "149328292","1","3348","16902577","The blood of the Daedra is foul, and they can return for revenge." "149328292","1","3349","16902643","Mmm. Cat-flesh. Khajiit blood is so sweet." "149328292","1","3350","16902686","Once my training is complete, the ways of the Blood Mist are mine." "149328292","1","3351","16902753","I swear myself to no husband. I serve the Bloodmist Master." "149328292","1","3352","16902813","The daedrats taunt me. This one refuses to give in to temptation." "149328292","1","3353","16902879","Whatever became of that General?" "149328292","1","3354","16902912","When I find who's fouled my canteen, they're getting an arrow in the neck." "149328292","1","3355","16902987","What do you mean? I'm the best soldier in the squad." "149328292","1","3356","16903040","Do you think they'll make us go to Coldharbour? I hate those portals." "149328292","1","3357","16903110","A provincial soldier heard me, but she's dead now, so no worries." "149328292","1","3358","16903176","Hold fast, kyn. The mortals approach." "149328292","1","3359","16903214","They shall find absolution in suffering." "149328292","1","3360","16903255","They will come to see death as a mercy. Deny it to them." "149328292","1","3361","16903312","Bring me their fears, and I will exploit them." "149328292","1","3362","16903359","Rip the hope from their bosom." "149328292","1","3363","16903390","Anguish is the only reward for weakness." "149328292","1","3364","16903431","Bested in combat by a mortal? Surely you are making a joke." "149328292","1","3365","16903491","Bring it to me. Let me look into its eyes." "149328292","1","3366","16903534","There is power in places mortals find unsavory." "149328292","1","3367","16903582","These Dremora are naught but a poor imitation of Lord Dagon's servants. We are Molag Bal's true children." "149328292","1","3368","16903688","Not all Xivkyn abuse their Dremora subjects." "149328292","1","3369","16903733","The simple depravity of the daedrat is admirable, in its own way." "149328292","1","2301","16851206","Hail, noble adversary! Come and break bread with me, for tomorrow we may die!" "149328292","1","2302","16851284","Keep moving, friend. I'm looking for my brother." "149328292","1","2304","16851333","I know the Worm Cultists and these Legion Zero soldiers are bad people, but I still don't understand why taking over the Temple of the Divines was a priority for them.\n\nWhat do they intend to do with the place? I just can't imagine." "149328292","1","2305","16851566","As you die, so will the countries of Man and Mer." "149328292","1","2308","16851616","You're wearing that gear into the Arena? Well, I'd bring along a restoration staff or two if I were you." "149328292","1","2309","16851721","Excuse me, capon jam. I think one of us is confused. This table is reserved for Stone-Fish warriors.\n\nI don't see any Stone-Fish colors and I don't recognize your ugly face, so I wager you're in the wrong place. Get lost." "149328292","0","3369","16444977","We crack the center of the Mundus, split the veil wide, and Coldharbour will swallow it whole." "149328292","0","2885","16422933","My collection of mortal parts shall grow this day." "149328292","0","2886","14472660","As you wish, Empress." "149328292","0","2887","16422984","Check the bodies. None of them are to leave alive." "149328292","0","2888","16423035","For the Empire!" "149328292","0","2890","16423051","On your guard! Foes approach!" "149328292","0","2891","16423081","Good work! Onward!" "149328292","0","2894","16423100","Now the Planemeld can begin!" "149328292","0","2896","16423129","Silence the mortals!" "149328292","0","2897","16423150","You cannot stop Lord Bal's will!" "149328292","0","2898","16423183","Be gone!" "149328292","0","2899","16423192","Run, mortal!" "149328292","0","2900","14426741","Enough!" "149328292","0","2901","16423205","Halt! The verdict is death." "149328292","0","2902","16423233","The sentence is complete." "149328292","0","2851","16422047","Do not judge our City by what you see, warrior. Beauty is the first victim of war. And my home district has suffered more than most." "149328292","0","2852","16422180","Good to see you again, friend. No need to tell me the news; I see by your face that Maximinus is dead. And his debts died with him, sadly." "149328292","0","2861","16422319","Bless you, friend. You've given me new hope." "149328292","0","2865","16422364","You have the gratitude of my clan, warrior. \n\nOtholug was a good Orc once. I will try to remember him that way." "149328292","0","2868","16422476","I found that cocoon harder to break out of than the egg, so long ago. It was most uncomfortable in there. You have my thanks." "149328292","0","2873","16422602","Boo!" "149328292","0","2874","16422607","." "149328292","0","2875","16422609","This Tower is now property of Molag Bal!" "149328292","0","2876","16422650","The Planemeld begins anew!" "149328292","0","2880","16422677","This place is not for you, wretch. This device will break your world and make it mine." "149328292","0","2567","16408549","I did not think it would be this cold. The moisture on my scales has turned to frost, and that just makes me even colder." "149328292","0","2569","16408671","May the hand of Auri-El protect you, soldier." "149328292","0","2570","16408717","Keep looking for more papers. The captain says the last ones you found were very helpful." "149328292","0","2575","16408807","Kill you! I'll kill you!" "149328292","0","2576","16408832","Reinforcements are in great need here. Speak with General Nedras for orders.\n\nGood hunting, warrior!" "149328292","0","2577","16408933","Greetings again. General Nedras was very pleased to hear about those documents you recovered from the Dremora. Knowing their patrol patterns will save many lives. \n\nIf you find any more, you know where to bring them." "149328292","0","2578","16409150","Many thanks for your good work. We might win this thing yet." "149328292","0","2579","16409211","Here to lend a hand? There is no shortage of work to do." "149328292","0","2582","16409268","You'll need some potent soul gems to take those cultists on. Lucky for you, I have a few lying around." "149328292","0","2583","16409371","You're going to need equipment. What do you say?" "149328292","0","2584","16409420","Well you certainly brighten up this place, don't you?" Ak'saz was only here a few days when the things went all to Oblivion. It seemed wrong to leave." We must begin the ritual at once. Hurry, inside." "115740052","0","23736","14518671","Aaaaaaaaagh!" "115740052","0","23737","14518684","Eight protect us …." "115740052","0","23738","14518706","I can … I can see everything." "115740052","0","23739","14518738","More Daedra? No. You are not welcome here." "115740052","0","23741","14518781","Mortal arrogance draws us hence from the churning chaos of Oblivion!" "115740052","0","23742","14518850","Woe be upon those who dare summon us from our Father's cruel embrace!" "115740052","0","23743","14518920","Death is no release for you! Your souls shall return to Molag Bal!" "115740052","0","23744","14518987","You'll regret coming here, mortal. You think you'll survive this? Amusing! You're bold … but foolish!" "115740052","0","23746","14519091","Impressive! Savor this victory, for it will be your last!" "115740052","0","23747","14519149","Your flesh is tired, mortal. Weak. Can you summon up the will to continue? I yearn to see you broken!" "115740052","0","23748","14519251","Another beast wounded? Ha! Despair, mortal! The master has arrived!" "115740052","0","23749","14519319","It seems the Ringmaster is slain, so entertainment must be temporarily suspended. \n\nSurvivors may go, but are encouraged to stay. Those who leave will be rounded up later." "115740052","0","23750","14519491","No! No! Let me go!" "115740052","0","23751","14519510","Damn furniture tore up my sword arm. I'm practically useless!" "115740052","0","23752","14519572","Whoever you are, can you move some of these damn crates? I'm stuck!"

They didn't skimp. Malivus brought his entire elite guard. I hope you brought more than planks and nails, Caudex. You are looking for those Legion Zero saboteurs, yes? Or did you already find them? \n\nTell Shaghila their blood now mixes with that nasty sewer water. he Legion Zero soldiers are more dangerous than they look. This one thinks they have been ensorcelled by Molag Bal. \n\nSo you be careful. Shaghila wants the saboteurs dead, not you. I will erase you in Lord Bal's name!" May your lungs rot, your body perish!" "149328292","1","2597","1928468","What?" "149328292","1","2598","16867483","Oh, no, not again!" "149328292","1","2599","16867502","If only Canuldil had stayed home with me, he'd still be alive now." "149328292","1","2600","16867569","Who's more mad? \n\nThe mage who runs around testing the water while the city's under siege, or the apprentice who follows her?" "149328292","1","2601","16867695","I'm so glad to have my book back. The question is do I add my new experiences to part two, or do I start in on part three? I'll have to think about it." "149328292","1","2602","16867847","The Divines bless you, warrior!" "149328292","1","2603","16867879","I long for the days when rats were the worst thing down here.\n\nPerhaps I can repay your kindness, friend." "149328292","1","2604","16867985","Perhaps you can talk some sense into that stubborn ass, Pollius. He certainly won't listen to me, a mere citizen. We need to take this fight to the streets!" "149328292","1","2605","16868142","We will retake this city. We have to." "149328292","1","2606","16868180","You'll regret coming here, mortal!" "149328292","1","2607","16868215","Ready to die, mortals?" "149328292","1","2608","16868238","Back again, little rat?" "149328292","1","2610","16868262","You have to catch me to kill me." "149328292","1","2612","16868295","One day I'll be free. I'll tear you to pieces and return you here, where you will suffer agony unending." "149328292","1","2614","16868400","You don't have enough holes in you yet!" "149328292","1","2615","16868440","This time, I'll put an arrow through your eye!" "149328292","1","2616","16868487","You'll look good in flames, mortal!" "149328292","1","2617","16868523","More victims for the pile!" "149328292","1","2618","16868550","My axes long to taste your blood!" "149328292","1","2619","16868584","A fool and his blood are soon parted!" "149328292","1","2622","16868622","The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor!" "149328292","1","2623","16868666","It's always a pleasure to see new faces!" "149328292","1","2624","16868707","This time, I shall burn the flesh from your bones!" "149328292","1","2625","16868758","Visitors are too few down here. I wonder why?" "149328292","1","2626","16868804","Still trying to kill the unkillable?" "149328292","1","2627","16868841","Come to gaze upon my handiwork, mortal?" "149328292","1","2628","16868881","We meet again …." "149328292","1","2629","16868900","Ah …. A tasty morsel approaches!" "149328292","1","2630","16868935","The Lady always returns. You must not disturb her again." "149328292","1","2632","16868992","Rise! Rise and fulfill your new purpose!" "149328292","1","2633","16869033","You should have fled from this place when you could. Now your flesh will serve me." "149328292","1","2635","16869116","Feed on their corpses. Yours is growing flesh." "149328292","1","2636","16869163","Do not fear. Even in death, your organs will serve us." "149328292","1","2638","16869218","Die, wretched creature!" "149328292","1","2639","16869242","I call you from the mist, children!" "149328292","1","2640","16869278","All subjects approach and pay respect!" "149328292","1","2642","16869317","Come alive, my thralls! Protect me!" "149328292","1","2643","16869353","Eviscerate them!" "149328292","1","2644","16869370","Let me get a taste of you!" "149328292","1","2645","16869397","Mauloch's jawbone, I'm tired of this stink. Next time I'm picking the base site." "149328292","1","2646","16869478","Sorry, soldier. I'm busy. \n\nThere's a lot of dangerous creatures out there … Daedra, undead, and gods-know-what-else. I'm sure you can find something to do." "149328292","1","2647","16869638","Empower me, minions!" "149328292","1","2648","16869659","I've seen some of the nicest houses in the city, but right now, I don't think any of them are as cozy as this place."

"149328292","1","2650","16869840","Seek the flames!" "149328292","1","2651","16869857","I don't care how thirsty you get, I wouldn't drink the sewer water down here.\n\nIt'll kill you faster than a Daedra. I saw a man die that way just the other day."

"149328292","1","2655","16870228","If this one were you, she would want to travel light in the Imperial City. Might need to run at a moment's notice!\n\nLeave your heavy things with Shamaea. She will keep them safe." "149328292","1","2656","16870407","You know, if you're headed out up into the city, the odds are that you're probably going to get yourself killed.\n\nThat being the case, why not go on a little shopping spree. Buy yourself a treat." "149328292","1","2657","16870603","I will take good care of all you leave with me, never fear." "149328292","1","2662","16870986","We're a family again. I can't thank you enough. Now to find a way out of this city …." We're not betraying the Empire, we're saving it!" "149328292","1","2499","16863574","Let me go—I won't tell anyone you're down here!" "149328292","1","2510","16863624","May this venom boil your blood!" "149328292","1","2511","16863656","The Divines bless you, friend. See me again if you ever return here; we may have further need of your services." "149328292","1","2516","16863768","You don't happen to know the way out of here, do you? I was a little … y'know … disoriented when I arrived." "149328292","1","2517","16863880","Thanks, friend. Even a moment's rest from their jeering is welcome. I will stay and fight again, though I fear it may be my last.\n\nI need healing if I am to survive." "149328292","1","2518","16864046","I just wish it could have been me instead of him. Doesn't seem right." "149328292","1","2523","16864116","I'm free from that horror after all these years!" "149328292","1","2524","16864165","You did it! You freed us!" "149328292","1","2525","16864191","This one will soon be a civilian, if General Nedras has his way." "149328292","1","2528","16864256","If you are braving the sewers, make sure to have your weapon at the ready. Between this Legion Zero and the Daedra, every nook and cranny is packed with danger.\n\nIf you are going, perhaps you can do this one a favor?" "149328292","1","2529","16864473","They destroyed it all, our home, our furniture, all our belongings, even my cart. \n\nIf we survive this, picking up the pieces and starting over again won't be easy." "149328292","1","2530","16864638","Maximinus wasn't a good friend, but someone from home nonetheless. Thank you for looking for him." "149328292","1","2532","16864736","Oh, you're nice and shiny, aren't you? Either you're smart enough to have avoided the sewers, or you're nimble enough to avoid stepping in the sludge and blood.\n\nI'd ask you which, but I really don't even care." "Bloodsport. May it never die." "149328292","1","1637","16815236","Kurshara-daro is a firm believer in sampling one's wares, you see? The problem is, with a wager, one owns not the fighter they back.\n\nIt is a concern. Kurshara-daro is no slaver, but she feels strange not having the experience." "149328292","1","1639","16815464","How could I lose so much? Rigged, the fights have to be rigged!" "149328292","1","2535","16864947","Must leave all this filth!" "149328292","1","2536","16864974","How do I get out of here?" "149328292","1","2537","16865000","Is it safe to leave?" "149328292","1","2538","16865021","Must seek safety!" "149328292","1","2539","16865039","Thank the Three, I'm alive!" "149328292","1","2540","16865067","Many thanks! I would have not survived in that shell much longer." "149328292","1","2541","16865133","I will never complain about the smell in Mother's stables again." "149328292","1","2542","16865198","The Lady can torture me no more. Thank you!" "149328292","1","2543","16865242","Am I truly free of my silken prison?" "149328292","1","2544","16865279","The shell of the false egg has cracked and I am free!" "149328292","1","2545","16865333","My fate is not to die today." "149328292","1","2546","16865362","I shall not die today!" "149328292","1","2547","16865385","I will not be some petty Daedra's breeding vessel!" "149328292","1","2548","16865436","Watch out for the Daedroth!" When Canuldil gets back, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. He's left me alone here for days!" "149328292","1","2549","16865464","Of all the creatures, it had to be spiders!" "149328292","1","2550","16865508","I have hope once more!" "149328292","1","2551","16865531","By Stendarr's everlasting mercy, I'm free!" "149328292","1","2552","16865574","The Lady will be angry with me!" "149328292","1","2553","16865606","Too long has this one been trapped!" "149328292","1","2554","16865642","Freedom!" "149328292","1","2558","16865651","I do not enjoy feeling dependent upon anyone, let alone a stranger, but I'm afraid I have dire news. The Daedra have again begun the ritual in the temple." "149328292","1","2559","16865806","Of the gladiators who fought in the arena before the attack, only a handful remain." "149328292","1","2563","16865890","When I get free I'll tear your mortal shell to pieces." "149328292","1","2564","16865945","I'm not afraid of some stupid Daedra. I've never been in a fight, but I've read all about Coldharbour. \n\nI can beat them. I can beat them all!" "149328292","1","2567","16866088","When it's this cold, I try to remember the time when I was still inside my egg. It seems impossible, but it must be in our memories somewhere. \n\nMaybe right before we die, we remember … and then we return to the roots and do it all over again." "149328292","1","2569","16866334","If you go into the upper city, I pray the stars light your way." "149328292","1","2570","16866398","Back again? No papers this time though, I see." "149328292","1","2575","16866445","Come here! I'll tear the head off your neck!" "149328292","1","2576","16866490","Welcome to the Imperial City, warrior! Speak to General Nedras for your orders." "149328292","1","2577","16866570","The hero returns! This one's heart is glad to see you once again, my friend.\n\nIf you stumble across any more of those patrol documents, bring them to Tapak and he will put them to use." "149328292","1","2578","16866755","By the Three, you've been busy haven't you? Keep up the good work." "149328292","1","2579","16866822","I never thought our glorious invasion of the Imperial City would look so … wet." "149328292","1","2582","16866904","How about you take a look at my wares?" "149328292","1","2583","16866943","You'll need equipment. Just so happens I have some I could sell you." "149328292","1","2584","16867012","General Aklash keeps finding excuses to keep me from going out on patrol. Something tells me she prefers to watch me patrol back and forth in here." "149328292","1","2664","16871074","I do hope you washed your hands thoroughly. You might also want to put on a different set of clothes. And clean your weapons …. \n\nIn fact, you should probably just burn all your possessions and start fresh. I need a healthy assistant." "149328292","1","2665","16871311","Ah, thank Mauloch you've returned. My experiments are going well, but I'm afraid I've been a little overzealous."

"149328292","1","2673","16871655","Thank you for reuniting us, friend." "149328292","1","2675","16871691","I don't know if it's the cold or being restrained for so long, but my legs are completely numb. Thanks to you though, I can feel the blood returning to them already." "149328292","1","2676","16871857","The Elven Gardens have always been a symbol of the Summerset Isles' support for the Empire. I worry about the implications if they are destroyed." "149328292","1","2677","16872003","The district is far from safe, but at least it's not on the verge of being reduced to cinders. Not right now, at least." "149328292","1","2678","16872123","There you are. History is once again threatened in the Elven Gardens, my friend. \n\nThe Xivkyn have returned with a fiery vengeance." "149328292","1","2679","16872255","No work yet. Come back and see Aishah later." "149328292","1","2680","16872300","Aishah has been thinking, walker. It was a very profitable day the day she met you. Perhaps there are opportunities for more profits together." "149328292","1","2681","16872443","You made my day by killing that thing. I mean it. If we don't leave … maybe I'll see you tomorrow." "149328292","1","2682","16872544","I hate to say this after everything you did, but I fear I have bad tidings." "149328292","1","2684","16872620","I think I need some time alone. Forgive me." "149328292","1","2685","16872664","Thank you for all your aid. My scouts tell me that the alleys have quieted somewhat, but that will likely change soon. Don't stray too far." "149328292","1","2686","16872804","Thank you for warning me about Holia. I half expect her to show up here looking for me. Dumac take her." "149328292","1","2687","16872908","Still no Gryna. Well, she's out of a job. There are plenty of other peasants who'd love to work for me." "149328292","1","2688","16873012","While I appreciate the supplies you delivered from General Pollius, I'd like it even better if he did something about all the horrible Daedra wandering around, eating people." "149328292","1","2691","16873187","Every notch in the shield is a story. The last story has no notch." "149328292","1","2901","16881220","I sentence you to eternal suffering!" "149328292","1","2902","16881257","Your soul belongs to Lord Bal, now." "149328292","1","2903","16881293","You are the criminal I have been hunting? Really? How disappointing." "200879108","0","40432","23215001","Oh, I know! My babies and I were headed for the Nobles District. I have friends there, you see. \n\nI do hope they're all right. After the things I've seen here in the Arboretum …. Best not to think about it, I guess." "200879108","0","40433","23215219","You're the one who should be careful." "200879108","0","40434","23215257","What's wrong? What's wrong? Y'ffre's bones, you don't understand … you can't!\n\nJust leave. Stop asking questions, and go. They'll catch you if you linger!" "200879108","0","40435","23215414","That's right. The Arboretum's the first priority, but once that's captured, move on to the Market and Nobles Districts. \n\nEven after we manage to capture all three, we'll have to watch out for the other alliances stealing them out from under us." "200879108","0","40436","23215660","The Daedra came. Killed all the guards. Burned them with blue flames and left them to rot.\n\nThey started dragging people out of their cells. The screams—I can still hear the screams! The Daedra own the prison, don't you see? You can't linger! Go!" "200879108","0","40437","23215909","The Lord Warden! Those Twilights—all claws and curses! \n\nAll I did was steal a loaf of bread, you see? No harm done. I was almost out of the prison … the guards had signed my release. By the Eight, they'd signed it!"

"Ha! Ezudash is always happy to help silly, forgetful walkers!
You must go through each portal to Coldharbour, destroy the pinion, then come back and capture the spooky Daedric pedestal. Do this three times, and you're done. Easy, yes?"

"200879108","0","40439","23216365","You would expect that to be the case, but sadly, since Emperor Varen vanished, we've only been consulted a handful of times. \n\nThe Empress-Regent didn't seem to care for our counsel, and Mannimarco only wanted us to approve his draconian dictates." "200879108","0","40440","23216613","As always in politics, there were complicating factors, and as wily as I may like to think myself, Abnur Tharn and Mannimarco always maintained the upper hand.\n\nPerhaps you should try for a seat on the Elder Council and then you can do better." "200879108","0","40441","23216857","That's what I thought." "200879108","0","40442","23216880","Thieves Guild? I said nothing of a Thieves Guild. You said Thieves Guild, not I.\n\nBut … we should probably speak of other matters." Nithings and nikyn, the lot of them." "149328292","1","2886","16880871","By the command of the Empress, you must die!" "149328292","1","2887","16880916","Confirm that they're dead. Then kill the priest." "149328292","1","2745","16876115","Mortals fail because they are weak. Taking this city was too easy." "149328292","1","2746","16876182","I'd prefer to impale the mortals myself, but our orders are clear." "149328292","1","2747","16876249","Something watches us. Can you sense it?" "149328292","1","2748","16876289","No opponent has ever truly challenged me. It's shameful." "149328292","1","2749","16876346","Dig in the ground and you'll find even more of these vermin." "149328292","1","2750","16876407","Magicka has great power over flesh." "149328292","1","2751","16876443","Few of the bodies are useful after the kyn are done playing."

"Aveberl, we can't stay here. Everyone seems to think I'm a vampire! It makes me uncomfortable. What if they attack me?" "Well, my dear, you are rather pale. And we do tend to favor blacks and reds in our choice of fashion. And then there's the wine …." "115740052","0","18899","17247666","You are ignoring my point! Why must you be so … so … indifferent? It makes you impossible to deal with!"

"149328292","11","6397","21903074","You're the great hero, eh? The family offered a reward for a live rescue.\n\nBut you know that already I suppose. Here you go." "149328292","11","6398","21903199","Well, at least my friend is safe, huh? Good to know. Such a flighty creature that one. I wonder where the little birdie will finally land." "149328292","11","6585","21903338","Regulus Opsius."

You'll do well in the Arena, mortal. Feel free to weep before you die." "149328292","1","2757","16876754","This is my hiding place. Go away … please?" "149328292","1","2758","16876799","The Game Master will be pleased to meet you … and to watch you die." "149328292","1","2759","16876799","The Game Master will be pleased to meet you … and to watch you die." "149328292","1","2760","16876869","The Xivkyn trained a daedroth to do amusing things to banekin, and then called him ""General."" How droll." "149328292","1","2761","16876974","If you've got orders for me, you can just forget them. I'm not moving until a general pulls me up by the pauldron and shoves me in line." "149328292","1","2762","16877111","Steer clear of the Imperial Prison is my advice. It's infested with Daedra and is an even worse place than when we ran it." "149328292","1","2763","16877234","It's a sad fact that this is the only place in the city that's truly safe.\n\nI had hoped we would have the sewers under Covenant control by now." "149328292","1","2764","16877378","Each day is a new challenge to a warrior's prowess, and down here, it is a test of survival." "149328292","1","2768","16877471","You provincials are all alike—always looking for excitement. Well, as a resident of this once-lovely city, I can tell you excitement isn't all it's cracked up to be!" "149328292","1","2769","16877639","Just when you think life can't get any worse, another boulder gets dropped on your head." "149328292","1","2770","16877728","You want to die, you go right ahead! I'm going to hide up here until the Tharns come back and free the city! \n\nClivia promised! She promised she'd be back!" "149328292","1","2771","16877884","We'll make it back to General Pollius eventually. Have you seen him yet? He's holed up in the refuge not far from here."

"149328292","1","2772","16878004","This one is far to sleek to die in a place like this. Especially at the hands of filthy traitors." "149328292","1","2773","16878102","I have no idea who's in charge of the city now, with the Tharns gone. Just as well. Never liked them anyway." "149328292","1","2774","16878211","I've been up here for hours. A coward's fate I suppose." "149328292","1","2812","16878267","Where others see ruin and despair, I see beauty and hope." "149328292","1","2813","16878325","I wonder what Molag Bal does with all those souls. We'll find out when we retake the city!" "149328292","1","2814","16878416","If you see any soldiers shirking their duty, you grab them by their chin-strap and tell them to get back on the line!" "149328292","1","2815","16878534","What is it? Are you one of those haughty Sintavs? No, you're not, I can tell just by looking at you. Until they come back, this place is mine, so go away." "149328292","1","2816","16878689","Behind this one lie the Alessian Catacombs; you will not make it far before you too flee. Even worse horrors await in the greater depths." "149328292","1","2818","16878827","If my snooty old friends could see me now, they'd be horrified at what I'm wearing. But, they're dead and I'm not, so I win." "149328292","1","2819","16878952","We keep sending out runners asking for new orders. None of them have ever come back. Dead, I expect." "149328292","1","2820","16879053","I don't know how much longer I can stand that screaming. I'm ready to attack the Temple all by myself." We heard there were piles of gold down here. Almost nothing so far but hordes of Daedra and strange bandits. I think we were duped. He says he's the emperor, but I saw him and he's horrible!" "149328292","1","2829","16879431","What's that you're carrying? Something for me, I hope." "149328292","1","2830","16879486","Good to see you again. Anytime you find caches out in the sewers, think of me, please." Honor requires that I avenge my comrades. I will heal for a while longer, then seek vengeance."

"149328292","1","2861","16880207","Kyne's favor brought you here. No doubt about it." "149328292","1","2865","16880257","I grieve for the Orc Otholug once was, but I am thankful you destroyed what he had become." For a long, long time, the Rat never left the sewers. He likes the air better out here, but not the people … present company excepted, of course.\n\nAll these others, they're just self-centered bastards. They may need help, but the Rat doesn't care." "149328292","2","2297","17272485","Keep walking, you infidel dog! The Blood-Feathers care nothing for pleasantries—only for the banter delivered by the blades of our swords." "149328292","2","2298","17272626","You don't think there are trolls in the Arena, do you? I hate trolls. And ogres. And ducks. I really hate ducks.\n\nI guess I hate all the things." "149328292","2","2301","17272771","Why the sour look, friend? Come. Dance and make merry! Nothing like the threat of a gruesome death to make you feel truly alive!" "149328292","2","2302","17272900","Don't worry, I'm not with Legion Zero. I'm loyal to the Empire, and right now, that means whoever's here to help the city." "149328292","2","2304","17273023","I'm not sure I even care any more. \n\nIf the Temple of the Divines is lost and everything within, what purpose do I have? Serving at the Temple was my entire life!" "149328292","2","2305","17273186","I am the stars and the sky, and everything that lies beyond. There was no hope for you."

"149328292","1","2868","16880348","Oh, my aching tail. It may never straighten out. Thank you for freeing me!" "149328292","1","2875","16880423","You will die here, as the Imperial Legions did!" "149328292","1","2876","16880471","The two Thrones will be joined!" I wish I could convince your general to do more for the citizens. So many of them have been killed or driven from their homes. \n\nLet the Daedra raze the city; we just need to get the people to safety."

"149328292","2","6530","17338858","I have to get out … I have to get out of the city. The Warden's eyes are everywhere! He'll find me!" "149328292","2","6537","17338960","Way to rattle the cages, comrade. Let us handle things for a while. These grunts need the exercise.\n\nFeel free to check in from time to time. We may need you again soon." "55049764","0","9119","8642566","Ah, the smell of steam and ash. A strange combination, to be sure, but in this context, I might say it was the scent of victory.\n\nWere you able to extinguish any of the fires?" "55049764","0","9120","8642742","What are you doing in here? This place is for the weak and the wounded. \n\nYou look perfectly capable. That being the case, I wonder—why aren't you outside trying to retake the temple from those accursed Daedra?" "55049764","0","9121","8642955","I can't wait to get back into the arena now. The Daedra will be expecting me to fall, but they'll be in for a surprise." "55049764","0","9122","8643075","The funny thing is that I've been holding back, fighting defensively because I knew I didn't have any way to heal.\n\nNext bout, the Daedra are going to see the true extent of my abilities." "55049764","0","9123","8643263","Look at you, walker, still stalking the streets unscathed. Your step seems a bit heavier though. Are you weighed down with treasures for Aishah?" "55049764","0","9124","8643408","I'm not going anywhere.\n\nThis isn't going to work twice." "55049764","0","9125","8643465","I can't find it. I've looked everywhere, and I can't find it anymore.\n\nIt has to be here!" "55049764","0","9126","8643555","There you are! I heard the most wonderful scream of agony that really sounded like it was coming from that infernal Scarhea. To hear it suffer was beautiful.\n\nDoes that mean you killed it? Please say yes."


"200879108","0","38038","22995755","The magistrate's corruption must be answered. He keeps a key to the stocks and a <<z:1>> in his mansion. I want you to acquire both.\n\nIf the writ won't convince <<2>> to release my cousin, the key will do the rest."

"200879108","0","38039","22995970","Oh, they're here. Seems half the city's Imperial soldiers were corrupted by Molag Bal—Legion Zero. Watch out for them, they're brutal.\n\nCivilians are mostly dead; a few survivors are in hiding. One of the Elder Councilors is down the hall there."

"55049764","0","9138","8644314","Two of my babies are back! Please hurry and find the last one." "55049764","0","9139","8644377","I believe that each flesh colossus has several of the sacs I need. Necrotic hoarvor have only one apiece.\n\nWhichever is easiest for you to find and slay; it makes no difference to me. The sacs are basically the same. Good luck." "55049764","0","9141","8644605","<The crate contains ample space for deliveries, and a sheaf of manifest papers.>" "55049764","0","9142","8644686","Don't bother looking for my scouts. Just blow the horn. They'll find you." "55049764","0","9143","8644760","As Azaro said, it is good that all was not lost when the ship wrecked, but everything depends on whether they can make it Orsinium in time.\n\nThey are on their way, though, yes?" "55049764","0","9148","8644937","Ah, you've returned." "55049764","0","9156","8644958","<You notice a prominent handbill on the requisition board.>\n\n""Certified Crafters, We Want Your Wares! Potions, Glyphs, Food, and Drink! Hone your craft and earn a reward!""" "55049764","0","9158","8645130","White-Gold Tower has been home to the Empire since the early First Era. To see Daedra make a mockery of it atop the Ruby Throne burns my soul." "55049764","0","9159","8645273","Sister Arminus was right about one thing: you know how to kill Daedra." "55049764","0","9160","8645344","Watch your back. Only the Divines know how long these beasts have been lurking here. Empty rooms are never quite empty when Daedra are involved." "55049764","0","9172","8305683","Today would have been a dark one without you.\n\nDo me a favor and don't be so vocal about it, yes? You could cost me my job." "55049764","0","9174","8645489","The notes you found contain some fascinating information. Have you read them? I, for one, cannot wait to fell these anchors and claim the city for the Pact.\n\nAncestors guide you." "55049764","0","9175","8645668","I tell you, soldier, a city like this … it's just foul. The stench in these sewers—what have these people been eating? \n\nHate to say it, but it might be better to let it go to Oblivion. Mind you, those aren't my orders, though." "55049764","0","9180","8645900","The Rat heard the announcements for arena fights, and he thought he heard the name ""Anthas."" \n\nDoes that mean you were able to deliver the poultices?" "55049764","0","9181","8646050","This one has heard tales of an Arena champion! How delightful. I must confess, I am surprised they let you leave. These Daedra are strange creatures, eh?" "55049764","0","9183","8646204","Did the Bosmer general send you? Nedras, or whatever his name is?\n\nI hope so. That cranky, little bastard didn't send enough soldiers. Between the Daedra and the other alliances, they're getting chopped down pretty quick." "55049764","0","9185","8646426","Even if the city is reclaimed, I suspect my term on the Elder Council has come to an end. \n\nI have a summer home south of the city. If it's still standing, I think I'll spend the remainder of my years down there." "55049764","0","9186","8646639","Travel down the river is not cheap. It's a good thing your friend here is a fast talker." "55049764","0","9187","8646728","Thank you. I had nearly given up hope. \n\nThe Daedra dragged me to the upper level of one of the houses here. Please, come quickly." "55049764","0","9188","8646859","The lock on this Imperial coffer has been broken and all its contents have been removed." When you slosh your way through that water outside, don't think about the fact that it's just a big latrine. Makes me glad I don't have to wade through it.\n\nWhat's on your mind?" "55049764","1","9118","9314982","<No new notices have been posted to the Hunting Board since you last checked.>" "55049764","1","9119","9315061","I cannot express what this means to me. This district is close to my heart. My family moved here from the Summerset Isles way back in the First Era. \n\nWe have lived here for generations. I only hope we can remain for generations to come." "55049764","1","9120","9315300","There you are. You just missed it. The ground was shaking and it felt like the entire district was about to be plunged into the abyss.\n\nI'm guessing that means you didn't get there in time to stop the ritual?" "55049764","1","9122","9315509","I was Grand Champion in the arena last year. I never had any real competition. One thing about the Daedra taking over—at least it's a challenge again.\n\nEvery day gets a little harder. Eventually, I'll lose, but until then, I'll keep fighting." "55049764","1","9123","9315754","You are a smart one, walker. Aishah can tell these things. She can appraise a person just as she can appraise the goods brought to her to sell." "55049764","1","9126","9315898","Thank you for agreeing to help me. I have nowhere else to turn, and … that thing … it must die.\n\nI'm glad you understand." "55049764","1","9134","9316024","Thank you for easing a mother's mind. Shining-Eyes does not like it when I treat him like one fresh-from-the-egg, but it is so cold … he should have carried his shirt with him when he went out." "55049764","1","9135","9316220","By the Egg, tell me she didn't …. I recognize that shirt you're carrying. My mother sent you, didn't she?\n\nIf my scales were not frozen, they would be purple with embarrassment." "55049764","1","9137","9316400","Ah, there you are, my risk-seeking friend. Even when it's been tested before, a spell like this can be unpredictable. I'm glad you didn't get pulled into the Veil yourself.\n\nTell me though, did the spell work? Were you able to banish the Veilweavers?" "55049764","1","9138","9316651","Well, at least one of my babies is safe. Please, keep looking!" "55049764","1","9139","9316714","Welcome back. Did you acquire those specimens for me?" "55049764","1","9142","9316768","I heard the bugle all the way over here. Did my archers' arrows strike true?" "55049764","1","9143","9316845","The heat of the rocks here is comforting in this cold climate. This one must remain here. He is watching for a ship called the Dawn Posset. It carries very important cargo.\n\nThe ship is many days late now, but Azaro must maintain his vigil." "55049764","1","9146","9317086","You are not a Daedra, are you? What do you want?" "55049764","1","9148","9317135","Knowledge of your enemy's movements is half the battle. The easier half, in my experience." "55049764","1","9151","9317226","One thing about the city falling under attack … it may be violent and frightening for most people, but for someone who's worked every day for five years, it's actually relaxing. \n\nJust not having to be at that miserable place … it's liberating." "55049764","1","9152","9317475","Please do hurry along. \n\nI hope Gryna's still in the Arboretum, but she could be anywhere by now … or worse, what if she really is dead? It's simply unthinkable." "55049764","1","9156","9305134","<You notice a prominent handbill on the requisition board.>\n\n""Queen Ayrenn bids you welcome! Masters of the craft await you in <<1>>! New crafters shall be trained! Accomplished crafters will be certified! All at no cost to you!""" "55049764","1","9158","9317639","I don't care how great the Moth Priest says you are. The Palace should be reclaimed under the banner of the Empress Regent.\n\nDon't make a mess of this." "55049764","1","9159","9317791","The Priest made us wait all this time … for you? I expected an army. I hope you know what you just signed up for, stranger." "55049764","1","9160","9317917","Sister Arminus assures us you're to play a vital role, today.\n\nOf course, she also said that we're standing on a pinion of reality, that we have no idea how lucky we are we haven't been whisked into the cosmic beyond. And then she laughed about it." "55049764","1","9167","9318166","Please find Maximinus, if you can. I desperately need that money!" "55049764","1","9172","9044641","I've always hated spiders, but I think today proved that squashing them can be extremely gratifying.\n\nAt any rate, you've been a great help. Two-Blades will probably want to thank you, too." "55049764","1","9173","9318232","Another recruit? We are glad to have you, friend. But I warn you—the city makes Cyrodiil seem like a mid-day wallow in a salt-meadow swamp. There are things here that would rattle Hist roots. Steel yourself." "55049764","1","9174","9318442","I dare not stay in one place for long. The Daedra are everywhere. Did General Hal-Rei send you? Speak quickly!" "55049764","1","9180","9318553","The Rat hopes you find the arena fighters before the Daedra make them fight again. \n\nThey need poultices or the fights won't even be interesting to watch, and that's really what the Rat cares about."

"Ezudash wishes you good luck. Clumsy walkers like you always need it, yes? Ha!"

"55049764","1","9182","9318831","May Tava guide your steps, wayfarer. May she take you to the people of this city who are in need, and bless your efforts to help them.\n\nGo now. You have done all you can here." "55049764","1","9183","9319007","Watch out for Covenant and Pact soldiers out there. If by some miracle, the district's already captured, blow the horn to let me know. For the gods' damn sake, no one else has. \n\nWhen you're done, report back here. Luck be with you, comrade." "55049764","1","9185","9319249","You'll have to excuse my brother. He's a little prickly, but his heart's pure. Perhaps I can make it up to you.\n\nI have some information I think your alliance might find extremely valuable." "55049764","1","9186","9319439","Travel down the river is not cheap." "55049764","1","9187","9319475","Eyes of Magnus! All I can see is a shadowy form, you are not a Daedra, are you? I hope not. \n\nWhere are you, exactly? What part of the city?" "55049764","1","9188","9319616","The lock on this Imperial coffer has been broken and it appears someone took any valuables within but left a stack of documents." "55049764","1","9205","9319745","Our funds are exhausted. You'll need to come back later." "55049764","1","9206","9319802","I'd love to help you, but my hands are tied. New funds won't be available until later. You will come back later, right?\n\nRight?" "55049764","1","9207","9319930","The till is closed. You Enforcers were just too efficient today." "55049764","1","9208","9319995","You'll need to hang on to that contraband just a little longer. The cupboard is bare, as they say." "55049764","1","9209","9320094","Ah, Enforcer. I was so looking forward to dealing with you. Alas, you'll have to return later." Glad to see you've decided to join our number. Remember: we exist to protect the weak and the innocent. That is our first and highest calling." The same thing as you, unless I miss my guess. My companions and I are … were explorers. Discovering lost cities, finding ancient treasures—always seeking adventure! \n\nI see now that we delved too deep this time, and my companions paid for it." "200879108","0","40336","23198211","I would like that. This is a bad place to die. I wish to bask again in the sun-blessed waters of Black Marsh before I shed my scales, but Shining-Eyes erects the spine of loyalty for this city.\n\nHe insists upon staying here, so I will remain too." "200879108","0","40337","23198458","That is only because you are seeing a projection of my will and not my actual person.\n\nI am sorry. I suppose this seems suspicious under the circumstances. I promise you however, I am very much real and very much in need of help." "200879108","0","40338","23198688","No. That is very … generous, but now that my hands are unbound, I can protect myself. In fact, burning a few Daedra might even get the blood flowing.\n\nYou go on. I will be fine."

"200879108","0","40342","23199566","I'm sorry. Was I not clear enough before? Did I stutter?\n\nI don't need food. I don't need clothes. I need that monster dead. Now! If you don't go kill it, I'll throw a tantrum and make a scene. You don't want that." "200879108","0","40343","23199781","I don't know. Perhaps it's the ambience? \n\nNo. It's because the temple is located at the intersection of Tamriel's strongest Aedric meridians. It's a powerful place, and Idryne Sadrys knows that." "200879108","0","40344","23199977","She was a temple acolyte once, but a leader in the Worm Cult now. I had forgotten her until she broke in with all those Daedra.\n\nIdryne's likely taken steps to ensure her ritual isn't disturbed, sealed the temple's doors and so forth." "200879108","0","40345","23200212","If the main doors are sealed, and I suspect they are, there's only one way in. You'll have to go through the crypts. There's a grate in the plaza near the temple. \n\nOnce you're in the crypts, it shouldn't be too hard to find the sanctuary." "200879108","0","40346","23200452","Coffins, corpses … what else would you expect? \n\nEveryone entombed down there was consecrated, of course, but that hasn't always stopped them from being raised. I'd be careful. Good luck." "200879108","0","40347","23200642","Special? There's nothing special about them. We just want them dead.\n\nAttaches, and paper-pushers, and spineless advisors. The Legionaries may have done the fighting, but these little snot-rags were the ones pulling the strings. I just know it." "200879108","0","40348","23200887","Isn't that enough? No? Fine.\n\nThey have some strategic importance too. They tend to carry the messages down from the Xyvkin. Killing them disrupts the command chain, which in turn disrupts the Planemeld. \n\nHappy now?" "200879108","0","40349","23201104","Then you've won a pitched battle for the Imperials, and done justice to the name Undaunted. For the Empire's sake, I hope you remain in the vicinity. They still have a war to win." "200879108","0","40350","23201284","Oh, the best kind, I assure you! I represent a like-minded group of individuals who have banded together to take advantage of the situation in Cyrodiil. I think you'd fit right in." "200879108","0","40351","23201465","It's no secret that each Alliance's best and brightest has gone off to war. That's left the home fires somewhat … uncared for, if you take my meaning. Our organization makes it easy to turn ill-gotten gains into pure gold!" "200879108","0","40352","23201690","Criminals, outlaws … call us what you will. We're still getting rich and I'd be happy to let you join us. And membership has its privileges! We can help you sell stolen goods, clear your bounties, and generally provide lots of helpful advice." "200879108","0","40354","23201935","It's a relatively painless process. And quite simple, really. \n\nSay the word and you're in. Just like that!" "200879108","0","40355","23202043","I am your dearest and truest friend! I just know you'll make a fine addition to our organization. But is there something else I can do for you right now? I do have places to go and things to … acquire, if you take my meaning" "200879108","0","40356","23202270","Alas, there's only so much I can say to those who haven't taken the secret pledge. Just be assured that the opportunity we represent is worth more gold than you can possibly imagine." "200879108","0","40357","23202453","A bounty is your reward for a job poorly done. If someone catches you in the act of committing a crime, you receive a bounty. Believe me, it's not something to be proud of." "200879108","0","40358","23202626","A bounty on your head can be difficult to live with. As long as the bounty remains in force, the Guard will hunt you down.\n\nAnd when they catch you, you have only two options: pay your bounty and relinquish your stolen goods, or attempt to flee." "200879108","0","40359","23202872","Indeed! That's one of the benefits of belonging to our unassuming organization. Just reach the nearest outlaws refuge and you'll be as safe as a sparrow in its nest.\n\nOr, head away from any guarded towns. But the wilderness gets old after a while." "200879108","0","40360","23203120","Well, you're standing in one now! But have no fear, you'll find them in major cities, however far you travel." "200879108","0","40361","23203230","Oh, not officially. Although to the uninitiated, we provide many of the same benefits as a guild. And we do try to maintain a cordial relationship with other criminal organizations operating throughout Tamriel. Professional curiosity, you understand." "200879108","0","40362","23203481","Bounty hunting scum hired by the Alliances to keep order in their cities. Enforcers are ruthless. They won't give you a chance to surrender—they'll just kill you and confiscate the stolen goods you worked so hard to acquire. The bastards!" Well, as long as no one notices, absolutely nothing. But if someone catches you in the act, you receive a bounty. And while you have a bounty on your head, the Guard will come after you to collect it.\n\nOr the Enforcers will." "200879108","0","40364","23203947","Try fleeing to the nearest refuge. That's usually what I do. If you can't get away, the Guard usually give you an opportunity to pay your fine.\n\nEnforcers give you nothing but an axe in the guts. Best to avoid them." "200879108","0","40365","23204163","You can find refuges throughout the land, usually in or near major cities. Access is a privilege of your membership! The Guard won't follow you into a refuge, so it's a safe haven—and a place to find a fence for your stolen goods." "200879108","0","40366","23204396","Everyone in our line of business needs a fence! Who else will move your stolen goods, launder your stolen items, or help you clear your bounty? That's why every refuge has a resident fence who's always on the premises." "200879108","0","40367","23204615","You can't just walk up to any merchant and sell your ill-gotten gains. But the fence has connections far and wide, and knows how to move stolen goods without much risk of reprisals. And in exchange, the fence provides you with a substantial reward." "200879108","0","40368","23204864","Sometimes you acquire something that's just too good to part with. However, if the Guard finds you with a stolen item, you're back in hot water. But the fence knows how to turn an illegal item into an item that's free and clear." "200879108","0","40369","23205093","The Guard doesn't always give you a chance to pay, especially if your bounty is substantial. Plus, the Guard always confiscates the goods you acquired, so all your hard work turns to naught. Better to deal with the fence, I always say." "200879108","0","40370","23205329","You haven't heard of us? We've been around Tamriel since … a long time. Starting with the Bailiffs Guild and blah blah blah. Point is, we have history.\n\nRight now, we aid the Guard in keeping the peace. Cracking skulls for justice." "200879108","0","40371","23205563","Enforcers. Much more respectable than bounty hunters. \n\nAnyone who joins the Enforcers gets paid for hunting down outlaws and rewarded for retrieving their ill-gotten goods. And it's completely legal!" "200879108","0","40372","23205764","You sign up and get some garb to show you're with us. Wear it and start hunting. Return any contraband you find to your local Enforcers Chapter for the reward.\n\nJust so you know, we're not responsible if an outlaw kills you dead. Interested?" "200879108","0","40373","23206006","Enforcers! I hate those guys. They're bounty hunters for hire without a shred of decency or compassion." "200879108","0","40374","23206110","That's the stuff! No Fear, just a trail of dead outlaws and a pocket full of gold!\n\nHere, take our garb. Normally you have to say this big long oath, but I forget the words right now, so we can just skip that part." "200879108","0","40375","23206325","That's the stuff! No fear, just a trail of dead outlaws and a pocket full of gold! \n\nTalk to the Provost—that's a fancy name for the Guard intermediary who holds the purse. They'll set you up with our garb, for a small fee." "200879108","0","40376","23206551","Not even close! If Enforcers catch you while you have a bounty, they won't give you a chance to pay it. They'd rather kill you and confiscate your stolen goods than deal with the paperwork associated with collecting a bounty from a live criminal." "200879108","0","40377","23206798","As long as you don't have a bounty, the Enforcers can't touch you. But if you do have a bounty, find your way to any refuge. It's a safe haven for those in our particular line of work." "200879108","0","40378","23206983","The Guard regulates the Enforcers. They require them to clearly identify themselves when they're on duty.\n\nJust look for their distinctive garb—if they aren't wearing it, the Guard won't allow them to pursue you."

"Look at you, walker, still stalking the streets unscathed. Your step seems a bit heavier though. Are you weighed down with treasures for Aishah?"
Ezudash wanted me to tell you he said "hello."
"Ugh. That flea-bitten stray is still alive?
As if Aishah needed another reason to hate the Daedra. They are killing everyone else, why could they not rid us of Ezudash?
Do yourself a favor and stay away from him. All paws that one. Disgusting."

"200879108","0","40380","23207444","And that's only the beginning, my newfound friend! Something big is coming and you're going to want to be a part of it! Of that, I'm sure." "200879108","0","40381","23207583","Oh, I can't reveal all of our secrets just yet. Suffice it to say that the upcoming attempt to clean up our fair cities will provide limitless opportunities for my associates and I.\n\nBut I'm willing to cut you in on the action. We'll talk again soon." "200879108","0","40384","23207834","You have to wear Enforcer garb to fight outlaws, so don't lose it by doing something stupid, like committing a crime. If you lose it, you'll have to buy it again." "200879108","0","40385","23207997","You'll know them. It's part of being an Enforcer, being able to sniff out lawbreakers.\n\nDon't underestimate them, though. Some outlaws hunt anyone wearing our garb. The risk is high, but so is the reward." "200879108","0","40387","23208202","If it's about cracking outlaw skull and claiming bounties, I can talk all day." "200879108","0","40388","23208281","We're a group that the city Guard in towns across Tamriel have contracted to help in the keeping of the peace.\n\nThere's a book that explains it all, around here somewhere." "200879108","0","40389","23208453","We hunt outlaws for a portion of their bounty and confiscate any stolen goods. Sometimes, you might even find something that'll show you where to find one of their bandit dens, in which case you can take the fight to their hideouts." "200879108","0","40390","23208686","If I had a gold piece for every time I left my garb in some lady's bedroom … well, you don't need to know about that. If you need some new garb, talk to the provost at the Enforcers chapter." "200879108","0","40391","23208879","The provost at the Enforcers chapter will pay for anything you've confiscated from criminals.\n\nNow, the Guard funds are not unlimited. You might have to wait a bit before the money frees up." "200879108","0","40392","23209070","Hideouts where bandits keep their stolen goods. It can be very profitable to clean one out, but the bandits are clever and they protect their ill-gotten gains with all sorts of devious traps." "200879108","0","40393","23209262","It's true our ranks are not always filled with the most upstanding individuals, but our charter is good. To pursue justice in the farthest reaches of Tamriel and to protect the weak against the unscrupulous." "200879108","0","40394","23209470","There are many ways by which Enforcers fulfill their mission. We hunt down outlaws who have evaded their bounty. We confiscate stolen goods. We also rid Tamriel of the bandit scourge that plagues the countryside." "200879108","0","40395","23209683","Their camps are easy to find. But if you are fortunate, you may chance to learn the location of one of their dens.\n\nFilled with stolen goods and rife with devious traps, there is little more satisfying than cleansing one of these hidden rats' nests." "200879108","0","40396","23209933","I am not a glory hound. There is no species of criminal more base or more harmful than those who have taken up banditry.\n\nThe common outlaw may be the victim of circumstance, but the bandit has set himself at odds with society." "200879108","0","40397","23210161","Talk to Osgug. He will help you join. But don't take too much stock in what he says. Not to be rude, but he's a bit of a lout." "200879108","0","40398","15315877","Kargand will live and by my claws, I promise he will defeat this corruption. I thank you for freeing us. Know peace in your journeys." "200879108","0","40400","15319819","We were lucky to have the help of a five-clawed one such as yourself. I appreciate all you have done for me.\n\nNow, though it pains me, I must free my brother from his suffering. Good luck to you." "200879108","0","40402","23210288","Then I suppose I'll forgive you. Would have made for a better story my way." "200879108","0","40405","23210364","I knew you'd see things right. Now, I'm supposed to make you swear that you'll renounce … villainy? Or is it lawlessness? Either way. Do you do that?" "200879108","0","40406","23210516","Great. Then you are officially rehabilitated! Here's your garb. Now get out there and punch an outlaw for me." "200879108","0","40407","23210626","Great. Welcome back to the ranks of the Enforcers. You'll have to buy your guard from the provost, though. We'd go broke giving those out for free." "200879108","0","40408","23210774","You've found the right Orc. I've been steering enterprising individuals like yourself to a productive life of outlaw-fighting for … well, who even keeps track?" "200879108","0","40409","23210936","You know, we're having a dog of a time settling on exactly what it is. First it was badges, then tabards—maybe next week it's glowing shoulderpads.\n\nReally, it's whatever the Guard thinks will make us stand out. You learn to roll with the changes." "200879108","0","40410","23211186","Heh. I'd tell you, but Radwi would probably knock me over the head for speaking out of turn.\n\nBut if you can keep a secret …." "200879108","0","40411","23211314","Since the start of the alliance war, there's been a big increase in crime around Tamriel. Let's just say, we're planning to do something about that." "200879108","0","40412","23211463","Some woman was shouting about Clivia taking refuge in the White-Gold Tower, but gods know if that's true. One of those Abominations crushed her like a Cropsford grape before I could get any details. \n\nI'd put gold on them leaving the city entirely." "200879108","0","40413","23211712","Thanks for your sympathies, but you can keep them.\n\nTruth is that I've always been a bitter, angry woman. My poor husband was probably relieved when they killed him. Who knows? Maybe his corpse came after me of its own will." "200879108","0","40414","23211937","This is war, friend. I will grind whatever grist the mill requires in order to fulfill my duty." "200879108","0","40415","23212033","All the more reason to take up arms. What? Would you have us tuck tail when our holy relics are plundered, and our people are butchered in the streets?\n\nWe will fight, no matter the cost. I'll not have such seditious talk in my camp. On your way." "200879108","0","40416","23212280","I am now, I suppose. We all are. Station and breeding—none of that means anything anymore." "200879108","0","40417","23212373","The sun is rising, that's what. Soon it will be a new day in Tamriel—a future free from lawlessness and from the villains who prey on the weak." "200879108","0","40418","23212519","I am not authorized to say any more, and you are not authorized to know. I have already said enough." "200879108","0","40419","23212620","You noticed!\n\nMy father was an influential diplomat before the Banner War began. In truth, I've spent more time here in the Imperial City than I have in Skyrim. When the rebellion began, my father chose to stay here. More opportunities he said." "200879108","0","40420","23212865","Wearing these old hides. It stirs something up.\n\nFather called it the ""sleeping bear."" All Nords have it—and no matter how many nights you spent resting on pillows drinking fine wines, one day, it wakes up.\n\nHe was a wise man, my father. Very wise." "200879108","0","40421","23213116","Other than the whole Daedric invasion? It was beautiful. \n\nI wish you could have seen it. Alabaster pillars, art, music—all gone now.\n\nWhen the chains fell, most of my friends were slaughtered. But I found my father's armor. It's the oddest thing." "200879108","0","40422","23213366","He's a brute, but much as it pains me to admit it, he's our best recruiter. Seems people won't join the Enforcers simply to do the right thing. So he talks about glory and money and excitement and people flock to join." "200879108","0","40423","23213585","Oh, she's one of our best Enforcers. A little uptight, but we all have our flaws. I'm sure she'd be happy to list mine. Point is, I'd trust her with my life."

Delms! You can't believe these blatant lies about me!" "115740052","0","27609","14708684","My duty is clear, traitor." "115740052","0","27610","14708711","Secure him." "115740052","0","27611","14708723","Yes, Governor Salvi." "115740052","0","27612","14708744","Sergeant, where's <<1>>? What happened here?" "115740052","0","27613","14708789","The Governor struck me from behind and fled." "115740052","0","27614","14708834","The Governor seeks to escape justice! After him!" "115740052","0","27615","14708883","<<1>>! He's dead!" "115740052","0","27616","14708901","Murderer! <<1>> knew that you had a report claiming Firemoth Island was free of slavers, and we both know that was a lie." "115740052","0","27617","14709023","The Sergeant's dead? Who would do such a thing?" "115740052","0","27618","14708723","Yes, Governor Salvi." "115740052","0","27619","14709071","<<1>>! He's dead! When I came to inform the Governor, he ambushed me!" "115740052","0","27620","14709141","ALMSIVI is the ending of words. Stay quiet, picking the lock is enough noise." "115740052","0","27621","14709219","I saw you in chains. They said you burgled the Governor's quarters. I bet he's crooked, isn't he?" "115740052","0","27622","14709317","No time to talk. Everyone saw a distress signal and rushed off to Firemoth Island. That's where the heretics must be!" "115740052","0","27623","14709435","Go now! ALMSIVI is the ending of words!"

Hate slavers? Unsightly chains? Slavery banned at the new kinder, gentler Hadran's Caravan! Lacking in companionship? Can't seem to make a lady smile? Don't worry! In Pa'alat the ladies smile for a song!" "149328292","2","1696","17256468","Hear and know! Krin Ren-dro slain by Dominion operatives! The Eagle banner flies over Pa'alat!" "149328292","2","1697","17256563","Troll fights, troll battles, troll wars! Come bet on the black and white fighting trolls of Hadran's Caravan!"

Duchess of Anguish? Nothing can hurt you, Sai. Unless you want me to hurt you.

Oblivion has pies. Ask anyone who's been there.\n\nDeadly pies.

Slaves! Subdue this pretender, than I might feast upon their pain for all eternity!

Greenshade Spinner's Cottage quest dialogue? I'm unsure which I despise more, Khajiit or Bosmer." "149328292","2","1494","17247241","A noble High Elf raised in such environs. It's a travesty!" "149328292","2","1495","17247300","It's a little underdeveloped, but I really think Prince Naemon could do something with this island."

The Hound dialogue? "Hircine, a tyrant from Oblivion. Hircine, who is Half the Conscience of Man.\n\nHe is the father of werebeasts, and thrills in the hunt, no matter the prey." "200879108","0","23011","21234481","A forge. Instead of steel, it shapes flesh. Instead of fire, it stokes the soul. Here, Hircine crafted his Hound. A living weapon driven by passion.\n\n<<1>> is not so discriminating. They build a crude army of dead flesh." "200879108","0","23012","21234702","To capture the Green Lady, I would think. The strongest of the Bosmer, greatest hunters of Nirn! How could Hircine resist such formidable prey?\n\nHe's sought her as a trophy for generations. And I was the key." "200879108","0","23013","21234911","I was a hunter once. When the Green Lady rejected me, I searched for aid. I came to <<1>> and found Hircine, waiting for me.\n\nHe turned my love into an obsession. Twisted it to his infernal purposes. And I became his Hound." "200879108","0","23014","21235135","Hircine did not abandon this prison. He gave it to <<1>>, and she created an army of husks from Hircine's conquests.\n\nShe seeks to overrun the Valenwood and slaughter its people. I cannot allow that." "200879108","0","23015","21235335","A harvester of souls! Hircine used her to create this prison. She crafted the perfect madness from my memories."

The soulless one thinks I can be defeated. Not so, fool.

Worm Cultists? Daedric masters who speak in riddles, preserve your dominion over us." "75245636","5","465","11679239","Do we control the Daedra, or do they control us?" "75245636","5","466","11676849","Once the unbound Daedra is summoned, he must be forced to submit." "75245636","5","479","11679288","All mortals will come to our lord and master. He is the Harvester of Souls." Do not fear, child. I will make good use of your corpse." "149328292","0","10671","16745740","Fools! How can you kill what you do not comprehend?" "149328292","0","10672","16745792","Death is never the end." "149328292","0","10673","16745816","Beauty lies in death. Come, and I'll show you!"

You presume to enter our sacred grounds? Blasphemer!" "149328292","0","10679","16746065","Namiira, give me strength!" "149328292","0","10680","16746092","Your infantile defiance is almost charming, but it grows tiresome." "149328292","0","10681","16746159","Keep your hands off what's mine!" "149328292","0","10682","16746192","Blind rage will not eliminate these vermin. Focus." "149328292","0","10683","16746243","Enough toying with them. We end this rebellion now." "149328292","0","10686","16746295","Some compare Khajiit to Dragons. Why? Ask this one later. Much later." "149328292","0","10687","16746365","Mara's heart! When legend comes to life, sometimes fleeing is best!" "149328292","0","10691","16746433","Get down in the dirt. Where you belong." "149328292","0","10692","16746473","Bow down!" "149328292","0","10693","16746483","On your knees!" "149328292","0","10695","16746498","Be careful out on the Prowl, walker. Many poachers hereabout, and they are not picky about what they hunt."

You dare to face me, morsel?" "149328292","0","11145","16754065","Obey, blood-thralls!" "149328292","0","11146","16754086","These bugs are so eager to drink and be made slaves." "149328292","0","11147","16754139","This one prefers her thralls to dull-clawed bloodfiends. Too feral." "149328292","0","11148","16754207","Get them, darlings!" "149328292","0","11149","16754227","Took this poison from a Baandari fresh out of Murkmire. Very effective, but spoils the blood." "149328292","0","11150","16754321","I have a claw for your heart!" "149328292","0","11151","16754351","There should be an etiquette. This one is tired of felling prey only to be the last to feed."

The Wretched Squalor It happened so fast. They killed us all! The knives. I can still see the bloody knives!" "149328292","1","913","16779804","One day I was in Camlorn. The next, I was here. Am I dead? Everything is such a blur." My brother Gahznar and I … we were killed. Sacrificed on a black altar. \n\nWe woke up here. We serve the Daedra. What choice do we have?" Please don't beat me. Yesterday's bruises still hurt." "149328292","0","913","16322314","The Worms come. They drag some of us off. Take us to the castle." "149328292","0","914","16322379","It's cold here. So cold. The desert nights were cold, but not like this. It's cold to the bone." Famazar wishes he had his wares. Even Worms need new clothes, yes?" "149328292","0","920","16322992","I miss the smell of the oasis at dawn. This place has no scent." "149328292","0","921","16323056","The Worm Cult does not descriminate. They murder everyone, equally." "149328292","0","915","16322475","Get away from me! I don't have anything for you!" "149328292","0","916","16322524","Who are you? You don't look shriven. Are you one of those Worm Cult bastards?" My wretched cousin sold me to the Worm Cult so he could steal my wife and my home.\n\nI've seen the Worms torturing slaves. If I ever get out of here, I'll show my cousin how they do it." "149328292","1","914","16779891","Why would they want my soul? I'm just a simple potter." "149328292","1","916","16780018","Kill all the Worms, I say! Mount their heads on spikes!" "149328292","1","917","16780074","My brother rages and screams at the Worm Cultists, but when they come for slaves, he's the first one into a bolt-hole." "149328292","1","918","16780193","I had an estate that made the kinlords jealous, and a hundred servants to attend my every need.\n\nHere? I lord over a pile of rubble and insects. How the mighty have fallen." "149328292","1","920","16780549","I cannot see the moons here. I cannot find my way home."

Nimalten events

"115740052","0","13007","13915395","Did you hear? Thane Fjora was attacked by one of her councilors!" "115740052","0","13008","13915460","I bet it was Golun." "115740052","0","13009","13915480","Why him?" He's got the shifty eyes. And his name sounds evil. Who names their kid Golun?"

Wretched Nord slave! You will rot here forever!" "149328292","2","944","17225589","Fear the touch of my icy hand, knave!"

Aera: Well enough. It's good to have a reason to get up in the morning. Without my family the way it was … it's easy to wallow in thoughts of Bleakrock. Of the good days." "200879108","0","18063","20733750","The hunt for this Clan Matron. That's what I do, now. Denskar used to say I latched onto things like a momma bear. Wouldn't let anything go. Now I use that instinct for the Pact." "200879108","0","18064","20733929","Thank you. When I was raising kids on Bleakrock, I never thought I'd be here, doing what I do now. But I'm good at it." "200879108","0","18065","20734048","After my breakdown … some of the others pulled strings for me with Pact command. As I was training, we talked about what I would do. This seemed the perfect fit." "200879108","0","18066","20734212","After Bal Foyen … I had a hard time. Losing family is never easy. I couldn't handle it. Even the others from Bleakrock just reminded me of everything I'd lost." "200879108","0","18067","20733583","Well enough. It's good to have a reason to get up in the morning. Without my family the way it was … it's easy to wallow in thoughts of Bleakrock. Of the good days." "200879108","0","18068","20734374","This investigation. That's what I do, now. Denskar used to say I latched onto things like a momma bear. Wouldn't let anything go. Now I use that instinct for the Pact." "200879108","0","18070","20734048","After my breakdown … some of the others pulled strings for me with Pact command. As I was training, we talked about what I would do. This seemed the perfect fit." "200879108","0","18072","20734542","Aye, my dear old friend. I had no idea when I passed into the Rift that we'd be seeing so much of each other." "200879108","0","18073","20734652","This trouble. This is what I do now. I've been sent to investigate the attack on the thane."

Abur Tharn?

"Was that your first encounter with a Daedric Titan? No? You lead a charmed life, I see."
"Do you fully understand what it is you recovered from Sancre Tor? Even without being able to use it, the Amulet of Kings is literally priceless. You would bankrupt kingdoms who would take it only for symbolic value.
Don't get any ideas."



"Did you hear about the six-legged, spear-tailed, goat-horned, monster? It was all they talked about around the cooking fire last night.
Either red brittle has gotten into the water supply or people are a lot more gullible than I imagined."

115740052, 0, 8996, 13341037, "You'd kill our people to save them? What madness is that?" 115740052, 0, 8997, 13341095, "My warriors won't allow you to perpetrate this foolishness." 115740052, 0, 8998, 13341155, "You should've stayed out of this!" 115740052, 0, 8999, 13341189, "You can't be so cruel. This is eternal torment!" 115740052, 0, 9000, 13341237, "My acolytes won't allow you to curse us with life!"