About meEdit
Well, I'm a pretty big oblivion guy. I'm learning new stuff about it every day, but I like to think I'm more of an expert in it then a noob. I've gotten through the intire game more then once, and made over 20 differnt characters, although only about 4 of them were successful. I play it a good amount, and mainly on my xbox (My computer tends to lag alot, but I have the pc version too.), and I have a couple of friends that play it. I like it more then oblivion because of the graphics, combat style, not having to read so much text, and it simply being more smooth and easy to play. I do also like Morrowind, but I don't play it that much anymore... I always end up cheating. I'm pretty new to UESPWiki, but I've used the website for awhile now, so I know how it works and how to edit it without seeming like I'm in 5th grade. If you ever need advice on making or using stealth classes, I'm your man, I happen to know alot about them and mixing classes successfully.
Why Do I Edit?Edit
Simple. I like to help people, and I love to write. I also like Oblivion, and I know it is a very hard game to understand. I just hope that by writing guides like this I can help more and more people understand, get better at, and have a better time with Oblivion.
My CharactersEdit
MrTaco - level 53 - I used this guy alot! And I mean alot! I haven't done everything yet, but I'm working towards it. I've already maxed out all my major skills, and a good amount of minor ones too.
Race/Gender: Wood Elf (Bosmer) / Male Birthsign: The Thief Specialization: Stealth Attributes: Agility, Speed Major Skills: Mysticism, Destruction, Mercantile, Athletics, Blunt, Hand to Hand, Heavy Armor
Note*: This guy's minor skills are what I usually use. As in, I sneak around alot with him. I use bows and daggers alot, and I never use glitches except for the paintbrush one.
Balla - level 2 - Kind of like a work in process. I don't really like mages, but sometimes I feel the need to throw fireballs at people.
Race/Gender: High Elf (Altmer) / Male Birthsign: The Mage Specialization: Magic Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower Major Skills: Mercantile, Sneak, Marksman, Light Armor, Blunt, Hand to Hand, Heavy Armor
Note*: Most of this guys minor magic skills are either journeyman or expert. Just so you know I'm not a noob.
I had a combat guy for awhile, but I deleted him. Hiting someone sluggishly with claymores and then slowly running around as a nord just doesn't suit me.
As you can tell, my character's all use "Major skills as Minor skills", because I feel thats the better way to play the game.
Stuff I'm Looking For or Stuff I Think Needs To Be AddedEdit
I can't seem to find any good guides on "UESPWiki - Oblivion" about how to make a good mixed or stealth class.... or even a good magic or combat class! ( I am aware of http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Character_Creation, although that doesn't really guide you on how to make a good speacilized one.) I think someone should add those, and if no one else wants to, I will happily.
I also think a guide that directs people on were to train and when (like when to go through random forts, not quests), although I don't have enough knowledge about that to write it my self.
NOTE*: I still think this website rocks! It has so much information, and its a good place to add my own.
Other Info About MeEdit
I usually play the game with the difficulty bar moved to the right 10 times (It moves very slowly on a 360 controller, so thats not that much). Sometimes I move it lower, but not normally. Like I said, I love to sneak (Unless I use magic, then I run and jump!), and feel the game wouldn't be the same without the ability to nail people from far away with bows while sneaking. If you need advice about sneak characters, whether it comes to making them, using them, or beating them, just say. I think my advice on this will be usefull. I don't know much about fighters or mages.... But I have alot of good knowledge about mixing classes, because I once spent about a week trying to find out how to make best posible mage-thief, combat-thief, and combat-mage, and how to use them effictivly. I hope everything I contibute will be of value!