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Joined 10 January 2011


I am a simple but very rich Argonian currently living in Tamriel, in the province of Cyrodiil, Rosethorn Hall, in Skingrad.

== Family ==

Dar-Ma Soroa: Spouse (non-canon, obviously, seeing as you cannot marry like in Fable / Fable 2)

Kran-Ra Soroa: Father (deceased).

Mas Soroa: Mother.

"Sees-Into-Souls" Soroa: Sister (unknown location).

Ud-Sei Soroa: Brother

The Soroa family is a noble family originally from Argonia, unlike many other Argonian families', they have a last name, this trait was adopted from Imperials. At first, the use of a last name was simply to help identify other Soroans, but quickly became part of the family's traditions. It is believed the Soroans were the descendants of Dragons that mated with Argonians, though problably just a myth, the natural strength and intelligence shown by many Soroans seems to tell a different tale. These Argonians, no doubt however, are traditionally obsessed with dragons, leading some to have odd hobbies like making small, clay dragon figurines or setting up chapels to Akatosh (3rd Era). Soroans generally have virtuous and highly religious personalities and usually will go out of their way to aid civilians and remove the vile and evil from existence, they also have a sort of "brotherly" opinion of other Argonians, and often will not kill them, even if heavily insulted by one.

The family has long since lost its tribal nature and accepted the Nine Divines, but still houses a ceremony for going from child to adult at the age of 18, though not much is known about the ceremony, but rumors tell of a ritual in which a Soroan cuts his arm with a small, ritual dagger and replaces blood lost with ancient dragon blood, and that this makes them stronger and even immune to age somehow.

Current Attributes!Edit


Strength:115% (Random Citizen: You look like a you can just throw me around without even trying!!!!!!)

Intelligence: 100% (Random Guard: Stop with the big words I don't know!)

Willpower: 84% (Random Bandit: Are you just that willing to fight!?!)

Agility: 82% (Me: Hey, I'll have put my blade in you 13 times in the time it takes that hammer to hit me.)

Speed: 90% (Diploma: Outran the School's Black Horse.)

Endurance: 112% (Gravestone: Fell off Dive Rock, lived to tell the tale, Got attacked by 3 Artificial clones of himself 2000 years later, lived to tell the tale, who's grave is this anyway?)

Personality: 62% (Random Citizen: Thats not funny.)

Luck: 50% (Biography: This Argonian fell off Dive Rock, got cursed with the curse of pain, lost his dad and can't find his sister , yeah, not too lucky.)

Current Skills!Edit


Armorer: 100%

Block: 61%

Heavy Armor: 100%

Conjuration: 100% +All acquirable spells for Conjuration!

Destruction: 56%

Acrobatics: 100%

Marksman: 41%


Athletics: 100%


Blunt: 38%

Hand To Hand: 37%

Alchemy: 40%

Alteration: 76%

Illusion: 29%

Mysticism: 67%

Restoration: 38%

Light Armor: 32%

Mercantile: 37%

Security: 100%

Sneak: 100%

Speechcraft: 17%

Important Stats!

Creatures Killed!: 7,341

People Killed!: 2,048

Total Killed!: 9,389


Favorite Melee Weapon: Dawn/Duskfang/Superior LVL.30 version

Favorite Ranged Weapon: Bow of Peryite (Perma-Bound bow, Soul Trap 1 sec, Shock Dam. 15 points 1 sec, Frenzy LVL 25 for 2 sec.) (refers to favorite Daedra Lord)

Favorite Armor: Imperial Dragon Armor w. Improved Imperial Dragon Gauntlets. & Shield of the Dragon's Dawn (Ebony Shield + 10 willpower)(refers to Akatosh, Favorite God)

+ Ring of Lordship, Circlet of Vendure, and Talisman of Abetment.

Favorite Quote

"Oh ya really should'nt have dun that!" -Sheogorath