A list of PC3 settlement places organized according to Project Tamriel's tier system. File:PT3-map-Province Cyrodiil.png is used as a reference.
Megalopolis (Nonogon)Edit
None in release area...
Metropolis (Octogon)Edit
- Anvil —
Large City (Heptagon)Edit
None in release area...
Small City (Hexagon)Edit
None in release area...
Town (Pentagon)Edit
- Brina Cross —
- Charach — Formerly Stirk (city)
Village (Square)Edit
Outpost (Triangle)Edit
(Minotaur) CampsEdit
None in release area...
Other SettlementsEdit
Minor Settlements (Dot)Edit
Map MarkerEdit
Use town table template and list on Cities & Towns#Other Settlements page
No Map MarkerEdit
Use place template and list on the Minor Settlements page.
- Bernd and Nessa Conina's Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Kyro Gavus' Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Quintus Tragia's Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Sabina Silvian's Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Mervos' Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Relds Farm —
- Brina Cross Granary — Part of Brina Cross
- Weylus Orchard — Include info on Talgiana Orchard page
- Felcis Farm — Include info on Talgiana Orchard page
- Soccoro Farm —
- Ossius Ranch —
- Merax Farm —
- Charach Lighthouse — Part of Charach
- Anvil Lighthouse — Part of Anvil
- Mykoi Lighthouse — Part of Kalir's House
These locations should be grouped by the settlement they are located within on a page named "SETTLEMENT_NAME Places" (e.g. Anvil Places), with a layout similar to the places section found on Region pages; a link to this pages can be placed at the end of the lede on the settlement's page.
Non-notable locations should be listed on a single "SETTLEMENT_NAME BUILDING_TYPE" page (e.g. Anvil Residences, Brina Cross Workplaces, etc.). Morrowind:Balmora Homes (or other Homes pages) can be used as a reference for the general layout of the page, though section content should instead list location, occupants, services, and a brief description. The focus of each entry should be on describing the place as a location within the settlement, rather than as a potential player housing option.
Includes Temples, too. Chapels and temples found outside settlements should be listed on the minor settlements page instead.
These will probably all be non-relevant and can be merged into a single Residence page for each settlement.
Maybe merge with houses.
This would includes locations that offer Services. None of these should be non-relevant.
Locations where NPCs work; usually not relevant to the player outside of quests.
Guildhalls and OfficesEdit
The guildhalls of guilds, offices of major companies, or other similar buildings that can be found within the settlement.