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Ever wanted to play as a Hobbit in Skyrim? You can do just that! Go a Wood Elf as they are the smallest race. Model yourself of of Bilbo/Sam from any adaptation of LotR. Try to use Illusion magic and only fight if you have to. Use the Dawnbreaker. It is your Sting. Slay Giant Spiders and explore Dwemer Ruins. Be a Dragonslayer or just live in the city.
Possibly carry a gold ring, enhanced with a sneak bonus, if you want to be Frodo. You can also rename it "One Ring" if you want.
Harald HardradaEdit
As Skyrim finds herself locked in civil war, so did Norway in the mid 9th century. Harald, half brother to King Olaf II, had found himself on the losing side of a battle. Following this defeat, he had made his way south to the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire. Here he would serve, and become a famous commander of, the Varangian Guard (the bodyguards of the Byzantine Emperor, made up of Saxons and Vikings). When he had became talented, famous and wealthy enough, he had returned to, and became King of, Norway.
Seeing the parallels between Harald's story, and the plot of Skyrim, it is easy to see how a Nord character could be based (strongly or lightly) off Harald.
You and/or your family may have lost lands to the Forsworn, the Stormcloaks, the Empire or some force on Solstheim (if you are from Solstheim). You may be fighting to win it back, and possibly more. You may have served in the Imperial Legion/Penitus Oculatus in Cyrodiil, or as a mercenary on Solstheim, or serving in the Civil War on either side. The roleplaying options are endless.
Idea by Right-Hand-Of-Sithis. Written by Right Hand of Sithis.
Constantine the GreatEdit
Emperor Constantine was probably one of the most famous Roman Emperors, along with Augustus and Caesar (Caesar was dictator, not Emperor). At the time he was crowned, the Roman Empire was not a united entity. There were several Empires instead of just one. After Constantine came to power over his father's Empire, he had began his campaign to Reunite the Empire under one ruler. It was during this campaign that he had embraced Christianity. Legend attributes the Christian faith to the success of this campaign.
An Imperial character could easily be loosely based off Constantine during his earlier years. While the Cyrodiilic Empire is currently one Empire, you could be rising through the ranks of Imperial Society. You may have been traveling to Skyrim to prove your ability as a soldier/commander, and had mistakenly been captured in an ambush. Eventually, you learn that you are Dragonborn, and following the events of Skyrim, you may plan to use this as a claim to the Imperial Throne. However, it is possible that this would not be accepted, and the current Mede dynasty would continue. Therefore, you would need to gather support in Skyrim, so that if and when your claim is denied, you can safely invade Cyrodiil without having to worry about another uprising in Skyrim.
Idea by Right-Hand-Of-Sithis. Written by Right Hand of Sithis.
Tobi (from Naruto)Edit
Roleplaying as a character based off of Tobi is actually quite easy in skyrim. Acquire the "Become Ethereal" shout and make this your signature defensive strategy to avoid attacks. You could be any race, but Dunmer work best as they have an affinity for fire-based magic as the Uchiha have for Fire-based jutsu. You should also acquire the Firebreath shout. For your apparel don a dragon priest mask and black robes, but the latter I suppose is optional. Your illusion should also be fairly leveled as he used Genjutsu.
For the actual character, make him an ominous figure who never reveals his true identity. When conversing with NPCs, maintain a certain arrogance and lie often. Remember, you are a person who wants to create a good outcome, even if it means doing bad things in the process, and even killing others. Roleplay as a very morally grey character who does a lot of harm even though your motivation for it is good. The Dark Brotherhood can act as Skyrim's version of the Akatsuki, so doing that questline is recommended.
Also bare in mind that he doesn't necessarily have to be named Tobi or even resemble him physically, and you could also make a female character. Use him more as a guideline to your character rather than trying to make your character a carbon copy.
Sasuke (from Naruto)Edit
In order to do this you have to choose a young looking male character. I would choose a Breton as you will be playing as a teenager and will need mage skills. For Sasuke choose a hair that most closely reasembles his. For Fire Ball jutsu, use either the Fire Breath Dragon Shout, or the Fireball magic. For his Chidori use Sparks or Lightning Bolt while close range. For other forms of Chidori use lightning rune cast on the ground and Lightning Cloak at the same time. For Kirin use the Call Storm Dragon shout followed by Lightning Storm magic. For his sword use the Ebony Blade as it reasembles his and is powered by killing your friends. An alternate is to use the Blades Sword with a lighting enchantment on it for his Chidori Blade. For Chidori True Spear use Lightning Storm, Chain Lighting or spam Thunderbolt as much as possible. For his clothing go with Miner's Clothes or choose Thalmor Robes for the Akatski outfit. Always act depressed and try to intimidate everyone you can. For close range combat, if you run out of magic use daggers very shortly. You may want to complete the College of Winterhold storyline to get the Archmage's robes so you can unenchant them to make your clothing stronger. Remember you are role playing so don't freak out if it doesn't look like Sasuke. oh, i dont know what its called but its like the dragon armor thing in dragonborn dlc, you could.use that for susanoo, and for curse mark|sharringan, become a vampire lord. if you wanna go even more extreme, learn some conjuration to start to learn some summons. if you wanna go old school, do the assassin guild glitch to get four followers (to ressemble taka) youll see videos of it on youtube for sure.
If you want to base your character off of Sylar from Heroes, you should be a Mage. Treat magic like abilities. Go on frequent hunts, specifically hunting down magi. Don't join the College of Winterhold unless you plan on killing them off from the inside (if so, be aware that many of them are essential NPCs who can't be killed). Don't join any other guilds. Whenever you make a kill, take any enchanted artifacts, tomes, or scrolls on them like you are taking their abilities. Try not to murder any unnecessary people, but do if you must, for your thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched. You may want to pray at the shrines for forgiveness. Try not to use followers.
Idea by RagingFrostTroll
Based on the protagonist on 300. Wear imperial officer's helmet, any boots and/or gauntlets, and (if you have the mod) wear red cape from Cloaks of Skyrim. Do the Civil War Questline, and, if you want, die in the battlefield for an honorable ending. Also, you can do the Main Quest, and shout Fus Ro Dah! instead of This Is Sparta!
Silas MarnerEdit
Based on the character from George Eliot's book "Silas Marner". Live alone in the wilderness in one of the small homes that can be built with hearthfire. Pick a trade, for example in hjallmarch's home be a fisherman due to the hatchery which can be built. Go into the nearest town every now and then and sell the goods of your trade. Become rich but never spend your money. Avoid people due to your memories of your previous home, also religion due to Marner's history. No racial restrictions but breton works best. Simply be a hermit and continue your trade, stashing your wealth. Perhaps throw it away one day to pretend it was stolen as it is in the book. Continue until eventually you could build a larger house with room for a child. Do not marry. A non combat roleplay for people who like to get really immersed. Emzi43 (talk) 19:58, 24 November 2013 (GMT)
Meredith GarnesworthyEdit
Meredith Ganesworth. Descendent of Marylin Ganesworth and Robert Ocupatari. Meredith lived with the graybeards as a Servant of Holy Glory. She loathed her job, The only thing keeping her company was her Echoes. One faithful night, Meredith took her rightful belongings and fleed the castle. Being up there made Meredith realized how much has changed since her being up their for 20 years. She was founded by a nearby farmer from Winterhold, She was nursed back to Fleshy tones and fed her well. Meredith picked up the skill of gardening an started that for 7 days straight. She was payed for her work. But she had nowhere to sleep, So she wandered the little town shadowed by Winterhold She met people, and..Stole a few things here and there, But she had nothing to eat, She wasnt payed enough. She wandered herself into Winterhold were gaurds stopped her for being accused of Rabbling. She was sent to jail. There shet layed her eyes red from the tears. All she could smell is wet and cold water trickling down the walls and the rotting flesh of the last one here. But, there under her hair tie was a lockpick! She quickly unloosend the dungeon door and crawld in. She found her dagger and old clothes in a box. She quickly escaped the Jail and suddenly found herself in winterhold. She went to a nearby inn and drunk up some ale and rented a room. Then settled in at Winterhold were she began her new Fufilling life as a _______!
Kazar is a renegade Khajiit who is a very feared assassin. He travels into cities to kill people at night, wearing a dark hood so nobody realizes that he is a Khajiit. Khajiit are not allowed in the walls of cities, so he had to conceal his identity. Kazar has done something extremely treacherous in his past. He has traveled to many cities, murdering innocent people in cold blood, even his own Khajiit caravan. He was a very feared assassin who worked for the Dark Brotherhood. He was finally caught by Windhelm Guards, and Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak demanded that Kazar should be cast completely out of the cities, not allowed at all to enter the walls. Since he was a Khajiit, he wasn't allowed to enter the walls in the first place. Ulfric also said that Khajiit Caravans were not to accept Kazar. Therefore, he was forced to live in the wilderness. Kazar travels all across Skyrim's wilds but never enters the cities, only killing unwary passersby who cross his territory in the forest. He owns many caves but frequently hops around to own other caves and camps. He keeps his supplies like hides, armors, weapons, and potions in a chest and takes them with him when he migrates. He hunts animals and kills hunters for a living, making him a renegade assassin.