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High PriestEdit
As High Priest, you are the divine leader of religion for your particular divine. Your race doesn't matter but make relevant decisions to who you worship. Make your character a bit weak, because you probably don't get out much unless you are a priest of Talos. You should live in a temple, and have a high class unless you are a priest of Talos. You shouldn't marry, and you should keep healing potions with you. Have restoration skills, but don't be a good fighter. Be kind to all except Daedra worshipers. You lead the temple to either greatness or it's downfall. You'll need to also convert people and gain followers. Do this by obtaining a book having to do with your particular divine. You're in charge of the Temples money so make sure you create enough fundraisers to keep you and your priests fed and full of wine! Pick a Divine, go to that temple, and help the priest in whatever is happening. Go out and speak to the children or lead your city in the right direction doing it all in the name of your Divine, which are:
Preach that time is precious and that it must be organized. Help others manage their time schedules.
Marry those at the temple and preach about love and compassion.
Bury the dead and give them an honorable passing. Place gold coins in a corpses inventory and move it into a more relaxed position. Cast sailors out to sea or burn the bodies as if to cremate them.
Teach everyone about law and justice. You'll need to collect books and distribute them to the common people as to educate them about the law.
Be one with nature decorating places with flowers and plants. Walk with bare feet to embrace the earth.
Become the thane and assist the Jarl. Teach your pupils how important good rulers truly are. As a leader be just and merciful.
Invest in stores and teach those less intelligent about marketing and mercantile. Help the middle class folk strive in their town. Ysolda is a good start.
Become a travelling High Priest, spreading the word about Talos and his great conquest. Train in combat as to honor Talos with each unholy kill.
Preach love and compassion,and teach people about the ways of beauty and love.
Kahjitt Pantheon:
Travel across Skyrim, attempting to convert people to the Kahjitt Pantheon against the Imperial Pantheon. You should also incorporate the sun and the moons into your teachings. Description by Imperialkhajiit and PsijicOrder
As a priest, you'll need to assist the High Priest of your designated temple. Keep your temple clean and help your townspeople in the name of your chosen divine. Only eat simple things such as bread and wine. Your race doesn't matter buy make relavant to who you worship. Make your character a bit weak, because you probably don't get out much unless you are a priest of Talos. You should live in a temple, and have a high class unless you are a priest of Talos. You shouldn't marry, and you should keep healing potions with you. Have restoration skills, but don't be a good fighter. Be kind to all except Daedra worshipers. Convert non believers to your religion by helping them or giving them a gift. All proceeds go to your temple, not to you. Only use your money for bettering your temple or donating it to local shops by investing in them. Play tag with the local children but make sure not to take them back to the temple! That's illegal! Make sure to help your religious leader keep the temple stocked with food and drink, and donate food to those that are less fortunate. Read books regarding the Divines and learn ancient lore about your god. As a priest, you are highly pacifist, though you may choose a combat profession as many priests do, you may only fight when attacked first and may want to rely on restoration. you could also put healing spells on random people as a blessing. Description by PsijicOrder and Imperialkhajiit 11:52, 31 December 2011 (UTC)
Your race here doesn't matter, but you should be one that is strong and kind to others. You highly dislike the undead, as a vigilant your sworn duty is to rid the world of anything anti-divine. This includes witches, necromancers, forsworn, and daedra worshipers. After choosing your Divine you'll need to arm yourself appropriately. Wear Mage robes, hood included, and wield a mace of your choice, preferably a blessed or sanctified one. Always keep potions of cure disease and health potions stocked as you may need to heal yourself or others. You should be very well trained in the art of combat and restoration. Once you're equipped, begin your annihilation of anything against the divines. You'll need a base of operations, which can be any home or The Vigilants of Stendarr already have a base if you wish to just join them and follow them into battle. You'll need to make sure to eat every day and pray to your God leaving him/her donations of your fallen foes at their shrines. You are a kind person and you donate all of your treasures you find in your travels to your God's temple as you have no need of fortune. You shouldn't get married unless the spouse believes in what you do. You should be a lower class, giving your treasure to the shrines. If Dawngaurd is installed, you can act as if it is your duty to reform the Vigil, and you are the new keeper. As keeper, wield an enchanted warhammer, nothing past steel or iron quality, and make your base Stendarr's Beacon. Administer justice to all those who commit crimes against the divines. Get Erandur as your follower and dress him in a Vigilant uniform.
Description by PsijicOrder and Imperialkhajiit 21:57, 13 January 2012 (UTC)
Your main duty as a monk is to spread the word about the Divines, travelling from city to city spreading your gospel. Any race will do, but keep it in mind when you begin by choosing a Divine. From there you will travel to each city and try and convert the non believers. How you choose to do this is completely up to you. Helping the community with small tasks is an easy way of getting people to like you and convert to your beliefs. Be sure to carry your 'bible' with you and lots of them. Choose a book you can find a large number of easily and distribute them to libraries and people to spread the word. You'll only be wearing monk robes and you must eat simple meals of nothing but bread and wine. You should have a very small amount of money just for the purpose of buying food and sleeping at inns if need be. You could even sleep by waiting some where. Any combat you ever find yourself in you can use nothing more than you're hands and restoration. This in mind you should be a bit slender. Always be kind to everyone but do not marry. Don't own a home and be of a very low class.
Description by PsijicOrder and Imperialkhajiit 11:55, 31 December 2011 (UTC)
As a shaman, you are the tribal leader of a group of people. You'll be trained in the arts of alchemy and enchanting as to grant magical heirlooms and concoctions to your tribe. Forsworn Armor is the best thing to wear to look the part, giving you a tribal look. You'll need to read many books as to gain wisdom and lead your people in the right direction. Your tribe can be something as small as a fort or as big as a city. Make sure to be appointed thane of your hold so you'll actually have some authority and acknowledgement in your own City. You'll need a staff that fits your needs as a shaman. Your staff represents what kind of tribal leader you are, are you going to have healing powers and aid your followers, rally them back to the fight, or aid them in battle with destruction? It's entirely up to you. Perform rituals to return those who died back to life, placing ingredients in an altar and raising them back to life. Place their body on a rune to look even more realistic. Bless your followers, healing them and increasing their attributes with homemade brews. You may want to be a slenderish mer that can cast a good spell and lead a group with his/her tongue. You shouldn't marry unless you marry a follower, and should be very religous. Don't have a home unless it could be a base for all of your followers. Be of a middle class, giving a lot of your money away or be a corrupt high classmen.
Description by PsijicOrder and Imperialkhajiit 22:08, 13 January 2012 (UTC)
Daedra WorshiperEdit
Your race doesn't matter. just be evil, hate the Divines, and all who worship them. You make it your goal to do bad, but you personally don't think it is bad. Many factors are only able to figured out if you know which prince you worship. Remember, you can worship as many as you want but also remember some are enemies with oters. You are kind to other Daedra Worshippers, and will only marry them. You can live anywhere but you may want to be in hiding. You may be either a low class by not being known by people or a high class by stealing and being evil. Middle class isn't much of an option. You can follow all of the Daedric Princes, which can be found in The Book of Daedra. You can also worship only one Prince. Specific Daedra worship ideas are listed below.
Only stay awake at dusk and dawn. Live with places of many flowers and colors. Soul trap things with Azura's star.
Go overthrow people through assassinations, or trickery and deception. Battle in competition type battles. Be or worship Dark Elves, hate orcs.
Clavicus Vile
Help Clavicus Vile in completing wishes of evil for others. Capture souls just to keep them with you or in your home. Buy a dog.
Hermaeus Mora
Obtain all the knowledge you can, even if it means to kill and steal for it. Spend all your time reading or figuring out secrets.
Go on regular werewolf massacres or poach if you are not a werewolf. Hide during day, come out at night
You should be/worship orcs. Help people with coping death and funeral rites. Hate Dark Elves. Kill all things to create a wasteland.
Mehrunes Dagon
Go on rampages Join the Stoarmcloaks to start a revolution. Use destruction spells. Use large weapons. Kill all things to create a wasteland.
Mess with people's things or actions, and even thoughts. Worship spiders. Execute people who are unworthy Become a follower of the Morag Tong
Go on undead killing sprees. Worship Spriggans.
Molag Bal
Give the dead a gold coin on their bodies representing their journey to Molag Bal's slave pens. Kill for Molag Bal's slave pens.
Revolt people, never kill a spider, and make people hate you. Do not touch beggars, they are her property.
Only sleep during the day, and steal many things.
Organize anything messy, and try to do as many tasks as possible for people.
Drink a lot of alchohol Love the dark, be dark, and do dark things Being a vampire helps.
Be crazy! Wear a shirt and no pants, carry around only a wooden ladel with you, go in people's homes and throw everything off the shelves; the possibilites are endless.
Always sleep when you need advice on something, do the most horrible most bizarre things possible (not dark, horrible and bizzare). Make things increasingly bad for people.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by Imperialkhajiit and PsijicOrder
As a Cultist you'll create your own religion and form a cult around your beliefs. To do this, choose your preferred set of robes to represent your religion. Form your own Code and Gods, choosing what they stand for and what you're all about. Your cult can be demonic or pacifist, it's all up to you. If you choose to create an evil cult, you may want to lay low for a bit, you won't be accepted by society at first and you'll be attacked by Vigilants if they learn of your secret. You may want to search for your own base of operations, form your own shrine, then slowly begin recruiting followers by helping people. Find a book that you feel represents your Cult, this is your bible. Keep any you find and distribute them to your followers. The more followers you have, the more connects you have in each Hold when you need something done. Your goals are set by you. Do you want to kill all of Skyrim? Or save it's natural wilderness from civilization? Start with small goals, then expand as you obtain eligible companions. You may end up even going to war with a particular faction that you feel is against your beliefs, maybe even the believers of the Divines themselves! Remember your cult may only allow certain equipment, skills, weapons, clothes, races, personalities, religons, marrying and more. Give your cult rules of how you operate and only be kind to your cult, unless your cult feels differently.
Description by PsijicOrder and Imperialkhajiit 22:24, 13 January 2012 (UTC).
Sithis worshiperEdit
As a worshiper of Sithis you strive to spread the primordial state of chaos that your deity represents. Although an obvious way to serve him would be to join the dark brotherhood it's not strictly necessary. Here are ideas based on a class system:
Lower class
You are essentially a barbarian. You spread chaos by ravaging the land, senselessly killing/destroying anyone and everything unfortunate enough to get in your way. You can have a band of followers who join you in your raids. Attack holds with your men to kill and spread terror with no other goal in mind. You should be a strong warrior who is an expert in heavy weapons and possibly destruction. Armour should be at a minimum.
Middle class
As a member of the middle class you should be more refined in your spreading of chaos. Don't go on mass killing sprees in the middle of a hold/Town. Stalk single targets around the town and kill them when no one can see, this will spread chaos enough to be noticed by Sithis. After each kill you may want to dedicate their soul to the dread father to appease him. Make a shrine to your father in your home(if you own one). Leave a new offering every day, this could be nightshade or an item from one of your victims. you should be proficient in blades, alchemy and all forms of stealth. Light armour of any kind, preferably not high end light armour.
High class
As a prominent member of society you should be very careful about how you spread chaos. You are an intelligent person, your targets will be more than mere peasants. You will take out key members of the society, business owners, other thanes, mill owners, maybe even the Jarl himself. By doing this you will spread mass chaos on a political and much grander scale. Make a grand shrine to Sithis in your home and adorn it with all manner of things. All should represent him or be of great value. If you are listener if the dark brotherhood it will fit in well with this type of character as you can lead the brotherhood back to the old ways and draw your fathers eye back to the Brotherhood. You should be a master of one-handed blades, archery, alchemy, sneak, lock picking and able in speech so you can keep up the perception that you are nothing more than a good citizen. You should wear either fine clothes, the best light armour or dark brotherhood armour.
This is a fun one because it allows you to really get into all of the quests for the Daedric Princes and Mistresses. If you want you can also choose a single Prince/Mistress to follow. So anyway, you'll need Daedric Armor and Weapons (if you use any). Also if you want to be more canon enchant your Daedric weapon with the flames enchantment as a lot of the Daedra that I've fought had that on their weapons. So anyway, the horns will be hard for you to get on your character but you can just wear a daedric helmet to cover that up. For race just pick one that has a good race power. If you want something realistic choose Dark Elf because they're 50% resistant to flames. Or if you want them to be able to scare people away because... you know... they're Daedra... you can pick a Nord because of their Battle Cry. It'll be hard to go over them all but I'd say just try to justify the race and if you can it's good if you can't then play something else.
So anyway, as for the Daedric quests I reccommend Sheogorath first. It's located in Solitude, just find an unhappy elf talking about his master abandoning him and you'll start the quest. For Mehrunes Dagon you'll need to get to a certain level first (level 20) if I'm correct. When you do you'll get a letter talking about a museum in Dawnstar. Follow that questline! If you want... I think it's Nocturnal?(Nocturnal is thieves guild but i havent done that one yet -unregistered_user)(It's not Nocturnal,it's Vaermina. -M'Laila) You'll need to go to Dawnstar and deal with the questline involving the citizens' nightmares. Finally, Sanguine is the best (in my opinion) because A. It's long and B. It's a Hangover Easter Egg (ikr). When you reach level 14 go to the nearest bar or tavern from where you reached level 14 and there should be a guy called Sam Guevenne there. Talk to him and do that questline. If you want some notes on who you can and can't kill, the link to a Youtube video that somebody made on the quest is below. Hope you guys enjoy being Daedra!
Oh yeah, one last thing before you go. Since you're a Daedra you need to kill Vigilant's on sight. Also, for more information on worshipping the gods see the Daedra Worshipper thing near the top of the page.
(Note: Slight sexual references and cursing by the commentator.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_YCvQT0uuI
Mythic Dawn CultistEdit
As MDC you can either be more of a mage or a warrior. As a mage you should always use mehrunes razor and destruction and conjuration magic. You need to finish Pieces of the Past and obey dagon by killing Silus. Always wear the mythic dawn robes, boots and gloves. For a house you can use the console to own silus' house if not just buy a house and scatter the commentaries and robes about. You can even restart the mythic dawn for this you should use a dupe glitch to copy the robes and give them to your followers. Your base can be in your house or you clear out a cave. You should silence nine divine worshippers. As a warrior you should get a full set of daedric armor and preferably a warhammer or battleaxe and punish divine monks. You go about spreading Dagon's beliefs with force. As a mage you can even join the college of winterhold to get close to the arch-mage to get him to help the dawn's cause. Avoid nine divine quests and good actions. You can even finish the main quest because Alduin and Mehrunes Dagon hate each other.
By Akatosh7
Common WorshiperEdit
Not every character in Skyrim is fully devoted to worshiping an Et' Ada. So, likewise, you may want to live out your life passively worshiping a chosen section of the pantheon.
First off you'll need to decide whether you see Talos as a Divine. If you are an elven race (excluding Orc) do not count him as a Divine. If you are a human race, do. Now, everytime you visit a new town, make sure that before leaving you go the local temple to worship your gods. Possibly leave an offering of food, money, potions or expensive items. If you want you could even leave Daedric artifacts at the shrines as a way of repenting. If you do not see Talos as a Divine, stay away from his shrines, never wear his amulet and never gain his blessing. If you're character is so devoted to stomping out this "Fake God", kill Heimskr, and leave all of his items at a shrine to one of the other gods.
Since you are not devoted to helping the Daedra, only do Daedric quests that are activated without your knowledge, such as the Sheogorath quest. Visit the shrines, but don't talk to them, simply leave offerings of dead animal parts, poison, weapons or anything related to the Daedra you are worshiping (i.e. for Azura leave Vampire Dust). When you have accidentally attained Daedric Artifacts take them home and display them. Either in Display Cases or on a table. But if it is on a table make sure you decorate it to highlight it.
Keep your religion a secret. Don't go out to purposefully spread chaos and death, but use it as a tool to help you. If someone upsets you with something they say, kill them. Justify yourself by saying that your God allows such acts to be performed.
By Kurba Wraith-Crusher
Divine/Daedra In DisguiseEdit
Choose a god and act like them. For example, Mehrunes Dagon would be an orc who kills, pillages and uses mainly conjuration, destruction and one handed weapons (Daggers most likely). Set yourself targets, again, for Dagon you could set a target as kill an entire town, and repopulate it with summoned creatures.
If you were Talos, you could play as a Nord, who uses a sword and shield, and has a strong ability to use the Thu'um and can easily kill dragons with it. His targets could be to regain his believers, you could do this by reverse-pickpocketing Talos amulets into peoples pockets, or healing Heimskr. If you are playing as Talos, try to have him rather weak until you gather believers to show that the ban of worship has weakened his power.
Hist PriestEdit
This is a role that must be played by an Argonian as the Hist is their main religion. As a priest of the Hist you will need the powers of the Hist; Alteration because the Hist is a divine power that can alter the very bonds of the earth, Restoration because the Hist is the savior of all and the healer of the wounded, Alchemy as to provide yourself with mythical benefits given to you by the Hist and any other shaman or priest like qualities. You should get Derkeethus as a follower as he constantly speaks of the Hist.Also dress your follower in Forsworn armor, boots and gauntlets and(If you have the Dragonborn DLC)a Cultist cask.For you Forsworn armor, boots and gauntlets are a very shaman/tribesman combo of armor but also wear an adept hood or(If you have the Dragonborn DLC)Miraaks mask. Go around the major capitols of skyrim spreading the word of the Hist and killing those who worship another, more inferior, god.
This is a role that means you don't worship any gods, you ARE a god. For this role, you might want to be a high level and have great combat skills, weapons, and armor. You might want to hide the fact that you're a god and stay away from others. You frequently talk to the Daedric Princes and know all of them. As a god you're very tough and you don't let anybody mess with you. If anyone questions your power or tries to intimidate you, then you attack them until they retreat or kill them. As a god it's recommended that you are wealthy and have a lot of gold and good armor and weapons. You have a pretty good magic skill and lots of shouts. If you want you could join the stormcloaks or imperials so you can pretend it's your army and you're commanding them to take over Skyrim for your own. You might live in a castle or a large, wealthy town like Solitude. You could be a powerful god and kill those who dare to question you. --Rimisa (talk) 22:08, 30 January 2014 (GMT)