July 4th, 2012Hello everyone! :) Yay! Finally found time to create my userpage heee :3 I am a new user here, and also pretty much very new to the Elder Scrolls. I have been anonymously using UESPWiki for quite some time as a guide throughout my Skyrim adventures (which I find very useful), and then one fine day, I found myself quite bored and decided to finally join UESPWiki. Personally, I have never played any of the past games in the Elder Scrolls series - save for Skyrim. It was my boyfriend who first introduced me to Skyrim around a month or so ago, and I have been playing it ever since and it has become quite an addiction xD ... and I should somehow get rid of it considering I'm still studying, which brings me to my next topic: a little more about myself. :) My real name is Jean, and I am (as of this edit) a 20 year old girl living in Singapore. I am currently an undergraduate studying chemical engineering in the National University of Singapore. If I'm not spending my days (and nights) studying conscientiously for exams and such, I love watching animes or play my favourite sport - tennis - with my friends, and I am also quite a movie-goer. Oh, and also the latest addition to my hobbies: playing Skyrim :D Well, with that being said, I hope to help and improve this wiki where possible and, of course, continue my adventures in Skyrim^^ ... Well, at least until it's exam season again hee :3 July 13th, 2012Oooh.. preeeetty colours! xD Wow, I can't believe I spent quite a considerable amount of time to embellish my userpage hehe. I think it's a weakness I have, or rather most girls my age have, to look good - its all about image :P. Userboxes.. pictures.. the summary table especially took the longest time to create, with all the formatting, templates, and whatnot. I am not really wiki syntax-savvy but I think I'm learning fast :) All turned out well in the end, after some cross-referencing with how other users did theirs. Phew... But that's not all! Other than my userpage, I already did quite a number of edits on this wiki, some of them quite substantial in fact. Examples of pages I revamped would be Velehk Sain, The Chill, Frostflow Lighthouse and Orphan's Tear. Of course there are other pages which I did some fair editing, and even more pages with itsy bitsy edits for spelling and so on. Mmmm... I think I'm off to a good start here in this wiki, considering it's only my 2nd week. Although, I think I've been playing less and editing more ever since I joined this wiki... ... Is that bad? ... ... ... (>'o'<) July 18th, 2012Yay me! I finally managed to install the official Skyrim v1.6 patch (after more than one month of its release...) on my computer! Other than various fixes, the patch only had one new feature: mounted combat. It seems interesting, so I went to try it out in-game. After experimenting with a lot of weapons, I find that this mounted combat thing is kinda fun hehe. Okay maybe not that much, but still... this feature adds on to the role-playing element in Skyrim. You can pretend to be a knight in shining armour, sword and shield in hand, riding chivalrously into battle; or you can mow down your enemies with a sweep of your battleaxe; you can be a mounted archer, riding around your enemies in circles and raining them with arrows. It's all good stuff. Oh, and here's a little screenshot I managed to capture: Hmmm... for the past few days, I seem to enjoy taking in-game screenshots, especially those beautiful scenic views in Skyrim. I somehow have taken an interest in taking pictures, and have uploaded a number of screenshots of NPCs or places for the wiki. They are not very high quality though, since I only play on a 1360×768 wide-screen, and I have to crop my screenshots to 1024×768 to get 4:3 aspect ratio set by the guidelines. Anyway, here's just a few out of the many screenshots I uploaded for the wiki: this one is for the quest Kill Maluril, and this one is for Blood's Honor. Wow... isn't it spectacular? Well, I think it is xD. It's exciting to take screenshots in the middle of battle. Hmmm... maybe I'll take screenshots of dragon encounters next. The page on dragons is requesting full-sized images of all dragon types. Maybe I can fulfill some of those requests, most probably the five different dragon types, excluding named dragons and Dawnguard dragons. So yeah... that's about it. I'm going to continue my adventures in Skyrim now. Keep a lookout for my dragon screenshots soon! :) July 21st, 2012Guard: "What is it? Dragons?" Heee :3 All that was a lot of work, but it was fun! And it really paid off! Well.. dragons do make up a large part in Skyrim, and their images are lacking, so I told myself why not make the wiki more colourful? So far I took over fifty screenshots in all, then choose the best among them and crop them to the correct size. Well, I think each and every one of them is spectacular in its own way :D. I contributed images for places and NPCs as well, especially those needing cleanup and such. I find this link and this link useful and convenient. But I won't stop there! I'm going to continue taking screenshots in Skyrim. Those dragons especially.. beautiful but deadly. It's just wonderful to watch in an odd way when I'm taking my screenshots... like a front row seat at a forest fire. And that's the reason I made a little gallery of my dragons at the bottom of my userpage, so I can gawk at them for an hour every day XD. Wow... I think this userpage is becoming more of a journal of what I do in this wiki... ... July 28th, 2012All hail the CSList! Heee :3 Sadly I can't upload screenshots of dragons anymore; I really enjoyed taking dragon pictures... can't find any dragon-related Skyrim page that needs such images. Instead, I have been dabbling into the CSList a lot these past few days... been using it quite extensively in fact. The information found there is like "Whoa... O.O... Bloody hell! So much data!". Well, I think a certain someone's CSList fanboyism rubbed onto me (only thing is that I'm a girl... So ummm... fangirlism? Haha!). So far I used it for extracting dialogue options, conversation scenes, location codes, equipped items and so on. Those dialogues especially... a lot of NPC pages don't seem to include their dialogue. Well, I can change that... slowly... one at a time :P But don't think I'll stop contributing images! Oh no no no no... I'll still keep tabs on the pages that need images, files needing cleanup and the Image Requests page. Every now and then, Krusty seems to have an image request which I will try my best to fulfill :D (Just wait til Dawnguard is released on PC... I'm sooooo gonna take screenshots of them dragons again :D) Wow, that's a lot of things for my 'to-do list' here... although I'm keeping up rather well with my self-imposed tasks on this wiki heee. I made just over 400+ edits in my fourth week here :D (Not bad... not bad at all... xD). Oh well, I think I said enough for now. Back to Skyrim-ing!^^ September 1st, 2012OMG the date! Wow.. I can't believe I just typed "September 1st". It has been exactly two months since I joined this wiki. And it has been quite a while since I last edited my userpage too! Time really needs to slow down a little xD. I think I was too engrossed in editing articles though... hee :3 I don't really know what has gotten into me, but editing has really become addictive.. This is really weird... Sometimes I even edit in school.. or past midnight... Okay, I really need to control my editing sprees xD Anywaes, I have contributed a lot of edits lately (maybe a little too much..?) and to my amazement, I'm ranked in top 100 active users (yeap.. wow xD). That's really quite a lot of edits! For a relatively new editor, I actually feel a great sense of satisfaction, knowing that I have improved various articles, from itty bitty grammar mistakes to adding lots of content. Even now, I'm currently revamping Skyrim:Delphine in my wipsandbox... It's been taking very long to revamp the article, but little by little, the article is growing every few days (and here's hoping that I can maybe outshine Legate Rikke or Cicero!). I'm quite proud of what I've done for my WIP so far, and it looks great so far; I practically wrote most of the article and uploaded all of the images too! And speaking of images... there are quite a number of images that I uploaded recently for various articles, so let me just share with you just a few of my screenshots, mostly taken in mid-combat, which I think are quite awesome and cool (well... they are to me, at least xD). These are images of a challenger, Lucien, a traveler, a vampire assassin, and Rulindil. Heee :3 So lightning-ish! I guess my userpage is the only place where I can showcase some of my images. Well, there's more where that came from; scroll down further and you'll see xD (unless you already saw it earlier xD). Hmmm... I might need to start a separate page for my "journal entries" haha :) This userpage is getting quite long... ... ... October 21st, 2012Guard: "Keep your arrows in their quiver, archer." Hmmm... some of you may be wondering why I started off with that quote. Well, that's because I'm an archer now! (No, not in Skyrim, but in real life!) I always liked archery since young. It all started with Legolas in the LOTR trilogy, and countless other movies, as well as games, in which I usually play as an archer (like MapleStory :D). And recently there is Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, and of course Hawkeye in The Avengers (Hawkeye is so hot! :3). Somewhere in early September, I finally decided to pursue my passion by joining an archery course. Archery turned out harder than I expected! Concentration and stability is key when aligning your shot. I can now shoot 10- and 20-metre targets quite well, and (just to show off a bit xD) I just bought my personal archery equipment yesterday. My bow is a carbon-based recurve bow which cost me close to 400 SGD (Singapore dollars); it's slightly taller than me when assembled and strung xD. My quiver consists of 18 aluminium alloy arrows with fletchings which cost me 20 SGD apiece, and I also bought other miscellaneous equipment. Okay, enough with archery; I think I said too much xD. Now, back to wiki-related stuff. Recently, Skyrim:Delphine just won the nomination for featured article—after much tweaking all around (glad that's over). From looking through the archives, I'm proud to say that my article has the highest number of supports (16 to be exact :D) compared to other nominations. Ah... which reminds me... I keep telling myself I'm going to start working on Skyrim:Esbern; I guess I better get to it soon :) I'm also one of the active editors on the wiki. I can't believe my current edit count and my user edit ranking lol. Not even four months yet here and I did quite a lot of editing—from itty bitty tweaks to revamps to images. There was this short period of time when I literally did bot-like work. I went through all Skyrim NPCs to remove genders from the introductory sentence xD. Well, I'm going to continue with editing now... and I'll try to keep uploading a steady stream of images too. Cheers :3 October 5th, 2013Oh wow... Look at the difference between the date of this post and the previous one LOL. Looks like technically I've been around for more than a year now, although in actual fact, it's probably around 8 months, since there was a period of 5-6 months when I was completely dormant. Yeap, it's that time of year again; 2013 is slowly coming to an end, and we all know the harbinger all too well: final exams. I can feel my edit frequency slowly dropping again, compared to when I came out of my dormancy several months ago. Well, I probably will be inactive again towards the end of the year, but you can definitely expect me to come back, hopefully in time for the release of the Elder Scrolls Online. (I'm still considering whether I should subscribe or not; I'm afraid it might interfere with my studies lol.) Anyway, let's see what I've been doing so far. Hmmm... Images, images, images, and erm... oh yea, images. Seems like a pretty good summary of what I did in the past few months haha. I just can't help it; too many beautiful and epic moments in Skyrim, such as combat shots and night shots. Yea... gotta love them nighttime scenes. But you know what would be great? A combat shot at night! xD Okay, enough of wiki stuff and images xD. Maybe it's time I tell more about myself. Hmm, let's see... Well, other than Skyrim and UESPWiki, another thing that I equally spend my time on and really love is anime! Yes, I'm an otaku :3 I think I mentioned it somewhere in my little summary table. Just name an anime - high chance I've already watched it or read the manga :D I also play other computer games apart from Skyrim, such as Starcraft II (and its expansion) and League of Legends, which my boyfriend introduced to me early this year. Yea... this is what happens when you have a gamer boyfriend; he introduces you to all sorts of games and you somehow eventually get influenced :P. Regardless, we really love each other, truly, madly, deeply <3 <3 Okay, this page is waaaaay too long, seriously... Perhaps I should move my posts to a new page. Someday I gotta condense this and make a proper userpage. Okay then, back to edi— I mean.. studying! Userboxes![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()