Old not very good player who has nonetheless enjoyed hundreds of hours in both Oblivion and Skyrim, on a Steam Deck.
Rian was a Breton Skyrim SE Dragonborn under the sign of the Mage Stone, mastering in Conjuration and Enchanting, with successive followers Lydia, Teldryn Sero and Onmund, eventually supported mainly by dual Dremora Lords and doubly-enchanted equipment. Morally he avoided stealing, pickpocketing, vampirism, lycanthropy, and violence except against enemies and Grelod. He reached level 81 using Novice difficulty, completed several questlines, and acquired all city and HearthfireHF houses.
Loki is a Wood Elf Skyrim AE Dragonborn under the sign of the Thief Stone, mainly using the Archery and One-handed combat skills. So far he has reached level 25 on Apprentice difficulty, working solo but often supported by an Undying GhostCC. He intends to join the Thieves Guild and the Circle, but not to become a vampire or a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Early on he squatted in Anise's Cabin; his present home is Tundra HomesteadCC.