I'd heard about Daggerfall years and years ago, but never got around to playing it. Then a while back, I saw it somewhere as abandonware, downloaded it, but couldn't get it to run on my machine, or wasn't patient enough to fiddle around with every single possible DOSBox setting. I tend to go on occasional downloading sprees when I want to try out something new (as in "new to me", not "the latest game or app"). My "RPG history", if you will, began with Dungeon Master on the Atari ST (yes, I'm that old!) and includes stuff like Ultima Underworld, the Avatar MUD, Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, and, more recently, Princess of Twilight from the Legend of Zelda series on the Wii.
So when I read online that Morrowind and Oblivion were supposed to be really good, and I saw a cheap GOTY edition of Morrowind for the PC, I decided to give it a try. I enjoy what I've seen so far, and, being the sort of person who wants to know the gory details of how stuff works, couldn't help but come across this site. Maybe I'll try Oblivion when I've had more of a go with Morrowind.
I think the concept of collaborating on something like this is brilliant, so I figured I might as well create an account to submit minor changes - I can't read past spelling mistakes without my eyes nearly bleeding ;) - and to perhaps contribute something of my own once I have enough knowledge. Although I'm beginning to doubt that there's much missing from this site... it's enormous!
Keeping Track of Level GainsEdit
There are many FAQs, infos, and explanations to be found on the web about how advancement works in Morrowind. The mechanics of it seem simple enough - try to get as close to three maximum (5x) multipliers as possible each level, using misc skills to make up for what the 10 increases in major/minor skills leave out - but it took me a few tries to figure out how to best write down what attributes and skills I'd like to aim for each time I advance a level.
So here's what I do since I can't keep it all in my head:
- Pick 3 attributes I'd like to increase (in the example below, Str, Wil and Spd).
- Distribute a total of 10 points to major/minor skills I'd like to increase belonging to those three attributes (in the example: 2 Armorer, 4 Restoration, 4 Short Blade).
- Assign points to misc skills to make up 10 points within each attribute (in the example: 4 Acrobatics and 4 Long Blade to add to the 2 from Armorer makes 10 in Str).
- (Optional) Make a note of how I'll get those skill increases.
- Once I level, hopefully with triple 5x multipliers, I transfer the planned and actual values (you can't avoid "accidental" increases from running, jumping, fighting, etc.) to my little text file where I keep track of my level gains. (The "++" columns are the planned increases, the numbers are the actual values; 01 = level 1, 02 = level 2, etc. - to make the transfers easier, I've got those in the order in which they appear in the game for my character.)
I've actually gone from using a textfile to using a spreadsheet by now, but the principles remain the same.
This is what an early version of my text file may have looked like:
*** SET 3: 5xSTR + 5xWIL + 5xSPD *** ATTRIBUTE/SKILL | MAJ/MIN | MSC | STRENGTH: ----------------- Acrobatics | | 4 | Auto Armorer | 2 | | Auto, Wayn Axe | | 0 | Blunt Weapon | | 0 | Long Blade | | 4 | Auto..., Elone, Books? INTELLIGENCE: ----------------- WILLPOWER: ----------------- Alteration | | 4 | Auto, Only-He-Stands-There Destruction | | 2 | Auto, Estirdalin, Galbedir Mysticism | 0 | | Restoration | 4 | | Auto, Sharn gra-Muzgob AGILITY: ----------------- SPEED: ----------------- Athletics | | 4 | Auto Hand to Hand | | 0 | Short Blade | 4 | | Auto Unarmored | | 2 | Caius ENDURANCE: ----------------- PERSONALITY: ----------------- Skill Att 01 ++ 02 ++ 03 ++ 04 --------------------------------------- *** MAJOR *************************** Short Blade Spd 40 +4 44 44 +4 48 Mysticism Wil 40 40 40 40 Alchemy Int 35 +4 39 39 39 Enchant Int 35 35 35 35 Mercantile Per 30 30 +4 34 34 *** MINOR *************************** Marksman Agi 20 20 +2 22 22 Armorer Str 15 +2 17 17 +2 19 Restauration Wil 20 20 +4 24 +4 28 Block Agi 15 15 15 15 Heavy Armor End 15 15 15 .. 15 *** MISC **************************** Medium Armor End 05 05 05 05 Blunt Weapon Str 05 05 05 05 Long Blade Str 10 +4 14 14 +4 18 Axe Str 05 05 05 05 Spear End 05 05 05 05 Athletics Spd 10 +4 15 .. 18 +4 22 Destruction Wil 20 20 +4 24 +2 26 Alteration Wil 10 10 +2 12 +4 16 Illusion Per 10 10 +4 14 14 Conjuration Int 10 +2 12 12 12 Unarmored Spd 10 +2 12 15 15 Security Int 05 +4 09 09 09 Sneak Agi 05 05 +4 09 09 Acrobatics Str 05 +4 09 09 +4 13 Light Armor Agi 10 10 +4 14 14 Speechcraft Per 05 05 +2 07 07 Hand-to-hand Spd 05 05 05 05 Attribute 01 ++ 02 ++ 03 ++ 04 --------------------------------------- Strength 40 +5 45 45 +5 50 Intelligence 50 +5 55 55 55 Willpower 30 30 +5 35 +5 40 Agility 40 40 +5 45 45 Speed 50 +5 55 55 +5 60 Endurance 75 75 75 75 Personality 55 55 +5 60 60 Luck 40 40 40 40 *** TEMPLATE *** ATTRIBUTE/SKILL | MAJ/MIN | MSC | STRENGTH: ----------------- Acrobatics | | 0 | Armorer | 0 | | Axe | | 0 | Blunt Weapon | | 0 | Long Blade | | 0 | INTELLIGENCE: ----------------- Alchemy | 0 | | Conjuration | | 0 | Enchant | 0 | | Security | | 0 | WILLPOWER: ----------------- Alteration | | 0 | Destruction | | 0 | Mysticism | 0 | | Restoration | 0 | | AGILITY: ----------------- Block | 0 | | Light Armor | | 0 | Marksman | 0 | | Sneak | | 0 | SPEED: ----------------- Athletics | | 0 | Hand to Hand | | 0 | Short Blade | 0 | | Unarmored | | 0 | ENDURANCE: ----------------- Heavy Armor | 0 | | Medium Armor | | 0 | Spear | | 0 | PERSONALITY: ----------------- Illusion | | 0 | Mercantile | 0 | | Speechcraft | | 0 |
Obviously the skill and attribute tables grow longer as you level up. Oh, and don't forget to add in the occasional increase in Luck, especially useful if you want to concentrate more on major/minor attributes of only two areas for a level and don't get a third 5x multiplier. Hope that makes sense... if not, feel free to add comments to the discussion page. Perhaps someone may come across this and even find it useful... :)