Introduction, Tips and TricksEdit
This is more for my memory as time passes between plays.
There are several ways to do this. The only two items that I cannot dup as of this witting is Ubmra and Wabbajack.
Scroll DuplicationEdit
This can be used to duplicate every item except.
- Items with scripts attached to them.
- Unique weapons and armor.
- Quest items.
Instructions from Glitches.
- Acquire two or more copies of the same scroll. The number of identical scrolls that you have will determine the number of duplicate items you create.
- Open your inventory.
- Highlight the stack of scrolls and select them once.
- Highlight (but do not equip) an item (either single or a stack) that you wish to duplicate, and drop it.
- Close your inventory and on the floor will be multiple copies of the item that you dropped.
You can duplicate armor and weapons by dividing them into multiple stacks (durability). This is why you cannot duplicate unique items using this method. It may fail the first try. You may need to have one of the armor or weapon you are trying to duplicate equipped.
The thing to note about this is that you're going to drop as many of the item as the number of scrolls you have. So if you have five scrolls and ten forks, then you will drop five forks. So there will be five forks on the ground, five in your inventory, and no additional forks will have been created. However if you have five scrolls and only one fork, then you will drop five forks. so there will be five forks on the ground, zero in your inventory, and four additional forks will have been created. You will drop stacks for the amount of the item you have. If you have four scrolls and two forks, then you will drop two stacks of two forks. If you have five scrolls and two forks, then you will drop two stacks of two forks, and a single fork.
Skull of CorruptionEdit
You basically need to clone yourself. You can do in two ways.
- The following items cannot be cloned using this method because of scripting: Skull of Corruption, Ubmra's Sword, Wabbajack.
1..Let an NPC clone youEdit
Most experienced players will know how to do this, so this is more for anyone wanting to follow a quick guide to duplicate their items. This should only be used to duplicate items that cannot be duplicated with the scroll trick since that is much easier to accomplish. Items that cannot be duplicated with the scroll trick are any items with scripts attached to them, any quest item you cannot drop, any unique weapon, armor, or clothing item that you cannot obtain more than one copy of, and gold.
The trick to this is basically finding any sleeping NPC, but you don't want to do this in town and have to deal with guards running to aid the NPC. You can also do this with any unarmed NPC, but need to get them away from guards to make this hassle free. I picked Walker Camp for this guide because the thugs respawn, and take turns sleeping making it pretty easy to pull off any time you want to. This is a little better than using the Staff of Worms trick since you can duplicate your quest items and gold which you cannot put on a corpse.
- Go to Walker Camp.
- Wait until one of the two thugs goes to sleep (10am to 4pm, Midnight to 8am).
- Kill the thug that isn't asleep.
- Cast charm 100 on the other thug now attacking you, and then yield to them.
- When they go back to sleep make sure that charm 100 is still active (recast if needed).
- Pick-pocket all of their weapons. If you cannot steal their weapons you will have three chances to do so before the thug wakes up (because they have 100 disposition to you). Once the thug wakes up they will stand up, but will not equip their gear or attack you. While in sneak cast paralyze on them, and then do the same keystrokes for you would to yield. This will open their inventory and allow you to take all of their weapons. It works the same way as looting unconscious essential NPCs.
- Drop the Skull of Corruption on the ground.
- The thug will come out of paralysis, pick up the staff, and begin using it on you.
- Kill your clone with the Deadric Bashing effect from Mehrunes Razor. You don't need to do it this way, but it makes it much easier to loot the corpse if they die from the instant death effect rather than from weapon damage.
- Once your clone dies immediately save and reload your game. This is important because you may get kicked out of the Mages and Thieves Guilds if you don't save quickly enough.
- Loot the corpse, wait for the clone to vanish, let the thug hit you with the staff again, and repeat.
- Once the staff is used up the thug will come attack you with his fists. Charm, yield, and paralyze him to take the staff back, or just kill him.
I was able to kill five clones before the thug had to go to hand-to-hand combat. Be careful if you decide to do this as the thugs will run from you if you damage them too much. During one testing a thug ran all the way to Rugdumph's house, and as soon as he entered the house his inventory respawned which caused the staff to be lost.
This was all done on the 360 with all patches and mods applied, so it should work on the PS3 as well. Unfortunately on the PS3 you will not have Mehrunes Razor, making it more difficult to get the timing right for saving and reloading so that you can loot your corpse.
2..Reflect the SpellEdit
- Cast a target 100% reflect.
- Cast Corruption on them.
- Drop staff before target is hit.
- Corruption should be reflected to clone you.
During the main quest for Sivering Isles you need to go to Milchar to get a branch from a tree. At this point you will be duplicated, and will have to fight yourself. If you use the Skull of Corruption on your double you can duplicate the Skull of Corruption. The Wabbajack and Ubmra's Sword will not be duplicated.
If you charm someone to 100, and then paralyze them you can loot them using the yield action as you would an unconscious essential NPC.
For example:
- Charm 100 an NPC.
- Paralyze them.
- Yield to them. (This opens loot inventory window)
- Slip them a bound weapon.
- Close inventory.
- Yield to them again. (Open inventory)
- They will have equipped the bound item, and you can loot any weapon they had equipped. (If bound weapon is better)
- Once paralyze and charm wear off you can yield to them to end combat. (If their disposition is high enough)
If you bribe an NPC the money will be transferred to their inventory, and can be used by them to pay fines for any crimes they commit. This can be a good strategy to save NPCs that steal a lot.
- Do Shivering Isles from level one. This is because the guard weapons used by the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers are impossible to get at later levels. This is only for players who are completionists, and want to collect all the items. You can get all the Golden and Dark weapons at level 1, and then come back and do SI later in the game.
- Do Knights of the Nine early, and try not to level. This is because your infamy will be reset to zero during the quest. Do this later on if you want no infamy as it can be quite fun at higher levels.
- The priests that start the Master Restoration Trainer quest get replaced, and their replacements will not offer the quest. It is a good idea to get the Master Restoration Training quest before getting too far into Knights of the Nine.
- Leave the Kavatch Curirass on the two fallen NPCs inside Kavatch. Although they make good money early on, this is one of only two times you can get them in the game, and these corpses will persist throughout the game.