User:SheogorathMadness/Roleplaying Ideas
(Fighter-type Roleplaying)
This is your opportuity to roleplay a beserker. Play as an Orc or a Redguard and use a large, two handed weapon, such as a claymore or a warhammer. Have a high strength and endurance, but avoid increasing your intelligence: you are a beserker, not a tactician. Never block, use heavy armour and fear nothing.
- Benevolent Beserker
Charge into dungeons with nothing but your trusty claymore and your noble steel armour. Be kind to all the citizens of your favourite town. Become that town's protector; meet with the count/countess once a week to discuss threats. Maybe a nearby bandit camp has been scaring away traders and the people are starving? Charge into the camp and slaughter them all in seconds. Maybe there is going to be an attempt on the rulers' life? Follow the ruler and search any who come close. If they are armed and refuse to give up their weapon, attack. (Use a frenzy spell or if you have access to the console start combat.) Only do a realistic amount of work in one day. Even though you are a beserker, you cannot kill every bandit in Cyrodill in twelve hours. Perhaps a marauder gets a lucky hit and cripples you. Spend the next few days limping around your house, eventually preforming errands for friends (maybe other beserkers?) until finally you are ready to start adventuring.
- Malevolent Beserker
Charge into Towns with nothing but your dark waraxe and your frightening daedric armour. Be evil to all the citizens of your most hated town. Become that town's destroyer; kill the count/countess. Maybe nearby bounty hunters have made a camp nearby? Charge into the camp and slaughter them all in seconds. Maybe there is going to be an attempt on your life? Hire a follower who will search any who come close. If they are armed and refuse to give up their weapon, attack. (Use a frenzy spell or if you have access to the console start combat.) Only do a realistic amount of work in one day. Even though you are a beserker, you cannot kill every legion soldier in Cyrodill in twenty four hours. Perhaps a guard gets a lucky hit and cripples you. Spend the next few days boasting about your power, and if anybody challenges you, kill them once you have regained your strength.
Wear the cheapest clothes and never have more than ten gold. Try and eat at least one meal a day. Maybe one day you decide to pay a visit to relatives in Bravil and you find a dagger on the way there. Carry around the dagger for protection. When you return home, consider an adventuer career: it was always what interested you. Start off small until you eventually find a better weapon. One day you may get/move house, if you do so remember to say goodbye to your neighbours. Perhaps you used to be rich until another noble blackmailed your family. Using your newfound weapon, exact your revenge. There are many different paths you can take with this roleplay.