Heres just a tip, my Sub-Pages will be like this (if theres differnet types) And a O in front of the name means it's from oblivion.
Solst In Oblivion
At the moment, I'm level 26, my Birthsign is The Shadow, I'm an argonian, and I'm the class "Death".
My Loadout
- Strength: 100
- Intelligence: 91
- Willpower: 37
- Agility: 63
- Speed: 77
- Endurance: 102
- Personality: 30
- Luck: 50
Major Skills
- Blade: 101
- Block: 54
- Blunt: 49
- Heavy Armor: 100
- Conjuration: 110
- Light Armor: 39
- Mercantile: 31
Minor Skills
- Armorer: 53
- Athletics: 74
- Hand To Hand: 13
- Alchemy: 22
- Alteration: 14
- Destruction: 50
- Illusion: 45
- Mysticism: 23
- Restoration: 36
- Acrobatics 86
- Marksman: 10
- Security: 80
- Sneak: 25
- Speechcraft: 8
Solst's Life Story! The Necromancer (WORKING TITLE)