My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die......
Not really. My name is Jim. A.K.A. Jimbo, Jimmy Dean, James Dean (Dean is NOT my last name), TAO Devil
I am 22, I live in cold, cold Maine, and I love XBox 360.
I have a wife and a 10 month old son, who got his first kill on Gears of War 2 (XBox 360, 3rd person shooter) when he was 4 days old.
I'm very fluent in the world of Oblivion. Stayed away from PC games (too addicting, Diablo II anyone?) so My knowledge is limited in the TES series. I have traveled through every cave and read every book in Oblivion though.
I don't mod so all of my achievements are fair (glitching is fair b/c it's my game. I'm not hurting anyone).
My Favorite class is stealth and I prefer being a Khajit.
For Magic I use a Dark Elf (unless go all magic and then it's a High Elf).
For Brute strength, I use an Orc with maxed out Hand-to-Hand.
I steal, murder, betray and destroy.
Hope I can help.......