> How to find Hatreds Soul and Hatreds Heart, Screenshots included
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Joined: 19-April 06 From: Zagreb, Croatia
Seeing how many people each day ask about finding the famed Hatreds Soul and Heart, I decided to create this small walktrough, because, believe it or not, Hatreds Soul and Heart are extremely easy to find.
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Ok, let's get started.
Please note, it can be found in a random gate in the wilderness ( I found mine in a gate just slightly north-east of Skingrad ).
There are different layouts of Oblivion Wastes when you enter the gate, and the Chorrol gate ( when you're doing the Aid for Bruma quest ) always uses this one. So that means you can either search for the items during that mission or:
* Find a random Oblivion gate * Quicksave before you enter it * If you don't see the tower when you enter, quickload and re-enter the gate * Repeat until you have it right
I found the right layout after 10 minutes of quicksave/quickload.
Ok, so you have entered the right Oblivion Gate. When you enter the gate, and turn 180 degrees you should see this.. A huge, sunken tower looming over the gate from which you came.
Now, to find the right island where the portal to the sunken tower is located, first look at this. Jump over the broken bridge, marked by 1, then jump to the island marked by 2. From there you should see a colapsed gate marked by 3. Cross over it and just keep going north until you get to a small island ( it's not far ) with a little lava pool in the middle, and surrounded with those pesky pop-up mines. This is the island you're looking for and the door that leads to the caves is here, and it looks like this.
And that's it, really. Enter the Vaults, and locate this entrance.. Inside you will find two dremora . Eliminate them and take their keys. Then navigate the tilted tower like you would any sigil tower, until you come to a teleport pad. Use it and you'll come to a small platform that has the Punished containers on both sides. One of them holds Hatreds Soul and Arrows, and the other Hatreds Heart.
Are the items worth looking for? Well, see for yourself.
Hatreds Soul ( it has the highest base damage for bows in all the game ) Hatreds Soul Arrow
Hatreds Heart
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There, I hope that now people will have an easier time locating the items.