Varyllis was going to be a base game zone on southernmost Summerset Isle, containing the lands of Alinor in the west to the lands of Dusk in the east, which had been in development at some point before launch, enough to have partial implementation in the game's language string files. The zone was cancelled after being reviewed by BGS, under the belief that the fiction was too high fantasy and not rooted enough in real world medieval tech. Luckily, a treasure trove of Varyllis's design was saved away in old lang files of ESO, across hundreds of dialogue lines and form component strings. This here page is for me to dig in and try to piece together what all was going on with the lost zone and its numerous quests.
Personally, this is some of my favorite lore and setting material in the series, and it is a crying shame it all was thrown away. For those that enjoy the magitek science fantasy aspects of Battlespire, FSL Professor Numinatus, or Cyrus's Sword Meeting with Tiber Septim, you'll like to get a kick out of this.
Anachronistic NotationsEdit
This content comes from the alpha of The Elder Scrolls Online, and so, features some anachronisms in comparison to the released game.
- The Vestige would have been named The Numinous.
- Queen Ayrenn would have been spelled Queen Ayarynne.
- Teriscor would have been spelled Tyrsicor.
- Spellings alternated from Teriskor,
The exact names of the subzones are unknown, and it is also yet unknown if the "subzone structure" style was in place during the time Varyllis was being developed. The list below is just a context based guess of where the mentioned locations would have been on the map.
Alinor? (Subzone #1)Edit
- Alinor
- Alinor Palace
- Alinor Scrutinarium
- Mulberry district
- Turquoise district
- Immaculate Tabernacle
- Crystal Tower --- On a mountain east of Alinor
- Stonewake
- Teriskor Kinhouse
- Felballin Kinhouse
- The Imagerie --- "east of the Felballin Kinhouse"
- Hainen's Sanctum
- Imago Serries
- Deadsands
- The Pearls
Tamvir? (Subzone #2)Edit
- Dusk
- Scintillant Kinhouse
- Umbral Tower --- "located south of the Scintalla Kinhouse" "located in the bay to the east [of Alinor]"
- Maze of Obliquity
- Tessellated Shores
- Tessellated Magicka Grid
- Orchestrated Gardens --- "to the south"
- Sky-Well
- Isque Kinhouse
- Sunhold --- An island city on the mid south coast
- Liriel River
- Fane of Breath --- A shrine dedicated to Mara, located up the Liriel River
- Harmonium Fortress
Orrery? (Subzone #3)Edit
- Syldarim Kinhouse
- The Orrery
- Lover's Shrine
- Verdant Grove Tower
- Spellfire Pillars
- Kirin
- Gem Spider
Felballin KinshipEdit
- Led by High Kinlord Langdruun.
Isque KinshipEdit
- Led by High Kinlord Maldarawo.
Scintillant KinshipEdit
- Led by High Kinlady Astraela.
Syldarim KinshipEdit
- Led by High Kinlady Genivra.
Tyrsicor KinshipEdit
- Led by .
Quests & NarrativeEdit
- Orrery: The Sea Elves and the Sload are attempting to replace the Planet of Auri-El with the Planet of Orgnavar, a new Planet of King Orgnum.