The skill system is the very heart of the very well designed character creation system of the game. This page will help you understand how to make the best of increasing skills and gaining levels.
Leveling EquationEdit
Level is determined by an algebraic equation:
INT((A - B + 28)/15) = level where A = Three Primary Skills + Two Highest Major Skills + Highest Minor Skill B = the starting value of these same skills INT = "drop any remainder"
In simpler terms, you must raise the total of these skills by 15 points in order to get a level increase. Any combination of skill increases will work as long as they total to 15 points. Increases in Miscellaneous skills do not count toward level increases, although the character will still be better at doing those things. Note that the formula counts only the highest Minor skill and the two highest Major skills, so any increases of the other Major/Minor skills do not count toward a level increase until the lower skills reach the same value as the highest.
Level UpEdit
A level increase happens after resting. At that point the game looks at the various counters and decides whether a level increase is appropriate or not. It is advised to save before you level up.
Both your hitpoints and your attributes increase when you level up. Your hitpoints will increase by a random number between 1 and your maximum hitpoints per level. Your maximum hitpoints per level depends on your class. Those who made a custom class choose their maximum hitpoints, while those who chose a premade class have a set amount depending on the class they chose. The amount of hitpoints and attribute points you have to distribute can change if you were to reload and try to level up again, so it is advised to reload to try and get the maximum possible attribute points and a very high amount of health.
Almost every action your character can perform is governed by a skill. The score for a skill measures your proficiency in that field; a character who is adept at a skill has a higher value than a novice. Each skill is governed by an attribute which sets an upper limit, and may offer bonuses or penalties towards the application of that skill.
The application of a skill is either passive or active, with the majority of invocations as the active type. This means the character is undertaking some action, rather than just letting things happen. An example of an active skill invocation would be the Jumping skill. The character's skill is only applied when the player issues the correct command. Passive skills, on the other hand, are invoked by the Daggerfall game engine itself on the player's behalf. Medical is a prime example of a passive skill, because it is invoked each time the character rests, on the character's behalf by the computer, even if the player's intention was to idle for several hours. Language skills are another example. Whenever one comes within range of a creature of the appropriate type, the language skill is automatically checked. If successful, the creature is rendered non-hostile.
An action is resolved as a success or a failure by evaluating the governing skill with some random chance. The score of a skill is proportional to the probability of success in that action if given "average" circumstances. Naturally some circumstances may be more difficult than others, and the skill evaluation process considers any applicable bonuses or penalties, but for the most part one may consider a skill's score as a success probability expressed as a percentile.
[Example: The Archery skill is governed by Agility, which means not only will a character with a high score in Agility become adept at Archery faster than a character with a low score in Agility, but will also receive bonuses towards resolving any application of that skill. Since Archery is an active skill, it is only evaluated when the character uses Bows. ]
Skill | Attribute | Description of skill (from Daggerfall user manual) |
Alteration | Willpower | Alteration refers to the School of Alteration, one of the six avenues of magical study. This school is concerned with magicka's ability to change the very structure and composition of objects. Dimunition and Shield are two classic Alteration spells. |
Archery | Agility | Archery is the skill governing one's ability to hit targets and cause damage using a bow and arrow. |
Axe | Strength | Axe is the skill automatically checked whenever one uses a battleaxe or a waraxe on a target. |
Backstabbing | Agility | Backstabbing is a skill checked whenever a target is struck from behind. It is easier for a person proficient at this skill to hit a target from behind. It is also probable that more damage will be dealt with a well-delivered backstab. |
Blunt Weapon | Strength | Blunt Weapon is a skill checked whenever one strikes a target with a heavy, blunt weapon such as a mace or a staff. Proficient Blunt Weapon specialists have a greater chance of hitting and cause more damage with each blow. |
Centaurian | Intelligence | Centaurian is checked when one comes within range of a Centaur. If successful, the Centaur is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Climbing | Strength | Climbing is a skill checked whenever one attempts to scale a wall or a steep incline. It is continually checked until one is on level ground again. |
Critical Strike | Agility | Critical Striking is a skill checked whenever one has successfully struck a target. A target that receives a successful Critical Strike suffers withering, often fatal, additional damage. |
Daedric | Intelligence | Daedric is checked when one comes within range of a Daedra. If successful, the Daedra is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Destruction | Willpower | Destruction refers to the School of Destruction, one of the six formal avenues of magical study. Destruction spells are those with a primary purpose of causing damage to a target, such as Fireball or Acidic Field. |
Personality | (Not available) |
Dodging | Speed | Dodging is a skill checked before one is struck by an enemy's weapon or spell. |
Dragonish | Intelligence | Dragonish is checked when one comes within range of a Dragonling. If successful, the Dragonling is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Intelligence | (Not available) |
Etiquette | Personality | Etiquette is a skill checked whenever one attempts to be polite, deferential, and charming in conversation. |
Intelligence | (Not available) |
Giantish | Intelligence | Giantish is checked when one comes within range of a Giant. If successful, the Giant is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Hand-to-Hand | Agility | Hand-to-Hand is a skill checked whenever one attempts to strike a target with a punch or a kick. |
Harpy | Intelligence | Harpy is checked when one comes within range of a Harpy. If successful, the Harpy is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Illusion | Willpower | Illusion refers to the School of Illusion, one of the six avenues of magical study. Illusion spells are capable of camouflaging, illuminating, or obscuring objects, as the spells Invisibility and Light demonstrate. |
Impish | Intelligence | Impish is checked when one comes within range of an Imp. If successful, the Imp is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Jumping | Strength | Jumping is a skill checked to determine the height and distance one is capable of leaping. |
Lockpicking | Intelligence | Lockpicking is a skill automatically checked whenever one attempts to pick the lock on a door or a chest. |
Long Blade | Strength | Long Blade is a skill checked whenever one attempts to strike a target with a long-bladed, slashing weapon such as a claymore or a katana. |
Medical | Intelligence | Medical skill is automatically checked whenever one rests, allowing one to diagnose minor injuries and illnesses. |
Mercantile | Personality | Mercantile is a skill checked whenever one enters into negotiations with a merchant, attempting to buy or sell an item at the best possible price. |
Mysticism | Willpower | Mysticism refers to the School of Mysticism, one of the six avenues of magical study. Mysticism is the most arcane school, and the spells created by its application are as varied as Far Silence and Soul Trap. |
Nymph | Intelligence | Nymph is checked when one comes within range of a Nymph. If successful, the Nymph is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Orcish | Intelligence | Orcish is checked when one comes within range of an Orc. If successful, the Orc is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Pickpocket | Agility | Pickpocketing is a skill automatically checked whenever one attempts to steal an item off a person or shelf without being detected. |
Restoration | Willpower | Restoration refers to the School of Restoration, one of the six avenues of magical study. Any healing spell such as Cure Poison and Troll's Blood hails from Restoration. |
Running | Speed | Running is a skill automatically checked whenever one begins to run, to check the possible speed. |
Short Blade | Strength | Short Blade is a skill checked whenever one attempts to strike a target with a short-bladed stabbing weapon such as daggers and tantos, to determine the aim and damage possible in a strike. |
Spriggan | Intelligence | Spriggan is checked when one comes within range of a Spriggan. If successful, the Spriggan is non-hostile (will not attack). |
Stealth | Agility | Stealth is a skill which allows one to avoid the attention of a hostile creature. It is automatically checked at every encounter. |
Streetwise | Personality | Streetwise is a skill checked whenever one attempts to be blunt, colloquial, or otherwise informal in conversation. |
Swimming | Endurance | Swimming is a skill automatically checked whenever one encounters water to see how fast one can swim, how fatigued one gets while swimming, and how long one can stay underwater. |
Thaumaturgy | Willpower | Thaumaturgy refers to the School of Thaumaturgy, one of the six avenues of magica study. A Thaumaturgical spell does not change the appearance or structure of a force or object, but can manipulate laws temporarily, as evident in such spells as Levitate and Detection. |
Guild Training SkillsEdit
The following is a list of all the skills along with which guild you can practice them in.
Skill | Guilds Where Skill can be Trained |
Alteration | Mage, Akatosh, Julianos |
Archery | Fighters, Kynareth, Mara, Akatosh, Dark Brotherhood |
Axe | Fighters, Arkay, Stendarr |
Backstabbing | Arkay, Thief, Dark Brotherhood |
Blunt Weapon | Fighters, Stendarr, Thief, Zenithar |
Centaurian | Zenithar |
Climbing | Kynareth, Arkay, Thief, Dark Brotherhood |
Critical Strike | Stendarr, Fighters, Mara, Arkay, Dark Brotherhood, Julianos |
Daedric | Dibella, Mage, Kynareth, Stendarr, Akatosh, Mara, Dark Brotherhood, Zenithar, Julianos |
Destruction | Kynareth, Mage, Akatosh, Arkay, Dark Brotherhood |
Dodging | Kynareth, Stendarr, Thief, Dark Brotherhood |
Dragonish | Akatosh, Mage, Kynareth |
Etiquette | Dibella, Mara, Zenithar |
Giantish | Fighters, Zenithar |
Hand to Hand | None |
Harpy | Dibella, Mage, Mara, Kynareth, Zenithar |
Illusion | Kynareth, Mage, Dibella, Mara |
Impish | Mage, Julianos |
Jumping | Fighters, Thief |
Lockpicking | Dibella, Thief, Julianos |
Longblade | Dibella, Akatosh, Fighters |
Medical | Arkay, Mara, Stendarr |
Mercantile | Zenithar, Julianos |
Mysticism | Mage, Julianos |
Nymph | Dibella, Mara |
Orcish | Stendarr, Dibella, Fighters, Mage, Zenithar |
Pickpocket | Thief, Zenithar |
Restoration | Dibella, Mage, Stendarr, Arkay, Mara |
Running | Akatosh, Fighters, Kynareth, Dark Brotherhood |
Short Blade | Fighters, Arkay, Thief, Dark Brotherhood, Julianos |
Spriggan | Stendarr, Mage, Zenithar |
Stealth | Kynareth, Akatosh, Thief, Dark Brotherhood |
Streetwise | Dibella, Mara, Thief, Dark Brotherhood, Zenithar |
Swimming | Fighters, Akatosh, Thief, Dark Brotherhood |
Thaumaturgy | Mage, Zenithar, Julianos |