Author's NoteEdit
The following story details the rise of the first Argonian emperor (formally known as Emperor Raj-Kaal) to the seat of the Ruby Throne. He was the first of his kind to reach such a position, and has changed the course of Imperial history as we know it. I hope that this legend is immortalized forever in the minds of the people of Tamriel. This is the story of the 1st Argonian emperor, who rose to the throne in 2E 583. This empire would last into the Fourth Era, and as of 4E 201, still exists. Because this account is based off info from approximately 950 years ago (as of writing), some info may be unclear, lost, or missing. It should be noted that the Argonians prefer to be called the Saxhleel, and they call their empire the Saxhleel Empire, but is known informally as the Argonian Empire.
Chapter 1 - The Cities FallEdit
An Argonian warlord from Gideon masses a mixed Argonian/Nibenese army and comes down to Leyawiin county under the county's plea to expel the Khajiit raiders that plague the Trans-Niben under the Dominion orders. He swiftly defeats them, and, in a bold move, seeing how hated the Leyawiin's duke is, he seizes control of the city and the Trans-Niben. The Imperial Army is stretched thin, and when they finally muster an army, it is quickly defeated by the Argonian pretender's army. Taken by surprise by how easily his army defeated the Imperial troops, the warlord enacts his initial ambition of rule over the Trans-Niben and marches north, to claim the Empire for himself. A mass of Imperial troops either desert or join his army, enticed by his mild treatment of Imperial prisoners and disheartened by the Cyrodiilic Empires' string of losses. Bravil, Kvatch, Cheydinhal and Skingrad are swiftly conquered with little bloodshed. Anvil, Chorrol and Bruma give more resistance, but finally submit to the Argonian's pretender. At the doors of the Imperial City, the Imperial emperor decides to step down in exchange for keeping his life and a sizable portion of his wealth. The Elder Council begrudgingly accepts this, in order to keep their heads, and he's claimed as the new emperor.
Chapter 2 - A New RulerEdit
Almost all the remaining Mer councilors (and all of those that don't quite support the new ruler) have fatal hunting accidents in less than a year, and are replaced by several of the Emperors' friends from Gideon, and some of his most loyal Nibenese supporters. Nonetheless, the Elder Councils' power is severely diminished, and the last Imperial emperor retires to a priory, to dedicate the rest of his life to prayer and devotion, and a couple of Argonian hatchlings are born, thus ensuring the continuation of a new Argonian dynasty at the head of the Empire. (The following takes place in the Fourth Era) Skyrim is lost to the Stormcloaks, High Rock, isolated from the Empire, breaks off and is forced into a confederation with Hammerfell, both seeking mutual protection against the Thalmor threat. Cyrodiil erupts into a civil war due to the Emperors' assassination, several of his heirs claiming the throne for themselves in a fratricide bloodshed. In Lilmoth, a particularly expansionist member of the An-Xileel (This would be the Argonian Emperor Toteik-Kaal, heir to the original founder of the First Saxhleel Empire.) decides that this is his time to act, and through several sketchy means, manages to put himself at the head of the organization. Deciding to feast in the Empire's dying body, he organizes an invasion of the Niben Bay, easily overpowering the Imperial Legions, weakened by the Civil War. Nibenay is easily conquered, and soon the Imperial City falls. The Elder Council members are hanged from the walls of the White-Gold towers, and the An-Xileel ruler proclaims himself as First-Emperor of the Second Saxhleel Empire. The Colovians, not wishing to get involved any further, recognize the death of the Empire and make a deal with the Argonians, paying them tribute and troops and recognizing their domain in the Imperial City and Nibenay in exchange of being able to continue living in Cyrodiil.
Chapter 3 - Province ConquestEdit
A generation of Hist-fueled Argonian births later, the Saxhleel are either the majority or almost half in most of the Nibenay basin. The Second Saxhleel Empire even expanded north, taking the Dunmer territories up to Kragenmoor, and taking Skyrim. After annexing the whole of Deshaan, they left the remaining Dunmer territories as a mostly self-ruling protectorate under their allies, House Hlaalu, that rose from their ashes as Argonian supporters. Skyrim was annexed next, and became the top weapons and armor producer of the Saxhleel Empire. With all these provinces conquered and annexed, they had the same land that the Ebonheart Pact had a long time ago. And so, this was the height of the Second Saxhleel Empire. They had enforced peace across their lands, and they put reformed laws and policies that would bolster the Argonian population. After showing they could handle leadership, Black Marsh, formally known as Argonia, sent a letter to request joining the empire. The Emperor sent a letter back accepting them into the empire, thus increasing their power. With half of Tamriel under their leadership, they removed all Aldmeri Dominion forces and encampments from their provinces, effectively weakening the Thalmor. They had sent peace offerings to High Rock and Hammerfell, all of which accepted, perhaps out of fear of being destroyed. Finally, this story comes to an end, and the history of the Second Saxhleel Empire is still being shaped and written to this day, and is known as one of the longest lasting empires to ever grace Tamriel.