This is an archive of previous comments on my talk page. Please do not post any messages here - use this link to go to the active page instead. Thanks! |
Please could you use the "Show preview" button rather than making several consecutive edits to your page? Each edit must be patrolled and it makes our life much easier if there are fewer edits. Thank you. –Rpeh•T•C•E• 07:02, 26 May 2008 (EDT)
- Ok, it's just that I got new Ideas and so. But ok I will try to do as you say. Goblin lair 11:43, 29 May 2008 (EDT)
I noticed your intent to create this page, just letting you know that it already exists at Morrowind:Grey-Throat. Yes, it's a redirect, because there's really nothing to say about the character, other than the fact that another character has the same name in Oblivion. As I stated on the talk page, there's absolutely no evidence linking the two characters, other than the common name. So anything you wrote about this would be a pure fabrication, and as such does not belong on the wiki. --TheRealLurlock Talk 19:13, 14 August 2008 (EDT)
- Ok I will have to find something else to do. -Goblin lair 08:26, 15 August 2008
Birthsign templateEdit
Hey, I just created a Userbox template you might be interested in: Template:User Birthsign. You can choose which birthsign, and they're all on one template. They also add you to the relevant category, and they're sized so that they match the standard Userbox size (whereas yours are a little bit larger, and might mess up alignment with other Userboxes.) So to replace the one on your User page, you'd just type:
{{User Birthsign|Warrior}}
and you'd get:
This user was born under the sign of The Warrior. |
There's also options for changing the text and/or colors. The instructions are all on the template page (see link above). Enjoy. --TheRealLurlock Talk 16:39, 21 October 2008 (EDT)
- Thanks! =) -Goblin lair 21:08, 22 October 2008 (EDT)
From Ninja HinderEdit
I noticed you were acccepting characters into your Battle at Bruma part 2 story, and I have one that you could include.
Codus Callus
- A bachelor from Bravil, hangs out at the 'Lonely Suitor Lodge'
- Powerful, Not very bright, Mysterious. He likes to fight.
- He likes any battleground, and hates castles, where everything is so formal.
- He always uses his trusty Fine Steel longsword, and a complete Bravil armour set.
- He is a guard for Bravil, he guards the statue in the back of town. He wants to become a Imperial Legion soldier.
- He enjoys killing
- Age 25, athletic heavyset build
Also, could I revise/edit Battle at Bruma part one? Ninja Hinder 13:20, 8 November 2008 (EST)
- Thanks a lot for the character! just what I was looking for =).
- What is it that you would like to edit in the first part? -Goblin lair 10:01, 9 November 2008 (EDT)spell
There are some spelling and grammar mistakes. Ninja Hinder 15:06, 9 November 2008 (EST)
- Shure. Go ahead! Thanks. =) -Goblin lair 21:08, 9 November 2008
From The-mantaEdit
- Okay, You can have my character if you want, here he is:
- •Name: Taleez
- •Race: Argonian
- •Class: Blademage- Likes heavy armour, War axes, Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Alteration and armourer
- •Gender: Male
- •City: Imperial City, though he spends a lot of time just outside on the banks of Lake Rumare (mod-added house).
- •Appearance: Tall and broad with long dorsal ridge and deep purple scales and large wide eyes.
- •Other: Devoted to Sheogorath and quite mad, although in a friendly sort of way, generally a good guy although on suddenwhims he will sometimes do something odd or dislawful. He has aquired a Wabbajack spell through bizzare ritals to the Madgod and delights in using it. In battle he generally has a fairly gung-ho and reckless attitude, charged into the fray swinging his axe and wabbajacking everything in sight.
- I don't mind if you don't include him, I just felt like helping out.
The-manta 15:17, 9 November 2008 (EST)
Thanks! Yes, I shall use this character, yes I will, Thanks again. -Goblin lair 21:19, 9 November 2008
There! all of the spelling and grammar is fixed. If you need me to fix the spelling and grammar for book two, just ask. Ninja Hinder 15:50, 9 November 2008 (EST)
Thanks! I will. -Goblin lair 21:55, 9 November 2008
Do you have a deadline for Part 2? Ninja Hinder 16:41, 9 November 2008 (EST)
Well... before 24th of December. For now. I'll see. I have started to write so I'll probably be done before that. But I can't finish the first Chapter yet... I am still waiting for a character that live in Cheydinhal. I won't have much time to write after this week, but not to worry, I will be done! :) -Goblin lair 07:53, 10 November 2008
Thanks for using my character. Oh and one more thing, he has a thing for slaughterfish and is constantly seeking one polite enough to be his friend. Thanks again. The-manta 14:27, 10 November 2008 (EST)
I could make a character to fill the position of Cheydinhal if you want me to. Ninja Hinder 19:06, 10 November 2008 (EST)
Thanks! I would be happy if you did that. =) -Goblin lair 08:06, 11 November 2008
I'm on it. By the way, have you read any of my fanfiction stories? I have a bookshelf on my userpage.
Well I have read "Whodunit?", and I liked it, when I got time I shall read the rest of your stories. Got a lot of stuff going on right now. =) -Goblin lair 22:39, 11 November 2008
He is a highly intelligent, saintly, renown male Altmer, mage and he hates all weapons except one enchanted dagger he made (The Dagger of TrueMage), he relys souly on his great skills in magic, Enchanting and Alchemy to guide him through his strange and mysterious life.
He had an unfortunate run-in with a Vampire and became infected, luckily he had suspictions of his disease and cured himself before the disease could take full effect. Even though he is at full health this incident has left him nervous around enemies now because he hates diseases. But he is determined so he would not let that stop him, he may be afraid but he recently discovered the power of Illusion magic, the power to become invisible and sneak around un-necessary enemies.
He had done some bad things in the past but he has mastered his personality and completed the pilgrimage and is forgiven of his sins. He is a saintly hero who spends most of his time honing his skills in Arborwatch. He is 21 and very tall/slim. He has mastered the powers of alchemy, destruction, conjuration, restoration, and just recently, illusion.
- Name: Shadow
- Race: Altmer
- Class: Avatar (True Master of all forms of magic)
- Gender: Male
- Home: Rosethorn Manor
- Appearence: Very tall and slim, always dressed in powerfull robes, a true mage.
my User Page has a few other characters, if u want u can use any of those aswell, they are all pretty detailed so i cant post it all here
Matval SorusiEdit
A Dunmer Mage.
- His family died in war, but he is friends with Count Farwil Indarys
- He has a bad temper, but it is hard to get him mad. He is usually aloof, only mingling with other Mer
- He likes to eat meat and not plants. He dislikes Imperials, unless they don't bother him. He usually hangs around the castle to Cheydinhal, guarding and talking to the Count. Once a week he rides to the Imperial City to buy food and supplies, and watch a few arena matches. He is rich.
- He is the Cheydinhal Court Wizard, and pretty good at it, too. He likes to collect flowers, and has quite the collection. He wants to become a High Imperial Mage, but not for the Imperials.
- He is 49, and looks like a horse got mad at his face and went to town on it.
- Cheydinhal faction;Castle Cheydinhal faction; Mage's Guild (Journeyman)
All done. Ninja Hinder 12:45, 11 November 2008 (EST)
Thanks alot! I will be done with the Cheydinhal chapter in notime now! Thanks. =) -Goblin lair 22:41, 11 November 2008
The closing daysEdit
Nice title, by the way. The meaning hit me a few moments ago. Anyways, if you need spelling or grammar checks or a new character, just ask on my Talkpage Ninja Hinder 18:03, 12 November 2008 (EST)
I checked the spelling and grammar for the closing days. It has far less mistakes. Anyways, Cloud Ruler Temple is capatalized, as well as Oblivion Gate, and the Count's first name is Farwil. Ninja Hinder 18:39, 13 November 2008 (EST)
Oh... I didn't see that when I checked his name... must have looked on the wrong page. Well thanks for fixing the spelling and grammar. =)
-Goblin lair 09:06, 14 November 2008
- Wait! Farwil is Andel's son. I fix it. -Goblin lair 09:24, 14 November 2008
Hi soz i havent bin on for around a mont or somethin i was busy (my birthday was on 8th of nov =D) i just got bak on uesp and just wonderin... do u need any more help with abagarlas? ill b happy 2 help if ur still workin on it --Tabloes 11:50, 21 November 2008 (EST)
- Hi, nice to have you back! Yes I am still working on Abagarlas. If you could, I would be very happy if you could get any more info for the creatures that I have writen about. Not just plain information like here on Uesp. A little more like: What they do when they think no one is around. ( An invisibility or chamelion potion/spell could help you getting knowledge of this). Or how many of them you usualy find in special places. Or if you meet a special creature... like The Creeper, Then I would like you to tell me about it. =). Hope you find anything interesting! - Goblin lair 18:00, 21 November 2008