Everyone come! Add your characters here!Edit
Ok. I am starting to write on the next part of The battle at Bruma, and I would be very happy if I could get any of your characters in each city. If you want your character in the story. add some facts about the character: his/her class/work, body (for example: long, fat, skinny and so on), age and favourite weapon. also a bit about the characters person, how it acts, what it likes and so on. And most important; in which city do the character live?
At the moment I could use info about a character living in: Anvil
Please add the information of the characters to this talkpage. -Goblin lair 11:21, 8 november 2008
Ninja Hinder's character (copied from My "main" talkpage)Edit
Codus Callus
- A bachelor from Bravil, hangs out at the 'Lonely Suitor Lodge'
- Powerful, Not very bright, Mysterious. He likes to fight.
- He likes any battleground, and hates castles, where everything is so formal.
- He always uses his trusty Fine Steel longsword, and a complete Bravil armour set.
- He is a guard for Bravil, he guards the statue in the back of town. He wants to become a Imperial Legion soldier.
- He enjoys killing
- Age 25, athletic heavyset build
The-manta's character (taken from My "main" talkpage)Edit
- •Name: Taleez
- •Race: Argonian
- •Class: Blademage- Likes heavy armour, War axes, Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Alteration and armourer
- •Gender: Male
- •City: Imperial City, though he spends a lot of time just outside on the banks of Lake Rumare (mod-added house).
- •Appearance: Tall and broad with long dorsal ridge and deep purple scales and large wide eyes.
- •Other: Devoted to Sheogorath and quite mad, although in a friendly sort of way, generally a good guy although on suddenwhims he will sometimes do something odd or dislawful. He has aquired a Wabbajack spell through bizzare ritals to the Madgod and delights in using it. In battle he generally has a fairly gung-ho and reckless attitude, charged into the fray swinging his axe and wabbajacking everything in sight.
- he has a thing for slaughterfish and is constantly seeking one polite enough to be his friend
A Dunmer Mage from Ninja Hinder (copied from My talkpage)Edit
- Name: Matval Sorusi
- His family died in war, but he is friends with Count Farwil Indarys
- He has a bad temper, but it is hard to get him mad. He is usually aloof, only mingling with other Mer
- He likes to eat meat and not plants. He dislikes Imperials, unless they don't bother him. He usually hangs around the castle to Cheydinhal, guarding and talking to the Count. Once a week he rides to the Imperial City to buy food and supplies, and watch a few arena matches. He is rich.
- He is the Cheydinhal Court Wizard, and pretty good at it, too. He likes to collect flowers, and has quite the collection. He wants to become a High Imperial Mage, but not for the Imperials.
- He is 49, and looks like a horse got mad at his face and went to town on it.
- Cheydinhal faction;Castle Cheydinhal faction; Mage's Guild (Journeyman)
Shulbasha, Khajiiti Skomma Addict.Edit
- Unknown what his family is, but he has a girlfriend living in his house, an improvised Skooma den.
- Stupid, Weak, Pathetic, Humiliating. He would eat Skooma and run at the sign of any conflict.
- He likes the beast races, but hates everyone. He likes Skooma and fish. He only likes his girlfriend.
- He is jobless, and is a hopeless Skooma Addict. He gets money to live from his girlfriend.
- He is completely addicted to Skooma, in a state of withdrawal he could kill a guard with one hand.
- He is 31, he would look pretty good, if he groomed himself.
- His Girlfriend names Shalta
- Skooma Den faction, Skooma Addicts, Fighter's Guild (as a joke.)
I noticed you needed a Cheydinhal character. Shulbasha is the lowest of the low. Ninja Hinder 00:13, 14 November 2008 (EST)
- I have your castlemage as cheydinhal character... could I use this character in Skingrad? -Goblin lair 09:19, 14 November 2008
Oops. I meant Leyawiin. Ninja Hinder 19:00, 14 November 2008 (EST)
- ok, then he shall be in the Leyawin chapter. -Goblin lair 09:16, 15 November 2008
thedrunknord's characterEdit
my breton is a knight he does all things good he loves swiggin' swords and castin' spells
factions:Divine Crusader of Knights Of the Nine Master of the fighters guild apperentice of the mages guild Grand Champion of the arena
Arch-Mage Matt's CharacterEdit
Hi! I noticed you still needed characters-- well, I might as well give one. And if you ever feel like giving a character, look here!
Info: Caldrin Lerr, Altmer Warlock, man.
Age: 19, HATES being called just a kid, but somehow, everyone does. He's high-elf-naturally-tall and normally built
A mages guild mage, Journyman Rank. He is native to Chorrol but Teekeus doesn't really respect his full power since he's sometimes irresponsible. On that matter, most figures of power don't respect him and he seeks to impress them, however he can. (hint hint!)
His personality:
He is very kidlike in nature, excitable, not thinking before he acts, etc. , but when pressure occurs, he turns very focuses and commander-like. He likes to roam the outsides of Chorrol and practice various magic skills. He is from, obviously, Chorrol.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 21:05, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, inventory. Something kidlike... Brown Shirt, Light Brown Pants, Sandals, and a Silver Dagger. make up anything else.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 21:12, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks!!! I'll take a look at your fanfic and see if I got any characters that fit into the story :P --Goblin lair 09:35, 20 May 2010