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Battlespire:Dremora Gatanas

< Battlespire: NPCs
Dremora Gatanas

Dremora Gatanas is a Dremora encountered in Level 2a: Caitiff at Point J.

First GreetingEdit

Still alive? I'm impressed. You have grit, child. Have you wit? For I have need of such in my service.

Player Response Result
[PCFemale] You disgust me, and all your kin. But I'll spare you if you'll tell me where to find Josian Kaid. Reply 1
[PCMale] You disgust me, and all your kin. But I'll spare you if you'll tell me where to find Vatasha Trenelle. Reply 2
Oh. Hadn't you heard? Methats sent me to give you a hand? Reply 3
Make me an offer. Reply 4


[[Smiling genially, it says nothing..]]

[It seems to be trying to ignore you.]]

[[It shows little interest in speaking with you.]]

Second GreetingEdit

I suppose it's time to dispose of your tiresome carcass.

Player Response Result
Wait. We can deal. END MONSTERATTACK
Fine. No hard feelings, jerk. END MONSTERATTACK

Third GreetingEdit

Have you the voidguide?

Player Response Result
Yes. Reply 5
Not yet, milord. Reply 6
No, milord. I gave it to Rishaal, as you said. Reply 7

Reply 1Edit

It's so kind of you to offer to spare my miserable life. In return, I am happy to tell you where you may find Kaid's remains. Try the lever on the east wall.

Player Response Result
If this is a trick, you'll be sorry. END &GatanasMad

Reply 2Edit

It's so kind of you to offer to spare my miserable life. In return, I am happy to tell you where you may find Trenelle's remains. Try the lever on the east wall.

Player Response Result
If this is a trick, you'll be sorry. END &GatanasMad

Reply 3Edit

How thoughtful. Everything seems to be completely under control... but you COULD be a dear and go fetch me the missing voidguide.

Player Response Result
Right away, honored One. END &GatanasNice

Reply 4Edit

Take this enchanted Sigil Amulet and swear a solemn oath to the Great Powers upon it to serve me, and I in turn shall so swear and make you my chief lieutenant.

Player Response Result
That sounds like a good offer. Done. END PUT 31_9039 &GatanasNice
That sounds like a generous offer. Let me think about it. END &GatanasNice

Reply 5Edit

Then deliver it to Rishaal immediately. She'll take it to Sumeer.

Player Response Result
Right away, honored One. END

Reply 6Edit

Then don't bother me until you DO have it.

Player Response Result
A thousand pardons, honored One. END

Reply 7Edit

Well done. Now go away. I have deep counsels to ponder, and your interruptions are most vexing.

Player Response Result
I am yours to command, honored One. END


  • Gatanas also appears in Skyrim.