Scamps are common, easily-defeated foes. They have no spells, deal little damage in melee, and can be killed in a few hits without having to use up arrows or spells. Scamps will speak to you if you approach them; some will flee, some will attack, and some can actually be befriended through conversation.
![]() |
![]() |
30 | 0 | 20 | 40 | 10 | 60 | 20 | 10 | 65 | 30 |
Location | Level 1, Level 2a, Level 2b, Level 5, Level 6 | ||||||||
Spells | None |
Level 1: The Weir Gate DialogueEdit
Greeting 1Edit
Ooh -- MANkin! Drops its weapons? SURE we'll be NICE!
MANkin! Drop WEApon! NOW!
Oooo! MEAN mankin. Scamp aFRAID. Drop Weapon, so Scamp feel safe?
Player Response | Result |
Certainly. Pleased to oblige. There -- . | END DROPREADYWEAPON |
Weapon? Oh -- you mean -- THIS? | END PCATTACK _100 &ScampMad |
Fool! Do I LOOK like a mankin? Cower and serve, or I'll rip your ears off. | END MONSTERATTACK |
[&MethatsName] Fool! Do I LOOK like a mankin? Methats calls, and when called, dogs crawl to their masters. | Reply 1 |
[&WearAmuletD] Look, clown. I'm wearing the amulet. So kiss my butt. Then be REAL nice, and beat it, before I paint the walls with you. | Reply 2 |
Greeting 2Edit
What? Manflesh? It talks? What WANTS it?
WHAT!! What want?
Why me? HATES mankin jabber-jabber.
Player Response | Result |
Give me the keys out of this place, or you'll be one sorry little monkey. | Reply 3 |
[&PCFemale] Tell me where Josian Kaid is, and I'll spare your miserable life. | Reply 4 |
[&PCMale] Tell me where Vatasha Trenelle is, and I'll spare your miserable life. | Reply 5 |
Tell me how to get out of this place, and I swear by all the gods that you shall go unharmed. | Reply 6 |
[&RishaalName] Rishaal summons me. Where is the gate to the other worlds? | Reply 8 |
Greeting 3Edit
NASTY mankin! Die! Now!
Player Response | Result |
No, thank you. | END MONSTERATTACK |
'''[[It sneers and refuses to speak with you.]]
'''[[It hisses and spits at you.]]
'''[[Fixing you with a wary eye, it makes no response.]]
Greeting 4 [PCFemale]Edit
Eyuh? You what? How here? You Kaid-thing? Rishaal WANT Kaid-thing!
Player Response | Result |
Fool! Touch me and die! But JOIN my Glorious War Band, smite my enemies, and feast forever in the Halls of the Mighty. In fact, join me, and as a token of my favor, I won't kill you... not even a little bit. | END PCTeam &RishaalName |
Look upon me, and know your Doom. Touch not Josiah Kaid, or I will shatter your skin and spray your steaming entrails across the walls. | END Command SK_4 &RishaalName |
Idiot! Kaid is a MALE-creature. Do I look like a MALE-creature? Scram, or your lord Rishaal may hear how you offended me. | END Command SK_4 &RishaalName |
Greeting 4 [PCMale]Edit
Eyuh? You what? How here? You Trenelle-thing? Rishaal WANT Trenelle-thing!
Player Response | Result |
Fool! Touch me and die! But JOIN my Glorious War Band, smite my enemies, and and [sic] feast forever in the Halls of the Mighty. In fact, join me, and as a token of my favor, I won't kill you... not even a little bit. | END PCTeam &RishaalName |
Look upon me, and know your Doom. Touch not Vatasha Trenelle, or I will shatter your skin and feed you its steaming contents. | END Command SK_4 &RishaalName |
Idiot! Trenelle is a FEE-male. Do I look like a FEE-male? Scram, or Rishaal will hear how you offended me. | END Command SK_4 &RishaalName |
Reply 1Edit
Oh! Oh! Oh! No!! We didn't! It was the VerMAI! It was all the VERMAI! We didn't touch the Anchors, or the Cogs!
Player Response | Result |
And a good thing too. We are gratified by the zeal with which you inform upon your co-workers. Now. Go away. Be busy about your tasks. Goodbye. | END Command SK_4 |
Reply 2Edit
WAAH! MANkin got BOSS! WAAH! DANger! DANger!
Player Response | Result |
Wait! No! It's MY amulet. What makes you think -- ah, fooey. | END Command SK_4 AND MONSTERRALLY_2 |
Reply 3Edit
Keys? Keys in dark, NASTY place. Near my tail. Want look? See?
Player Response | Result |
No, thank you. | END |
Reply 4Edit
Boykin? Boykin gone, fleshbits.
Player Response | Result |
Wrong answer. | END |
Reply 5Edit
Girly? Girly gone, fleshbits.
Player Response | Result |
Wrong answer. | END |
Reply 6Edit
REALLY? Okay-sure. One way back to manworld, BIG boss sigil, touch, go BOOM! One way out, go with bosses. Ha-ha! Real safe. One way, ride busted magic boat, say bosses. Ha-ha. Real safe. Now, you promised! No hurt! Gods ROT you if you sneaky-sneak-sneak.
Player Response | Result |
An oath is an oath, and sacred before the gods. | END PCTeam &ScampOath |
Reply 7Edit
Sure-sure. Mankin PROMISE worth CRAP! Ptui!
Player Response | Result |
I'm sorry you feel that way. | END &SKNoTalk |
Reply 8Edit
Dunno, brother. Little bosses say magic boat, gotta fix, busted, bits gone, gotta find. Find bits, fix'um up, THEN we go.
Player Response | Result |
Thanks, brother, and fare well. | END PCTeam |
Level 2a: The High Halls and Librarium DialogueEdit
Akgh! More MAN-thing. All SAME-same. Which? Serve who?
Whehn! MAN-thing, all LOOK same. You wizard? Chopper? Blood? Slave?
TIRED! Hate stupid MAN-things. Boss? Who? Tell! Now! Or bites and scratches!
Player Response | Result |
None of your business. And you can go ahead and bite me. Immediately. | Reply 1 |
Simmer down. Can't tell you critters apart either. I'm a man-thing, all right, but I'm working for your boss, so go about your business and leave me alone. | Reply 2 |
Perhaps you'd like to tremble and fall to your knees before the Master Battlemage Clarentavious Valisious, who'd rather burst you than chat with you. | Reply 3 |
[&RishaalName] Just call me Trouble. I serve Rishaal's interests, as well as my own. So don't cross me, or I'll pop you. | 01-25: Reply 4 26-50: Reply 5 51-75: Reply 6 76-00: Reply 7 |
[&ZenaideName] AND NOT [&WearAmuletZ] You don't care who I am. You DO care that I'm under Zenaide's protection. So watch it. | Reply 8 |
[&WonshalaName] AND NOT [&WearAmuletW] You wouldn't understand my name. You would, perhaps, understand the name "Wonshala"? | Reply 9 |
[&MethatsName] AND NOT [&WearAmuletM] I... AM... NOT... MAN. I... JUST... LOOK... LIKE... A... MAN. IT'S... MAGIC...YOU... GIT. I'm with METHAT'S crew. So... GO... AWAY. | Reply 10 |
[&WearAmuletM] AND [&MethatsName] Look. You are stupid. I don't mind. It's just the way things are. But if you don't recognize this amulet, or Methats's name, then please kill yourself now and spare us the bother. | Reply 11 |
[&WearAmuletZ] AND [&ZenaideName] See this amulet? Touch me, and Zenaide will hear about it. | Reply 12 |
[&WearAmuletW] AND [&WonshalaName] See pretty amulet? Understand "Wonshala"? Now, go away and don't pester me, or you'll wear your guts for garters. | Reply 13 |
Greeting 2Edit
We knows this one! It kills our FRIENDS! So WE rips its flesh and eats it bits.
Sneaky, lying, man-thing. Sneaks and cheats us, hurts us. Now we catch it, pull its arms HARD... POP!
Player Response | Result |
Me? You must be kidding. I wouldn't hurt a fly. | END &ScampMad |
I'll take you on, and your squeaky friends, too. | END MonsterRally_2 &ScampMad |
Oh, dear. I suppose now I must pound you to a pulp for a bit. | END &ScampMad |
Greeting 3Edit
Hey? What you do? You nice man-thing, yes? Act nice, and go away.
Player Response | Result |
Nice man-thing does as he pleases, and don't you forget it. | END |
[[It stares at you and says not one word.]]
[[It wrinkles its nose as if it smells something nasty.]]
[[It says nothing, but watches you carefully.]]
Greeting 4Edit
HATES man-thing! Bites and scratches!
Player Response | Result |
The feeling is mutual, big ears. | END |
Reply 1Edit
Want BITES? Bites SOFT parts! HARD!
Player Response | Result |
Right here, pal. | END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad |
Reply 2Edit
Ahhh. Think me STUPID? You big fat liar, betcha. TAST-TEE liar.
Player Response | Result |
Right. Come get some sugar, bladder bag. | END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad |
Reply 3Edit
Blah-blah-blah-blah-BLAH! Lie-lie-LIE! Now you get BIG bites and scratches!
Player Response | Result |
No runty, flap-earred daedra calls me a liar and gets away with it. | END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad |
Reply 4Edit
Man-thing smart. So get to work. Find stuff. GOOD stuff. Sparklies. Artyfaks. Zoom juice. Plenty EVERYbody.
Player Response | Result |
Thanks, pal. See you later for chow. | END PCTeam &ScampNice |
Reply 5Edit
Gooood. Plenty loot. Tens and tens and tens. Careful, though. Some BAD. Get BAD juice, go BOOM!
Player Response | Result |
Thanks for the warning. Take care out there. | END PCTeam &ScampNice |
Reply 6Edit
Okay-fine. We SHARE! Lots and lots of booty. Wizard stuff... not so safe, maybe. But GOOOOD juice. Whoopie!
Player Response | Result |
Yeah. That wizard stuff is tricky. Best leave it to me. But thanks for the tip. | END PCTeam &ScampNice |
Reply 7Edit
Well, okay. Tell you... Spiders MAD. So hush-hush 'bout voidguide. Gone-gone-broken. SOOOO sad. Wink wink.
Player Response | Result |
Wink-wink. I won't say a word. Thanks for the warning. | END PCTeam &Voidguide AND &ScampNice |
Reply 8Edit
Ha! Liar-Liar! You SNEAK-sneak. Sneak-sneaks die and make jerky.
Player Response | Result |
You'll be sorry when Zenaide hears about this. | END &ScampMad |
Reply 9Edit
Liar! You no spider. Now maybe I bite your nasty tongue.
Player Response | Result |
Stupid animal. You may be sure Wonshala will hear of your treachery. | END &ScampMad |
Reply 10Edit
Just say-say. Big liar, betcha. Needs little bites and scratches, teaches it MANNERS, yes.
Player Response | Result |
Thanks for the offer. And in return, perhaps I can teach you the rudiments of anatomy. Have you ever seen your spleen? | END &ScampMad |
Reply 11Edit
Methats, eh? Well, woopie-doo. Think you real smart, eh? Well. Not find NOTHING. No, no. ALL broken. Ooops, go boom. Ha-ha. So go away. Or get big scratches.
Player Response | Result |
Well. Keep looking. And make it snappy. | END &ScampNice |
Reply 12Edit
No touch! Sparklies MINE! Bite-bite-bite!
Player Response | Result |
Bite yourself, you little squirt. | END &ScampNice |
Reply 13Edit
Oh, we doesn't know NOTHING 'bout voidguide. No, no, no. Big mistake. Was VERMAI steal it, sneaky-sneaks. And DREMORAS, yes, yes.
Player Response | Result |
You'd pull your head off before you'd tell me a lie, wouldn't you, little one? You might as well, because that's what WE do with lying little sneaks. | END &ScampNice &Voidguide |
Level 2b: The High Halls and Librarium DialogueEdit
Greeting 1Edit
- Help! Help! MAN-thing! KILL-KILL!
Player Response | Result |
Ha-HA! I want to pop legs RIGHT OFF! And PEEL SCALPS with RUSTY METAL SCRAPS! Ha-HA! | Reply 1 |
No need to panic, little friends. Go FREE! Go FREE! I release you from your cruel servitude! Go forth henceforth, and love LIGHT and MERCY. | Reply 2 |
Look out! Behind you! Aggh! AGHH! | Reply 3 |
[&Voidguide] So! Steal the voidguide, will you? Think you can fool Sumeer? Make fools of Vermai and Dremora? NO! Rally to me, good daedra, and slaughter the traitors. | 01-25:Reply 4 26-50: Reply 5 51-75: Reply 6 76-00: Reply 7 |
Greeting 2Edit
- MAN-thing! KILL friends! Rip flesh! Bite bits!
- Sneaky, lying, man-thing. Sneaks and cheats us, hurts us. Now we catch it, pull its arms HARD... POP!
Player Response | Result |
Me? You must be kidding. I wouldn't hurt a fly. | END &ScampMad |
I'll take you on, and your squeaky friends, too. | END MonsterRally &ScampMad |
Oh, dear. I suppose now I must pound you to a pulp for a bit. | END &ScampMad |
Greeting 3Edit
Scamp very sad. Rishaal tell Scamp "Bite nasty man-thing." But man-thing pop Scamp like grape.
Player Response | Result |
You are pretty smart for a scamp. So I'll give you a count of five running head start. One... two... three... | END MONSTERFLEE_120 |
- [[It crouches alertly, but says nothing.]]
- [[It shifts uneasily, but won't speak.]]
- [[It leers evilly at you, and licks its lips.]]
Greeting 4 [&ScampMad]Edit
BAD man-thing! RIP stinking FACE! Bite and scratch and chew the TIPS and BITS!
Player Response | Result |
You know, sometimes I really enjoy this work. | END &ScampMad |
Reply 1Edit
Player Response | Result |
Reply 2Edit
Uhh... what? You... be... nice?
Player Response | Result |
I love all things, and only want every living creature to be happy and free. | END MONSTERFLEE_120 |
Reply 3Edit
Huh? Where?
Player Response | Result |
BEHIND you, nitwit! | END MONSTERFLEE_120 |
Reply 4Edit
Oh, NO! SHUT MOUTH! Stop lies! GOOD scamps!
Player Response | Result |
It's curtains for you, traitor. | END MONSTERFLEE_120 &ScampMad |
Reply 5Edit
Player Response | Result |
Calling all daedra! Death to traitors! | END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad |
Reply 6Edit
Uh-uh. Bad, bad. Get goodies and RUN!
Player Response | Result |
Come back and fight, you little cowards. | END MONSTERFLEE_120 &ScampMad |
Reply 7Edit
Tricky man! Think scamp STUPID? You sneaky-sneak-sneak! Grrr! Nasty! BIG bites and scratches.
Player Response | Result |
If you're so smart, why aren't you running, shorty? And why can't you wear PANTS like civilized creatures? | END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad |
The voice of the scamp was provided by Battlespire developer Ken Rolston.[1]
- ^ "Most Memorable Elder Scrolls Moments". January 3, 2025. Archived from the original on May 1, 2004. Retrieved 2025-03-24.