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< Battlespire: Creatures

Scamps are common, easily-defeated foes. They have no spells, deal little damage in melee, and can be killed in a few hits without having to use up arrows or spells. Scamps will speak to you if you approach them; some will flee, some will attack, and some can actually be befriended through conversation.

30 0 20 40 10 60 20 10 65 30
Location Level 1, Level 2a, Level 2b, Level 5, Level 6
Spells None

Level 1: The Weir Gate DialogueEdit

Greeting 1Edit

Ooh -- MANkin! Drops its weapons? SURE we'll be NICE!

MANkin! Drop WEApon! NOW!

Oooo! MEAN mankin. Scamp aFRAID. Drop Weapon, so Scamp feel safe?

Player Response Result
Certainly. Pleased to oblige. There -- . END DROPREADYWEAPON
Weapon? Oh -- you mean -- THIS? END PCATTACK _100 &ScampMad
Fool! Do I LOOK like a mankin? Cower and serve, or I'll rip your ears off. END MONSTERATTACK
[&MethatsName] Fool! Do I LOOK like a mankin? Methats calls, and when called, dogs crawl to their masters. Reply 1
[&WearAmuletD] Look, clown. I'm wearing the amulet. So kiss my butt. Then be REAL nice, and beat it, before I paint the walls with you. Reply 2

Greeting 2Edit

What? Manflesh? It talks? What WANTS it?

WHAT!! What want?

Why me? HATES mankin jabber-jabber.

Player Response Result
Give me the keys out of this place, or you'll be one sorry little monkey. Reply 3
[&PCFemale] Tell me where Josian Kaid is, and I'll spare your miserable life. Reply 4
[&PCMale] Tell me where Vatasha Trenelle is, and I'll spare your miserable life. Reply 5
Tell me how to get out of this place, and I swear by all the gods that you shall go unharmed. Reply 6
[&RishaalName] Rishaal summons me. Where is the gate to the other worlds? Reply 8

Greeting 3Edit

NASTY mankin! Die! Now!

Player Response Result


'''[[It sneers and refuses to speak with you.]]

'''[[It hisses and spits at you.]]

'''[[Fixing you with a wary eye, it makes no response.]]

Greeting 4 [PCFemale]Edit

Eyuh? You what? How here? You Kaid-thing? Rishaal WANT Kaid-thing!

Player Response Result
Fool! Touch me and die! But JOIN my Glorious War Band, smite my enemies, and feast forever in the Halls of the Mighty. In fact, join me, and as a token of my favor, I won't kill you... not even a little bit. END PCTeam &RishaalName
Look upon me, and know your Doom. Touch not Josiah Kaid, or I will shatter your skin and spray your steaming entrails across the walls. END Command SK_4 &RishaalName
Idiot! Kaid is a MALE-creature. Do I look like a MALE-creature? Scram, or your lord Rishaal may hear how you offended me. END Command SK_4 &RishaalName

Greeting 4 [PCMale]Edit

Eyuh? You what? How here? You Trenelle-thing? Rishaal WANT Trenelle-thing!

Player Response Result
Fool! Touch me and die! But JOIN my Glorious War Band, smite my enemies, and and [sic] feast forever in the Halls of the Mighty. In fact, join me, and as a token of my favor, I won't kill you... not even a little bit. END PCTeam &RishaalName
Look upon me, and know your Doom. Touch not Vatasha Trenelle, or I will shatter your skin and feed you its steaming contents. END Command SK_4 &RishaalName
Idiot! Trenelle is a FEE-male. Do I look like a FEE-male? Scram, or Rishaal will hear how you offended me. END Command SK_4 &RishaalName

Reply 1Edit

Oh! Oh! Oh! No!! We didn't! It was the VerMAI! It was all the VERMAI! We didn't touch the Anchors, or the Cogs!

Player Response Result
And a good thing too. We are gratified by the zeal with which you inform upon your co-workers. Now. Go away. Be busy about your tasks. Goodbye. END Command SK_4

Reply 2Edit

WAAH! MANkin got BOSS! WAAH! DANger! DANger!

Player Response Result
Wait! No! It's MY amulet. What makes you think -- ah, fooey. END Command SK_4 AND MONSTERRALLY_2

Reply 3Edit

Keys? Keys in dark, NASTY place. Near my tail. Want look? See?

Player Response Result
No, thank you. END

Reply 4Edit

Boykin? Boykin gone, fleshbits.

Player Response Result
Wrong answer. END

Reply 5Edit

Girly? Girly gone, fleshbits.

Player Response Result
Wrong answer. END

Reply 6Edit

REALLY? Okay-sure. One way back to manworld, BIG boss sigil, touch, go BOOM! One way out, go with bosses. Ha-ha! Real safe. One way, ride busted magic boat, say bosses. Ha-ha. Real safe. Now, you promised! No hurt! Gods ROT you if you sneaky-sneak-sneak.

Player Response Result
An oath is an oath, and sacred before the gods. END PCTeam &ScampOath

Reply 7Edit

Sure-sure. Mankin PROMISE worth CRAP! Ptui!

Player Response Result
I'm sorry you feel that way. END &SKNoTalk

Reply 8Edit

Dunno, brother. Little bosses say magic boat, gotta fix, busted, bits gone, gotta find. Find bits, fix'um up, THEN we go.

Player Response Result
Thanks, brother, and fare well. END PCTeam

Level 2a: The High Halls and Librarium DialogueEdit


Akgh! More MAN-thing. All SAME-same. Which? Serve who?

Whehn! MAN-thing, all LOOK same. You wizard? Chopper? Blood? Slave?

TIRED! Hate stupid MAN-things. Boss? Who? Tell! Now! Or bites and scratches!

Player Response Result
None of your business. And you can go ahead and bite me. Immediately. Reply 1
Simmer down. Can't tell you critters apart either. I'm a man-thing, all right, but I'm working for your boss, so go about your business and leave me alone. Reply 2
Perhaps you'd like to tremble and fall to your knees before the Master Battlemage Clarentavious Valisious, who'd rather burst you than chat with you. Reply 3
[&RishaalName] Just call me Trouble. I serve Rishaal's interests, as well as my own. So don't cross me, or I'll pop you. 01-25: Reply 4
26-50: Reply 5
51-75: Reply 6
76-00: Reply 7
[&ZenaideName] AND NOT [&WearAmuletZ] You don't care who I am. You DO care that I'm under Zenaide's protection. So watch it. Reply 8
[&WonshalaName] AND NOT [&WearAmuletW] You wouldn't understand my name. You would, perhaps, understand the name "Wonshala"? Reply 9
[&MethatsName] AND NOT [&WearAmuletM] I... AM... NOT... MAN. I... JUST... LOOK... LIKE... A... MAN. IT'S... MAGIC...YOU... GIT. I'm with METHAT'S crew. So... GO... AWAY. Reply 10
[&WearAmuletM] AND [&MethatsName] Look. You are stupid. I don't mind. It's just the way things are. But if you don't recognize this amulet, or Methats's name, then please kill yourself now and spare us the bother. Reply 11
[&WearAmuletZ] AND [&ZenaideName] See this amulet? Touch me, and Zenaide will hear about it. Reply 12
[&WearAmuletW] AND [&WonshalaName] See pretty amulet? Understand "Wonshala"? Now, go away and don't pester me, or you'll wear your guts for garters. Reply 13

Greeting 2Edit

We knows this one! It kills our FRIENDS! So WE rips its flesh and eats it bits.


Sneaky, lying, man-thing. Sneaks and cheats us, hurts us. Now we catch it, pull its arms HARD... POP!

Player Response Result
Me? You must be kidding. I wouldn't hurt a fly. END &ScampMad
I'll take you on, and your squeaky friends, too. END MonsterRally_2 &ScampMad
Oh, dear. I suppose now I must pound you to a pulp for a bit. END &ScampMad

Greeting 3Edit

Hey? What you do? You nice man-thing, yes? Act nice, and go away.

Player Response Result
Nice man-thing does as he pleases, and don't you forget it. END


[[It stares at you and says not one word.]]

[[It wrinkles its nose as if it smells something nasty.]]

[[It says nothing, but watches you carefully.]]

Greeting 4Edit

HATES man-thing! Bites and scratches!

Player Response Result
The feeling is mutual, big ears. END

Reply 1Edit

Want BITES? Bites SOFT parts! HARD!

Player Response Result
Right here, pal. END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad

Reply 2Edit

Ahhh. Think me STUPID? You big fat liar, betcha. TAST-TEE liar.

Player Response Result
Right. Come get some sugar, bladder bag. END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad

Reply 3Edit

Blah-blah-blah-blah-BLAH! Lie-lie-LIE! Now you get BIG bites and scratches!

Player Response Result
No runty, flap-earred daedra calls me a liar and gets away with it. END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad

Reply 4Edit

Man-thing smart. So get to work. Find stuff. GOOD stuff. Sparklies. Artyfaks. Zoom juice. Plenty EVERYbody.

Player Response Result
Thanks, pal. See you later for chow. END PCTeam &ScampNice

Reply 5Edit

Gooood. Plenty loot. Tens and tens and tens. Careful, though. Some BAD. Get BAD juice, go BOOM!

Player Response Result
Thanks for the warning. Take care out there. END PCTeam &ScampNice

Reply 6Edit

Okay-fine. We SHARE! Lots and lots of booty. Wizard stuff... not so safe, maybe. But GOOOOD juice. Whoopie!

Player Response Result
Yeah. That wizard stuff is tricky. Best leave it to me. But thanks for the tip. END PCTeam &ScampNice

Reply 7Edit

Well, okay. Tell you... Spiders MAD. So hush-hush 'bout voidguide. Gone-gone-broken. SOOOO sad. Wink wink.

Player Response Result
Wink-wink. I won't say a word. Thanks for the warning. END PCTeam &Voidguide AND &ScampNice

Reply 8Edit

Ha! Liar-Liar! You SNEAK-sneak. Sneak-sneaks die and make jerky.

Player Response Result
You'll be sorry when Zenaide hears about this. END &ScampMad

Reply 9Edit

Liar! You no spider. Now maybe I bite your nasty tongue.

Player Response Result
Stupid animal. You may be sure Wonshala will hear of your treachery. END &ScampMad

Reply 10Edit

Just say-say. Big liar, betcha. Needs little bites and scratches, teaches it MANNERS, yes.

Player Response Result
Thanks for the offer. And in return, perhaps I can teach you the rudiments of anatomy. Have you ever seen your spleen? END &ScampMad

Reply 11Edit

Methats, eh? Well, woopie-doo. Think you real smart, eh? Well. Not find NOTHING. No, no. ALL broken. Ooops, go boom. Ha-ha. So go away. Or get big scratches.

Player Response Result
Well. Keep looking. And make it snappy. END &ScampNice

Reply 12Edit

No touch! Sparklies MINE! Bite-bite-bite!

Player Response Result
Bite yourself, you little squirt. END &ScampNice

Reply 13Edit

Oh, we doesn't know NOTHING 'bout voidguide. No, no, no. Big mistake. Was VERMAI steal it, sneaky-sneaks. And DREMORAS, yes, yes.

Player Response Result
You'd pull your head off before you'd tell me a lie, wouldn't you, little one? You might as well, because that's what WE do with lying little sneaks. END &ScampNice &Voidguide

Level 2b: The High Halls and Librarium DialogueEdit

Greeting 1Edit

  • Help! Help! MAN-thing! KILL-KILL!
Player Response Result
Ha-HA! I want to pop legs RIGHT OFF! And PEEL SCALPS with RUSTY METAL SCRAPS! Ha-HA! Reply 1
No need to panic, little friends. Go FREE! Go FREE! I release you from your cruel servitude! Go forth henceforth, and love LIGHT and MERCY. Reply 2
Look out! Behind you! Aggh! AGHH! Reply 3
[&Voidguide] So! Steal the voidguide, will you? Think you can fool Sumeer? Make fools of Vermai and Dremora? NO! Rally to me, good daedra, and slaughter the traitors. 01-25:Reply 4
26-50: Reply 5
51-75: Reply 6
76-00: Reply 7

Greeting 2Edit

  • MAN-thing! KILL friends! Rip flesh! Bite bits!
  • Sneaky, lying, man-thing. Sneaks and cheats us, hurts us. Now we catch it, pull its arms HARD... POP!
Player Response Result
Me? You must be kidding. I wouldn't hurt a fly. END &ScampMad
I'll take you on, and your squeaky friends, too. END MonsterRally &ScampMad
Oh, dear. I suppose now I must pound you to a pulp for a bit. END &ScampMad

Greeting 3Edit

Scamp very sad. Rishaal tell Scamp "Bite nasty man-thing." But man-thing pop Scamp like grape.

Player Response Result
You are pretty smart for a scamp. So I'll give you a count of five running head start. One... two... three... END MONSTERFLEE_120


  • [[It crouches alertly, but says nothing.]]
  • [[It shifts uneasily, but won't speak.]]
  • [[It leers evilly at you, and licks its lips.]]

Greeting 4 [&ScampMad]Edit

BAD man-thing! RIP stinking FACE! Bite and scratch and chew the TIPS and BITS!

Player Response Result
You know, sometimes I really enjoy this work. END &ScampMad

Reply 1Edit


Player Response Result

Reply 2Edit

Uhh... what? You... be... nice?

Player Response Result
I love all things, and only want every living creature to be happy and free. END MONSTERFLEE_120

Reply 3Edit

Huh? Where?

Player Response Result

Reply 4Edit

Oh, NO! SHUT MOUTH! Stop lies! GOOD scamps!

Player Response Result
It's curtains for you, traitor. END MONSTERFLEE_120 &ScampMad

Reply 5Edit


Player Response Result
Calling all daedra! Death to traitors! END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad

Reply 6Edit

Uh-uh. Bad, bad. Get goodies and RUN!

Player Response Result
Come back and fight, you little cowards. END MONSTERFLEE_120 &ScampMad

Reply 7Edit

Tricky man! Think scamp STUPID? You sneaky-sneak-sneak! Grrr! Nasty! BIG bites and scratches.

Player Response Result
If you're so smart, why aren't you running, shorty? And why can't you wear PANTS like civilized creatures? END MONSTERATTACK &ScampMad


The voice of the scamp was provided by Battlespire developer Ken Rolston.[1]


  1. ^ "Most Memorable Elder Scrolls Moments". January 3, 2025. Archived from the original on May 1, 2004. Retrieved 2025-03-24.