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Blades:Frost Breath

< Blades: Skills: Unobtainable Skills
Frost Breath
Skill Type Ability
Requires Unobtainable
Damagetype Frost Damage Frost Damage
Initial Cooldown 2.5 seconds
Cooldown 7.5 seconds
Duration 3 seconds

Frost Breath is an unobtainable ability used by dragons. During this attack, the dragon flies up in the air for 3 seconds, evading all weapon damage, and releases an icy breath that deals frost damage equal to its magnitude every second.

Rank Magnitude Stamina Cost
1 79.72 250
2 97.04 280
3 114.11 315
4 130.33 345
5 146.16 380
6 161.75 410
7 189.04 440
8 214.14 475
9 228.12 505
10 241.83 540
11 255.81 570
